Ainos CEO Highlights AI Nose Achievements and Upcoming 2H 2024 Milestones in Shareholder Letter
Ainos, Inc. (NASDAQ:AIMD) is making significant strides in AI-powered smell digitization technology. CEO Chun-Hsien Tsai highlighted key achievements and upcoming milestones in a shareholder letter:
1. AI Nose Technology: Ainos is developing AI-powered digital nose sensors for healthcare and smart factories.
2. Healthcare Applications: The next-gen Ainos Flora, targeting women's health and STI testing, is set for clinical trials in Q4 2024.
3. Elderly Care: Collaborating with Nisshinbo Micro Devices and Taiwan Inabata Sangyo, Ainos aims for pilot production in Q4 2024.
4. Smart Factories: AI Nose achieved 79% accuracy in identifying VOCs in semiconductor factories, with pilot production ready in Q4 2024.
5. IP Portfolio: Ainos secured exclusive licenses for 10 multi-region patents related to gas sensors and medical device technologies.
Ainos, Inc. (NASDAQ:AIMD) sta facendo progressi significativi nella tecnologia di digitalizzazione degli odori alimentata dall'IA. Il CEO Chun-Hsien Tsai ha evidenziato i risultati chiave e le prossime tappe in una lettera agli azionisti:
1. Tecnologia dell'Olfatto IA: Ainos sta sviluppando sensori digitali per l'olfatto alimentati dall'IA per il settore sanitario e le fabbriche intelligenti.
2. Applicazioni Sanitarie: La nuova generazione di Ainos Flora, dedicata alla salute femminile e ai test per le MST, è programmata per prove cliniche nel Q4 2024.
3. Cura degli Anziani: Collaborando con Nisshinbo Micro Devices e Taiwan Inabata Sangyo, Ainos punta alla produzione pilota nel Q4 2024.
4. Fabbriche Intelligenti: L'AI Nose ha raggiunto un'accuratezza del 79% nell'identificazione dei VOC nelle fabbriche di semiconduttori, con la produzione pilota pronta per il Q4 2024.
5. Portafoglio di Proprietà Intellettuale: Ainos ha ottenuto licenze esclusive per 10 brevetti multi-regione relativi a sensori di gas e tecnologie per dispositivi medici.
Ainos, Inc. (NASDAQ:AIMD) está logrando avances significativos en la tecnología de digitalización del olor impulsada por IA. El CEO Chun-Hsien Tsai destacó los logros clave y los próximos hitos en una carta a los accionistas:
1. Tecnología de Nariz IA: Ainos está desarrollando sensores digitales para el olfato impulsados por IA para el cuidado de la salud y fábricas inteligentes.
2. Aplicaciones Sanitarias: La próxima generación de Ainos Flora, enfocada en la salud de las mujeres y pruebas de ITS, está programada para ensayos clínicos en el cuarto trimestre de 2024.
3. Cuidado de Ancianos: Colaborando con Nisshinbo Micro Devices y Taiwan Inabata Sangyo, Ainos tiene como objetivo la producción piloto en el cuarto trimestre de 2024.
4. Fábricas Inteligentes: AI Nose logró un 79% de precisión en la identificación de compuestos orgánicos volátiles (COV) en fábricas de semiconductores, con la producción piloto lista para el cuarto trimestre de 2024.
5. Portafolio de Propiedad Intelectual: Ainos aseguró licencias exclusivas para 10 patentes multi-región relacionadas con sensores de gas y tecnologías de dispositivos médicos.
Ainos, Inc. (NASDAQ:AIMD)는 AI 기반의 냄새 디지털화 기술에서 중요한 진전을 이루고 있습니다. CEO인 Chun-Hsien Tsai는 주주 서한에서 주요 성과와 다가오는 이정표를 강조했습니다:
1. AI 코 기술: Ainos는 의료 및 스마트 공장을 위해 AI 기반의 디지털 코 센서를 개발하고 있습니다.
2. 의료 응용 프로그램: 여성 건강과 성병 테스트를 목표로 하는 차세대 Ainos Flora가 2024년 4분기에 임상 시험을 위해 예정되어 있습니다.
3. 노인 돌봄: Nisshinbo Micro Devices 및 Taiwan Inabata Sangyo와 협력하여 Ainos는 2024년 4분기 파일럿 생산을 목표로 하고 있습니다.
4. 스마트 공장: AI Nose는 반도체 공장에서 휘발성 유기 화합물(VOCs)을 식별하는 데 79%의 정확도를 달성했으며, 파일럿 생산은 2024년 4분기에 준비되어 있습니다.
5. 지식 재산 포트폴리오: Ainos는 가스 센서 및 의료 기기 기술 관련 10개 다지역 특허에 대한 독점 라이센스를 확보했습니다.
