Avangrid Welcomes First Class to Newly Built National Training Center
Avangrid (NYSE: AGR) has opened its new National Training Center (NTC) in Sherman County, Oregon, welcoming the first class of 10 students from 5 states. The state-of-the-art facility, built this summer, will train new hires and upskill current wind and solar technicians. The 2.5-week program focuses on safety and technical training, featuring a 30-foot-tall fall protection tower and hands-on experience with wind turbine components.
The NTC aims to address the growing demand for skilled renewable energy jobs, with plans to train over 100 wind and solar technicians annually. Avangrid's training program aligns with American Clean Power Association guidelines and seeks Global Wind Organisation certification. The center's location near Avangrid's 14 existing wind and solar facilities, with a combined operating capacity of about 1.6 GW, represents additional investment in the region.
Avangrid (NYSE: AGR) ha aperto il suo nuovo Centro Nazionale di Formazione (NTC) nella Contea di Sherman, Oregon, accogliendo la prima classe di 10 studenti provenienti da 5 stati. La struttura all'avanguardia, costruita quest'estate, formerà i nuovi assunti e offrirà aggiornamenti agli attuali tecnici del vento e del solare. Il programma di 2,5 settimane si concentra sulla sicurezza e sulla formazione tecnica, con una torre di protezione altezza 30 piedi e un’esperienza pratica con i componenti delle turbine eoliche.
Il NTC mira a soddisfare la crescente domanda di lavori nel settore delle energie rinnovabili qualificate, con piani di formare oltre 100 tecnici del vento e del solare annualmente. Il programma di formazione di Avangrid è in linea con le linee guida dell'American Clean Power Association e cerca la certificazione della Global Wind Organisation. La posizione del centro vicino ai 14 impianti eolici e solari esistenti di Avangrid, con una capacità operativa combinata di circa 1,6 GW, rappresenta un ulteriore investimento nella regione.
Avangrid (NYSE: AGR) ha abierto su nuevo Centro Nacional de Capacitación (NTC) en el Condado de Sherman, Oregón, dando la bienvenida a la primera clase de 10 estudiantes de 5 estados. La moderna instalación, construida este verano, capacitará a nuevos empleados y mejorará las habilidades de los técnicos actuales de energía eólica y solar. El programa de 2.5 semanas se enfoca en la seguridad y la formación técnica, con una torre de protección contra caídas de 30 pies de altura y experiencia práctica con componentes de turbinas eólicas.
El NTC tiene como objetivo abordar la creciente demanda de trabajos en energías renovables calificadas, con planes de formar a más de 100 técnicos de viento y solar anualmente. El programa de capacitación de Avangrid se alinea con las pautas de la American Clean Power Association y busca la certificación de la Global Wind Organisation. La ubicación del centro cerca de las 14 instalaciones eólicas y solares existentes de Avangrid, con una capacidad operativa combinada de aproximadamente 1.6 GW, representa una inversión adicional en la región.
Avangrid (NYSE: AGR)는 오리건주 셔먼 카운티에 새로운 국가 교육 센터(NTC)를 열고 5개 주에서 온 10명의 첫 번째 학생들을 환영했습니다. 이 여름에 지어진 최첨단 시설은 신입 직원들을 교육하고 현재의 풍력 및 태양광 기술자들을 위한 역량 강화를 제공합니다. 2.5주 과정은 안전 및 기술 교육에 중점을 두며, 30피트 높이의 낙하 방지 타워와 풍력 터빈 부품에 대한 실습 경험을 제공합니다.
NTC는 숙련된 재생 에너지 일자리에 대한 증가하는 수요를 충족하는 것을 목표로 하며, 매년 100명 이상의 풍력 및 태양광 기술자를 교육할 계획입니다. Avangrid의 교육 프로그램은 미국 청정 전력 협회의 지침에 부합하며, 글로벌 풍력 기구 인증을 추구합니다. 센터는 Avangrid의 14개 기존 풍력 및 태양광 시설 근처에 위치하고 있으며, 약 1.6 GW의 총 운영 용량을 가지고 있어 이 지역에 대한 추가 투자를 나타냅니다.
Avangrid (NYSE: AGR) a ouvert son nouveau Centre National de Formation (NTC) dans le comté de Sherman, en Oregon, accueillant la première promotion de 10 étudiants provenant de 5 États. La structure de pointe, construite cet été, formera les nouveaux employés et mettra à niveau les techniciens en énergies éolienne et solaire actuels. Le programme de 2,5 semaines se concentre sur la sécurité et la formation technique, avec une tour de protection contre les chutes de 30 pieds de haut et une expérience pratique avec des composants de turbines éoliennes.
Le NTC vise à répondre à la demande croissante d'emplois qualifiés dans le secteur des énergies renouvelables, avec des plans pour former plus de 100 techniciens éoliens et solaires chaque année. Le programme de formation d'Avangrid est conforme aux directives de l'American Clean Power Association et vise à obtenir une certification de la Global Wind Organisation. L'emplacement du centre près des 14 installations éoliennes et solaires existantes d'Avangrid, avec une capacité opérationnelle combinée d'environ 1,6 GW, représente un investissement supplémentaire dans la région.
