Avangrid Wins Two 2024 American Inhouse Design Awards

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Avangrid, Inc. (NYSE: AGR), a leading sustainable energy company, has been awarded two 2024 American Inhouse Design Awards by Graphic Design USA magazine. The company's design team won for their work on the 2022 Avangrid Sustainability Report and for corporate building signage and New York State Electric and Gas (NYSEG) vehicle graphics.

The 61st Inhouse Design Awards, a premier celebration of inhouse design excellence, selected winners from over 5,000 entries across various sectors. Avangrid's CEO, Pedro Azagra, praised the talented graphic designers for their work reflecting the company's commitment to sustainability.

Avangrid's corporate brand and image team consists of two inhouse designers with over 50 years of combined experience. Their deep understanding of the brand ethos enables them to create innovative designs that showcase Avangrid's dedication to a brighter future.

Avangrid, Inc. (NYSE: AGR), un'azienda leader nel settore dell'energia sostenibile, ha ricevuto due premi American Inhouse Design Awards 2024 dalla rivista Graphic Design USA. Il team di design dell'azienda ha vinto per il loro lavoro sul Rapporto di Sostenibilità Avangrid 2022 e per la segnaletica degli edifici aziendali e le grafiche dei veicoli della New York State Electric and Gas (NYSEG).

I 61° Inhouse Design Awards, una celebrazione di eccellenza nel design interno, hanno selezionato i vincitori tra oltre 5.000 candidature in vari settori. Il CEO di Avangrid, Pedro Azagra, ha elogiato i talentuosi graphic designer per il loro lavoro che riflette l'impegno dell'azienda verso la sostenibilità.

Il team di marca e immagine aziendale di Avangrid è composto da due designer interni con oltre 50 anni di esperienza combinata. La loro profonda comprensione dell'etica del marchio consente loro di creare design innovativi che mostrano la dedizione di Avangrid a un futuro più luminoso.

Avangrid, Inc. (NYSE: AGR), una empresa líder en energía sostenible, ha sido galardonada con dos premios American Inhouse Design Awards 2024 por la revista Graphic Design USA. El equipo de diseño de la empresa ganó por su trabajo en el Informe de Sostenibilidad Avangrid 2022 y por la señalización de edificios corporativos y las gráficas de vehículos de New York State Electric and Gas (NYSEG).

Los 61° Inhouse Design Awards, una celebración de la excelencia en diseño interno, seleccionaron a los ganadores de más de 5,000 entradas de varios sectores. El CEO de Avangrid, Pedro Azagra, elogió a los talentosos diseñadores gráficos por su trabajo que refleja el compromiso de la empresa con la sostenibilidad.

El equipo de marca e imagen corporativa de Avangrid está compuesto por dos diseñadores internos con más de 50 años de experiencia combinada. Su profunda comprensión de la ética de la marca les permite crear diseños innovadores que muestran la dedicación de Avangrid a un futuro más brillante.

Avangrid, Inc. (NYSE: AGR)는 지속 가능한 에너지 회사로서 Graphic Design USA 잡지로부터 2024년 아메리칸 인하우스 디자인 어워드 두 개를 수상했습니다. 회사의 디자인 팀은 2022 Avangrid 지속 가능성 보고서기업 건물 표지판 및 뉴욕주 전기 가스(NYSEG) 차량 그래픽에 대한 작업으로 수상했습니다.

제61회 인하우스 디자인 어워드는 인하우스 디자인 우수성을 기념하는 주요 행사로, 다양한 분야에서 5,000개 이상의 출품작 중에서 수상자를 선정했습니다. Avangrid의 CEO인 페드로 아자그라는 회사의 지속 가능성에 대한 헌신을 반영하는 작업에 대해 재능 있는 그래픽 디자이너를 칭찬했습니다.

Avangrid의 기업 브랜드 및 이미지 팀은 50년 이상의 경력을 가진 두 명의 내부 디자이너로 구성되어 있습니다. 그들의 브랜드 윤리에 대한 깊은 이해는 Avangrid의 밝은 미래에 대한 헌신을 보여주는 혁신적인 디자인을 창조할 수 있게 합니다.

Avangrid, Inc. (NYSE: AGR), une entreprise leader dans le secteur de l'énergie durable, a reçu deux American Inhouse Design Awards 2024 de la part du magazine Graphic Design USA. L'équipe de design de l'entreprise a remporté ces prix pour son travail sur le Rapport de durabilité Avangrid 2022 ainsi que pour la signalisation des bâtiments d'entreprise et les graphismes des véhicules de New York State Electric and Gas (NYSEG).

Les 61e Inhouse Design Awards, une célébration de l'excellence en design interne, ont sélectionné les gagnants parmi plus de 5 000 candidatures provenant de divers secteurs. Le CEO d'Avangrid, Pedro Azagra, a salué les talents des graphistes pour leur travail qui reflète l'engagement de l'entreprise envers la durabilité.

