Avangrid’s DEI and HR Leadership Teams Launch New Effort Following Elevation of Direct Reporting to CEO
Avangrid (NYSE: AGR) is launching a new initiative to advance its Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) efforts across the organization. The company's newly appointed Senior VP of DEI, Talent and Innovation, Ignacio Estella, will conduct 'Listen, Understand and Enable' conversations with leaders across Avangrid. This initiative follows the recent elevation of the DEI team to report directly to the CEO.
Avangrid has made significant progress in DEI, surpassing national averages with nearly 39% of women in executive positions, and increasing diversity in executive positions by 75% from 2021. The company's executive leadership team is now 38.5% women, a nearly 80% increase from three years ago. By the end of 2023, people of color represented almost 30% of Avangrid's executive positions, a 75% increase over three years.
Avangrid (NYSE: AGR) sta lanciando una nuova iniziativa per promuovere i suoi sforzi in materia di Diversità, Equità e Inclusione (DEI) all'interno dell'organizzazione. Il nuovo Vice Presidente Senior di DEI, Talento e Innovazione, Ignacio Estella, condurrà conversazioni 'Ascolta, Comprendi e Abilita' con i leader di Avangrid. Questa iniziativa segue l'assegnazione recente del team DEI che riporterà direttamente al CEO.
Avangrid ha fatto progressi significativi nella DEI, sorpassando le medie nazionali con quasi il 39% di donne in posizioni esecutive, e aumentando la diversità nelle posizioni esecutive del 75% rispetto al 2021. Il team di leadership esecutiva dell'azienda è ora composto dal 38,5% di donne, un aumento di quasi l'80% rispetto a tre anni fa. Entro la fine del 2023, le persone di colore rappresenteranno quasi il 30% delle posizioni esecutive di Avangrid, un aumento del 75% rispetto a tre anni fa.
Avangrid (NYSE: AGR) está lanzando una nueva iniciativa para avanzar en sus esfuerzos de Diversidad, Equidad e Inclusión (DEI) en toda la organización. El nuevo Vicepresidente Senior de DEI, Talento e Innovación, Ignacio Estella, llevará a cabo conversaciones de 'Escuchar, Entender y Habilitar' con los líderes de Avangrid. Esta iniciativa sigue la reciente elevación del equipo DEI para reportar directamente al CEO.
Avangrid ha logrado avances significativos en DEI, s superando los promedios nacionales con casi el 39% de mujeres en posiciones ejecutivas, y incrementando la diversidad en posiciones ejecutivas en un 75% desde 2021. El equipo de liderazgo ejecutivo de la empresa ahora está compuesto por un 38,5% de mujeres, un aumento de casi el 80% en comparación con hace tres años. Para finales de 2023, las personas de color representarán casi el 30% de las posiciones ejecutivas de Avangrid, un aumento del 75% en tres años.
Avangrid (NYSE: AGR)는 조직 내에서 다양성, 형평성 및 포용성(DEI) 노력을 발전시키기 위해 새로운 이니셔티브를 시작합니다. 새롭게 임명된 DEI, 인재 및 혁신의 수석 부사장인 이그나시오 에스텔라가 Avangrid의 리더들과 함께 '듣고, 이해하고, 가능하게 하다'라는 대화를 진행합니다. 이 이니셔티브는 DEI 팀이 CEO에게 직접 보고하도록 최근에 격상되면서 시작되었습니다.
Avangrid는 DEI에서 상당한 발전을 이루었으며, 거의 39%의 여성이 경영직에 있는 등의 국가 평균을 초과했습니다, 그리고 2021년부터 경영직에서의 다양성이 75% 증가했습니다. 현재 회사의 경영진 팀은 38.5%가 여성으로, 3년 전과 비교하여 거의 80% 증가했습니다. 2023년 말까지 유색인종은 Avangrid의 경영직에서 거의 30%를 차지하게 될 것으로 예상되며, 이는 3년 동안 75% 증가한 수치입니다.
Avangrid (NYSE: AGR) lance une nouvelle initiative pour faire progresser ses efforts en matière de Diversité, d'Équité et d'Inclusion (DEI) au sein de l'organisation. Le nouveau Vice-Président Senior de DEI, Talents et Innovation, Ignacio Estella, mènera des conversations 'Écouter, Comprendre et Permettre' avec les dirigeants d'Avangrid. Cette initiative fait suite à l'élévation récente de l'équipe DEI qui rendra désormais compte directement au PDG.
