Liberna Charles and Ruth Thompson Named 2024 Women on the Rise by Paradigm for Parity
Avangrid, Inc. (NYSE: AGR) proudly announces that two of its women leaders, Liberna Charles and Ruth Thompson, have been named 2024 Women on the Rise by Paradigm for Parity. This recognition honors exceptional women in corporate leadership who are advancing gender parity and promoting racial equity in the workforce.
Charles, vice president of talent management and DEI, has expanded DEI efforts at Avangrid, including introducing mandatory 'Inclusion at Work' training and launching the company's DEI Executive Council. Thompson, an analyst for Avangrid's DEI team, has been instrumental in growing employee participation in Avangrid's business resource groups.
Avangrid, a member of the Paradigm for Parity coalition since 2021, has undertaken several initiatives to advance gender parity and create a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive workplace. These efforts have contributed to Avangrid earning a place on Bloomberg's Gender-Equity Index in 2023 and being named a Best Place to Work for Disability Inclusion by Disability:IN.
Avangrid, Inc. (NYSE: AGR) annuncia con orgoglio che due delle sue leader femminili, Liberna Charles e Ruth Thompson, sono state nominate Women on the Rise 2024 da Paradigm for Parity. Questo riconoscimento onora donne eccezionali nella leadership aziendale che stanno promuovendo la parità di genere e l'equità razziale nel mondo del lavoro.
Charles, vicepresidente della gestione dei talenti e DEI, ha ampliato gli sforzi in ambito DEI presso Avangrid, introducendo un corso obbligatorio di 'Inclusione al Lavoro' e lanciando il Consiglio Esecutivo DEI dell'azienda. Thompson, analista del team DEI di Avangrid, ha avuto un ruolo fondamentale nell'aumentare la partecipazione dei dipendenti nei gruppi di risorse aziendali di Avangrid.
Avangrid, membro della coalizione Paradigm for Parity dal 2021, ha avviato diverse iniziative per promuovere la parità di genere e creare un ambiente di lavoro più diversificato, equo e inclusivo. Questi sforzi hanno contribuito a far guadagnare ad Avangrid un posto nell'Indice di Parità di Genere di Bloomberg nel 2023 e a essere nominata Miglior Luogo di Lavoro per l'Inclusione della Disabilità da Disability:IN.
Avangrid, Inc. (NYSE: AGR) se enorgullece de anunciar que dos de sus líderes femeninas, Liberna Charles y Ruth Thompson, han sido nombradas Mujeres en Ascenso 2024 por Paradigm for Parity. Este reconocimiento honora a mujeres excepcionales en el liderazgo corporativo que están avanzando en la paridad de género y promoviendo la equidad racial en el lugar de trabajo.
Charles, vicepresidenta de gestión del talento y DEI, ha expandido los esfuerzos de DEI en Avangrid, incluyendo la introducción de un curso obligatorio de 'Inclusión en el Trabajo' y el lanzamiento del Consejo Ejecutivo DEI de la compañía. Thompson, analista del equipo DEI de Avangrid, ha sido fundamental para aumentar la participación de los empleados en los grupos de recursos empresariales de Avangrid.
Avangrid, miembro de la coalición Paradigm for Parity desde 2021, ha emprendido varias iniciativas para avanzar en la paridad de género y crear un lugar de trabajo más diverso, equitativo e inclusivo. Estos esfuerzos han contribuido a que Avangrid obtenga un lugar en el Índice de Equidad de Género de Bloomberg en 2023 y sea nombrado Mejor Lugar para Trabajar por Inclusión de Discapacidad por Disability:IN.
Avangrid, Inc. (NYSE: AGR)는 두 명의 여성 리더인 Liberna Charles와 Ruth Thompson가 Paradigm for Parity에 의해 2024년 여성 리더로 선정되었다고 자랑스럽게 발표합니다. 이 인정을 통해 성별 평등을 보장하고 직장 내 인종 평등을 촉진하는 탁월한 여성 기업 리더들이 기려집니다.
Charles는 인재 관리 및 DEI의 부사장으로서 Avangrid의 DEI 노력을 확대했으며, '직장에서의 포용성' 훈련 프로그램을 의무화하고 회사의 DEI 실행 위원회를 출범했습니다. Thompson은 Avangrid의 DEI 팀의 분석가로서 Avangrid의 비즈니스 자원 그룹에 대한 직원 참여를 증가시키는 데 중요한 역할을 했습니다.
2021년부터 Paradigm for Parity 연합의 일원인 Avangrid는 성별 평등을 증진하고 보다 다양하고 공평하며 포괄적인 직장을 만들기 위해 여러 가지 이니셔티브를 추진해왔습니다. 이러한 노력은 Avangrid가 2023년 Bloomberg의 성 평등 지수에 이름을 올리고 Disability:IN으로부터 장애인 포용을 위한 최고의 직장으로 선정되도록 기여했습니다.
Avangrid, Inc. (NYSE: AGR) annonce fièrement que deux de ses dirigeantes, Liberna Charles et Ruth Thompson, ont été nommées Femmes en Plein Essor 2024 par Paradigm for Parity. Cette reconnaissance honore des femmes exceptionnelles dans le leadership d'entreprise qui font progresser la parité entre les sexes et promeuvent l'équité raciale au sein du personnel.
Charles, vice-présidente de la gestion des talents et du DEI, a élargi les efforts de DEI chez Avangrid, en introduisant une formation obligatoire 'Inclusion au Travail' et en lançant le Conseil Exécutif DEI de l'entreprise. Thompson, analyste de l'équipe DEI d'Avangrid, a joué un rôle clé dans l'augmentation de la participation des employés aux groupes de ressources d'entreprise d'Avangrid.