Avangrid (NYSE: AGR) hat sein neues National Training Center (NTC) im Sherman County, Oregon, eröffnet und die erste Klasse von 10 Studenten aus 5 Bundesstaaten willkommen geheißen. Die im Sommer errichtete hochmoderne Einrichtung wird neue Mitarbeiter ausbilden und aktuelle Techniker für Wind- und Solartechnologien qualifizieren. Das 2,5-wöchige Programm konzentriert sich auf Sicherheit und technische Schulung und bietet einen 30 Fuß hohen Fallschutzturm sowie praktische Erfahrungen mit Komponenten von Windturbinen.
Das NTC zielt darauf ab, der wachsenden Nachfrage nach qualifizierten Arbeitsplätzen im Bereich erneuerbare Energien gerecht zu werden, mit dem Ziel, jährlich über 100 Wind- und Solartechniker auszubilden. Das Ausbildungsprogramm von Avangrid entspricht den Richtlinien der American Clean Power Association und strebt eine Zertifizierung durch die Global Wind Organisation an. Der Standort des Zentrums in der Nähe der 14 bestehenden Wind- und Solaranlagen von Avangrid, mit einer kombinierten Betriebsleistung von etwa 1,6 GW, stellt eine zusätzliche Investition in die Region dar.
- Investment in workforce development and safety training
- Addressing growing demand for skilled renewable energy jobs
- Potential to train over 100 wind and solar technicians annually
- Alignment with industry guidelines and seeking global certification
- Strategic location near existing wind and solar facilities
- None.
The opening of Avangrid's National Training Center (NTC) in Oregon is a strategic move but has immediate impact on the company's financials or stock performance. This facility demonstrates Avangrid's long-term commitment to the renewable energy sector and its workforce development. While it may enhance operational efficiency and safety in the future, the direct financial benefits are not immediately quantifiable.
The NTC's capacity to train over 100 wind and solar technicians annually aligns with the growing demand for clean energy jobs, which increased at double the rate of the U.S. economy in 2023. This positions Avangrid well to capitalize on industry growth and potentially reduce long-term operational costs through improved training and safety measures.
However, investors should note that the impact on Avangrid's bottom line and stock price is likely to be gradual and indirect. The true value of this investment may only be realized over time through enhanced workforce quality, improved safety records and potentially lower turnover rates in technical positions.
Avangrid's National Training Center represents a significant technological investment in the renewable energy sector. The facility's advanced features, such as the 30-foot-tall fall protection tower and the intact nacelle for hands-on training, showcase a commitment to cutting-edge training methodologies. These tools will likely accelerate the learning curve for new technicians and enhance the skills of existing staff.
The center's focus on safety protocols and real-world simulations is particularly noteworthy. By providing a controlled environment for technicians to master complex tasks, Avangrid is potentially reducing the risk of accidents and improving overall operational efficiency. This approach could lead to fewer downtimes and maintenance issues across their wind and solar installations, ultimately contributing to improved performance of their 1.6 GW operating capacity.
While the immediate technological impact on Avangrid's operations may be , the long-term benefits of having a well-trained, tech-savvy workforce could provide a competitive edge in the rapidly evolving renewable energy market.
Avangrid’s National Training Center, located in
10 Students from 5 states will attend the hands-on program to begin their new renewable energy careers

Avangrid welcomes first group of new hires to National Training Center in
“We are thrilled to officially welcome the first students to our National Training Center,” said Pedro Azagra, Avangrid CEO. “This is an excellent example of our commitment to the health and safety of the hundreds of women and men working at our renewable energy projects. They are at the forefront of America’s clean energy transition, and a big reason why Avangrid is leading the way.”
The facility will help Avangrid bring new wind and solar technicians up to speed quickly and efficiently, while empowering hundreds of current technicians to become experts in their field.
Students will receive unrivaled access to industry-leading training. For example, they will practice on Avangrid’s 30-foot-tall fall protection tower to learn how to handle emergencies while working at heights, empowering trainees to master proper safety protocols in a safe place before working on a turbine. They will get hands-on training on a variety of components pertaining to a wind farm, solar plant, or high voltage installation, including access to a completely intact nacelle (top of a wind turbine) for practicing maintenance and troubleshooting in a real-world environment.
“I was born and raised working on motors, mechanic stuff,” said Karsen Coats, a new wind technician at Avangrid’s Barton Chapel wind farm in
Clean energy jobs grew at double the rate of the rest of the
Avangrid’s training program was developed in accordance with guidelines from the American Clean Power Association. Additionally, Avangrid is seeking certification from the Global Wind Organisation (GWO) to ensure technicians are meeting global industry safety standards.
The NTC is located near many of Avangrid’s 14 existing wind and solar facilities, with a combined operating capacity of about 1.6 GW, and represents additional investment in the region.
Interested media can find b-roll from the NTC and soundbites from wind technicians here.
About Avangrid: Avangrid, Inc. (NYSE: AGR) aspires to be the leading sustainable energy company in
View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20240912743194/en/
Media Contact:
Keaton Thomas
Source: AVANGRID, Inc.
Where is Avangrid's new National Training Center located?
How long is the training program at Avangrid's NTC?
How many students are in the first class at Avangrid's NTC?
What is the combined operating capacity of Avangrid's existing wind and solar facilities near the NTC?