Argan, Inc. Announces the Passing of Board Member W.G. Champion Mitchell

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Argan, Inc. (NYSE: AGX) has announced the passing of board member W.G. Champion Mitchell on October 8, 2024. Mitchell had been a member of Argan's Board of Directors since October 2003, serving on the Executive Committee and the Nominating/Corporate Governance Committee. He also held board positions with Direct Brands, Inc., The 41st Parameter, Inc., and RTI International.

William F. Leimkuhler, Chairman of Argan's Board, expressed deep sadness and highlighted Mitchell's valuable contributions as a corporate executive and former chief executive. David Watson, President and CEO of Argan, praised Mitchell's leadership, public company expertise, and commitment to the company, noting his impact on management's presentations and his ability to recognize good work.

Argan, Inc. (NYSE: AGX) ha annunciato la scomparsa del membro del consiglio W.G. Champion Mitchell l'8 ottobre 2024. Mitchell era membro del Consiglio di Amministrazione di Argan dal ottobre 2003, servendo nel Comitato Esecutivo e nel Comitato di Nomina/Governance Aziendale. Ha inoltre ricoperto posizioni in consiglio con Direct Brands, Inc., The 41st Parameter, Inc., e RTI International.

William F. Leimkuhler, Presidente del Consiglio di Amministrazione di Argan, ha espresso profondo rammarico e ha sottolineato il valore dei contributi di Mitchell come dirigente aziendale e ex amministratore delegato. David Watson, Presidente e CEO di Argan, ha lodato la leadership di Mitchell, la sua esperienza nelle società quotate in borsa e il suo impegno verso l'azienda, notando il suo impatto sulle presentazioni della direzione e la sua capacità di riconoscere il buon lavoro.

Argan, Inc. (NYSE: AGX) ha anunciado el fallecimiento del miembro de la junta W.G. Champion Mitchell el 8 de octubre de 2024. Mitchell había sido miembro de la Junta de Directores de Argan desde octubre de 2003, sirviendo en el Comité Ejecutivo y en el Comité de Nominación/Gobernanza Corporativa. También ocupó puestos en la junta con Direct Brands, Inc., The 41st Parameter, Inc., y RTI International.

William F. Leimkuhler, Presidente de la Junta de Argan, expresó su profundo pesar y destacó las valiosas contribuciones de Mitchell como ejecutivo corporativo y ex director ejecutivo. David Watson, Presidente y CEO de Argan, elogió el liderazgo de Mitchell, su experiencia en empresas públicas y su compromiso con la empresa, señalando su impacto en las presentaciones de la dirección y su capacidad para reconocer el buen trabajo.

Argan, Inc. (NYSE: AGX)는 2024년 10월 8일 이사 W.G. Champion Mitchell의 별세를 알렸습니다. Mitchell은 2003년 10월부터 Argan의 이사회에서 활동해 왔습니다, 집행위원회와 인사/기업 거버넌스 위원회에서 근무했습니다. 그는 또한 Direct Brands, Inc., The 41st Parameter, Inc., 및 RTI International의 이사회에서 역할을 수행했습니다.

Argan 이사회의 의장 William F. Leimkuhler는 깊은 슬픔을 표하며 Mitchell의 기업 경영자 및 전 CEO로서의 귀중한 기여를 강조했습니다. Argan의 사장 겸 CEO인 David Watson은 Mitchell의 리더십, 상장 회사 경험 및 회사에 대한 헌신을 칭찬하며 그의 경영 발표에 미친 영향과 훌륭한 일을 인식하는 능력을 언급했습니다.

Argan, Inc. (NYSE: AGX) a annoncé le décès du membre du conseil W.G. Champion Mitchell le 8 octobre 2024. Mitchell était membre du Conseil d’Administration d’Argan depuis octobre 2003, siégeant au Comité Exécutif et au Comité de Nomination/Gouvernance d’Entreprise. Il a également occupé des postes au conseil avec Direct Brands, Inc., The 41st Parameter, Inc., et RTI International.

William F. Leimkuhler, Président du Conseil d’Administration d’Argan, a exprimé sa profonde tristesse et a souligné les contributions précieuses de Mitchell en tant que dirigeant et ancien directeur général. David Watson, Président et CEO d’Argan, a salué le leadership de Mitchell, son expertise en entreprise publique et son engagement envers la société, notant son impact sur les présentations de la direction et sa capacité à reconnaître le bon travail.

