Amazon Ads Launches New AI Tools for Advertisers – AI Creative Studio and Audio Generator

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Amazon Ads has unveiled two new generative AI tools at unBoxed 2024: AI Creative Studio and Audio Generator. These tools aim to lower creative barriers and expand opportunities for advertisers to scale their reach across various media types.

The AI Creative Studio brings together Amazon Ads' AI-powered image and video generation capabilities in a single experience. It allows advertisers to explore, generate, refine, and publish high-quality ad creatives from a single product shot, product page, or existing ad creative.

The Audio Generator enables advertisers to develop engaging, interactive 30-second audio ad creatives in minutes at no additional cost. It automatically creates a voiceover script based on product information, allowing advertisers to select voice, tone, and background music.

These tools join Amazon Ads' existing suite of AI-powered creative tools, including Image Generator and Video Generator. According to Amazon Ads findings, brands using Image Generator between October 2023 and June 2024 saw an average of almost 5% more sales per advertiser.

Amazon Ads ha svelato due nuovi strumenti di intelligenza artificiale generativa durante l'unBoxed 2024: AI Creative Studio e Audio Generator. Questi strumenti mirano a ridurre le barriere creative e ad ampliare le opportunità per gli inserzionisti di aumentare la loro visibilità attraverso diversi tipi di media.

Il AI Creative Studio riunisce le capacità di generazione di immagini e video potenziate dall'IA di Amazon Ads in un'unica esperienza. Permette agli inserzionisti di esplorare, generare, perfezionare e pubblicare creatività pubblicitarie di alta qualità partendo da un'unica immagine di prodotto, dalla pagina del prodotto o da una creatività pubblicitaria esistente.

Il Audio Generator consente agli inserzionisti di sviluppare creatività pubblicitarie audio interattive e coinvolgenti di 30 secondi in pochi minuti senza costi aggiuntivi. Crea automaticamente un copione di voiceover basato sulle informazioni sul prodotto, permettendo agli inserzionisti di selezionare voce, tono e musica di sottofondo.

Questi strumenti si uniscono alla suite di strumenti creativi potenziati dall'IA di Amazon Ads, che include Image Generator e Video Generator. Secondo i risultati di Amazon Ads, i brand che hanno utilizzato l'Image Generator tra ottobre 2023 e giugno 2024 hanno registrato una media di quasi il 5% in più di vendite per inserzionista.

Amazon Ads ha presentado dos nuevas herramientas de inteligencia artificial generativa en el unBoxed 2024: AI Creative Studio y Audio Generator. Estas herramientas buscan reducir las barreras creativas y ampliar las oportunidades para que los anunciantes amplíen su alcance en diferentes tipos de medios.

El AI Creative Studio reúne las capacidades de generación de imágenes y videos impulsadas por IA de Amazon Ads en una sola experiencia. Permite a los anunciantes explorar, generar, refinar y publicar creatividades publicitarias de alta calidad a partir de una sola foto del producto, página del producto o creatividad publicitaria existente.

El Audio Generator permite a los anunciantes desarrollar creatividades publicitarias de audio interactivas y atractivas de 30 segundos en minutos sin costo adicional. Crea automáticamente un guion de locución basado en la información del producto, permitiendo a los anunciantes seleccionar la voz, el tono y la música de fondo.

Estas herramientas se suman a la suite existente de herramientas creativas impulsadas por IA de Amazon Ads, que incluye Image Generator y Video Generator. Según los hallazgos de Amazon Ads, las marcas que utilizaron Image Generator entre octubre de 2023 y junio de 2024 vieron un promedio de casi el 5% más en ventas por anunciante.

아마존 광고는 unBoxed 2024에서 두 가지 새로운 생성적 AI 도구인 AI Creative StudioAudio Generator를 공개했습니다. 이 도구들은 창의적 장벽을 낮추고 광고주가 다양한 미디어 유형에서 도달 범위를 확장할 수 있는 기회를 늘리는 것을 목표로 합니다.

AI Creative Studio는 아마존 광고의 AI 기반 이미지 및 비디오 생성 기능을 하나의 경험으로 통합합니다. 이를 통해 광고주는 단일 제품 사진, 제품 페이지 또는 기존 광고 창작물에서 고품질 광고 창작물을 탐색하고, 생성하고, 다듬고, 게시할 수 있습니다.

