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Alternet Systems (USOTC: ALYI) has received an update from investment partner RevoltTOKEN regarding its electric mobility ecosystem initiative. RevoltTOKEN CEO Henryk Dabrowski confirmed that the funding strategy remains intact, with efforts underway to domicile the business in Bermuda and finalize licensing for a planned cryptocurrency Initial Coin Offering (ICO). The company encourages participation in the upcoming ICO and invites interested parties to review the white paper available on the RevoltTOKEN website.
Alternet Systems (ALYI) detailed its electric mobility ecosystem, focusing on EV batteries and charging stations. The company aims to integrate diverse technologies to create an eco-friendly transportation system, beginning with the ReVolt Electric Motorcycle. Their efforts are concentrated in Sub-Saharan Africa, leveraging its low transportation infrastructure to introduce innovative solutions. ALYI is exploring hemp as a cost-effective battery material and evaluating solar and fuel cell charging stations. The upcoming cryptocurrency offering, RevoltTOKEN, encourages stakeholder investment.
Alternet Systems (USOTC: ALYI) announced a letter of intent (LOI) with a potential customer for ReVolt Electric Motorcycles, potentially increasing revenue outlook from $300 million to $500 million. The company has secured a $20 million order and a $30 million LOI in Kenya, with a new order expected in Ethiopia to expand manufacturing capabilities. ALYI will reveal details on its electric vehicle battery innovation on September 22, 2020, aligning with Tesla's Battery Day. The firm aims to enhance its electric mobility ecosystem in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Alternet Systems, Inc. (ALYI) announced its electric mobility ecosystem in Sub-Saharan Africa, featuring a network of EV charging stations projected to contribute to a $27 billion market by 2027. The company anticipates generating independent revenue streams from this initiative, alongside its estimated $300 million in electric vehicle revenue. ALYI is exploring collaborations with Samsung SDI and Gegadyne Energy for additional revenue. An overview of ALYI's electric vehicle battery innovations will be released on September 22, 2020, coinciding with Tesla's Battery Day.
On September 14, 2020, Alternet Systems (ALYI) discussed the surge in investment within the African tech startup sector during the global pandemic. ALYI has initiated a $20 million electric motorcycle order and is in talks for an additional $30 million contract, leading to a potential $300 million revenue opportunity over six years. The company is also planning a cryptocurrency offering (RevoltTOKEN) to integrate stakeholders into its electric mobility ecosystem. ALYI is poised for substantial revenue growth as it leverages the booming investment climate in Africa.
Alternet Systems (ALYI) has signed a letter of intent with a potential customer for ReVolt Electric Motorcycles, which could double production outlook by the end of September 2020. The company has already secured a $20 million electric motorcycle order and a $30 million letter of intent, totaling a prospective revenue of $300 million. With the new order expected soon, ALYI's revenue outlook may rise to $500 million. A detailed update on this order will be released on September 17, 2020.
Alternet Systems, Inc. (ALYI) has signed a letter of intent with a new customer for ReVolt Electric Motorcycles, which could double its production outlook. ALYI has secured a $20 million electric motorcycle order and an additional $30 million contract, amounting to a total revenue opportunity of $300 million over six years. With the new order, ALYI forecasts its revenue outlook to reach $500 million. Further details on the potential order are expected next week.
Alternet Systems, Inc. (ALYI) has partnered with MODUS, an engineering firm with over 20 years of experience, to advance its electric mobility initiatives. MODUS will aid in bringing ALYI's pilot electric motorcycle, based on the iconic BMW R71, into production. This initiative targets Africa's motorcycle taxi market, known as boda boda, aiming to improve operational profits for local operators while promoting environmental sustainability. MODUS emphasizes iterative design, focusing on customization and modular components for future electric vehicles.
Alternet Systems, Inc. (USOTC: ALYI) announced the introduction of its award-winning design team, boasting over 200 patentable claims, which will be presented on September 11, 2020. The focus is on the Rideshare ReVolt Electric Motorcycle, aimed at enhancing the motorcycle taxi market in Sub-Saharan Africa while promoting environmental sustainability and local economic growth. This initiative marks the beginning of ALYI's broader vision for electric mobility in the region, incorporating stakeholder collaboration to innovate future electric vehicle designs.
Alternet Systems, Inc. (USOTC: ALYI) is addressing key challenges in the electric vehicle (EV) sector, particularly battery costs and driving range. Recent advancements may lead to widespread EV adoption, with ALYI focusing on electric motorcycles. The company anticipates significant contributions to battery innovation, potentially generating a new revenue stream alongside an estimated $300 million in projected revenues. ALYI's efforts aim to foster sustainable transportation in Sub-Saharan Africa, with plans for an initial cryptocurrency offering (ICO) to enhance ecosystem participation.
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