Ainos, Inc. (NASDAQ:AIMD) réalise des avancées significatives dans la technologie de numérisation des odeurs alimentée par l'IA. Le PDG Chun-Hsien Tsai a souligné dans une lettre aux actionnaires les réalisations clés et les prochaines étapes :
1. Technologie de Nez IA: Ainos développe des capteurs numériques olfactifs alimentés par IA pour le secteur de la santé et les usines intelligentes.
2. Applications de Santé: La prochaine génération Ainos Flora, ciblant la santé des femmes et les tests de MST, devrait entrer en essai clinique au T4 2024.
3. Soins aux Personnes Âgées: En collaboration avec Nisshinbo Micro Devices et Taiwan Inabata Sangyo, Ainos vise une production pilote au T4 2024.
4. Usines Intelligentes: AI Nose a atteint une précision de 79 % pour identifier les COV dans les usines de semi-conducteurs, avec une production pilote prévue pour le T4 2024.
5. Portefeuille de Propriété Intellectuelle: Ainos a obtenu des licences exclusives pour 10 brevets multi-région liés aux capteurs de gaz et aux technologies de dispositifs médicaux.
Ainos, Inc. (NASDAQ:AIMD) macht bedeutende Fortschritte bei der durch KI unterstützten Technologie zur Digitalisierung von Gerüchen. CEO Chun-Hsien Tsai hob in einem Schreiben an die Aktionäre zentrale Erfolge und bevorstehende Meilensteine hervor:
1. Künstliche Intelligenz Nasentechnologie: Ainos entwickelt KI-gestützte digitale Nasensensoren für das Gesundheitswesen und intelligente Fabriken.
2. Gesundheitsanwendungen: Die nächste Generation Ainos Flora, die sich auf die Gesundheit von Frauen und STI-Tests konzentriert, soll im 4. Quartal 2024 klinische Studien starten.
3. Altenpflege: In Zusammenarbeit mit Nisshinbo Micro Devices und Taiwan Inabata Sangyo strebt Ainos die Pilotproduktion im 4. Quartal 2024 an.
4. Intelligente Fabriken: AI Nose erreichte eine 79%ige Genauigkeit bei der Identifizierung von flüchtigen organischen Verbindungen (VOCs) in Halbleiterfabriken, wobei die Pilotproduktion im 4. Quartal 2024 bereitsteht.
5. IP-Portfolio: Ainos sicherte sich exklusive Lizenzen für 10 Multi-Region-Patente im Zusammenhang mit Gassensoren und Medizingerätetechnologien.
- AI Nose technology achieved 79% accuracy in identifying 761 samples across 22 VOCs in Japanese semiconductor manufacturing factories
- Secured exclusive licenses for 10 multi-region invention patents and patent applications for gas sensors and medical device technologies
- Partnered with Nisshinbo Micro Devices Inc. and Taiwan Inabata Sangyo Co. for VOC sensing co-development
- On track for pilot production of elderly care solution in Q4 2024
- Next-gen Ainos Flora clinical trial kickoff planned for Q4 2024
- All-stock transaction for patent licensing valued at $5.4 million, potentially diluting existing shareholders
Ainos' AI Nose technology shows promise in healthcare and beyond, but faces significant hurdles. The 79% accuracy rate in identifying VOCs in semiconductor factories is impressive, yet falls short of the precision needed for medical applications. The planned clinical trial for Ainos Flora in Q4 2024 is a critical step, but success is not guaranteed. The
Ainos' all-stock transaction for patent licenses, valued at
Ainos is targeting substantial markets with significant potential. The global STI testing market and Japan's aging population (
Embarking on a journey to ultimately becoming AI's nose capable of digitizing smell
AI Nose journey begins in healthcare and is now expanding into smart factories
SAN DIEGO, CA / ACCESSWIRE / August 26, 2024 / Ainos, Inc. (NASDAQ:AIMD)(NASDAQ:AIMDW) ("Ainos", or the "Company"), a diversified healthcare company focused on novel AI-powered point-of-care testing ("POCT") and VELDONA low-dose interferon therapeutics, is pleased to provide an update letter to shareholders from its Chairman of the Board, President, and Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Chun-Hsien (Eddy) Tsai.
Dear Shareholders,
Since rebranding to Ainos, Inc in 2021, our team has worked tirelessly to unlock the full potential of our AI Nose technology. We are on a mission to leverage digital nose sensors and our proprietary volatile organic compounds ("VOC") sensing AI algorithm, to digitize smell and ultimately become AI's nose. Over the past 12 months, I'm proud to say that we have made many significant achievements, and I'd like to recap these milestones as well as our strategies.
