Iberdrola Obtains Top Employer 2024 Certification in Eight Countries in Recognition of Its Outstanding People Practices
Iberdrola, parent company of Avangrid (AGR), has achieved Top Employer 2024 certification in eight countries, including the United States. This recognition, awarded by the Top Employers Institute, acknowledges excellence in people practices and HR management. Iberdrola secured this certification in Spain, UK, Germany, France, Italy, US, Brazil, and Mexico.
The certification process involves a comprehensive HR Best Practices audit across six domains and 20 topics, covering areas such as people strategy, work environment, recruitment, learning, well-being, and diversity. Iberdrola is one of only two energy companies worldwide to obtain European certification from the Top Employers Institute.
This achievement highlights Iberdrola's commitment to supporting employee development and implementing innovative HR practices. The company's success in multiple countries demonstrates its consistent approach to people management across its global operations.
Iberdrola, la società madre di Avangrid (AGR), ha ottenuto la certificazione Top Employer 2024 in otto paesi, compresi gli Stati Uniti. Questo riconoscimento, conferito dal Top Employers Institute, riconosce l'eccellenza nelle pratiche di gestione delle persone e delle risorse umane. Iberdrola ha conseguito questa certificazione in Spagna, Regno Unito, Germania, Francia, Italia, Stati Uniti, Brasile e Messico.
Il processo di certificazione prevede un audit completo delle Best Practices HR su sei aree e 20 temi, che coprono aspetti come la strategia delle persone, l'ambiente di lavoro, il reclutamento, la formazione, il benessere e la diversità. Iberdrola è una delle sole due aziende energetiche a livello mondiale a ricevere la certificazione europea dal Top Employers Institute.
Questo risultato evidenzia l'impegno di Iberdrola a supportare lo sviluppo dei dipendenti e a implementare pratiche innovative nelle risorse umane. Il successo dell'azienda in più paesi dimostra il suo approccio coerente nella gestione delle persone nelle sue operazioni globali.
Iberdrola, empresa matriz de Avangrid (AGR), ha obtenido la certificación Top Employer 2024 en ocho países, incluidos los Estados Unidos. Este reconocimiento, otorgado por el Top Employers Institute, reconoce la excelencia en las prácticas laborales y la gestión de recursos humanos. Iberdrola logró esta certificación en España, Reino Unido, Alemania, Francia, Italia, EE. UU., Brasil y México.
El proceso de certificación implica una auditoría exhaustiva de las Mejores Prácticas de RRHH en seis dominios y 20 temas, que cubren áreas como estrategia de personas, ambiente laboral, reclutamiento, aprendizaje, bienestar y diversidad. Iberdrola es una de las dos únicas compañías energéticas a nivel mundial en obtener la certificación europea del Top Employers Institute.
Este logro destaca el compromiso de Iberdrola con el desarrollo de los empleados y la implementación de prácticas innovadoras en RRHH. El éxito de la compañía en múltiples países demuestra su enfoque consistente en la gestión de personas en sus operaciones globales.
이베르드롤라, 아방그리드(AGR)의 모회사,는 미국을 포함하여 8개국에서 2024 탑 엠플로이어 인증을 획득했습니다. 이 인정은 탑 엠플로이어스 인스티튜트에서 수여하며, 인사 관리 및 사람 관리의 우수성을 인정하는 것입니다. 이베르드롤라는 스페인, 영국, 독일, 프랑스, 이탈리아, 미국, 브라질, 멕시코에서 이 인증을 확보했습니다.
인증 과정은 6개 분야 및 20개 주제를 아우르는 포괄적인 HR 베스트 프랙티스 감사를 포함하며, 사람 전략, 근무 환경, 채용, 학습, 웰빙 및 다양성과 같은 영역을 다룹니다. 이베르드롤라는 탑 엠플로이어스 인스티튜트로부터 유럽 인증을 받은 전 세계에서 두 개의 에너지 회사 중 하나입니다.
이 성과는 직원 개발을 지원하고 혁신적인 HR 관행을 구현하겠다는 이베르드롤라의 의지를 강조합니다. 여러 국가에서의 성공은 글로벌 운영 전반에 걸쳐 일관된 인사 관리 접근 방식을 보여줍니다.
