Avangrid’s Parent Company Iberdrola Unveils International Volunteer Heroes

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Iberdrola, a global clean energy leader, honored four employees from the UK, Spain, US, and Brazil for their outstanding volunteer work at an awards ceremony in Glasgow. The event, attended by Iberdrola Executive Chairman Ignacio Galán and other dignitaries, celebrated the company's commitment to charity and volunteering.

The winners were recognized for their efforts in various areas:

  • Pola Michalska (UK): Education Award for cancer research support
  • John Schenck (US): Engagement and Promotion Award for inspiring volunteerism at Avangrid
  • Layla Rebeca Gomes Costa (Brazil): Raising awareness about electrical grid safety and promoting literacy
  • David Aldazabal Uncilla (Spain): Environment Award for forest recovery initiatives

Iberdrola's volunteer programs benefit over 10 million people across 24 countries, with more than a quarter of its workforce participating annually.

Iberdrola, leader globale nel settore delle energie pulite, ha premiato quattro dipendenti provenienti da Regno Unito, Spagna, Stati Uniti e Brasile per il loro straordinario lavoro di volontariato durante una cerimonia di premiazione a Glasgow. L'evento, a cui hanno partecipato il Presidente Esecutivo di Iberdrola Ignacio Galán e altri personaggi di rilievo, ha celebrato l'impegno dell'azienda nei confronti della beneficenza e del volontariato.

I vincitori sono stati riconosciuti per i loro sforzi in vari ambiti:

  • Pola Michalska (Regno Unito): Premio per l'Istruzione per il supporto alla ricerca sul cancro
  • John Schenck (Stati Uniti): Premio per il Coinvolgimento e la Promozione per aver ispirato il volontariato in Avangrid
  • Layla Rebeca Gomes Costa (Brasile): Sensibilizzazione sulla sicurezza della rete elettrica e promozione dell'alfabetizzazione
  • David Aldazabal Uncilla (Spagna): Premio per l'Ambiente per iniziative di recupero forestale

I programmi di volontariato di Iberdrola beneficiano oltre 10 milioni di persone in 24 paesi, con oltre un quarto della sua forza lavoro che partecipa annualmente.

Iberdrola, líder mundial en energías limpias, honró a cuatro empleados del Reino Unido, España, EE. UU. y Brasil por su destacado trabajo de voluntariado en una ceremonia de premiación en Glasgow. El evento, al que asistió el Presidente Ejecutivo de Iberdrola Ignacio Galán y otros dignatarios, celebró el compromiso de la empresa con la caridad y el voluntariado.

Los ganadores fueron reconocidos por sus esfuerzos en diversas áreas:

  • Pola Michalska (Reino Unido): Premio de Educación por su apoyo a la investigación del cáncer
  • John Schenck (EE. UU.): Premio de Compromiso y Promoción por inspirar el voluntariado en Avangrid
  • Layla Rebeca Gomes Costa (Brasil): Concienciación sobre la seguridad de la red eléctrica y promoción de la alfabetización
  • David Aldazabal Uncilla (España): Premio Medioambiental por iniciativas de recuperación forestal

Los programas de voluntariado de Iberdrola benefician a más de 10 millones de personas en 24 países, con más de un cuarto de su fuerza laboral participando anualmente.

이베르드롤라(Iberdrola)는 글로벌 청정 에너지 기업으로서 영국, 스페인, 미국, 브라질 출신의 네 명의 직원을 글래스고에서 열린 시상식에서 뛰어난 자원봉사 활동을 인정하여 시상했습니다. 이 행사에는 이베르드롤라의 회장 이그나치오 갈란(Ignacio Galán)과 다른 귀빈들이 참석하여 회사의 자선 및 자원봉사에 대한 헌신을 축하했습니다.

수상자들은 다양한 분야에서의 노력으로 인정받았습니다:

  • Pola Michalska (영국): 암 연구 지원을 위한 교육 상
  • John Schenck (미국): 아방리드(Avangrid)에서 자원봉사를 영감을 주기 위한 참여 및 촉진 상
  • Layla Rebeca Gomes Costa (브라질): 전력망 안전에 대한 인식 제고와 문해력 증진
  • David Aldazabal Uncilla (스페인): 숲 복구 이니셔티브를 위한 환경 상

이베르드롤라의 자원봉사 프로그램은 24개국에서 1천만 명 이상의 사람들에게 혜택을 주며, 매년 전체 직원의 4분의 1이 참여하고 있습니다.

