AITX’s RAD Celebrates Surpassing Major Milestone of 1,000 Devices Deployed and Awaiting Deployment
Robotic Assistance Devices (RAD), a subsidiary of Artificial Intelligence Technology Solutions (AITX), has achieved a significant milestone of surpassing 1,000 deployed and contracted security devices as of October 2024. This achievement marks RAD's transition from an industry disruptor to a mainstream security solution provider.
The company's growth is driven by its AI-driven security technologies, including RIO™, ROSA™, and AVA™ devices, which offer organizations cost-effective alternatives to traditional security measures. RAD's solutions provide businesses with cost savings of 35%-80% compared to conventional manned security services. The company maintains a strong sales pipeline, including over 35 Fortune 500 companies, and continues to expand its product offerings and channel partner network to meet growing demand.
I Dispositivi di Assistenza Robotica (RAD), una sussidiaria di Artificial Intelligence Technology Solutions (AITX), ha raggiunto un traguardo significativo superando i 1.000 dispositivi di sicurezza distribuiti e contrattati a ottobre 2024. Questo risultato segna la transizione di RAD da un disturbatore del settore a un fornitore di soluzioni di sicurezza di massa.
La crescita dell'azienda è guidata dalle sue tecnologie di sicurezza basate sull'IA, inclusi i dispositivi RIO™, ROSA™ e AVA™, che offrono alle organizzazioni alternative economiche rispetto alle misure di sicurezza tradizionali. Le soluzioni di RAD consentono alle aziende di risparmiare dal 35% all'80% rispetto ai servizi di sicurezza tradizionali con personale. L'azienda mantiene un forte portafoglio di vendite, inclusi oltre 35 aziende Fortune 500, e continua ad ampliare la sua offerta di prodotti e la rete di partner per rispondere alla crescente domanda.
Dispositivos de Asistencia Robótica (RAD), una subsidiaria de Artificial Intelligence Technology Solutions (AITX), ha alcanzado un hito significativo al superar los 1.000 dispositivos de seguridad desplegados y contratados a partir de octubre de 2024. Este logro marca la transición de RAD de ser un disruptor de la industria a un proveedor de soluciones de seguridad convencionales.
El crecimiento de la empresa se impulsa por sus tecnologías de seguridad impulsadas por IA, incluidos los dispositivos RIO™, ROSA™ y AVA™, que ofrecen a las organizaciones alternativas rentables a las medidas de seguridad tradicionales. Las soluciones de RAD proporcionan a las empresas ahorros de costos del 35% al 80% en comparación con los servicios de seguridad manned convencionales. La empresa mantiene un sólido pipeline de ventas, incluyendo más de 35 empresas Fortune 500, y continúa expandiendo su gama de productos y su red de socios para satisfacer la creciente demanda.
로봇 지원 장치 (RAD)는 인공지능 기술 솔루션 (AITX)의 자회사로, 2024년 10월 기준으로 배포되고 계약된 1,000개 이상의 보안 장치를 넘기는 중대한 이정표를 달성했습니다. 이 성과는 RAD가 산업의 교란자로부터 주류 보안 솔루션 제공업체로 전환함을 시사합니다.
회사의 성장은 RIO™, ROSA™, AVA™ 장치를 포함한 AI 기반 보안 기술에 의해 이끌어지며, 이는 조직에 전통적인 보안 수단에 대한 비용 효율적인 대안을 제공합니다. RAD의 솔루션은 기업이 기존의 유인 보안 서비스와 비교하여 35%에서 80%까지의 비용 절감을 시설합니다. 이 회사는 35개 이상의 포춘 500대 기업을 포함한 강력한 판매 파이프라인을 유지하고 있으며, 증가하는 수요에 부응하기 위해 제품 제공 및 채널 파트너 네트워크를 확장하고 있습니다.
Dispositifs d'Assistance Robotique (RAD), une filiale de Artificial Intelligence Technology Solutions (AITX), a atteint un jalon significatif en dépassant 1 000 dispositifs de sécurité déployés et contractés en octobre 2024. Cette réalisation marque la transition de RAD d'un perturbateur de l'industrie à un fournisseur de solutions de sécurité grand public.
La croissance de l'entreprise est stimulée par ses technologies de sécurité basées sur l'IA, y compris les dispositifs RIO™, ROSA™ et AVA™, qui offrent aux organisations des alternatives rentables aux mesures de sécurité traditionnelles. Les solutions de RAD permettent aux entreprises de réaliser des économies de coûts allant de 35 % à 80 % par rapport aux services de sécurité traditionnels avec personnel. L'entreprise maintient un solide portefeuille de ventes, incluant plus de 35 entreprises du Fortune 500, et continue d'élargir son offre de produits et son réseau de partenaires pour répondre à la demande croissante.