Audio Generator는 광고가 추가 비용 없이 몇 분 만에 매력적이고 상호작용이 가능한 30초 오디오 광고 창작물을 개발할 수 있게 해줍니다. 제품 정보를 기반으로 음성 스크립트를 자동으로 생성하여 광고주가 목소리, 톤 및 배경 음악을 선택할 수 있도록 합니다.

이 도구들은 아마존 광고의 기존 AI 기반 창의적 도구 모음에 추가되며, 여기에는 이미지 생성기 및 비디오 생성기도 포함됩니다. 아마존 광고 연구에 따르면, 2023년 10월에서 2024년 6월 사이에 이미지 생성기를 사용한 브랜드는 광고주당 평균 거의 5% 더 많은 판매를 기록했습니다.

Amazon Ads a dévoilé deux nouveaux outils d'IA générative lors de l'unBoxed 2024 : AI Creative Studio et Audio Generator. Ces outils visent à réduire les barrières créatives et à élargir les opportunités pour les annonceurs d'accroître leur portée à travers divers types de médias.

Le AI Creative Studio réunit les capacités de génération d'images et de vidéos alimentées par l'IA d'Amazon Ads dans une seule expérience. Il permet aux annonceurs d'explorer, de générer, de peaufiner et de publier des créations publicitaires de haute qualité à partir d'une seule photo de produit, d'une page produit ou d'une création publicitaire existante.

Le Audio Generator permet aux annonceurs de développer des créations publicitaires audio interactives et engageantes de 30 secondes en quelques minutes sans coût supplémentaire. Il crée automatiquement un script vocal basé sur les informations sur le produit, permettant aux annonceurs de sélectionner la voix, le ton et la musique de fond.

Ces outils s'ajoutent à la suite existante d'outils créatifs alimentés par l'IA d'Amazon Ads, qui comprend le Image Generator et le Video Generator. Selon les résultats d'Amazon Ads, les marques ayant utilisé le Image Generator entre octobre 2023 et juin 2024 ont enregistré en moyenne près de 5 % de ventes en plus par annonceur.

Amazon Ads hat auf der unBoxed 2024 zwei neue generative KI-Tools vorgestellt: AI Creative Studio und Audio Generator. Diese Tools zielen darauf ab, kreative Barrieren abzubauen und den Werbetreibenden die Möglichkeit zu geben, ihre Reichweite über verschiedene Medien hinweg zu erweitern.

Das AI Creative Studio vereint die KI-gestützten Bild- und Videogenerierungsfähigkeiten von Amazon Ads in einem einzigen Erlebnis. Es ermöglicht Werbetreibenden, hochwertige Werbemittel aus einem einzelnen Produktbild, einer Produktseite oder bestehenden Werbeanzeigen zu erkunden, zu generieren, zu verfeinern und zu veröffentlichen.

Der Audio Generator ermöglicht es Werbetreibenden, in wenigen Minuten ansprechende, interaktive 30-sekündige Audio-Werbemittel ohne zusätzliche Kosten zu entwickeln. Er erstellt automatisch ein Voiceover-Drehbuch basierend auf Produktinformationen, sodass Werbetreibende Stimme, Ton und Hintergrundmusik auswählen können.

Diese Tools ergänzen die bestehende Suite von KI-gestützten kreativen Tools von Amazon Ads, zu der auch der Image Generator und der Video Generator gehören. Laut den Ergebnissen von Amazon Ads verzeichneten Marken, die den Image Generator zwischen Oktober 2023 und Juni 2024 verwendet haben, im Durchschnitt fast 5 % mehr Verkäufe pro Werbetreibenden.

  • Introduction of AI Creative Studio and Audio Generator, expanding Amazon's AI-powered advertising tools
  • AI Creative Studio allows easy creation and scaling of campaigns across multiple formats
  • Audio Generator enables quick creation of 30-second interactive audio ads at no additional cost
  • Brands using Image Generator saw an average 5% increase in sales per advertiser
  • New tools aim to reduce complexity and costs for advertisers, potentially increasing accessibility for smaller brands
  • None.


Amazon's launch of AI Creative Studio and Audio Generator marks a significant leap in advertising technology. These tools democratize ad creation, allowing brands of all sizes to produce high-quality, multi-format content with minimal resources. The 5% increase in sales for brands using Image Generator demonstrates the tangible impact of these AI tools.

