Avangrid Bolsters Government and Regulatory Affairs Teams to Strengthen Stakeholder Engagement and Enhance Customer Outcomes

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Avangrid, Inc. (NYSE: AGR) has strengthened its Government and Regulatory Affairs team to enhance stakeholder engagement across New York, Connecticut, and Maine. CEO Pedro Azagra recently met with the team's senior leadership to discuss priorities for the year. The company's advocacy efforts have led to significant achievements:

1. The New York Utility Securitization Act was signed into law, benefiting nearly 1.9 million NYSEG and RG&E customers. This allows Avangrid subsidiaries to address over $750 million in legacy storm debt and improve financial health.

2. In Maine, Central Maine Power hosted a stakeholder meeting to gather feedback on climate change efforts and integrated grid planning, focusing on system resiliency, economic growth, electrification support, and increasing renewable energy connections.

Avangrid, Inc. (NYSE: AGR) ha potenziato il suo team di Affari Governativi e Regolamentari per migliorare l'engagement con gli stakeholder in New York, Connecticut e Maine. Il CEO Pedro Azagra ha recentemente incontrato i leader senior del team per discutere le priorità per quest'anno. Gli sforzi di advocacy dell'azienda hanno portato a risultati significativi:

1. Il New York Utility Securitization Act è stato firmato in legge, beneficiando quasi 1,9 milioni di clienti NYSEG e RG&E. Questo consente alle filiali di Avangrid di affrontare oltre 750 milioni di dollari di debiti storici legati a tempeste e migliorare la salute finanziaria.

2. In Maine, Central Maine Power ha ospitato un incontro con gli stakeholder per raccogliere feedback sugli sforzi per il cambiamento climatico e la pianificazione della rete integrata, concentrandosi sulla resilienza del sistema, crescita economica, supporto per l'elettrificazione e aumento delle connessioni di energia rinnovabile.

Avangrid, Inc. (NYSE: AGR) ha fortalecido su equipo de Asuntos Gubernamentales y Regulatorios para mejorar la participación de los interesados en Nueva York, Connecticut y Maine. El CEO Pedro Azagra se reunió recientemente con los líderes senior del equipo para discutir las prioridades del año. Los esfuerzos de defensa de la empresa han llevado a logros significativos:

1. La Ley de Securitización de Servicios Públicos de Nueva York fue firmada, beneficiando a casi 1.9 millones de clientes de NYSEG y RG&E. Esto permite a las subsidiarias de Avangrid abordar más de 750 millones de dólares en deudas históricas por tormentas y mejorar su salud financiera.

2. En Maine, Central Maine Power organizó una reunión con los interesados para recoger comentarios sobre los esfuerzos relacionados con el cambio climático y la planificación de la red integrada, enfocándose en la resiliencia del sistema, el crecimiento económico, el apoyo a la electrificación y el aumento de las conexiones de energía renovable.

Avangrid, Inc. (NYSE: AGR)는 뉴욕, 코네티컷, 메인에서 이해관계자 참여를 증진하기 위해 정부 및 규제 업무 팀을 강화했습니다. CEO 페드로 아자그라는 최근 팀의 고위 리더십과 만나 올해의 우선 사항에 대해 논의했습니다. 회사의 옹호 노력은 상당한 성과를 가져왔습니다:

1. 뉴욕 유틸리티 증권화 법안이 법으로 제정되어 거의 190만 명의 NYSEG 및 RG&E 고객에게 혜택을 주었습니다. 이는 Avangrid의 자회사가 7억 5천만 달러 이상의 유산 폭풍 부채를 해결하고 재정 건전성을 향상시키는 데 도움이 됩니다.

2. 메인에서는 중앙 메인 전력이 이해관계자 회의를 주최하여 기후 변화 노력 및 통합된 그리드 계획에 대한 피드백을 수집하였습니다. 이 회의는 시스템 복원력, 경제 성장, 전기화 지원 및 재생 가능 에너지 연결 증가에 중점을 두었습니다.