Iberdrola, la société mère de Avangrid (AGR), a obtenu la certification Top Employer 2024 dans huit pays, y compris les États-Unis. Cette reconnaissance, décernée par le Top Employers Institute, souligne l'excellence dans les pratiques en matière de gestion des personnes et des ressources humaines. Iberdrola a obtenu cette certification en Espagne, au Royaume-Uni, en Allemagne, en France, en Italie, aux États-Unis, au Brésil et au Mexique.
Le processus de certification implique un audit complet des meilleures pratiques RH couvrant six domaines et 20 sujets, y compris la stratégie des personnes, l'environnement de travail, le recrutement, l'apprentissage, le bien-être et la diversité. Iberdrola est l'une des deux seules entreprises énergétiques au monde à avoir obtenu cette certification européenne du Top Employers Institute.
Ce succès met en lumière l'engagement d'Iberdrola à soutenir le développement des employés et à mettre en œuvre des pratiques RH innovantes. Le succès de l'entreprise dans plusieurs pays démontre son approche cohérente en matière de gestion des personnes dans ses opérations mondiales.
Iberdrola, das Mutterunternehmen von Avangrid (AGR), hat in acht Ländern, einschließlich der Vereinigten Staaten, die Top Employer 2024-Zertifizierung erhalten. Diese Auszeichnung, die vom Top Employers Institute verliehen wird, erkennt Exzellenz in den Personalpraktiken und im HR-Management an. Iberdrola erhielt diese Zertifizierung in Spanien, Großbritannien, Deutschland, Frankreich, Italien, den USA, Brasilien und Mexiko.
Der Zertifizierungsprozess umfasst ein umfassendes HR Best Practices Audit in sechs Bereichen und 20 Themen, die Bereiche wie Personalstrategie, Arbeitsumfeld, Rekrutierung, Lernen, Wohlbefinden und Vielfalt abdecken. Iberdrola ist eines von nur zwei Energieunternehmen weltweit, das die europäische Zertifizierung des Top Employers Institute erhalten hat.
Dieser Erfolg unterstreicht das Engagement von Iberdrola zur Unterstützung der Mitarbeiterentwicklung und zur Implementierung innovativer HR-Praktiken. Der Erfolg des Unternehmens in mehreren Ländern zeigt seinen konsistenten Ansatz im Personalmanagement in seinen globalen Betrieben.
- None.
- None.
The global authority on recognising excellence in people practices has endorsed Iberdrola’s talent management policies in
Spain , theUnited Kingdom ,Germany ,France ,Italy ,the United States ,Brazil andMexico . - Iberdrola becomes one of only two energy companies worldwide to obtain the certification.
- The Top Employers Institute program is based on the results obtained in its HR Best Practices Survey that cross-cuts the people management function through six domains, made up of 20 practices.

Iberdrola obtains Top Employer 2024 certification in eight countries, including
The certification process applied by the Top Employers Institute, the global authority on recognising excellence in people practices, involves a detailed analysis of a company’s people management practices and the impact they have on the organization as a whole (strategy and results) and on engagement, talent attraction and development.
The accreditation is dependent on successful results being obtained in a comprehensive HR Best Practices audit. This deep-dive of the HR function, which is validated by a global committee of experts, examines six HR domains consisting of 20 topics across the business and employee lifecycle. The audit includes areas such as people strategy, work environment, recruitment and selection processes, learning, well-being and diversity and inclusion, among others.
Each of the certifications achieved by Iberdrola and its subsidiaries are independent. The audit and review process to obtain the recognition had to be completed individually in each of the countries.
Iberdrola becomes one of two energy companies worldwide that has the European certification of the Top Employers Institute, and one of four companies that are registered in
Established more than 30 years ago, Top Employers Institute is a global organization that distinguishes the best companies to work for based on excellence in people management. Through its HR Best Practices Audit, 2,300 companies in 121 countries have been certified as Top Employers, with more than 9 million people employed by these companies globally.
View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20240904676064/en/
Sarah Warren
What certification did Iberdrola receive for its HR practices in 2024?
In which countries did Iberdrola (AGR) obtain Top Employer 2024 certification?
What areas does the Top Employers Institute's HR Best Practices audit cover?
How many energy companies worldwide have received European certification from the Top Employers Institute?