Aon and the National Center for the Middle Market Reveal Growth Trends

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Aon plc and the National Center for the Middle Market (NCMM) have released a study titled 'Driving Growth: The Role of People, Risk, and Technology in Middle Market Success'. The research, conducted among financial decision-makers in the U.S. and Canada, reveals two key trends supporting middle market business growth: workforce dynamics and technology advancements.

Key findings include:

  • High-growth businesses recognize their workforce as a vital differentiator, with 23% of technology and business services firms citing people as their key business model differentiator.
  • 57% of high-growth businesses struggle to sustain competitive benefits offerings.
  • 22% of businesses rank cybersecurity as their top organizational risk, with 48% experiencing a cyber breach in the past three years.
  • 60% of middle market businesses have made progress in adopting AI, rising to 78% among high-growth firms.

The study aims to provide insights for middle market businesses to grow while mitigating risks in an evolving business landscape.

Aon plc e il National Center for the Middle Market (NCMM) hanno pubblicato uno studio intitolato 'Guidare la Crescita: Il Ruolo delle Persone, del Rischio e della Tecnologia nel Successo del Mercato Intermedio'. La ricerca, condotta tra i decisori finanziari negli Stati Uniti e in Canada, rivela due tendenze chiave a sostegno della crescita delle imprese nel mercato intermedio: dynamiche della forza lavoro e progressi tecnologici.

I principali risultati includono:

  • Le imprese in rapida crescita riconoscono la loro forza lavoro come un differenziatore vitale, con il 23% delle aziende di tecnologia e servizi aziendali che citano le persone come il loro principale differenziatore del modello di business.
  • Il 57% delle imprese in rapida crescita fatica a mantenere offerte di benefici competitivi.
  • Il 22% delle imprese classifica la sicurezza informatica come il loro principale rischio organizzativo, con il 48% che ha subito una violazione informatica negli ultimi tre anni.
  • Il 60% delle imprese del mercato intermedio ha fatto progressi nell'adozione dell'IA, che sale al 78% tra le aziende in rapida crescita.

Lo studio mira a fornire approfondimenti per le imprese del mercato intermedio per crescere mitigando i rischi in un panorama aziendale in evoluzione.

Aon plc y el National Center for the Middle Market (NCMM) han publicado un estudio titulado 'Impulsando el Crecimiento: El Papel de las Personas, el Riesgo y la Tecnología en el Éxito del Mercado Intermedio'. La investigación, realizada entre tomadores de decisiones financieras en EE. UU. y Canadá, revela dos tendencias clave que apoyan el crecimiento de los negocios en el mercado intermedio: dinámica de la fuerza laboral y avances tecnológicos.

Los hallazgos clave incluyen:

  • Las empresas de alto crecimiento reconocen a su fuerza laboral como un diferenciador vital, con un 23% de las firmas de tecnología y servicios empresariales señalando a las personas como su diferenciador clave del modelo de negocio.
  • El 57% de las empresas de alto crecimiento luchan por mantener ofertas de beneficios competitivos.
  • El 22% de las empresas clasifican la ciberseguridad como su principal riesgo organizacional, con un 48% experimentando una brecha cibernética en los últimos tres años.
  • El 60% de las empresas del mercado intermedio ha logrado avances en la adopción de IA, aumentando al 78% entre las empresas de alto crecimiento.

El estudio tiene como objetivo proporcionar información a las empresas del mercado intermedio para crecer mientras mitigan los riesgos en un paisaje empresarial en evolución.

Aon plc와 중소기업 센터(NCMM)는 '성장을 이끄는 요소: 중소기업 성공을 위한 사람, 위험 및 기술의 역할'라는 제목의 연구 보고서를 발표했습니다. 미국과 캐나다의 재무 의사결정자를 대상으로 한 연구는 중소기업 성장에 기여하는 두 가지 주요 트렌드를 밝혀냈습니다: 인력 역학과 기술 발전.

주요 발견 내용은 다음과 같습니다:

  • 고성장 기업은 인력을 중요한 차별화 요소로 인식하고 있으며, 기술 및 비즈니스 서비스 기업의 23%가 사람을 주요 비즈니스 모델 차별화 요소로 언급했습니다.
  • 고성장 기업의 57%는 경쟁력 있는 복리후생 제공을 유지하기 어려워하고 있습니다.
  • 기업의 22%가 사이버 보안을 가장 큰 조직적 위험으로 평가하며, 48%가 지난 3년간 사이버 침해를 경험한 것으로 나타났습니다.
  • 중소기업의 60%가 AI 도입에 진전을 보였으며, 고성장 기업에서는 78%로 증가했습니다.

이 연구는 변화하는 기업 환경에서 위험을 완화하면서 중소기업이 성장할 수 있는 통찰력을 제공하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.