Our Endgame: To Become AI's Nose, Starting with Healthcare
We embark our smell digitalization journey from the healthcare market. Looking ahead into the near future, we believe the underlying mega-trend is that as population ages, increasing demand for healthcare will collide with a labor shortage, potentially compromising the quality of health tests. We believe telehealth-friendly point-of-care tests ("POCTs") will be crucial in reducing the burden on healthcare workers.
We anticipate that VOC could be powerful biomarkers for detecting diseases and enabling easy, efficient health monitoring. Powered by AI Nose, we are making POCTs more consumer-friendly, telehealth-compatible, AI-driven, and poised to benefit more people. AI Nose will become increasingly accurate as we train the platform with more data.

Empowering Women's Health and Improving Tests for Sexually Transmitted Infections ("STIs"): Next-Gen Ainos Flora Clinical Study Kickoff in Q4 2024
Our lead product candidate, Ainos Flora, targets women's health and certain common STIs. I believe this market is underserved: about more than 1 million new STIs occur globally every day, and vaginal infections such as bacterial vaginosis (BV) increase risks of STIs. Young people (15-24 year olds) are estimated to account for nearly half of new STI infections in America. POCT is estimated to account for only
Ainos is developing the next-gen Ainos Flora, optimized for at-home testing. We are fast-tracking development by utilizing NVIDIA CUDA's accelerated computing, targeting Q3 2024 for design completion and Q4 2024 for clinical trial kickoff. We now explore to position the first-gen Ainos Flora for the hospital and clinic market. Our product strategy places Ainos Flora across key use scenarios.
Elderly Care: On Track to Pilot Production in Q4 2024
In August 2023, we kicked off a VOC sensing co-development with Nisshinbo Micro Devices Inc. ("NISD") and Taiwan Inabata Sangyo Co. ("Inabata"). Our shared goal is to broaden addressable market of AI Nose VOC sensing to include telehealth, automotive, industrial, and environmental safety applications.
Our first project focuses on elderly care. The crucial megatrend is that as the global population ages, the increasing demand for elderly care will clash with a labor shortage, leading to compromised care quality. To address this, Ainos and our partners aim to automate certain health monitoring tasks with an AI-driven, telehealth-friendly solution powered by AI Nose VOC sensing.
We plan to first commercialize this product in Japan by collaborating with our co-developers. The population in Japan is aging more rapidly than any other country, with about 36 million Japanese citizens aged 65 and over at almost a third of its population. We are on track to pilot production in 2H 2024.
First Move Beyond Healthcare: AI Nose in Smart Factories; Pilot Production Ready in Q4 2024
Our second co-development program marks our first step in extending AI Nose beyond healthcare. We recognize that smart manufacturing or smart factory requires 1) more AI-driven sensors to capture and analyze data; 2) increased robotic automation to tackle a shrinking workforce. While AI-driven visual data is already well established, AI-driven VOC sensing is still in its early stages. This is evidenced by the lack of digital noses in today's existing humanoid robots. AI Nose can equip robots with a digital sense of smell, enhancing their ability to collaborate with human workers. This improves robot performance and ensures a safer work environment.
We also see vast potential for AI Nose in the semiconductor manufacturing factories, as it has the potential for detecting leaks of photoresist materials, hazardous chemicals and overheating cables.
For now, we are thrilled to announce that AI Nose is

New Licensing Strengths AI Nose and POCT IPs
As we advance the previously mentioned programs, we are also strengthening our IP portfolio. We have recently secured exclusive licenses for 10 multi-region invention patents and patent applications surrounding gas sensors and medical device technologies from our product co-developer and sole manufacturer of our POCTs. We completed the transaction with an all-stock structure valued at approximately
Looking Ahead: Confidence in Our Future
As we reflect on our achievements and strategic moves, we remain profoundly optimistic about what the future holds. The milestones we've reached and the strategic programs we are advancing reinforce our confidence in the transformative potential of AI Nose technology.
We are poised to leverage our VOC technological advancements or strategic partnerships to drive significant impact across multiple aspects, from enhancing POCTs for better women's health to revolutionizing elderly care as well as expansion into smart manufacturing. We believe that the progress we have made positions us well for continued growth and success.
As we move forward, we remain focused on executing our plans with precision and agility, continuously pushing the boundaries of innovation. We are excited about the opportunities ahead and we have confidence in our strategic initiatives for empowering our mission of digitizing smell across diverse scenarios.
Thank you for your continued support in our journey.
