Angle PLC Announces Exclusive agreement for DNA NGS panel

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ANGLE plc (AIM:AGL)(OTCQX:ANPCY) has signed an agreement with NuProbe USA, Inc. for the use of their proprietary pan-cancer next generation sequencing (NGS) panel. The agreement grants ANGLE an option for an exclusive global license to the NGS panel outside of China for analyzing circulating tumor cells (CTCs) and dual analysis of CTCs and circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA).

The NGS panel enables highly sensitive detection of over 6,500 DNA mutations in 61 clinically relevant genes. It has been validated on the Illumina sequencer and aligns with key drug targets under development by large pharma. This agreement aims to accelerate ANGLE's commercialization of its first pan-cancer molecular sequencing assay, with immediate applicability to pharma services customers and translational researchers using the Parsortix® system.

A pilot study conducted by ANGLE demonstrated that more mutations were identified exclusively in CTCs compared to ctDNA alone in breast, lung, and ovarian cancer patients, highlighting the potential value of profiling CTCs in addition to ctDNA.

ANGLE plc (AIM:AGL)(OTCQX:ANPCY) ha firmato un accordo con NuProbe USA, Inc. per l'utilizzo del loro pannello di sequenziamento di nuova generazione (NGS) proprietario per il pan-cancro. L'accordo concede ad ANGLE un'opzione per una licenza globale esclusiva sul pannello NGS al di fuori della Cina per analizzare le cellule tumorali circolanti (CTC) e l'analisi duale delle CTC e del DNA tumorale circolante (ctDNA).

Il pannello NGS consente una rilevazione altamente sensibile di oltre 6.500 mutazioni del DNA in 61 geni clinicamente pertinenti. È stato convalidato sul sequenziatore Illumina e si allinea con gli obiettivi farmacologici chiave in fase di sviluppo da parte delle grandi aziende farmaceutiche. Questo accordo mira ad accelerare la commercializzazione da parte di ANGLE del suo primo test di sequenziamento molecolare per il pan-cancro, con applicazioni immediate per i clienti dei servizi farmaceutici e i ricercatori traslazionali che utilizzano il sistema Parsortix®.

Uno studio pilota condotto da ANGLE ha dimostrato che più mutazioni sono state identificate esclusivamente nelle CTC rispetto al ctDNA da solo in pazienti affetti da cancro al seno, polmone e ovarico, evidenziando il potenziale valore della profilazione delle CTC oltre al ctDNA.

ANGLE plc (AIM:AGL)(OTCQX:ANPCY) ha firmado un acuerdo con NuProbe USA, Inc. para el uso de su panel de secuenciación de próxima generación (NGS) patentado para cáncer. El acuerdo otorga a ANGLE una opción para una licencia global exclusiva del panel NGS fuera de China para analizar células tumorales circulantes (CTC) y realizar un análisis dual de CTC y ADN tumoral circulante (ctDNA).

El panel NGS permite una detección altamente sensible de más de 6,500 mutaciones de ADN en 61 genes clínicamente relevantes. Ha sido validado en el secuenciador Illumina y se alinea con los objetivos farmacológicos clave en desarrollo por parte de las grandes farmacéuticas. Este acuerdo tiene como objetivo acelerar la comercialización por parte de ANGLE de su primer ensayo de secuenciación molecular pan-cáncer, con aplicabilidad inmediata para clientes de servicios farmacéuticos e investigadores traslacionales que utilizan el sistema Parsortix®.

Un estudio piloto realizado por ANGLE demostró que se identificaron más mutaciones exclusivamente en CTC en comparación con ctDNA solo en pacientes con cáncer de mama, pulmón y ovario, destacando el valor potencial de la profilación de CTC además de ctDNA.