Iberdrola, un leader mondial de l'énergie propre, a rendu hommage à quatre employés du Royaume-Uni, d'Espagne, des États-Unis et du Brésil pour leur travail exceptionnel de bénévolat lors d'une cérémonie de remise des prix à Glasgow. L'événement, auquel ont assisté le président exécutif d'Iberdrola, Ignacio Galán, et d'autres dignitaires, a célébré l'engagement de l'entreprise envers la charité et le bénévolat.

Les lauréats ont été reconnus pour leurs efforts dans divers domaines :

  • Pola Michalska (Royaume-Uni) : Prix Éducation pour le soutien à la recherche sur le cancer
  • John Schenck (États-Unis) : Prix Engagement et Promotion pour avoir inspiré le bénévolat chez Avangrid
  • Layla Rebeca Gomes Costa (Brésil) : Sensibilisation à la sécurité des réseaux électriques et promotion de l'alphabétisation
  • David Aldazabal Uncilla (Espagne) : Prix Environnement pour des initiatives de récupération des forêts

Les programmes de bénévolat d'Iberdrola bénéficient à plus de 10 millions de personnes dans 24 pays, avec plus du quart de ses employés participant chaque année.

Iberdrola, ein globaler Führer im Bereich erneuerbare Energien, ehrte vier Mitarbeiter aus dem Vereinigten Königreich, Spanien, den USA und Brasilien für ihre herausragende Freiwilligenarbeit bei einer Preisverleihung in Glasgow. Die Veranstaltung, an der der Executive Chairman von Iberdrola, Ignacio Galán, und weitere Würdenträger teilnahmen, feierte das Engagement des Unternehmens für Wohltätigkeit und Freiwilligenarbeit.

Die Gewinner wurden für ihre Bemühungen in verschiedenen Bereichen anerkannt:

  • Pola Michalska (Vereinigtes Königreich): Bildungs Preis für Unterstützung der Krebsforschung
  • John Schenck (USA): Engagement- und Promotionspreis für die Inspiriierung des Ehrenamts bei Avangrid
  • Layla Rebeca Gomes Costa (Brasilien): Sensibilisierung für die Sicherheit des Stromnetzes und Förderung der Alphabetisierung
  • David Aldazabal Uncilla (Spanien): Umweltpreis für Initiativen zur Aufforstung

Die Freiwilligenprogramme von Iberdrola profitieren über 10 Millionen Menschen in 24 Ländern, wobei mehr als ein Viertel der Arbeitskräfte jährlich teilnimmt.

  • Iberdrola's volunteer programs benefit over 10 million people across 24 countries
  • More than 25% of Iberdrola's workforce participates in volunteer programs annually
  • ScottishPower (Iberdrola's UK subsidiary) has raised over £40m for cancer research since 2012
  • None.

GLASGOW, Scotland--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Clean energy global leader Iberdrola has unveiled its 2024 international volunteer heroes at a prestigious awards ceremony in the UK.

Four Iberdrola professionals from across the UK, Spain, US and Brazil have been recognised for their dedication and service to charity and volunteering initiatives across their countries at the event held at ScottishPower’s headquarters in Glasgow. (Photo: Business Wire)

Four Iberdrola professionals from across the UK, Spain, US and Brazil have been recognised for their dedication and service to charity and volunteering initiatives across their countries at the event held at ScottishPower’s headquarters in Glasgow. (Photo: Business Wire)

Four Iberdrola professionals from across the UK, Spain, US and Brazil have been recognised for their dedication and service to charity and volunteering initiatives across their countries at the event held at ScottishPower’s headquarters in Glasgow.

Iberdrola Executive Chairman, Ignacio Galán, joined The Right Honourable Lord Provost and Lord-Lieutenant of Glasgow, Jacqueline McLaren, BBC broadcaster Sally Magnusson and representatives from across the charitable sector, to celebrate the efforts of the winners alongside Iberdrola’s commitment to charity and volunteering.

Pola Michalska, John Schenck, Layla Rebeca Gomes Costa and David Aldazabal Uncilla, were honoured at the event for their efforts.

Chairman Galán said their selfless support for charity was a credit to them and he was proud social impact is on par with economic delivery for Iberdrola.

He said: “By volunteering, our employees help build stronger, more resilient communities, fostering a sense of unity and shared purpose. Their efforts have made a difference to the health and happiness of people across the world.

“They exemplify the spirit that is at the heart of Iberdrola’s culture. Their dedication and hard work are a testament to the transformative power of volunteering. It is a force that can change lives, uplift communities, and create a ripple effect of positive change.”

