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Alternet Systems (OTC Pink: ALYI) is set to release a detailed shareholder update on April 20, 2022, focusing on recent developments. The company confirmed a $2 million purchase order for 2,000 electric motorcycles, with an initial deposit received and the first shipment completed in December 2021. This order aims to boost revenue as ALYI builds its Electric Vehicle Ecosystem. The upcoming update will elaborate on how the company plans to leverage this contract for revenue growth in 2022.
Alternet Systems, Inc (OTC Pink: ALYI) has published its 2021 annual report, highlighting a significant $2 million purchase order for electric motorcycles. The order, consisting of 2,000 units, was finalized on September 1, 2021, with a deposit of $200,000 received and the first shipment completed in December 2021. The company emphasizes its commitment to building an electric vehicle ecosystem and plans to release a shareholder update on April 20, 2022, showcasing further developments.
Alternet Systems, Inc (OTC Pink: ALYI) is expanding its electric motorcycle pilot program with Priority Aviation, Inc. (OTC Pink: PJET) by incorporating electric scooters and e-bikes for college campuses. The e-bike market is projected to exceed $52 billion by 2028. ALYI is establishing its EV Ecosystem in East Africa, focusing on the motorcycle taxi market, and is currently fulfilling a $2 million electric motorcycle order in Kenya. The company is also looking to replicate its model in Brazil, where motorcycle ride-sharing is on the rise.
Alternet Systems (OTC Pink: ALYI) has announced plans to expand its $2 million electric motorcycle order in Kenya into new regions. The company is delivering on this order, which is expected to be featured in its upcoming 2021 annual report. Additionally, ALYI aims to replicate its business model in Latin America, starting in Brazil, where it will partner with local distributors. A cryptocurrency payment mechanism is also being developed for lease-to-own agreements in Brazil, with plans for retroactive implementation in Kenya.
Alternet Systems (ALYI) is establishing an EV Ecosystem, launching electric motorcycles in East Africa and expanding to Brazil. The company has a $2 million electric motorcycle order in Kenya and is replicating this model in Brazil, targeting the motorcycle taxi market. ALYI plans to introduce a cryptocurrency payment strategy through Revolt Tokens (RVLT) to finance its products, starting in Brazil and subsequently in Kenya. An extension for their 2021 annual report filing is anticipated.
Alternet Systems (OTC Pink: ALYI) is expanding its electric vehicle (EV) ecosystem, focusing on East Africa and Latin America. The company is currently fulfilling a $2 million order for electric motorcycles in Kenya, which will be reported in its upcoming annual report. ALYI aims to replicate its model in Brazil, collaborating with local distributors to provide lease-to-own electric motorcycles for ride-hailing drivers. Additionally, ALYI is introducing a cryptocurrency payment system for its services, initially in Brazil, before implementing it in Kenya.
On March 28, 2022, Alternet Systems (OTC Pink: ALYI) announced an update scheduled for March 31 regarding its expansion into Latin America. The company is focused on enhancing its electric motorcycle production for ride-hailing services in the region. ALYI is developing an EV Ecosystem, having launched its electric motorcycle services in East Africa, which targets the motorcycle taxi market. Additionally, the company has introduced a cryptocurrency financing strategy through Revolt Tokens (RVLT) to support its EV initiatives.
Alternet Systems (OTC Pink: ALYI) is expanding its electric motorcycle production for ride-hailing services into Latin America, with an official announcement scheduled for March 31, 2022. The company is developing an EV Ecosystem and has already launched an electric motorcycle enterprise in East Africa, targeting the motorcycle taxi market. ALYI aims to provide electric motorcycles to ride-hailing drivers, capitalizing on the growing demand in Latin America as seen with services like Uber. The company also focuses on cryptocurrency financing through the sale of Revolt Tokens (RVLT).
Alternet Systems, Inc. (OTC Pink: ALYI) is developing an integrated electric vehicle (EV) ecosystem, initiating its operations in East Africa with electric motorcycles. The company recently participated in the SXSW Transportation Track in Austin, Texas, focusing on its African EV initiatives and collaboration with the East African Grand Prix to potentially host a Formula E race. ALYI's CEO, Randell Torno, noted increased interest in their ecosystem following SXSW, highlighting the value of global collaboration in EV solutions.
Alternet Systems (OTC Pink: ALYI) is participating in the SXSW Transportation Track in Austin, Texas, where CEO Randell Torno emphasizes the company's focus on its electric vehicle (EV) initiative in Africa. ALYI is developing an EV Ecosystem centered in East Africa, launching an electric motorcycle enterprise. The participation is linked to ALYI's interest in Formula E, collaborating with East African Grand Prix to potentially host an annual race in Kenya. The event includes discussions on the future of electric transportation, highlighting ALYI's strategic positioning in the evolving EV landscape.
What is the current stock price of ALTERNET SYSTEMS (ALYI)?