ANGLE plc (AIM:AGL)(OTCQX:ANPCY)는 NuProbe USA, Inc.와 함께 그들의 특허된 범위 암 차세대 시퀀싱(NGS) 패널 사용에 대한 계약을 체결했습니다. 이 계약은 ANGLE에게 중국 외부에서 순환 종양 세포(CTC) 및 순환 종양 DNA(ctDNA)의 이중 분석을 위한 전세계 독점 라이센스 옵션을 부여합니다.

NGS 패널은 61개의 임상적으로 관련된 유전자에서 6,500개 이상의 DNA 변이를 고도로 민감하게 탐지할 수 있습니다. Illumina 시퀀서에서 검증되었으며, 대형 제약사들이 개발 중인 주요 의약품 목표와 일치합니다. 이 계약의 목표는 ANGLE의 첫 번째 범위 암 분자 시퀀싱 검사의 상용화를 가속화하는 것으로, Pharm 서비스 고객 및 Parsortix® 시스템을 사용하는 번역 연구자들에게 즉각적인 용도가 있습니다.

ANGLE이 실시한 파일럿 연구에서는 CTC에서 ctDNA 단독보다 더 많은 변이가 독점적으로 확인되었습니다 암환자들, 유방암, 폐암 및 난소암 환자들, CTC 프로파일링의 추가적 가치를 강조하고 있습니다.

ANGLE plc (AIM:AGL)(OTCQX:ANPCY) a signé un accord avec NuProbe USA, Inc. pour l'utilisation de leur panneau de séquençage de nouvelle génération (NGS) propriétaire destiné au pan-cancer. Cet accord accorde à ANGLE une option pour une licence mondiale exclusive du panneau NGS en dehors de la Chine pour analyser les cellules tumorales circulantes (CTC) et réaliser une analyse duale des CTC et de l'ADN tumoral circulant (ctDNA).

Le panneau NGS permet une detection hautement sensible de plus de 6 500 mutations de l'ADN dans 61 gènes cliniquement pertinents. Il a été validé sur le séquenceur Illumina et s'aligne avec les cibles médicamenteuses clés en cours de développement par les grandes sociétés pharmaceutiques. Cet accord vise à accélérer la commercialisation par ANGLE de son premier test de séquençage moléculaire pan-cancer, avec une applicabilité immédiate pour les clients des services pharmaceutiques et les chercheurs translationnels utilisant le système Parsortix®.

Une étude pilote menée par ANGLE a démontré que plus de mutations ont été identifiées exclusivement dans les CTC par rapport au ctDNA seul chez des patients atteints de cancer du sein, du poumon et de l'ovaire, mettant en évidence la valeur potentielle du profilage des CTC en plus du ctDNA.

ANGLE plc (AIM:AGL)(OTCQX:ANPCY) hat eine Vereinbarung mit NuProbe USA, Inc. über die Nutzung ihres proprietären Pan-Krebs-Nächste-Generation-Sequenzierungs(NGS)-Panels unterzeichnet. Die Vereinbarung gewährt ANGLE eine Option für eine exklusive globale Lizenz für das NGS-Panel außerhalb Chinas zur Analyse von zirkulierenden Tumorzellen (CTCs) und zur doppelten Analyse von CTCs und zirkulierender Tumor-DNA (ctDNA).

Das NGS-Panel ermöglicht eine hochgradig empfindliche Erkennung von über 6.500 DNA-Mutationen in 61 klinisch relevanten Genen. Es wurde auf dem Illumina-Sequenziersystem validiert und stimmt mit wichtigen Arzneimittelzielen überein, die von großen Pharmaunternehmen entwickelt werden. Diese Vereinbarung zielt darauf ab, die Kommerzialisierung von ANGLEs erstem Pan-Krebs-Molekülsequenzierungsassay zu beschleunigen, mit sofortiger Anwendbarkeit für pharmazeutische Dienstleister und translationalen Forschern, die das Parsortix®-System verwenden.

In einer von ANGLE durchgeführten Pilotstudie wurde festgestellt, dass mehr Mutationen ausschließlich in CTCs im Vergleich zu ctDNA allein identifiziert wurden bei Brust-, Lungen- und Eierstockkrebspatienten, was den potenziellen Wert der Profilierung von CTC zusätzlich zu ctDNA hervorhebt.

