Altimmune Announces Oral Presentation of Pemvidutide Clinical Data at 60th Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes

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Altimmune (Nasdaq: ALT) announced that data from its Phase 2 MRI-based body composition sub-study of pemvidutide in overweight and obese subjects will be presented at the 60th Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes in Madrid. Pemvidutide, a novel GLP-1/glucagon dual receptor agonist, is being developed for obesity and metabolic dysfunction-associated steatohepatitis (MASH) treatment.

The presentation, titled 'Pemvidutide preserves lean body mass during weight loss in patients with overweight and obesity,' will be given by Dr. Sarah Browne on September 10, 2024. Pemvidutide has shown promising results in clinical trials, demonstrating significant weight loss, reductions in triglycerides, LDL cholesterol, liver fat content, and blood pressure. The FDA has granted Fast Track designation for pemvidutide in MASH treatment.

Altimmune (Nasdaq: ALT) ha annunciato che i dati del suo studio secondario di composizione corporea basato su MRI di fase 2 riguardante il pemvidutide in soggetti sovrappeso e obesi saranno presentati al 60° Congresso Annuale dell'Associazione Europea per lo Studio del Diabete a Madrid. Pemvidutide, un nuovo agonista dei recettori duali GLP-1/glucagone, è in fase di sviluppo per il trattamento dell'obesità e della steatoepatite associata a disfunzioni metaboliche (MASH).

La presentazione, intitolata 'Il pemvidutide preserva la massa corporea magra durante la perdita di peso in pazienti sovrappeso e obesi,' sarà tenuta dalla Dr.ssa Sarah Browne il 10 settembre 2024. Il pemvidutide ha mostrato risultati promettenti negli studi clinici, dimostrando una significativa perdita di peso, riduzioni nei trigliceridi, colesterolo LDL, contenuto di grasso epatico e pressione sanguigna. La FDA ha concesso la designazione Fast Track per il pemvidutide nel trattamento della MASH.

Altimmune (Nasdaq: ALT) anunció que los datos de su sub-estudio de composición corporal basado en resonancia magnética de fase 2 del pemvidutide en sujetos con sobrepeso y obesidad serán presentados en la 60ª Reunión Anual de la Asociación Europea para el Estudio de la Diabetes en Madrid. Pemvidutide, un nuevo agonista dual de los receptores GLP-1/glucagón, se está desarrollando para el tratamiento de la obesidad y la esteatohepatitis asociada a disfunciones metabólicas (MASH).

La presentación, titulada 'Pemvidutide preserva la masa corporal magra durante la pérdida de peso en pacientes con sobrepeso y obesidad,' será realizada por la Dra. Sarah Browne el 10 de septiembre de 2024. El pemvidutide ha mostrado resultados prometedores en ensayos clínicos, demostrando una pérdida de peso significativa, reducciones en los triglicéridos, colesterol LDL, contenido de grasa en el hígado y presión arterial. La FDA ha otorgado la designación Fast Track para el pemvidutide en el tratamiento de la MASH.

Altimmune (Nasdaq: ALT)는 과체중 및 비만 환자에서 pemvidutide에 대한 2상 MRI 기반 체성분 하위 연구의 데이터가 마드리드에서 열리는 유럽당뇨병학회 제60차 연례 회의에서 발표될 것이라고 발표했습니다. Pemvidutide는 비만과 대사 기능 장애와 관련된 지방간염(MASH) 치료를 위해 개발 중인 새로운 GLP-1/글루카곤 이중 수용체 작용제입니다.

‘Pemvidutide는 과체중 및 비만 환자에서 체중 감소 중에 제지방 체중을 보존합니다’라는 제목의 발표는 2024년 9월 10일 Sarah Browne 박사가 진행합니다. Pemvidutide는 임상 시험에서 유망한 결과를 보여주었으며, 상당한 체중 감소, 중성지방, LDL 콜레스테롤, 간내 지방 함량 및 혈압 감소를 입증했습니다. FDA는 MASH 치료를 위한 pemvidutide에 대해 신속 심사(Fast Track) 지정을 부여했습니다.

Altimmune (Nasdaq: ALT) a annoncé que les données de son sous-étude sur la composition corporelle, basée sur l'IRM, de phase 2 concernant le pemvidutide chez des sujets en surpoids et obèses seront présentées lors de la 60e Réunion Annuelle de l'Association Européenne pour l'Étude du Diabète à Madrid. Pemvidutide, un nouvel agoniste des récepteurs doubles GLP-1/glucagon, est en cours de développement pour le traitement de l'obésité et de la stéatohépatite associée à des dysfonctionnements métaboliques (MASH).

La présentation, intitulée 'Pemvidutide préserve la masse corporelle maigre pendant la perte de poids chez les patients en surpoids et obèses,' sera faite par Dr. Sarah Browne le 10 septembre 2024. Pemvidutide a montré des résultats prometteurs dans les essais cliniques, démontrant une perte de poids significative, des réductions des triglycérides, du cholestérol LDL, du contenu en graisses hépatiques et de la pression artérielle. La FDA a accordé la désignation Fast Track pour le pemvidutide dans le traitement du MASH.