Avangrid, membre de la coalition Paradigm for Parity depuis 2021, a entrepris plusieurs initiatives pour faire progresser la parité entre les sexes et créer un environnement de travail plus diversifié, équitable et inclusif. Ces efforts ont contribué à ce qu'Avangrid soit inclus dans l'Index de Parité de Genre de Bloomberg en 2023 et soit nommée Meilleur Lieu de Travail pour l'Inclusion des Personnes en Situation de Handicap par Disability:IN.
Avangrid, Inc. (NYSE: AGR) gibt stolz bekannt, dass zwei ihrer weiblichen Führungskräfte, Liberna Charles und Ruth Thompson, 2024 Women on the Rise von Paradigm for Parity benannt wurden. Diese Auszeichnung ehrt außergewöhnliche Frauen in der Unternehmensführung, die Geschlechterparität vorantreiben und rassische Gleichheit am Arbeitsplatz fördern.
Charles, Vizepräsidentin für Talentmanagement und DEI, hat die DEI-Bemühungen bei Avangrid ausgeweitet, einschließlich der Einführung eines verpflichtenden Trainings 'Inklusion am Arbeitsplatz' und der Gründung des DEI-Exekutivrats des Unternehmens. Thompson, Analystin im DEI-Team von Avangrid, war maßgeblich daran beteiligt, die Mitarbeiterbeteiligung an den betrieblichen Ressourcen-Gruppen von Avangrid zu erhöhen.
Avangrid, seit 2021 Mitglied der Paradigm for Parity-Koalition, hat mehrere Initiativen ergriffen, um Geschlechterparität zu fördern und einen vielfältigeren, gerechteren und inklusiveren Arbeitsplatz zu schaffen. Diese Anstrengungen haben dazu beigetragen, dass Avangrid 2023 einen Platz im Gender-Equity-Index von Bloomberg einnimmt und als bester Arbeitsplatz für Inklusion von Menschen mit Behinderungen von Disability:IN ausgezeichnet wird.
- Two Avangrid leaders recognized as 2024 Women on the Rise by Paradigm for Parity
- Women make up more than 35% of Avangrid's senior leadership
- Avangrid earned a place on Bloomberg's Gender-Equity Index in 2023
- Named a Best Place to Work for Disability Inclusion by Disability:IN in 2023
- Expanded DEI efforts, including mandatory 'Inclusion at Work' training and DEI Executive Council
- Highest level of employee participation in business resource groups since their founding
- None.
Recognizes women who are dedicated to breaking barriers in corporate leadership and showing the value of gender parity and racial equity in the workforce

Liberna Charles, Vice President of Talent Management and DEI at Avangrid (Photo: Business Wire)
“Liberna and Ruth are changemakers and have been integral to furthering our culture of understanding and inclusion here at Avangrid,” said Pedro Azagra, Avangrid CEO. “This honor is well deserved, and on behalf of the entire Avangrid team, I want to thank them for their dedication and leadership. At Avangrid, our goal is to cultivate, maintain and empower a workforce rich in diversity. I’m particularly proud to have so many talented women leaders on our team who make-up more than
Paradigm for Parity is dedicated to addressing systemic gender and racial gaps and working toward transforming corporate culture so all can thrive. Avangrid is proud to be a member of the Paradigm for Parity coalition since 2021.
"The issue of gender parity feels more urgent than ever before, and these honorees have gone above and beyond to catalyze change and continue moving our mission forward,” said Nadine Bullock-Pottinga, Paradigm for Parity CEO. “We look forward to seeing the contributions that these powerful women make in their workplaces and beyond.”
Charles was appointed vice president of talent management and DEI in 2022 and is a dedicated servant leader focused on creating and sustaining a diverse workforce. During her tenure, Charles has expanded DEI efforts at Avangrid, including introducing a mandatory ‘Inclusion at Work’ training, launching the company’s DEI Executive Council and expanding employee participation in Avangrid’s seven business resource groups (BRGs). Under her leadership, Avangrid earned a place on Bloomberg’s Gender-Equity Index in 2023 and was named a Best Place to Work for Disability Inclusion by Disability:IN earlier this year.
“Our vision is that we have a diverse workforce and an inclusive workplace where everyone can bring their true self to work, and where they feel empowered, valued and — most of all — connected,” said Charles. “We see equity as providing opportunities for every employee to continue to grow and develop. I am honored to receive recognition from Paradigm for Parity and look forward to continuing to advance DEI at Avangrid.”
As an analyst for Avangrid’s DEI team,
“This award is a prestigious honor that acknowledges the vital role of DEI initiatives in driving societal progress,” said
To build the diversity of its workforce, Avangrid has undertaken several initiatives to continue advancing gender parity and creating a more diverse, equitable and inclusive workplace. This includes expanding mentorship opportunities, enhancing talent acquisition partnerships and monitoring applicant pools and pipelines to consistently ensure a diverse set of candidates. To attract more women to open positions within Avangrid, the company also uses gender-neutral and gender-inclusive verbiage in job descriptions and partners with the Society of Women Engineers and Women of Renewable Industries and Sustainable Energy for job fairs and postings.
About Avangrid: Avangrid, Inc. (NYSE: AGR) aspires to be the leading sustainable energy company in
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Sarah Warren
Source: AVANGRID, Inc.
Who were named 2024 Women on the Rise by Paradigm for Parity from Avangrid (AGR)?
What percentage of Avangrid's (AGR) senior leadership is composed of women?
What recognition did Avangrid (AGR) receive for its diversity and inclusion efforts in 2023?