Avangrid Wins Award for Achievement in Residential Customer Experience by E Source

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Avangrid (NYSE: AGR) has won the E Source award for Achievement in Residential Customer Experience (CX). The award recognizes the substantial and positive impact of Avangrid's Customer Experience and Digital Center of Excellence (CoE) team. This cross-functional unit is dedicated to rethinking the end-to-end customer experience, consolidating strategy, digital product development, marketing, research, and journey redesign.

The CoE has contributed to significant improvements, including:

  • Reduced hold times for new connections in New York
  • 200% improvement in Net Promoter Score for move-in/out services
  • Increased e-billing enrollment
  • 50% increase in Outage Alerts enrollment

With over 80% of customer interactions occurring through digital channels, the CoE is important to achieving Avangrid's customer satisfaction goals. The company serves customers in Connecticut, Maine, New York, and Massachusetts, focusing on delivering safe and reliable energy through a compelling customer experience.

Avangrid (NYSE: AGR) ha vinto il premio E Source per il Riconoscimento nell'Esperienza Clienti Residenziali (CX). Questo premio riconosce l'importante e positivo impatto del team del Centro di Eccellenza per l'Esperienza Clienti e Digitale (CoE) di Avangrid. Questa unità trasversale è dedicata a ripensare l'esperienza cliente end-to-end, consolidando strategia, sviluppo di prodotti digitali, marketing, ricerca e redesign del percorso cliente.

Il CoE ha contribuito a miglioramenti significativi, tra cui:

  • Riduzione dei tempi di attesa per nuove connessioni a New York
  • Miglioramento del 200% nel Net Promoter Score per i servizi di trasferimento
  • Aumento dell'iscrizione alla fatturazione elettronica
  • Aumento del 50% nell'iscrizione agli avvisi di interruzione

Con oltre l'80% delle interazioni con i clienti che avvengono tramite canali digitali, il CoE è fondamentale per il raggiungimento degli obiettivi di soddisfazione dei clienti di Avangrid. L'azienda serve clienti in Connecticut, Maine, New York e Massachusetts, concentrandosi sulla fornitura di energia sicura e affidabile attraverso un'esperienza cliente coinvolgente.

Avangrid (NYSE: AGR) ha ganado el premio E Source al Logro en la Experiencia del Cliente Residencial (CX). Este premio reconoce el impacto sustancial y positivo del equipo del Centro de Excelencia en Experiencia del Cliente y Digital (CoE) de Avangrid. Esta unidad transversal está dedicada a repensar la experiencia del cliente de principio a fin, consolidando estrategia, desarrollo de productos digitales, marketing, investigación y rediseño del recorrido del cliente.

El CoE ha contribuido a mejoras significativas, incluyendo:

  • Reducción de los tiempos de espera para nuevas conexiones en Nueva York
  • Mejora del 200% en el Net Promoter Score para servicios de mudanza
  • Aumento de la inscripción en la facturación electrónica
  • Aumento del 50% en la inscripción para alertas de cortes

Con más del 80% de las interacciones con los clientes ocurriendo a través de canales digitales, el CoE es importante para alcanzar los objetivos de satisfacción del cliente de Avangrid. La empresa atiende a clientes en Connecticut, Maine, Nueva York y Massachusetts, centrando su atención en proporcionar energía segura y confiable a través de una experiencia del cliente atractiva.

Avangrid (NYSE: AGR)는 주거 고객 경험(CX) 분야에서의 성과에 대한 E 소스 상을 수상했습니다. 이 상은 Avangrid의 고객 경험 및 디지털 우수 센터(COE) 팀의 실질적이고 긍정적인 영향을 인정합니다. 이 교차 기능 단위는 끝에서 끝까지의 고객 경험을 재고하고 전략, 디지털 제품 개발, 마케팅, 연구 및 여정 재설계를 통합하는 데 전념하고 있습니다.