Altimmune (Nasdaq: ALT) gab bekannt, dass Daten seiner Phase-2-MRI-basierten Körperzusammensetzungsunterstudie zu Pemvidutid bei übergewichtigen und fettleibigen Probanden auf dem 60. Jahreskongress der Europäischen Diabetes-Studiengesellschaft in Madrid präsentiert werden. Pemvidutid, ein neuartiger dualer Agonist der GLP-1/Glukagon-Rezeptoren, wird zur Behandlung von Fettleibigkeit und metabolisch bedingter Steatohepatitis (MASH) entwickelt.

Die Präsentation mit dem Titel 'Pemvidutid erhält die magere Körpermasse während der Gewichtsreduktion bei übergewichtigen und fettleibigen Patienten' wird am 10. September 2024 von Dr. Sarah Browne gehalten. Pemvidutid hat in klinischen Studien vielversprechende Ergebnisse gezeigt und signifikante Gewichtsverluste, Verringerungen der Triglyceride, des LDL-Cholesterins, des Leberfetts und des Blutdrucks demonstriert. Die FDA hat die Fast-Track-Ordnung für Pemvidutid zur Behandlung von MASH erteilt.

  • Pemvidutide shows promising results in preserving lean body mass during weight loss
  • FDA granted Fast Track designation for pemvidutide in MASH treatment
  • Clinical trials demonstrate significant weight loss and improvements in metabolic markers
  • Presentation at a major diabetes conference indicates growing interest in the treatment
  • None.

GAITHERSBURG, Md., Sept. 03, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Altimmune, Inc. (Nasdaq: ALT), a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company, today announced that the data from its Phase 2, MRI-based body composition sub-study of pemvidutide in subjects with overweight and obesity will be presented at the 60th Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes in Madrid, Spain. Pemvidutide is a novel, investigational, peptide-based GLP-1/glucagon dual receptor agonist in development for the treatment of obesity and metabolic dysfunction-associated steatohepatitis (MASH).

Details for the presentations are as follows:

Title:Pemvidutide preserves lean body mass during weight loss in patients with overweight and obesity: results of a phase 2, MRI-based body composition sub-study
(Session 038, Oral Presentation 557)
Presenter:Sarah Browne, M.D., Vice President, Clinical Development, Altimmune
Date/Time:Tuesday, September 10, 2024, at 1:45 pm CEST

About Pemvidutide
Pemvidutide is a novel, investigational, peptide-based GLP-1/glucagon dual receptor agonist in development for the treatment of obesity and MASH. Activation of the GLP-1 and glucagon receptors is believed to mimic the complementary effects of diet and exercise on weight loss, with GLP-1 suppressing appetite and glucagon increasing energy expenditure. Glucagon is also recognized as having direct effects on hepatic fat metabolism, which is believed to lead to rapid reductions in levels of liver fat and serum lipids. In clinical trials to date, once-weekly pemvidutide has demonstrated compelling weight loss, robust reductions in triglycerides, LDL cholesterol, liver fat content and blood pressure. The U.S. FDA has granted Fast Track designation to pemvidutide for the treatment of MASH. Pemvidutide recently completed the MOMENTUM Phase 2 obesity trial and is being studied in the ongoing IMPACT Phase 2b MASH trial.

About Altimmune
Altimmune is a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company focused on developing innovative next-generation peptide-based therapeutics. The Company is developing pemvidutide, a GLP-1/glucagon dual receptor agonist for the treatment of obesity and MASH. For more information, please visit

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Vipin Garg
President and Chief Executive Officer
Phone: 240-654-1450

Investor Contacts:
Lee Roth
Burns McClellan
Phone: 646-382-3403

Julia Weilman
Burns McClellan
Phone: 646-732-4443

Media Contact:
Danielle Cantey
Inizio Evoke, Biotech
Phone: 619-826-4657


What is pemvidutide and what is it being developed for by Altimmune (ALT)?

Pemvidutide is a novel, investigational GLP-1/glucagon dual receptor agonist being developed by Altimmune (ALT) for the treatment of obesity and metabolic dysfunction-associated steatohepatitis (MASH).

When and where will Altimmune (ALT) present pemvidutide clinical data?

Altimmune (ALT) will present pemvidutide clinical data at the 60th Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes in Madrid, Spain, on September 10, 2024.

What are the key findings from pemvidutide clinical trials by Altimmune (ALT)?

Clinical trials of pemvidutide by Altimmune (ALT) have shown compelling weight loss, reductions in triglycerides, LDL cholesterol, liver fat content, and blood pressure. It also preserves lean body mass during weight loss in overweight and obese patients.

Has pemvidutide received any special designations from the FDA for Altimmune (ALT)?

Yes, the U.S. FDA has granted Fast Track designation to pemvidutide for the treatment of metabolic dysfunction-associated steatohepatitis (MASH) for Altimmune (ALT).

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