Aon plc et le National Center for the Middle Market (NCMM) ont publié une étude intitulée 'Stimuler la Croissance : Le Rôle des Personnes, des Risques et de la Technologie dans le Succès des Marchés Intermédiaires'. La recherche, réalisée auprès de décideurs financiers aux États-Unis et au Canada, révèle deux tendances clés soutenant la croissance des entreprises du marché intermédiaire : dynamique de la main-d'œuvre et avancées technologiques.

Les principales conclusions incluent :

  • Les entreprises à forte croissance considèrent leur main-d'œuvre comme un facteur de différenciation essentiel, 23 % des entreprises technologiques et de services declare que ce sont les personnes qui les différencient le plus.
  • 57 % des entreprises à forte croissance ont du mal à maintenir des offres d'avantages concurrentiels.
  • 22 % des entreprises désignent la cybersécurité comme leur principal risque organisationnel, 48 % ayant subi une violation informatique au cours des trois dernières années.
  • 60 % des entreprises du marché intermédiaire ont progressé dans l'adoption de l'IA, ce chiffre atteignant 78 % parmi les entreprises à forte croissance.

L'étude vise à offrir des perspectives aux entreprises du marché intermédiaire afin de croître tout en atténuant les risques dans un environnement commercial en évolution.

Aon plc und das National Center for the Middle Market (NCMM) haben eine Studie mit dem Titel 'Wachstum antreiben: Die Rolle von Menschen, Risiko und Technologie für den Erfolg im Mittelstand' veröffentlicht. Die Forschung, die unter Finanzentscheidern in den USA und Kanada durchgeführt wurde, zeigt zwei entscheidende Trends auf, die das Wachstum von Unternehmen im Mittelstand unterstützen: Arbeitskräfdedynamik und technologische Fortschritte.

Wesentliche Erkenntnisse sind:

  • Wachstumsstarke Unternehmen erkennen ihre Belegschaft als ein wichtiges Unterscheidungsmerkmal, wobei 23% der Unternehmen in Technologie- und Geschäftsbereichen die Menschen als ihr zentrales Unterscheidungsmerkmal im Geschäftsmodell angeben.
  • 57% der wachstumsstarken Unternehmen haben Schwierigkeiten, wettbewerbsfähige Leistungsangebote aufrechtzuerhalten.
  • 22% der Unternehmen ordnen Cybersicherheit als ihr größtes organisatorisches Risiko ein, wobei 48% in den letzten drei Jahren eine Cyberverletzung erlitten haben.
  • 60% der Mittelstandsunternehmen haben Fortschritte bei der Einführung von KI gemacht, wobei dieser Anteil bei wachstumsstarken Unternehmen auf 78% ansteigt.

Die Studie soll Einblicke bieten, wie Mittelstandsunternehmen wachsen können und dabei Risiken in einer sich verändernden Geschäftswelt mindern.

  • High-growth businesses recognize workforce as a vital differentiator for growth
  • 60% of middle market businesses have made progress in adopting AI
  • 78% of high-growth firms have made progress in AI adoption
  • Aon's acquisition of NFP expands its presence in the fast-growing middle-market segment
  • 57% of high-growth businesses struggle to sustain offering competitive benefits
  • 48% of middle market businesses surveyed have experienced a cyber breach in the past three years
  • Only 30% of middle market firms have prioritized risk management expertise in hiring over the past 12 months


This study offers valuable insights into the growth drivers for middle market businesses, focusing on workforce dynamics and technology advancements. Key findings include:

  • 23% of tech and business services firms cite people as their key differentiator
  • 57% of high-growth businesses struggle to offer competitive benefits
  • 22% of businesses rank cybersecurity as their top organizational risk
  • 48% of middle market businesses experienced a cyber breach in the past three years
  • 60% of middle market businesses have made progress in adopting AI, rising to 78% for high-growth firms

These trends highlight the importance of talent management and technology adoption in driving growth. However, the gap in cybersecurity preparedness is concerning, especially given the high rate of cyber breaches. For Aon, this research supports their strategic focus on the middle-market segment, potentially driving demand for their professional services in risk management and talent solutions.

While this study provides interesting insights, its direct financial impact on Aon is not immediately clear. The research aligns with Aon's strategic direction, particularly following their acquisition of NFP, which aimed to expand their middle-market presence. Key financial implications to consider:

  • Potential for increased demand for Aon's risk management and cybersecurity services, given the high rate of cyber breaches reported
  • Opportunities in talent management solutions, as businesses struggle with benefits and workforce scaling
  • Possible growth in AI-related consulting services, considering the high adoption rates among middle-market firms

However, without specific financial projections or revenue targets, it's challenging to quantify the immediate impact on Aon's bottom line. Investors should monitor how Aon leverages these insights to drive service offerings and client acquisition in the middle-market segment over the coming quarters.