COE는 다음과 같은 중요한 개선 사항에 기여했습니다:

  • 뉴욕에서 새로운 연결을 위한 대기 시간 단축
  • 이사 서비스에 대한 순 추천 지수(NPS) 200% 개선
  • 전자 청구서 등록 증가
  • 정전 알림 등록 50% 증가

80% 이상의 고객 상호작용이 디지털 채널을 통해 이루어지는 만큼, COE는 Avangrid의 고객 만족 목표 달성에 중요합니다. 이 회사는 코네티컷, 메인, 뉴욕 및 매사추세츠의 고객에게 안전하고 신뢰할 수 있는 에너지를 제공하며 매력적인 고객 경험을 통해 이를 실현하고 있습니다.

Avangrid (NYSE: AGR) a remporté le prix E Source pour l'Excellence dans l'Expérience Client Résidentielle (CX). Ce prix reconnaît l'impact positif et substantiel de l'équipe du Centre d'Excellence en Expérience Client et Digital (CoE) d'Avangrid. Cette unité interfonctionnelle est dédiée à repenser l'expérience client de bout en bout, en consolidant la stratégie, le développement de produits numériques, le marketing, la recherche et la refonte du parcours client.

Le CoE a contribué à des améliorations significatives, notamment :

  • Réduction des temps d'attente pour les nouvelles connexions à New York
  • Amélioration de 200% du Net Promoter Score pour les services de déménagement
  • Augmentation des inscriptions à la facturation électronique
  • Augmentation de 50% des inscriptions aux alertes de coupure

Avec plus de 80% des interactions clients se déroulant par le biais de canaux numériques, le CoE est essentiel pour atteindre les objectifs de satisfaction client d'Avangrid. L'entreprise sert des clients dans le Connecticut, le Maine, New York et le Massachusetts, en se concentrant sur la fourniture d'une énergie sûre et fiable à travers une expérience client attrayante.

Avangrid (NYSE: AGR) hat den E Source Award für Erfolge in der Wohnkunden-Erfahrung (CX) gewonnen. Der Preis würdigt die erhebliche und positive Auswirkung des Teams für Kundenerfahrung und digitales Kompetenzzentrum (CoE) von Avangrid. Diese funktionsübergreifende Einheit widmet sich der Neugestaltung der gesamten Kundenerfahrung, indem sie Strategie, Entwicklung digitaler Produkte, Marketing, Forschung und die Neugestaltung der Kundenreise zusammenführt.

Das CoE hat zu erheblichen Verbesserungen beigetragen, darunter:

  • Verkürzte Wartezeiten für neue Anschlüsse in New York
  • 200% Verbesserung des Net Promoter Score für Umzugsdienste
  • Steigerung der Anmeldung zur elektronischen Rechnungsstellung
  • 50% Anstieg der Anmeldungen für Störungsmeldungen

Da über 80% der Kundeninteraktionen über digitale Kanäle erfolgen, ist das CoE entscheidend für das Erreichen der Kundenzufriedenheitsziele von Avangrid. Das Unternehmen bedient Kunden in Connecticut, Maine, New York und Massachusetts und konzentriert sich auf die Bereitstellung von sicherer und zuverlässiger Energie durch ein ansprechendes Kundenerlebnis.

  • None.
  • None.

Company recognized by E Source for the substantial and positive impact of Avangrid’s Customer Experience and Digital Center of Excellence team

ORANGE, Conn.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Avangrid, Inc. (NYSE: AGR), a leading sustainable energy company and member of the Iberdrola Group, today announced that it was the winner of the E Source award for Achievement in Residential Customer Experience (CX). This prestigious award was presented to Avangrid representatives at the Utility Awards Ceremony held by E Source on Thursday at the closing session of Forum 2024, the 37th edition of E Source’s annual event held from October 8-10 in Denver, Colorado. Judges recognized the Avangrid CX and Digital Center of Excellence (CoE) for reaching substantial and positive outcomes for customers.

“We are honored to have received this award, which further validates Avangrid’s commitment to our customers,” said Pedro Azagra, Avangrid CEO. “Our CX and Digital CoE is helping us engage with and serve our communities more efficiently and at greater scale with higher customer satisfaction. The talented professionals leading this effort are leveraging the latest technologies to anticipate challenges and resolve them quickly, leading to improved experiences for our customers in Connecticut, Maine, New York, and Massachusetts.”