Lequipe de marque et d'image d'Avangrid se compose de deux designers internes avec plus de 50 ans d'expérience combinée. Leur profonde compréhension de l'éthique de la marque leur permet de créer des designs innovants qui mettent en avant l'engagement d'Avangrid envers un avenir meilleur.

Avangrid, Inc. (NYSE: AGR), ein führendes Unternehmen im Bereich nachhaltige Energie, wurde von der Zeitschrift Graphic Design USA mit zwei American Inhouse Design Awards 2024 ausgezeichnet. Das Designteam des Unternehmens gewann für seine Arbeit am 2022 Avangrid Nachhaltigkeitsbericht sowie für die Unternehmensbeschilderung und die Fahrzeuggrafiken der New York State Electric and Gas (NYSEG).

Die 61. Inhouse Design Awards, eine bedeutende Feier der Exzellenz im internen Design, wählte die Gewinner aus über 5.000 Einsendungen aus verschiedenen Branchen aus. Avangrids CEO, Pedro Azagra, lobte die talentierten Grafikdesigner für ihre Arbeiten, die das Engagement des Unternehmens für Nachhaltigkeit widerspiegeln.

Avangrids Corporate Brand und Image Team besteht aus zwei internen Designern mit über 50 Jahren gemeinsamer Erfahrung. Ihr tiefes Verständnis des Markenkonzepts ermöglicht es ihnen, innovative Designs zu schaffen, die Avangrids Engagement für eine hellere Zukunft zeigen.

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Two Avangrid submissions were named as winners in one of the nation’s premier showcases of inhouse design excellence

ORANGE, Conn.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Avangrid, Inc. (NYSE: AGR), a leading sustainable energy company and member of the Iberdrola Group, today announced that it was named a winner of two 2024 American Inhouse Design Awards by Graphic Design USA magazine. The Company’s design team won an award for the design of the 2022 Avangrid Sustainability Report. It also won for Avangrid corporate building signage and New York State Electric and Gas (NYSEG) vehicle graphics. Avangrid’s winning submissions can be found here.

“This tremendous recognition is well-deserved by our talented graphic designers. We are proud of their designs that reflect Avangrid’s – and the Iberdrola Group’s – commitment to creating a sustainable future for everyone,” said Pedro Azagra, Avangrid CEO. “Our creative teams excel at delivering thoughtful and interesting designs for our stakeholders across the country and I look forward to seeing their next big project.”

The 61st Inhouse Design Awards showcase is the original and premier celebration of inhouse design excellence. Winners were selected from over 5,000 entries which touched every region of the country and every segment of the private, public, and non-profit sectors.

Two inhouse designers work on Avangrid’s corporate brand and image team, generating creative content for Avangrid, its eight operating companies, and the Avangrid Foundation. With over 50 years of experience combined, they have deep knowledge of the brand ethos, which empowers them to produce meaningful, innovative designs that demonstrate Avangrid’s dedication to creating a brighter future for all.

About Avangrid: Avangrid, Inc. (NYSE: AGR) aspires to be the leading sustainable energy company in the United States. Headquartered in Orange, CT with approximately $45 billion in assets and operations in 24 U.S. states, Avangrid has two primary lines of business: networks and renewables. Through its networks business, Avangrid owns and operates eight electric and natural gas utilities, serving more than 3.3 million customers in New York and New England. Through its renewables business, Avangrid owns and operates a portfolio of renewable energy generation facilities across the United States. Avangrid employs approximately 8,000 people and has been recognized by JUST Capital as one of the JUST 100 companies – a ranking of America’s best corporate citizens – in 2024 for the fourth consecutive year. In 2024, Avangrid ranked first among utilities and 12 overall. The company supports the U.N.’s Sustainable Development Goals and was named among the World’s Most Ethical Companies in 2024 for the sixth consecutive year by the Ethisphere Institute. Avangrid is a member of the group of companies controlled by Iberdrola, S.A. For more information, visit

Keaton Thomas


Source: AVANGRID, Inc.


What awards did Avangrid (AGR) win in 2024?

Avangrid (AGR) won two 2024 American Inhouse Design Awards from Graphic Design USA magazine for their 2022 Sustainability Report design and corporate building signage and NYSEG vehicle graphics.

How many entries were in the 2024 American Inhouse Design Awards?

The 61st Inhouse Design Awards received over 5,000 entries from various regions and sectors across the country.

Who praised Avangrid's design team for their award-winning work?

Pedro Azagra, Avangrid's CEO, praised the talented graphic designers for their work reflecting the company's commitment to creating a sustainable future.

How many designers work on Avangrid's corporate brand and image team?

Two inhouse designers work on Avangrid's corporate brand and image team, with over 50 years of combined experience.

What companies does Avangrid's design team create content for?

Avangrid's design team generates creative content for Avangrid, its eight operating companies, and the Avangrid Foundation.

Avangrid, Inc.


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