Avangrid a réalisé des progrès significatifs en matière de DEI, surdépassant les moyennes nationales avec près de 39% de femmes dans des postes exécutifs, et augmentation de la diversité dans les postes exécutifs de 75% depuis 2021. L'équipe de direction exécutive de l'entreprise est désormais composée à 38,5% de femmes, soit une augmentation de près de 80% par rapport à il y a trois ans. D'ici la fin de 2023, les personnes de couleur représenteront près de 30% des postes exécutifs d'Avangrid, ce qui représente une augmentation de 75% par rapport à trois ans.
Avangrid (NYSE: AGR) startet eine neue Initiative zur Förderung seiner Bemühungen um Diversität, Gleichstellung und Inklusion (DEI) in der gesamten Organisation. Der neu ernannte Senior VP für DEI, Talent und Innovation, Ignacio Estella, wird 'Zuhören, Verstehen und Ermöglichen' Gespräche mit Führungskräften von Avangrid führen. Diese Initiative folgt auf die kürzliche Hochstufung des DEI-Teams, das jetzt direkt an den CEO berichtet.
Avangrid hat bedeutende Fortschritte in der DEI erzielt, dabei die nationalen Durchschnittswerte mit fast 39% Frauen in Führungspositionen übertreffend, und die Vielfalt in Führungspositionen seit 2021 um 75% gesteigert. Das Führungsteam des Unternehmens besteht nun zu 38,5% aus Frauen, was einem Anstieg von fast 80% im Vergleich zu vor drei Jahren entspricht. Bis Ende 2023 werden Menschen of Color fast 30% der Führungspositionen bei Avangrid ausmachen, was einem Anstieg von 75% über drei Jahre entspricht.
- Avangrid's DEI team now reports directly to the CEO, showing increased focus on diversity and inclusion
- Nearly 39% of executive positions are held by women, surpassing the industry average of 21.7%
- Diversity in executive positions increased by 75% from 2021
- Women in executive leadership increased by nearly 80% over three years
- People of color representation in executive positions grew to almost 30%, a 75% increase in three years
- None.
Launch “Listen, Understand and Enable” conversations with leaders to continue fostering an Avangrid with everyone, that benefits everyone
Avangrid’s commitment to building a diverse and inclusive workplace has led to significant advancements over the past years and set the standard for the energy sector
Avangrid surpassing national averages with nearly

Pictured (left to right): Kay Johnson, John O’Neil, Raquel Mercado, Pedro Azagra, Tina Ullmann, and Ignacio Estella (Photo: Business Wire)
“At Avangrid, we are fortunate to have leaders who are not only exceptionally skilled but also deeply committed to continuous improvement,” said Pedro Azagra, Avangrid CEO. “Our recent leadership meeting at our headquarters reinforced my belief that we have the right team in place to continue delivering excellence and to navigate any challenges ahead. As a proud member of the Iberdrola Group, we see DEI as fundamental to our success. I look forward to hearing the insights from our ‘Listen, Enable and Understand’ discussions on how we can continue improving Avangrid for all.”
“One of the most important responsibilities I have in my role is to listen,” said Estella. “By speaking with leaders from across Avangrid, we will gather feedback from every corner of our businesses. These insights will ensure that we are leading by outcomes to enable an Avangrid with everyone, that benefits everyone.”
“These sessions are critical to better understand the strengths, barriers and opportunities for growth, and to move forward into our future with a more diverse, equitable and inclusive organization,” said Liberna Charles, senior vice president of Talent Management and DEI.
Avangrid’s continuing commitment to DEI efforts has led to significant advancements over the past years and set the standard for the energy sector. Energy is one of the least gender diverse sectors in the global economy. According to an S&P Global Commodity Insights analysis of publicly traded companies in the
About Avangrid: Avangrid, Inc. (NYSE: AGR) aspires to be the leading sustainable energy company in
View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20240820914292/en/
Sarah Warren
Source: AVANGRID, Inc.
What new DEI initiative is Avangrid (AGR) launching?
How has Avangrid (AGR) improved its gender diversity in executive positions?
What is Avangrid's (AGR) progress in racial diversity at the executive level?