Aker Carbon Capture ASA: Minutes from Extraordinary General Meeting
Aker Carbon Capture ASA held an extraordinary general meeting on March 7, 2025, conducted digitally with online participation. The meeting approved all proposed resolutions, including a significant share capital reduction and a dividend distribution of NOK 5.80 per share.
The dividend will be paid in two installments: NOK 4.82 per share to shareholders registered as of March 11, 2025, and NOK 0.98 per share to shareholders registered as of April 29, 2025, subject to the completion of the capital reduction. The creditor notice period for the share capital reduction is expected to run from March 10, 2025, to April 22, 2025.
Aker Carbon Capture ASA ha tenuto un'assemblea generale straordinaria il 7 marzo 2025, svolta in forma digitale con partecipazione online. L'assemblea ha approvato tutte le risoluzioni proposte, inclusa una significativa riduzione del capitale sociale e una distribuzione di dividendi di NOK 5,80 per azione.
Il dividendo sarà pagato in due rate: NOK 4,82 per azione agli azionisti registrati al 11 marzo 2025 e NOK 0,98 per azione agli azionisti registrati al 29 aprile 2025, soggetto al completamento della riduzione del capitale. Il periodo di preavviso per i creditori riguardante la riduzione del capitale sociale è previsto dal 10 marzo 2025 al 22 aprile 2025.
Aker Carbon Capture ASA celebró una reunión general extraordinaria el 7 de marzo de 2025, llevada a cabo de forma digital con participación en línea. La reunión aprobó todas las resoluciones propuestas, incluida una significativa reducción de capital social y una distribución de dividendos de NOK 5,80 por acción.
El dividendo se pagará en dos plazos: NOK 4,82 por acción a los accionistas registrados hasta el 11 de marzo de 2025, y NOK 0,98 por acción a los accionistas registrados hasta el 29 de abril de 2025, sujeto a la finalización de la reducción de capital. Se espera que el período de aviso a los acreedores para la reducción de capital social se extienda del 10 de marzo de 2025 al 22 de abril de 2025.
Aker Carbon Capture ASA는 2025년 3월 7일 디지털 방식으로 온라인 참여를 통해 특별 총회를 개최했습니다. 이 회의에서는 모든 제안된 결의안을 승인했으며, 여기에는 중요한 자본금 감소와 주당 5.80 NOK의 배당금 분배가 포함됩니다.
배당금은 두 차례에 걸쳐 지급됩니다: 2025년 3월 11일 기준으로 등록된 주주에게는 주당 4.82 NOK, 2025년 4월 29일 기준으로 등록된 주주에게는 주당 0.98 NOK가 지급되며, 자본금 감소 완료에 따라 달라질 수 있습니다. 자본금 감소에 대한 채권자 통지 기간은 2025년 3월 10일부터 2025년 4월 22일까지 진행될 예정입니다.
Aker Carbon Capture ASA a tenu une assemblée générale extraordinaire le 7 mars 2025, réalisée numériquement avec participation en ligne. L'assemblée a approuvé toutes les résolutions proposées, y compris une réduction significative du capital social et une distribution de dividendes de 5,80 NOK par action.
Le dividende sera versé en deux versements : 4,82 NOK par action aux actionnaires enregistrés au 11 mars 2025, et 0,98 NOK par action aux actionnaires enregistrés au 29 avril 2025, sous réserve de l'achèvement de la réduction de capital. La période de préavis pour les créanciers concernant la réduction de capital est prévue du 10 mars 2025 au 22 avril 2025.
Aker Carbon Capture ASA hat am 7. März 2025 eine außerordentliche Hauptversammlung abgehalten, die digital mit Online-Teilnahme durchgeführt wurde. Die Versammlung hat alle vorgeschlagenen Beschlüsse genehmigt, einschließlich einer erheblichen Kapitalherabsetzung und einer Dividendenverteilung von NOK 5,80 pro Aktie.
Die Dividende wird in zwei Raten ausgezahlt: NOK 4,82 pro Aktie an Aktionäre, die bis zum 11. März 2025 registriert sind, und NOK 0,98 pro Aktie an Aktionäre, die bis zum 29. April 2025 registriert sind, vorbehaltlich des Abschlusses der Kapitalherabsetzung. Die Frist für die Gläubigerbenachrichtigung zur Kapitalherabsetzung wird voraussichtlich vom 10. März 2025 bis zum 22. April 2025 laufen.
- Significant dividend distribution of NOK 5.80 per share approved
- All proposed resolutions passed successfully
- Share capital reduction may impact company's capital structure
FORNEBU, Norway, March 7, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- An extraordinary general meeting of Aker Carbon Capture ASA (the "Company") was held today as a digital meeting with online participation. All resolutions were made in accordance with the proposals set out in the meeting notice, including the proposed share capital reduction and the proposed dividend of
NOK 4.82 per share shall be paid to the Company's shareholders as of 7 March 2025 (as registered in the VPS as of 11 March 2025), andNOK 0.98 per share shall be paid to the Company's shareholders as of 25 April 2025 (as registered in the VPS as of 29 April 2025) or such other dates which are decided and communicated by the board, subject however to completion of the capital reduction.
The creditor notice period for the share capital reduction is expected to commence on or about 10 March 2025 and expected to expire on or about 22 April.
The minutes of the meeting are attached to this announcement and available on the Company's website www.akercarboncaptureasa.com.
For further information:
Media and Investors: Mats Ektvedt, mobile: +47 41 42 33 28,
e-mail: mats.ektvedt@corporatecommunications.no
This information is subject to disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.
This information was brought to you by Cision http://news.cision.com
The following files are available for download:
ACC - Minutes of EGM - 7 March 2025 |
View original content:https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/aker-carbon-capture-asa-minutes-from-extraordinary-general-meeting-302395676.html
SOURCE Aker Carbon Capture ASA