Roboterunterstützungsgeräte (RAD), eine Tochtergesellschaft von Artificial Intelligence Technology Solutions (AITX), hat im Oktober 2024 einen bedeutenden Meilenstein erreicht, indem sie über 1.000 eingesetzte und vertraglich gebundene Sicherheitsgeräte übertroffen hat. Dieser Erfolg markiert RADs Übergang von einem Störfaktor der Branche zu einem Anbieter von Sicherheitslösungen im Mainstream.
Das Wachstum des Unternehmens wird durch seine KI-gesteuerten Sicherheitstechnologien vorangetrieben, einschließlich der Geräte RIO™, ROSA™ und AVA™, die Organisationen kosteneffiziente Alternativen zu herkömmlichen Sicherheitsmaßnahmen bieten. Die Lösungen von RAD ermöglichen Unternehmen Einsparungen von 35 % bis 80 % im Vergleich zu herkömmlichen Sicherheitsdiensten mit Personaleinsatz. Das Unternehmen verfügt über eine starke Vertriebspipeline, einschließlich mehr als 35 Fortune-500-Unternehmen, und erweitert kontinuierlich sein Produktangebot und sein Netzwerk von Vertriebspartnern, um der wachsenden Nachfrage gerecht zu werden.
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Once a Disruptor, Now a Mainstream Provider to the Security Industry
Detroit, Michigan, Nov. 07, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Robotic Assistance Devices, Inc. (RAD), a wholly owned subsidiary of Artificial Intelligence Technology Solutions, Inc. (the “Company”) (OTCPK:AITX), a global leader in AI-driven security and productivity solutions for enterprise clients, proudly announces that it has surpassed the significant milestone of 1,000 deployed and contracted security devices as of late October. This achievement underscores RAD's evolution from a disruptor to a mainstream solution provider within the security industry.
RAD’s expansive growth in deployments and client partnerships reflects the security industry’s shift toward autonomous security technologies designed to provide affordable, intelligent alternatives to traditional security measures, including manned security guards. This milestone solidifies RAD’s position as an essential player in AI-driven security solutions, empowering clients with reliable, cost-effective security technologies.
“Reaching this 1,000-device milestone validates RAD's role in transforming the security landscape,” said Steve Reinharz, CEO/CTO of AITX and RAD. “Our clients are choosing RAD to address their most pressing security needs with efficiency and impact.”
Since its founding, RAD has expanded its product offerings and channel partner network to meet escalating demand. The Company’s innovative devices, such as RIO™, ROSA™ and AVA™ have been widely adopted across diverse industries, helping organizations enhance security coverage while reducing reliance on costly human guards.
“We’re witnessing a true groundswell in the security industry as organizations move away from traditional, costly solutions, toward intelligent, autonomous alternatives,” said Mark Folmer, CPP, PSP, FSyI, President of RAD. “I’m excited to see what the future holds as we continue to innovate and redefine what smart, affordable security and safety looks like.”
On October 8, 2024, RAD announced that it was nearing the 1,000-device milestone, signaling its rapid growth and expanding industry presence. Now, with that milestone achieved during the month of October, the Company continues to solidify its position as a transformative force in the security landscape.
A RAD unit is defined by the deployment of a single device, such as a ROSA or AVA™, each counted as one unit. Similarly, a RIO 180 is recognized as one unit. However, in the case of the RIO 360, which includes two ROSA devices, it is counted as two units. ROSS™ deployments, some of which control up to 50 cameras, are not included in these counts.
AITX, through its subsidiary, Robotic Assistance Devices, Inc. (RAD), is redefining the nearly
RAD has a prospective sales pipeline of over 35 Fortune 500 companies and numerous other client opportunities. RAD expects to continue to attract new business as it converts its existing sales opportunities into deployed clients generating a recurring revenue stream. Each Fortune 500 client has the potential of making numerous reorders over time.
AITX is an innovator in the delivery of artificial intelligence-based solutions that empower organizations to gain new insight, solve complex challenges and fuel new business ideas. Through its next-generation robotic product offerings, AITX’s RAD, RAD-R, RAD-M and RAD-G companies help organizations streamline operations, increase ROI, and strengthen business. AITX technology improves the simplicity and economics of patrolling and guard services and allows experienced personnel to focus on more strategic tasks. Customers augment the capabilities of existing staff and gain higher levels of situational awareness, all at drastically reduced cost. AITX solutions are well suited for use in multiple industries such as enterprises, government, transportation, critical infrastructure, education, and healthcare. To learn more, visit,,,,,, and, or follow Steve Reinharz on Twitter @SteveReinharz.
The information contained in this publication does not constitute an offer to sell or solicit an offer to buy securities of Artificial Intelligence Technology Solutions, Inc. (the “Company”). This publication contains forward-looking statements, which are not guarantees of future performance and may involve subjective judgment and analysis. The information provided herein is believed to be accurate and reliable, however the Company makes no representations or warranties, expressed or implied, as to its accuracy or completeness. The Company has no obligation to provide the recipient with additional updated information. No information in this publication should be interpreted as any indication whatsoever of the Company’s future revenues, results of operations, or stock price.
Steve Reinharz