The CX and Digital CoE is dedicated rethinking the end-to-end experience by designing it through the lens of Avangrid’s customers. The cross-functional unit consolidates customer experience strategy, digital product development, marketing, research, and end-to-end journey redesign. This ensures a seamless and consistent experience across all touchpoints, from the mobile app to energy management tools and core operational customer experience improvements. By placing customer and employee needs at the heart of this transformation, Avangrid fosters a deeper understanding and culture of continuous improvement.

Congratulating Avangrid for winning this award, Filomena Gogel, President, Research and Advisory at E Source, said, “Customer satisfaction is increasingly becoming central to how utilities measure their success and effectiveness. We are delighted to recognize Avangrid's customer excellence with the Residential Customer Experience Award. It's fantastic to see effort and intention behind their Customer Experience and Digital Center of Excellence. This honor highlights their capacity for innovation and dedication to providing exceptional customer experiences.”

With over 80 percent of customer interactions occurring through digital channels, the CX and Digital COE is mission critical to achieving Avangrid’s customer satisfaction goals. It has delivered better customer experiences through digital journeys, which is making a meaningful difference to customer satisfaction. For example, it has contributed to reducing the hold time for customers seeking a new connection in New York, improving the Net Promoter Score for service response to customers moving in or out by 200 percent, boosting the number of customers enrolled in e-billing, and increasing enrollment in Outage Alerts by 50 percent. Similar initiatives have been deployed with compelling results across Maine, Connecticut, and Massachusetts where the company has seen a transformation in the customer experience for power restoration, moving homes, and payments processes.

“We are proud to have earned this recognition, which proves that breaking down barriers between functions and teams results in business transformation and improves the customer experience,” said Craig Paterson, senior director of customer experience and digital transformation at Avangrid. “Traditional utility organizational structures are ill-equipped to respond to accelerating challenges utilities face, including those posed by growing customer expectations, aging infrastructure and climate change, or to fully leverage opportunities emerging from innovations in technology. We are now better positioned to anticipate and react in this new environment and creating a blueprint for how to deliver safe and reliable energy in a rapidly changing world through a compelling customer experience.”

Judges evaluated award submissions based on four categories: unique approaches and creativity, whether the project affected multiple areas of the organization, metrics and results, and overall impression. E Source is a utilities-focused consulting, research, and data science company.

About Avangrid: Avangrid, Inc. (NYSE: AGR) aspires to be the leading sustainable energy company in the United States. Headquartered in Orange, CT with approximately $45 billion in assets and operations in 24 U.S. states, Avangrid has two primary lines of business: networks and renewables. Through its networks business, Avangrid owns and operates eight electric and natural gas utilities, serving more than 3.3 million customers in New York and New England. Through its renewables business, Avangrid owns and operates a portfolio of renewable energy generation facilities across the United States. Avangrid employs approximately 8,000 people and has been recognized by JUST Capital as one of the JUST 100 companies – a ranking of America’s best corporate citizens – in 2024 for the fourth consecutive year. In 2024, Avangrid ranked first among utilities and 12 overall. The company supports the U.N.’s Sustainable Development Goals and was named among the World’s Most Ethical Companies in 2024 for the sixth consecutive year by the Ethisphere Institute. Avangrid is a member of the group of companies controlled by Iberdrola, S.A. For more information, visit

Media Contact:

Keaton Thomas


Source: AVANGRID, Inc.


What award did Avangrid (AGR) win from E Source?

Avangrid (AGR) won the E Source award for Achievement in Residential Customer Experience (CX).

How has Avangrid's Customer Experience and Digital Center of Excellence improved customer satisfaction?

Avangrid's CoE has improved customer satisfaction by reducing hold times, improving Net Promoter Scores, increasing e-billing enrollment, and boosting Outage Alerts enrollment by 50%.

What percentage of Avangrid's customer interactions occur through digital channels?

Over 80% of Avangrid's customer interactions occur through digital channels.

In which states does Avangrid (AGR) serve customers?

Avangrid (AGR) serves customers in Connecticut, Maine, New York, and Massachusetts.

How much did Avangrid improve its Net Promoter Score for move-in/out services?

Avangrid improved its Net Promoter Score for move-in/out services by 200%.

Avangrid, Inc.


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