The AI Creative Studio's ability to transform single product shots into diverse ad formats across Amazon's ecosystem (Prime Video, Twitch, is particularly noteworthy. This cross-platform capability could significantly enhance campaign reach and effectiveness. The Audio Generator's integration with Alexa-enabled devices opens up new interactive audio advertising opportunities, potentially capturing audiences in unique contexts.

For investors, this development signals Amazon's commitment to strengthening its advertising business, which is already a fast-growing segment. By lowering barriers to entry for advertisers, Amazon could attract more ad spend, especially from small to medium-sized businesses, potentially driving revenue growth in this high-margin sector.

Amazon's new AI tools represent a strategic move to enhance its position in the digital advertising market. By offering easy-to-use, AI-powered creative tools, Amazon is addressing a key pain point for advertisers: the high cost and complexity of producing multi-format ad content. This could lead to increased ad spend on Amazon's platform, as brands can now easily create and test various ad formats without significant upfront investment.

The integration of these tools within Amazon's ecosystem creates a closed-loop advertising system, where product information, ad creation and performance tracking are seamlessly connected. This end-to-end solution could give Amazon a competitive edge over other digital advertising platforms, potentially attracting more advertisers and increasing market share.

For Amazon shareholders, this development could translate to accelerated growth in the high-margin advertising segment, which has been a bright spot in recent financial reports. The ability to capture more of the digital advertising market could provide a significant boost to Amazon's overall financial performance.

Amazon expands existing family of generative AI tools to include all media types, helping advertisers create engaging content across images, video, and audio

AUSTIN, Texas--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- (NASDAQ: AMZN) — At unBoxed 2024, Amazon Ads introduced AI creative studio and Audio generator, two new generative AI tools designed to lower creative barriers and expand opportunities for advertisers to scale their reach. By building a suite of self-service, AI-powered tools, Amazon Ads is enabling brands of all sizes to create engaging content across media types and eliminating boundaries across ad formats.

With Audio generator, Amazon Ads expands its suite of AI-powered creative tools – including Image generator and Video generator – empowering brands to connect with customers across the shopping journey. These tools make it simple to build and activate new campaign creatives, helping brands experiment more freely and optimize based on performance – with little more than the information on their Amazon product page. According to Amazon Ads findings, on average, brands who used Image generator between October 2023 and June 2024 saw almost 5% more sales per advertiser.

To further enhance a seamless ad building experience, Amazon Ads is releasing AI creative studio – which helps advertisers explore and create unique ads all in one place. AI creative studio brings Amazon Ads AI-powered creative generators into a single application, where brands can conceptualize, create, and refresh content regardless of format. Whether it’s turning a simple product shot into videos or, in the near future, converting a TV commercial into online sponsored ads, AI creative studio makes it easy to build and scale campaigns in innovative ways – helping brands reach customers.

“We’re excited to introduce these new AI-powered creative tools, which have the potential to transform how brands connect with Amazon customers,” said Jay Richman, Vice President of Creative Experiences for Amazon Ads. “By reducing the complexities of working across multiple formats and placements, these innovations empower advertisers to more easily reach their target audiences at every stage of the marketing funnel. They can also easily update creatives seasonally, generate fresh, trend-driven content, and tailor ads to different use cases. This leads to a more dynamic and engaging customer experience, ultimately helping to drive overall campaign performance.”

Explore, get inspired, and create across display, video, and audio formats

AI creative studio brings Amazon Ads AI-powered image and video – and in the future, audio – generation capabilities together within a single experience. Advertisers of all sizes and skill levels can use AI creative studio to research, generate, refine, and publish a variety of high-quality ad creatives produced from a single product shot, product page, or existing ad creative.

Within AI creative studio, brands can explore the AI gallery – a content hub that houses examples of re-creatable ad formats, concepts, and designs – to spark inspiration. For example, an advertiser might start by browsing themes and choose something “zen”-inspired. They could then take a product shot of their handmade ceramic mug on a plain white backdrop, replace that backdrop with a captivating image that features the mug in a serene picnic setting against a picturesque prairie background, and add eye-catching motion like wildflowers swaying in the breeze.

Brands can also upload their own assets to AI creative studio. Advertisers can take existing creative and generate a variety of concepts, adjust them to multiple aspect ratios, and refine them by choosing different styles, lighting, camera angles, colors, and tone presets. For instance, a brand could upload a product photo and convert it into a series of short videos or live images, tailored to engage customers across Amazon – from Prime Video to Twitch, and on

The resulting ads can be saved directly to the advertiser’s creative asset library within their existing campaign workflows, for easy campaign activation.