  • Exclusive global license option for NGS panel outside China
  • NGS panel detects over 6,500 DNA mutations in 61 clinically relevant genes
  • Immediate applicability to pharma services customers and researchers
  • Pilot study showed more mutations identified in CTCs compared to ctDNA alone
  • Potential for accelerated commercialization of pan-cancer molecular sequencing assay
  • None.


Option for exclusive licence to highly sensitive NGS assay for use with CTCs and dual analysis of CTCs with ctDNA

Combining the Parsortix system with comprehensive DNA molecular analysis opens up a broad range of pharma services opportunities

GUILDFORD, SURREY / ACCESSWIRE / September 23, 2024 / ANGLE plc (AIM:AGL)(OTCQX:ANPCY), a world-leading liquid biopsy company with innovative circulating tumour cell (CTC) solutions for use in research, drug development and clinical oncology, is delighted to announce that it has signed an agreement with the cutting-edge genomics and molecular diagnostics company, NuProbe USA, Inc. ("NuProbe"), to use its proprietary pan-cancer next generation sequencing (NGS) panel ("the NGS panel").

Under the terms of the agreement, NuProbe has granted the Company an option for an exclusive global license to the NGS panel outside of China for the analysis of CTCs and the dual analysis of CTCs and ctDNA. In this first stage of the collaboration, NuProbe will transfer manufacture of the NGS panel to a larger-scale manufacturing site and ANGLE will undertake internal validation of the initial batches.

The NGS panel, which has been validated on the Illumina sequencer, enables highly sensitive and specific detection of over 6,500 DNA mutations in 61 clinically relevant genes and been found to be the highest performing multi-gene assay of those evaluated by ANGLE. These genes include those with matched targeted therapies currently selected using assays which use tumour tissue or circulating tumour DNA (ctDNA) and aligns with many key drug targets under development by large pharma.

This agreement will help accelerate the Company's ability to commercialise its first pan-cancer molecular sequencing assay either for CTC-DNA analysis alone or dual analysis of CTCs and ctDNA from a single blood sample. The NGS panel enables highly sensitive and specific high throughput gene analysis and has immediate applicability to ANGLE's pharma services customers and translational researchers using the Parsortix® system. In the longer-term, repeatable, minimally invasive, molecular profiling using liquid biopsy analytes has the potential to be a key step for clinicians tracking tumour evolution, treatment response, early identification of drug resistance and disease progression.

The Company has already successfully completed a pilot study with the NGS panel, with results published at the EACR Annual Meeting in June 2024 (see: In this study CTC-DNA (from CTCs harvested using the Parsortix system) and ctDNA were evaluated in blood samples from breast, lung and ovarian cancer patients. In all three cancer types, more mutations were identified exclusively in CTCs, as compared to ctDNA alone, highlighting the potential value of profiling CTCs in addition to ctDNA.

NuProbe Chief Executive Officer, Yingshuang Chai, commented:

"We are excited to enter into an agreement with ANGLE plc, a world leader in the harvest of CTCs from blood for analysis. NuProbe's NGS panel is a low-cost, ultra-sensitive pan-cancer NGS panel that can accurately detect mutations and has demonstrated robust performance in both CTC and ctDNA sample types. By combining CTC and ctDNA detection, this collaboration will help drive the development of personalised treatment options for cancer patients. We look forward to the development of a strong partnership with ANGLE in the future."

ANGLE Chief Executive Officer, Andrew Newland, commented:

"We are delighted to have signed an agreement with NuProbe which grants the Company an exclusive worldwide licence option (outside of China) to the NGS panel for the analysis of CTCs and dual analysis of CTCs and ctDNA. The Company's marker-independent Parsortix system has been exemplified in 24 cancer types representing 90% of all solid tumour cases. As such we are strongly positioned to leverage a pan-cancer gene panel across 61 oncogenes and thousands of mutations. The Company believes that this agreement will enable us to combine the leading CTC harvesting solution with an optimised DNA sequencing panel for analysis of CTCs and dual analysis of CTCs and ctDNA."

