Allstate and NACDA unveil inaugural Good Works Team to honor student-athletes' impact on and off the field
Allstate and the National Association of Collegiate Directors of Athletics (NACDA) have announced their first-ever Allstate NACDA Good Works Team (Winter), recognizing 20 exceptional student-athletes across winter collegiate sports for their achievements in community service, athletics, and academics.
Auburn gymnast Sophia Groth has been named the first female team captain. As president of Auburn's Student-Athlete Advisory Committee, Groth has led community outreach initiatives including The Big House Toy Drive.
The program expands on the Allstate AFCA Good Works Team tradition to now include all sanctioned national championship sports, aiming to recognize 60 student-athletes annually across fall, winter, and spring seasons. Notable honorees include:
- Audrey Wethington (Minnesota, Hockey): Contributed 1,000+ hours to heart research
- Sion James (Duke, Basketball): Founded charity delivering 1,800 toys to children
- Colby Kern (Saint John's University, Swimming): Led meal-packing events providing 90,000 meals
Allstate e la National Association of Collegiate Directors of Athletics (NACDA) hanno annunciato la loro prima Allstate NACDA Good Works Team (Inverno), riconoscendo 20 studenti-atleti eccezionali negli sport invernali universitari per i loro risultati nel servizio alla comunità, negli sport e negli studi.
La ginnasta dell'Auburn Sophia Groth è stata nominata prima capitana femminile della squadra. In qualità di presidente del Comitato Consultivo degli Studenti Atleti di Auburn, Groth ha guidato iniziative di outreach comunitario, tra cui la raccolta di giocattoli The Big House.
Il programma amplia la tradizione dell'Allstate AFCA Good Works Team per includere ora tutti gli sport nazionali di campionato autorizzati, con l'obiettivo di riconoscere annualmente 60 studenti-atleti durante le stagioni autunnali, invernali e primaverili. Tra i premiati notabili ci sono:
- Audrey Wethington (Minnesota, Hockey): Ha contribuito con oltre 1.000 ore alla ricerca sul cuore
- Sion James (Duke, Basket): Ha fondato una charity che ha consegnato 1.800 giocattoli ai bambini
- Colby Kern (Saint John's University, Nuoto): Ha guidato eventi di imballaggio di pasti fornendo 90.000 pasti
Allstate y la Asociación Nacional de Directores de Atletismo Universitario (NACDA) han anunciado su primer Allstate NACDA Good Works Team (Invierno), reconociendo a 20 estudiantes-atletas excepcionales en deportes universitarios de invierno por sus logros en servicio comunitario, atletismo y académicos.
La gimnasta de Auburn Sophia Groth ha sido nombrada la primera capitana femenina del equipo. Como presidenta del Comité Asesor de Estudiantes Atletas de Auburn, Groth ha liderado iniciativas de alcance comunitario, incluyendo la recolecta de juguetes The Big House.
El programa amplía la tradición del Allstate AFCA Good Works Team para incluir ahora todos los deportes de campeonato nacional sancionados, con el objetivo de reconocer anualmente a 60 estudiantes-atletas a lo largo de las temporadas de otoño, invierno y primavera. Entre los homenajeados notables se encuentran:
- Audrey Wethington (Minnesota, Hockey): Contribuyó con más de 1,000 horas a la investigación cardíaca
- Sion James (Duke, Baloncesto): Fundó una organización benéfica que entregó 1,800 juguetes a niños
- Colby Kern (Saint John's University, Natación): Lideró eventos de empaquetado de comidas proporcionando 90,000 comidas
올스테이트와 대학 운동 감독 협회(NACDA)는 첫 번째 올스테이트 NACDA 굿 워크스 팀(겨울)을 발표하여 겨울 대학 스포츠에서 커뮤니티 서비스, 운동 및 학업에서의 업적으로 20명의 뛰어난 학생 운동선수를 인정했습니다.
오번의 체조 선수 소피아 그로스가 첫 여성 팀장으로 선정되었습니다. 오번 학생 운동선수 자문 위원회 회장으로서 그로스는 The Big House 장난감 기부와 같은 커뮤니티 아웃리치 이니셔티브를 이끌었습니다.
이 프로그램은 올스테이트 AFCA 굿 워크스 팀 전통을 확장하여 이제 모든 승인된 국가 챔피언십 스포츠를 포함하고, 가을, 겨울 및 봄 시즌 동안 매년 60명의 학생 운동선을 인정하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다. 주목할 만한 수상자는 다음과 같습니다:
- 오드리 웨딩턴 (미네소타, 하키): 심장 연구에 1,000시간 이상 기여
- 시온 제임스 (듀크, 농구): 1,800개의 장난감을 아이들에게 전달하는 자선 단체 설립
- 콜비 커른 (세인트 존스 대학교, 수영): 90,000개의 식사를 제공하는 식사 포장 이벤트 주도
Allstate et la National Association of Collegiate Directors of Athletics (NACDA) ont annoncé leur première Allstate NACDA Good Works Team (Hiver), reconnaissant 20 étudiants-athlètes exceptionnels dans les sports universitaires d'hiver pour leurs réalisations en matière de service communautaire, d'athlétisme et d'académique.
La gymnaste d'Auburn Sophia Groth a été nommée première capitaine d'équipe féminine. En tant que présidente du Comité Consultatif des Étudiants-Athlètes d'Auburn, Groth a dirigé des initiatives de sensibilisation communautaire, y compris la collecte de jouets The Big House.