Pola Michalska scooped the Education Award for the UK for her efforts to support the fight against cancer, a cause very close to her heart due to personal experiences with the disease. The LLB Law graduate shaved her head to raise funds for Cancer Research UK and donated her hair to The Little Princess Trust, which provides wigs for children and young people.

ScottishPower and Cancer Research UK joined forces in 2012 with the aim of raising £5m over three years with ScottishPower raising over £40m for life saving cancer research.

She said: “Being able to volunteer and support causes that are close to my heart has been incredibly fulfilling. The support from colleagues at ScottishPower and the generosity of everyone who donated has been overwhelming.

“It’s amazing to see how our collective efforts can make such a significant difference in the lives of so many people. I’m proud to be part of a company that values helping people and supports its employees to volunteer in their communities.”

Fellow award winner John Schenck is the most active and vocal supporter of volunteering initiatives at Iberdrola’s US business, Avangrid. He took the Engagement and Promotion Award after inspiring culture of giving back, helping deliver 1,330 hours of volunteer time and 157 volunteers.

He said: “Volunteering is a powerful way to connect with our community and make a real difference. At Avangrid, we believe that our commitment to service extends beyond our professional roles, and it’s this spirit of volunteerism that truly defines us.”

Safety and Health at Work Technician Layla Rebeca Gomes Costa, of Neoenergia, played a significant role in raising awareness about the risks and dangers of the electricity grid in Brazil and organises book collections and reads to children in schools throughout the year.

She said: “Volunteering has always been a way for me to give back to the community and make a real difference. At Neoenergia I’ve found a platform that supports my passion for education and community safety. Seeing the positive impact of our efforts, especially on children’s lives, is incredibly rewarding and motivates me to continue this important work.”

David Aldazabal Uncilla won the Environment Award for his work on a forest recovery initiative in the Urdaibai Biosphere Reserve in Spain. Since the project started almost 10,000 trees of 25 different native species have been planted by volunteers, including David, and he frequently encourages friends, family, and colleagues to join him in reforestation projects, environmental cleanups, and biodiversity conservation activities.

He said: “I’m really proud to receive this award. Volunteering has given me the opportunity to make a tangible difference in my community and beyond. It’s incredibly rewarding to see the positive impact of our efforts, whether it’s planting trees, cleaning natural areas, or supporting vulnerable groups.”

More than a quarter of Iberdrola’s workforce volunteers every year as part of its programmes with more than 10m people benefiting from its actions across 24 different countries.

About Avangrid: Avangrid, Inc. (NYSE: AGR) aspires to be the leading sustainable energy company in the United States. Headquartered in Orange, CT with approximately $45 billion in assets and operations in 24 U.S. states, Avangrid has two primary lines of business: networks and renewables. Through its networks business, Avangrid owns and operates eight electric and natural gas utilities, serving more than 3.3 million customers in New York and New England. Through its renewables business, Avangrid owns and operates a portfolio of renewable energy generation facilities across the United States. Avangrid employs approximately 8,000 people and has been recognized by JUST Capital as one of the JUST 100 companies – a ranking of America’s best corporate citizens – in 2024 for the fourth consecutive year. In 2024, Avangrid ranked first among utilities and 12 overall. The company supports the U.N.’s Sustainable Development Goals and was named among the World’s Most Ethical Companies in 2024 for the sixth consecutive year by the Ethisphere Institute. Avangrid is a member of the group of companies controlled by Iberdrola, S.A. For more information, visit

Media Contact:

Keaton Thomas


Source: AVANGRID, Inc.


What was the purpose of Iberdrola's recent awards ceremony in Glasgow?

Iberdrola held an awards ceremony in Glasgow to honor four employees from the UK, Spain, US, and Brazil for their outstanding volunteer work and to celebrate the company's commitment to charity and volunteering.

How many people benefit from Iberdrola's volunteer programs annually?

Iberdrola's volunteer programs benefit over 10 million people across 24 different countries annually.

What percentage of Iberdrola's workforce participates in volunteer programs?

More than a quarter (25%) of Iberdrola's workforce participates in volunteer programs every year.

Who won the Engagement and Promotion Award from Avangrid (AGR)?

John Schenck from Avangrid (AGR) won the Engagement and Promotion Award for inspiring a culture of giving back, helping deliver 1,330 hours of volunteer time and 157 volunteers.

Avangrid, Inc.


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