Avangrid, Inc. (NYSE: AGR) a renforcé son équipe des Affaires Gouvernementales et Réglementaires pour améliorer l'engagement des parties prenantes à New York, Connecticut et Maine. Le PDG Pedro Azagra a récemment rencontré l'équipe de direction pour discuter des priorités de l'année. Les efforts de plaidoyer de l'entreprise ont conduit à des réalisations significatives :

1. La Loi sur la Securitisation des Services Publics de New York a été signée, bénéficiant à près de 1,9 million de clients de NYSEG et RG&E. Cela permet aux filiales d'Avangrid d'aborder plus de 750 millions de dollars de dettes historiques dues à des tempêtes et d'améliorer la santé financière.

2. Dans le Maine, Central Maine Power a organisé une réunion avec les parties prenantes pour recueillir des commentaires sur les efforts liés au changement climatique et à la planification intégrée du réseau, en se concentrant sur la résilience du système, la croissance économique, le soutien à l'électrification et l'augmentation des connexions d'énergie renouvelable.

Avangrid, Inc. (NYSE: AGR) hat sein Team für Regierungs- und Regulierungsangelegenheiten gestärkt, um das Engagement der Stakeholder in New York, Connecticut und Maine zu verbessern. CEO Pedro Azagra traf sich kürzlich mit der Führungsebene des Teams, um die Prioritäten für das Jahr zu besprechen. Die Interessenvertretung des Unternehmens hat zu bedeutenden Erfolgen geführt:

1. Das New York Utility Securitization Act wurde in Kraft gesetzt, was fast 1,9 Millionen NYSEG- und RG&E-Kunden zugutekommt. Dies ermöglicht es den Tochtergesellschaften von Avangrid, über 750 Millionen Dollar an Altschulden aus Stürmen zu bewältigen und die finanzielle Gesundheit zu verbessern.

2. In Maine veranstaltete Central Maine Power ein Stakeholder-Meeting, um Feedback zu den Bemühungen im Bereich Klimawandel und integrierte Netzplanung zu sammeln, wobei der Fokus auf Systemresilienz, wirtschaftlichem Wachstum, Unterstützung der Elektrifizierung und der Erhöhung der Verbindungen mit erneuerbaren Energien lag.

  • New York Utility Securitization Act signed into law, benefiting 1.9 million customers
  • Potential approval to address over $750 million in legacy storm debt for NYSEG and RG&E
  • Improved stakeholder engagement through meetings and collaborations in Maine
  • None.

Company’s successful advocacy efforts lead to New York Utility Corporation Securitization Act being signed into law

ORANGE, Conn.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Avangrid, Inc. (NYSE: AGR), a leading sustainable energy company and a member of the Iberdrola Group, has assembled a core Government and Regulatory Affairs team to continue fostering strong relationships with stakeholders across the company’s service areas in New York, Connecticut and Maine. Avangrid CEO Pedro Azagra recently met with this group’s senior leadership team, who lead Avangrid’s state government and regulatory affairs at its utilities, to discuss the company’s priorities for the rest of the year.

Pictured (left to right): Rebecca Marino (Vice President, State Government Affairs), Pedro Azagra (Avangrid CEO), Kimberly Harriman (Senior Vice President, Public and Regulatory Affairs), and Erin Hogan (Director Regulatory Affairs, NYSEG and RG&E) (Photo: Business Wire)

Pictured (left to right): Rebecca Marino (Vice President, State Government Affairs), Pedro Azagra (Avangrid CEO), Kimberly Harriman (Senior Vice President, Public and Regulatory Affairs), and Erin Hogan (Director Regulatory Affairs, NYSEG and RG&E) (Photo: Business Wire)

"We believe that fostering strong relationships is the cornerstone of our business," said Pedro Azagra, CEO. "Through diligent communication with state officials, our Government and Regulatory Affairs team is dedicated to aligning our goals with the needs of our customers. I am pleased to see that our advocacy efforts are making a difference in the communities we serve. Following our recent constructive meeting, we are more committed than ever to delivering exceptional outcomes for our customers."