Le programme élargit la tradition de l'Allstate AFCA Good Works Team pour inclure désormais tous les sports de championnat national sanctionnés, visant à reconnaître annuellement 60 étudiants-athlètes au cours des saisons d'automne, d'hiver et de printemps. Parmi les lauréats notables figurent :
- Audrey Wethington (Minnesota, Hockey) : A contribué plus de 1 000 heures à la recherche sur le cœur
- Sion James (Duke, Basketball) : A fondé une œuvre de charité livrant 1 800 jouets aux enfants
- Colby Kern (Saint John's University, Natation) : A dirigé des événements de conditionnement de repas fournissant 90 000 repas
Allstate und die National Association of Collegiate Directors of Athletics (NACDA) haben ihr erstes Allstate NACDA Good Works Team (Winter) bekannt gegeben, das 20 außergewöhnliche Studenten-Athleten in den Wintersportarten für ihre Leistungen im Gemeinwohl, im Sport und in der akademischen Bildung anerkennt.
Die Turnerinnen von Auburn, Sophia Groth, wurde zur ersten weiblichen Teamkapitänin ernannt. Als Präsidentin des Student-Athlete Advisory Committee von Auburn hat Groth Initiativen zur Gemeinschaftsarbeit geleitet, darunter die Spielzeugspende The Big House.
Das Programm erweitert die Tradition des Allstate AFCA Good Works Teams, um nun alle genehmigten nationalen Meisterschaftssportarten einzubeziehen, mit dem Ziel, jährlich 60 Studenten-Athleten in den Herbst-, Winter- und Frühlingssaisons zu würdigen. Zu den bemerkenswerten Preisträgern gehören:
- Audrey Wethington (Minnesota, Hockey): Über 1.000 Stunden zur Herzforschung beigetragen
- Sion James (Duke, Basketball): Wohltätigkeitsorganisation gegründet, die 1.800 Spielzeuge an Kinder verteilt
- Colby Kern (Saint John's University, Schwimmen): Veranstaltungen zur Essensverpackung geleitet, die 90.000 Mahlzeiten bereitgestellt haben
- Strategic expansion of community engagement program enhances Allstate's brand value and social responsibility initiatives
- Program's growth to include all collegiate sports strengthens Allstate's presence in collegiate athletics
- None.
The final team was voted on by the program’s esteemed Selection Committee from an impressive pool of nearly 200 nominees nationwide. These student-athletes represent nine winter sports and five collegiate divisions, demonstrating the far-reaching impact of student-athletes in their communities.
“I’m honored to be named captain of this incredible team,” said Groth. “Leadership isn’t just about what we accomplish in sports—it’s about how we give back. I’m proud to represent my teammates and my school as we work together to make a difference.”
Announced in December 2024, the Allstate NACDA Good Works Team builds on the legacy of the Allstate AFCA Good Works Team®, which has honored college football players' community impact since 1992. Now expanded to include all sanctioned national championship sports, the initiative will recognize 60 student-athletes annually across fall, winter and spring seasons.
Meet the Allstate NACDA Good Works Team (Winter)
The inaugural 20-member team features student-athletes from all levels of collegiate competition, including junior/community college, NAIA and NCAA Division I, II and III. Honorees represent winter sports such as hockey, basketball, swimming and diving, gymnastics and track and field. Among those recognized are:
Audrey Wethington,
Minnesota , Hockey: Dedicated more than 1,000 hours to heart research at the Visible Heart Laboratories and volunteers at Masonic Children’s Hospital, brightening patients’ days through therapeutic activities.
- Sion James, Duke, Basketball: Founded the Sion James Foundation to serve and strengthen communities, organizing his One-4-All Toy Drive that has delivered 1,800 toys to children.
- Colby Kern, Saint John’s University (Minn.), Swimming & Diving: Leads an annual meal-packing event to fight food insecurity, providing nearly 90,000 meals for his community in 2024 alone.
The full team roster and their inspiring stories can be found on the Allstate NACDA Good Works Team website.
“These student-athletes embody the best of collegiate athletics—not just in competition, but in leadership, service and impact,” said Elizabeth Brady, Allstate’s chief marketing, customer and communications officer. “From youth empowerment to mental health advocacy, their work changes lives.”
“NACDA is honored to collaborate with Allstate to expand the Good Works Team program and recognize student-athletes across all sports and all divisions,” said Pat Manak, NACDA’s chief executive officer. “This initiative provides a national platform for our members to shine a light on the positive and inspirational stories happening at all levels of intercollegiate athletics during a pivotal time in our industry. Congratulations to the student-athletes and institutions represented on the inaugural Winter Team, and we look forward to continuing the process in the seasons to come.”
The Allstate NACDA Good Works Team will spotlight student-athletes’ service throughout the year, with upcoming teams for spring and fall sports.
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The Allstate Corporation (NYSE: ALL) protects people from life's uncertainties with a wide array of protection for autos, homes, electronic devices and identity theft. Products are available through a broad distribution network, including Allstate agents, independent agents and major retailers, online and at the workplace. Allstate is widely known for the slogan "You're in Good Hands with Allstate." For more information, visit
Now in its 60th year, NACDA is the professional and educational Association for more than 24,000 college athletics administrators at more than 2,300 institutions throughout
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Source: The Allstate Corporation