Argan, Inc. (NYSE: AGX) gab bekannt, dass am 8. Oktober 2024 der Vorstandsmitglied W.G. Champion Mitchell verstorben ist. Mitchell war seit Oktober 2003 Mitglied des Aufsichtsrats von Argan und gehörte dem Exekutivausschuss sowie dem Nominierungs-/Unternehmensführungsausschuss an. Er hatte außerdem Vorstandspositionen bei Direct Brands, Inc., The 41st Parameter, Inc., und RTI International inne.

William F. Leimkuhler, Vorsitzender des Argan-Vorstands, äußerte tiefes Bedauern und hob Mitchells wertvolle Beiträge als Unternehmensleiter und ehemaligen Geschäftsführer hervor. David Watson, Präsident und CEO von Argan, lobte Mitchells Führungskompetenz, seine Erfahrung mit börsennotierten Unternehmen und sein Engagement für das Unternehmen und betonte seinen Einfluss auf die Präsentationen des Managements sowie seine Fähigkeit, gute Arbeit zu erkennen.

  • Long-term board member with 21 years of service
  • Extensive corporate executive experience benefiting the company
  • Contributed to Argan's growth and success
  • None.

ROCKVILLE, Md.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Argan, Inc. (NYSE: AGX) (“Argan” or the “Company”) is saddened to announce that board member W.G. Champion Mitchell passed away on October 8, 2024.

Mr. Mitchell joined Argan’s Board of Directors in October 2003 and served on the Executive Committee and the Nominating/Corporate Governance Committee. In addition to his board position with Argan, he served on the boards of two privately held companies, Direct Brands, Inc. and The 41st Parameter, Inc. He was also a current member of the board of governors for RTI International and a former member of the board of governors for the University of North Carolina system that controls all state-owned universities and operates the largest hospital system in the state.

William F. Leimkuhler, Chairman of the Board of Directors for Argan, Inc. commented, “All members of the Board are deeply saddened by the loss of our friend and colleague, Champ Mitchell, and we extend our sincere condolences to the Mitchell family. Champ Mitchell’s distinguished career as a corporate executive and former chief executive made him a valued contributor to our Board. Throughout his many years of service, Argan benefitted greatly from his substantial experience and insight into management, operational and financial matters, as well as from his acumen in discerning market conditions and trends. He was a big presence on our Board, and he brought unwavering engagement and commitment to the Company. He will be greatly missed.”

David Watson, President and Chief Executive Officer of Argan, said, “Champ was a valuable source of advice and knowledge and contributed immensely to the growth and success of our Company. Personally, I’m grateful to have experienced his leadership, public company expertise and commitment to Argan. He was not reluctant to ask management the tough question. Anticipation of those questions resulted in sharper and more complete presentations by management to the Board. At the same time, he was often the first member to recognize and congratulate good work. Finally, and perhaps most importantly, I will miss his friendship and timely sense of humor. On behalf of the entire Argan management team and employees we extend our deepest sympathies to Champ’s family, his many friends and his numerous business associates at this sad time.”

About Argan

Argan’s primary business is providing a full range of construction and related services to the power industry. Argan’s service offerings focus on the engineering, procurement and construction of natural gas-fired power plants and renewable energy facilities, along with related commissioning, maintenance, project development and technical consulting services, through its Gemma Power Systems and Atlantic Projects Company operations. Argan also owns The Roberts Company, which is a fully integrated fabrication, construction and industrial plant services company, and SMC Infrastructure Solutions, which provides telecommunications infrastructure services.


David Watson


Investor Relations:

John Nesbett/Jennifer Belodeau

IMS Investor Relations


Source: Argan, Inc.


When did W.G. Champion Mitchell join Argan's Board of Directors?

W.G. Champion Mitchell joined Argan's (AGX) Board of Directors in October 2003.

What committees did W.G. Champion Mitchell serve on at Argan (AGX)?

W.G. Champion Mitchell served on the Executive Committee and the Nominating/Corporate Governance Committee at Argan (AGX).

What other board positions did W.G. Champion Mitchell hold outside of Argan (AGX)?

Outside of Argan (AGX), W.G. Champion Mitchell served on the boards of Direct Brands, Inc., The 41st Parameter, Inc., and was a current member of the board of governors for RTI International.

How did Argan's CEO David Watson describe W.G. Champion Mitchell's contributions?

David Watson described W.G. Champion Mitchell as a valuable source of advice and knowledge who contributed immensely to Argan's (AGX) growth and success, praising his leadership, public company expertise, and commitment to the company.

Argan, Inc


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