Key AI Nose Milestones
On August 19, 2024, we announced that AI Nose is has a
On August 9, 2024, we announced that we obtained exclusive licenses for 10 invention patents and patent applications to bolster our AI Nose and POCT technologies. The licensed patents and applications surround gas sensors and medical devices technologies and cover the U.S., Germany, China, Japan and Taiwan. We completed the licensing with an all-stock transaction valued at approximately
On June 14, 2024, we announced that we will advance the next-gen Ainos Flora with the implementation of NVIDIA CUDA, leveraging critical insights from first-gen Ainos Flora's clinical trials over 75 subjects at four Taiwanese medical centers.
On December 26, 2023, Ainos, NISD and Inabata initiated phase 2 of VOC co-development powered by AI Nose, propelling AI Nose towards broader industry adoption and advancing the mission of digitalizing smell.
On August 9, 2023, we announced that Ainos partnered with NISD and Inabata to co-develop VOC sensing platform powered by AI Nose, kicking off our goal for broader AI Nose industry adoption, and progressing further in our mission for digitizing smell.
About Ainos, Inc.
Headquartered in San Diego, California, Ainos is a diversified healthcare company focused on novel AI-powered point-of-care testing (POCT) and low-dose interferon therapeutics (VELDONA). The Company's clinical-stage product pipeline includes VELDONA human and animal oral therapeutics, human orphan drugs, and telehealth-friendly POCT solutions powered by its AI Nose technology platform.
The name "Ainos" is a combination of "AI" and "Nose" to reflect the Company's commitment to empowering individuals to manage their health more effectively with next-generation AI-driven POCT solutions. To learn more, visit
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Safe Harbor Statement
Certain statements in this press release are forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. All statements other than statements of historical fact are forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements can be identified by the use of words such as "anticipate," "believe," "estimate," "approximate," "expect," "intend," "plan," "predict," "project," "target," "future," "likely," "strategy," "foresee," "may," "guidance," "potential," "outlook," "forecast," "should," "will" or other similar words or phrases. Similarly, statements that describe the Company's objectives, plans or goals are, or may be, forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are based only on the Company's current beliefs, expectations, and assumptions. Forward-looking statements are subject to inherent uncertainties, risks, and changes in circumstances that are difficult to predict and many of which are outside of the Company's control. The Company's actual results may differ materially from those indicated in the forward-looking statements.
Important factors that could cause the Company's actual results to differ materially from the projections, forecasts, estimates and expectations discussed in this press release include, among others, the cost of production and sales potential of the products announced in this press release; the Company's dependence on projected revenues from the sale of current or future products ; the Company's limited cash and history of losses; the Company's ability to achieve profitability; the Company's ability to raise additional capital to continue the Company's product development; the ability to accurately predict the future operating results of the Company; the ability to advance Ainos' current or future product candidates through clinical trials, obtain marketing approval and ultimately commercialize any product candidates the Company develops; the ability to obtain and maintain regulatory approval of Ainos' product candidates; delays in completing the development and commercialization of the Company's current and future product candidates, which could result in increased costs to the Company, delay or limit the ability to generate revenue and adversely affect the business, financial condition, results of operations and prospects of the Company; intense competition and rapidly advancing technology in the Company's industry that may outpace its technology; customer demand for the products and services the Company develops; the accuracy of third-party market research data, the impact of competitive or alternative products, technologies and pricing; disruption in research and development facilities; lawsuits and other claims by third parties or investigations by various regulatory agencies governing the Company's operations; potential cybersecurity attacks; increased requirements and costs related to cybersecurity; the Company's ability to realize the benefits of third party licensing agreements; the Company's ability to obtain and maintain intellectual property protection for Ainos product candidates; compliance with applicable laws, regulations and tariffs; continued listing on and compliance with the applicable regulations of the Nasdaq Capital Market; and the Company's success in managing growth. A more complete description of these risk factors and others is included in the "Risk Factors" section of Ainos' Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023, and other public filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC"), many of which risks are beyond the Company's control. In addition to the risks described above and in the Company's filings with the SEC, other unknown or unpredictable factors also could cause actual results to differ materially from the projections, forecasts, estimates and expectations discussed in this press release.
The forward-looking statements made in this press release are expressly qualified in their entirety by the foregoing cautionary statements. Any forward-looking statements contained in this press release represent Ainos' views only as of today and should not be relied upon as representing its views as of any subsequent date. Ainos undertakes no obligation to, and expressly disclaims any such obligation to, publicly update or revise any forward-looking statement to reflect changed assumptions, the occurrence of anticipated or unanticipated events or changes to the future results over time or otherwise, except as required by law.
Investor Relations Contact
Feifei Shen
SOURCE: Ainos, Inc.
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What is Ainos' AI Nose technology and its applications?
When is Ainos (AIMD) planning to start clinical trials for the next-gen Ainos Flora?
What accuracy rate has Ainos' AI Nose achieved in semiconductor manufacturing factories?