“Imagine the impact this can have for businesses of all sizes,” says Richman. “Traditionally, investing in multiple ad formats and placements demands significant time, budget, and expertise. Now, with AI creative studio, advertisers can easily draw inspiration from custom concepts, select one, and seamlessly create display, video, and eventually audio ads – all within a single workflow.”

AI creative studio also provides unlimited storage, so that brands can have a breadth of creative assets ready for live campaigns. It is available in beta for select U.S. advertisers starting today.

Generate audio creatives in minutes

Advertisers can use Audio generator to easily develop engaging, interactive audio ad creative in just minutes and at no additional cost. This technology makes audio advertising available to more brands, helping them drive incremental reach by engaging relevant audiences while they are listening to their favorite content on Alexa-enabled devices.

Just like with Image and Video generator, advertisers simply input their Amazon-listed product and Audio generator will automatically create a voiceover script based on the product information. Advertisers can then select the voice and tone, as well as background music, and Audio generator will deliver a high-quality, 30-second interactive audio ad that can complement a brand’s display, video, and sponsored ads campaigns.

The resulting ad can also be refined at any point. Advertisers can tweak the script, make the tone more promotional, conversational, or narrative-based, and test different variations to keep the message fresh and optimize performance. Ads also include an interactive element, such as “Alexa, add to cart,” with more options to come.

Available now in beta, U.S. advertisers can access Audio generator via the Amazon DSP.

“We’re really excited to add Audio generator to our growing suite of AI-powered creative tools,” says Richman. “From images to video and now audio, we are removing creative barriers for advertisers and unlocking new audiences and opportunities that weren’t possible just a year ago. And the invention won’t stop here—this is just the beginning.”

To learn more about all of the announcements at unBoxed 2024, visit Brands interested in AI creative studio can learn more here.

About Amazon Ads

Amazon Ads offers full-funnel advertising solutions to help businesses of all sizes achieve their marketing goals at scale. Amazon Ads connects advertisers to highly relevant audiences through first-party insights; extensive reach across premium content like Prime Video, Twitch, and third-party publishers; the ability to connect and directly measure campaign tactics across awareness, consideration, and conversion; and generative AI to deliver appropriate creative at each step. Amazon Ads reaches a monthly ad-supported audience of 275 million+ customers across owned and operated properties in the U.S. For more information, please visit

About Amazon

Amazon is guided by four principles: customer obsession rather than competitor focus, passion for invention, commitment to operational excellence, and long-term thinking. Amazon strives to be Earth’s Most Customer-Centric Company, Earth’s Best Employer, and Earth’s Safest Place to Work. Customer reviews, 1-Click shopping, personalized recommendations, Prime, Fulfillment by Amazon, AWS, Kindle Direct Publishing, Kindle, Career Choice, Fire tablets, Fire TV, Amazon Echo, Alexa, Just Walk Out technology, Amazon Studios, and The Climate Pledge are some of the things pioneered by Amazon. For more information, visit and follow @AmazonNews., Inc.

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What new AI tools did Amazon Ads (AMZN) launch at unBoxed 2024?

Amazon Ads launched two new generative AI tools at unBoxed 2024: AI Creative Studio and Audio Generator. These tools are designed to help advertisers create engaging content across images, video, and audio formats.

How does Amazon's AI Creative Studio benefit advertisers?

AI Creative Studio allows advertisers to explore, generate, refine, and publish high-quality ad creatives across multiple formats from a single product shot, product page, or existing ad creative. It simplifies the process of creating ads for various platforms and placements.

What capabilities does Amazon's Audio Generator offer?

Audio Generator allows advertisers to create 30-second interactive audio ads in minutes at no additional cost. It automatically generates a voiceover script based on product information and lets advertisers select voice, tone, and background music.

How did Amazon's Image Generator impact sales for advertisers?

According to Amazon Ads findings, brands who used Image Generator between October 2023 and June 2024 saw an average of almost 5% more sales per advertiser.

When will Amazon's (AMZN) AI Creative Studio be available to advertisers?

AI Creative Studio is available in beta for select U.S. advertisers starting from the announcement date at unBoxed 2024.

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