Middle market firms in the U.S. and Canada see opportunity in their workforce dynamics and technology advancements

CHICAGO, Oct. 9, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Aon plc (NYSE: AON), a leading global professional services firm, and the National Center for the Middle Market (NCMM) today announced the results of a new study, Driving Growth: The Role of People, Risk, and Technology in Middle Market Success. The survey of financial decision makers across the U.S. and Canada uncovers how middle market businesses leverage their people and keep pace with their changing risk portfolio to achieve growth. The comprehensive study found two top trends supporting growth of middle market businesses: workforce dynamics and technology advancements.

"Our research with the NCMM tells us the most successful middle market businesses are focused on investing in their people and unlocking potential with artificial intelligence (AI)," said Don Ortegel, executive vice president, North America at Aon. "Aon is committed to providing middle market businesses the right insights and expertise to help them grow while mitigating ever-growing risks."

"NCMM studied a variety of topics over the years related to middle market growth, but never specific deep dives into the topics of talent, risk and technology," said Doug Farren, managing director of NCMM. "The collaboration with Aon will benefit middle market organizations looking for data-driven insights and takeaways for implementation."

Workforce: Talent as a Differentiator

According to the study, high-growth businesses – defined as those that reported 20 percent or higher annual increases in revenue – recognize their workforce as a vital differentiator. These businesses consistently report that people are critical to their growth, with talent ranking as a top growth driver.

  • Nearly a quarter (23 percent) of technology and business services firms cite their people as the key differentiator of their business model.
  • High-growth businesses are also more likely to emphasize the need for additional talent, signaling that scaling their workforce is essential for continued success.
  • Midsize organizations are struggling to create total rewards programs to attract and retain key talent with 57 percent of high-growth businesses struggling to sustain offering competitive benefits and 47 percent of average-growth businesses struggling.

"The research clearly shows that a strong, well-supported workforce is at the heart of sustainable growth for middle market businesses and highlights how businesses can attract and retain top talent to maintain their competitive advantage," Ortegel said.

Technology: Cybersecurity and AI Adoption

Technology continues to play a pivotal role in shaping the future of middle market businesses. However, with this rapid technological adoption comes increased risk. According to the study:

  • Nearly a quarter (22 percent) of businesses now rank cybersecurity as their top organizational risk, and nearly half (48 percent) of middle market businesses surveyed have experienced a cyber breach in the past three years. Despite the cybersecurity risks, only 30 percent of middle market firms have prioritized risk management expertise in their hiring over the past 12 months. Among high-growth businesses, this figure rises to just 38 percent.
  • More than half (60 percent) of middle market businesses, and notably, more than three-quarters (78 percent) of high-growth firms, have made progress in adopting AI.

"Middle market firms are embracing technology at an impressive pace, but the research shows there is still a gap in cybersecurity preparedness," Ortegel said. "These insights provide valuable benchmarking data to help businesses strike the balance between innovation and risk management."

Aon is committed to expanding its presence in the fast-growing middle-market segment, which was a key driver behind its acquisition of NFP earlier this year and the investment in this research with the NCMM.

The research was conducted through online surveys of 400 financial decision makers at middle market businesses across the U.S. and Canada between June 27, 2024, and July 17, 2024. Respondents included senior leaders actively involved in financial decision-making at businesses with more than 500 employees and annual revenue between $50 million and $1 billion.

About Aon

Aon plc (NYSE: AON) exists to shape decisions for the better — to protect and enrich the lives of people around the world. Through actionable analytic insight, globally integrated Risk Capital and Human Capital expertise, and locally relevant solutions, our colleagues provide clients in over 120 countries with the clarity and confidence to make better risk and people decisions that protect and grow their businesses.

Follow Aon on LinkedIn, X, Facebook and Instagram. Stay up-to-date by visiting Aon's newsroom and sign up for news alerts here.

About NCMM

The National Center for the Middle Market is the leading source of knowledge, leadership and innovative research focused on the U.S. middle market economy. The center provides critical data, analysis, insights and perspectives to help accelerate growth, increase competitiveness and create jobs for companies, policymakers and other key stakeholders in this sector. Stay connected to the center by contacting

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Aon plc (NYSE: AON) exists to shape decisions for the better — to protect and enrich the lives of people around the world. Through actionable analytic insight, globally integrated Risk Capital and Human Capital expertise, and locally relevant solutions, our colleagues in over 120 countries provide our clients with the clarity and confidence to make better risk and people decisions that protect and grow their businesses.


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What are the key trends supporting growth in middle market businesses according to the Aon and NCMM study?

The study identified two key trends supporting growth in middle market businesses: workforce dynamics and technology advancements.

What percentage of middle market businesses have experienced a cyber breach in the past three years?

According to the study, 48% of middle market businesses surveyed have experienced a cyber breach in the past three years.

How many middle market businesses have made progress in adopting AI?

The study reveals that 60% of middle market businesses have made progress in adopting AI, with this figure rising to 78% among high-growth firms.

What percentage of high-growth businesses struggle to sustain offering competitive benefits?

The study found that 57% of high-growth businesses struggle to sustain offering competitive benefits.

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