An example of Avangrid’s Government and Regulatory Affairs successful advocacy efforts is New York state’s New York Utility Corporation Securitization Act, which was recently signed into law by Governor Kathy Hochul. This new law is a mechanism to resolve legacy debt for storm costs already paid for by utilities, a move that will benefit the nearly 1.9 million customers served by New York State Electric & Gas (NYSEG) and Rochester Gas and Electric (RG&E). In unprecedented fashion, the bill was introduced by the Avangrid team in the final weeks of the legislative session, receiving unanimous approval in the Senate and Assembly before being promptly approved by Governor Hochul. The new law will allow Avangrid subsidiaries NYSEG and RG&E to seek approval to address more than $750 million in legacy storm debt and improve the financial health of the utilities. This significant act will allow NYSEG and RG&E to do the crucial work of delivering safe and reliable electric and gas service while also investing in the grid to bring the clean energy future to reality.

Another example of Avangrid’s successful advocacy efforts can be seen in Maine where Central Maine Power (CMP) recently hosted a stakeholder meeting with government agencies, community leaders, non-governmental organizations and business groups to collaborate and gather feedback about the company’s efforts to address climate change and integrated grid planning. The initiative is part of CMP’s ongoing implementation of LD 1959. Key topics of discussion included the importance of improved system resiliency due to the increasing frequency of strong storms; economic growth to prepare today for the needs of tomorrow to support our thriving communities; supporting electrification through the installation of heat pumps and EV charging stations; and increasing the number of renewable energy resources, like solar power, that are connected to the grid.

About Avangrid: Avangrid, Inc. (NYSE: AGR) aspires to be the leading sustainable energy company in the United States. Headquartered in Orange, CT with approximately $46 billion in assets and operations in 24 U.S. states, Avangrid has two primary lines of business: networks and renewables. Through its networks business, Avangrid owns and operates eight electric and natural gas utilities, serving more than 3.3 million customers in New York and New England. Through its renewables business, Avangrid owns and operates a portfolio of renewable energy generation facilities across the United States. Avangrid employs approximately 8,000 people and has been recognized by JUST Capital as one of the JUST 100 companies – a ranking of America’s best corporate citizens – in 2024 for the fourth consecutive year. In 2024, Avangrid ranked first among utilities and 12 overall. The company supports the U.N.’s Sustainable Development Goals and was named among the World’s Most Ethical Companies in 2024 for the sixth consecutive year by the Ethisphere Institute. Avangrid is a member of the group of companies controlled by Iberdrola, S.A. For more information, visit

Media Contact:

Keaton Thomas


Source: AVANGRID, Inc.


What is the New York Utility Securitization Act and how does it affect Avangrid (AGR)?

The New York Utility Securitization Act is a new law that allows Avangrid subsidiaries NYSEG and RG&E to seek approval to address over $750 million in legacy storm debt. This will improve the financial health of the utilities and benefit nearly 1.9 million customers in New York.

How is Avangrid (AGR) addressing climate change and grid planning in Maine?

Avangrid's subsidiary Central Maine Power hosted a stakeholder meeting to gather feedback on climate change efforts and integrated grid planning. The initiative focuses on improving system resiliency, supporting economic growth, promoting electrification, and increasing renewable energy connections to the grid.

What are the key priorities for Avangrid's (AGR) Government and Regulatory Affairs team?

Avangrid's Government and Regulatory Affairs team is focused on fostering strong relationships with stakeholders, aligning company goals with customer needs, and advocating for beneficial legislation like the New York Utility Securitization Act. They aim to enhance customer outcomes and support the company's sustainable energy initiatives.

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