ANGLE Chief Scientific Officer, Karen Miller commented:

"We are pleased to sign an agreement with NuProbe which will support our ongoing development of highly sensitive and specific molecular assays using CTCs harvested using the Parsortix system together with ctDNA from a single blood sample. Dual analysis of CTCs and ctDNA can provide additional and complementary information which will provide pharma services customers with unparalleled and repeatable insights into a range of cancers, and in the longer-term provide clinicians with the potential for continual optimisation of personalised cancer treatment plans."

For further information:


+44 (0) 1483 343434

Andrew Newland, Chief Executive

Ian Griffiths, Finance Director

Berenberg (NOMAD and Broker)

Toby Flaux, Ciaran Walsh, Milo Bonser

+44 (0) 20 3207 7800

FTI Consulting

Simon Conway, Ciara Martin

Matthew Ventimiglia (US)

+44 (0) 203 727 1000

+1 (212) 850 5624

The information contained within this announcement is deemed by the Company to constitute inside information as stipulated under the EU Market Abuse Regulation (596/2014).Upon the publication of this announcement via a regulatory information service, this information is considered to be in the public domain.

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

For Frequently Used Terms, please see the Company's website on

Notes for editors

About ANGLE plc

ANGLE is a world-leading liquid biopsy company with innovative circulating tumour cell (CTC) solutions for use in research, drug development and clinical oncology using a simple blood sample. ANGLE's FDA cleared and patent protected circulating tumour cell (CTC) harvesting technology known as the Parsortix® PC1 System enables complete downstream analysis of the sample including whole cell imaging and proteomic analysis and full genomic and transcriptomic molecular analysis.

ANGLE's commercial businesses are focusing on diagnostic products and clinical services. Diagnostic products include the Parsortix® system and associated consumables. The clinical services business is offered through ANGLE's GCP-compliant laboratories in the UK. Services include custom made assay development and clinical trial testing for pharma.

Over 90 peer-reviewed publications have demonstrated the performance of the Parsortix system. For more information, visit


NuProbe is a cutting-edge genomics and molecular diagnostics company with revolutionary molecular diagnostic technologies to improve the sensitivity of sequencing mutations and copy number variations by over 10-fold. NuProbe has sites in Houston, USA, Shanghai, China and Suzhou, China. NuProbe's vision is to offer affordable, timely, and accurate disease state information to enable precision medicine and improve patient outcomes.

This information is provided by RNS, the news service of the London Stock Exchange. RNS is approved by the Financial Conduct Authority to act as a Primary Information Provider in the United Kingdom. Terms and conditions relating to the use and distribution of this information may apply. For further information, please contact or visit


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What is the significance of ANGLE's agreement with NuProbe for the NGS panel?

The agreement grants ANGLE an exclusive global license option for NuProbe's NGS panel outside China, allowing ANGLE to analyze CTCs and perform dual analysis of CTCs and ctDNA. This enhances ANGLE's capabilities in cancer diagnostics and research.

How many DNA mutations can the NGS panel detect and in how many genes?

The NGS panel can detect over 6,500 DNA mutations in 61 clinically relevant genes, providing comprehensive genetic analysis for cancer research and potential clinical applications.

What were the results of ANGLE's pilot study using the NGS panel?

The pilot study showed that more mutations were identified exclusively in CTCs compared to ctDNA alone in breast, lung, and ovarian cancer patients, highlighting the potential value of profiling CTCs in addition to ctDNA.

How might this agreement impact ANGLE's (ANPCY) stock performance?

The agreement could positively impact ANGLE's stock (ANPCY) by accelerating the company's ability to commercialize pan-cancer molecular sequencing assays and expand its offerings in pharma services, potentially leading to increased revenue and market share.



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