Avangrid Begins Largest Solar Grazing Operation in the Pacific Northwest

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Avangrid (NYSE: AGR) has launched the largest solar grazing operation in the Pacific Northwest, partnering with a fifth-generation Oregon rancher to graze sheep at two solar farms. This innovative approach replaces gas-powered machines with sheep for vegetation management, reducing wildfire risks and supporting local economies.

The operation began as a pilot project at Pachwáywit Fields, Oregon's largest operating solar farm, and expanded to Lund Hill solar farm in Washington. At peak, over 5,000 sheep were grazing across both facilities. The sheep belong to Cameron Krebs, who sells wool and lamb, continuing a century-long partnership with Pendleton Woolen Mills.

This initiative aligns with Avangrid's sustainability goals, demonstrating an innovative solution to complex problems while supporting local communities and contributing to a circular economy in the region.

Avangrid (NYSE: AGR) ha lanciato la più grande operazione di pascolo solare nel Pacific Northwest, collaborando con un allevatore dell'Oregon di quinta generazione per far pascolare le pecore in due fattorie solari. Questo approccio innovativo sostituisce le macchine a motore con le pecore per la gestione della vegetazione, riducendo i rischi di incendio e supportando le economie locali.

L'operazione è iniziata come un progetto pilota presso Pachwáywit Fields, la più grande fattoria solare operativa dell'Oregon, ed è stata ampliata alla fattoria solare Lund Hill nello stato di Washington. Al picco, oltre 5.000 pecore pascolavano in entrambe le strutture. Le pecore appartengono a Cameron Krebs, che vende lana e agnelli, continuando una partnership secolare con i Pendleton Woolen Mills.

Questa iniziativa è in linea con gli obiettivi di sostenibilità di Avangrid, dimostrando una soluzione innovativa a problemi complessi, sostenendo le comunità locali e contribuendo a un'economia circolare nella regione.

Avangrid (NYSE: AGR) ha lanzado la operación de pastoreo solar más grande en el noroeste del Pacífico, asociándose con un ganadero de quinta generación de Oregón para pastorear ovejas en dos granjas solares. Este enfoque innovador reemplaza las máquinas a gasolina con ovejas para la gestión de la vegetación, reduciendo los riesgos de incendios forestales y apoyando las economías locales.

La operación comenzó como un proyecto piloto en Pachwáywit Fields, la granja solar en funcionamiento más grande de Oregón, y se expandió a la granja solar Lund Hill en Washington. En su punto máximo, más de 5,000 ovejas estaban pastando en ambas instalaciones. Las ovejas pertenecen a Cameron Krebs, quien vende lana y corderos, continuando una asociación de más de un siglo con Pendleton Woolen Mills.

Esta iniciativa se alinea con los objetivos de sostenibilidad de Avangrid, demostrando una solución innovadora a problemas complejos mientras apoya a las comunidades locales y contribuye a una economía circular en la región.

Avangrid (NYSE: AGR)는 오리건주 다섯 번째 세대 농장주와 함께 두 개의 태양광 농장에서 양을 방목하여 태양광 목장 운영을 시작했습니다. 이 혁신적인 접근 방식은 식물 관리를 위해 가솔린으로 구동되는 기계 대신 양을 사용하여 산불 위험을 줄이고 지역 경제를 지원합니다.

이 작업은 오리건주에서 가장 큰 태양광 농장인 Pachwáywit Fields에서 파일럿 프로젝트로 시작되었으며, 워싱턴에 있는 Lund Hill 태양광 농장으로 확장되었습니다. 최대 시기에는 5,000마리 이상의 양이 두 시설에서 방목했습니다. 양들은 카메론 크레브스 소유로, 그는 양털과 어린 양을 판매하고 있으며, 펜들턴 울렌 밀스와의 백년이 넘는 파트너십을 이어가고 있습니다.

이 이니셔티브는 Avangrid의 지속 가능성 목표와 일치하며, 복잡한 문제에 대한 혁신적인 솔루션을 보여주고 지역 사회를 지원하며 지역의 순환 경제에 기여합니다.

Avangrid (NYSE: AGR) a lancé la plus grande opération de pâturage solaire dans le nord-ouest du Pacifique, en s'associant à un éleveur de cinquième génération de l'Oregon pour faire paître des moutons dans deux fermes solaires. Cette approche innovante remplace les machines à essence par des moutons pour la gestion de la végétation, réduisant les risques d'incendie de forêt et soutenant les économies locales.

L'opération a commencé comme un projet pilote à Pachwáywit Fields, la plus grande ferme solaire opérationnelle de l'Oregon, et s'est étendue à la ferme solaire Lund Hill dans l'État de Washington. Au pic, plus de 5 000 moutons paissaient dans les deux installations. Les moutons appartiennent à Cameron Krebs, qui vend de la laine et des agneaux, poursuivant un partenariat d'un siècle avec Pendleton Woolen Mills.

Cette initiative s'aligne avec les objectifs de durabilité d'Avangrid, démontrant une solution innovante à des problèmes complexes tout en soutenant les communautés locales et contribuant à une économie circulaire dans la région.

Avangrid (NYSE: AGR) hat die größte Solar-Weidewirtschaft im pazifischen Nordwesten ins Leben gerufen und arbeitet mit einem fünften Generation Bauern aus Oregon zusammen, um Schafe auf zwei Solarfarmen weiden zu lassen. Dieser innovative Ansatz ersetzt gasbetriebene Maschinen durch Schafe zur Vegetationspflege, was die Waldbrandgefahr reduziert und die lokale Wirtschaft unterstützt.

Das Projekt begann als Pilotprojekt auf den Pachwáywit Fields, der größten in Betrieb befindlichen Solarfarm Oregons, und wurde auf die Solarfarm Lund Hill in Washington ausgeweitet. Zu Spitzenzeiten weideten über 5.000 Schafe in beiden Anlagen. Die Schafe gehören zu Cameron Krebs, der Wolle und Lämmer verkauft und eine über hundertjährige Partnerschaft mit Pendleton Woolen Mills fortführt.

Diese Initiative steht im Einklang mit den Nachhaltigkeitszielen von Avangrid und demonstriert eine innovative Lösung für komplexe Probleme, unterstützt die lokalen Gemeinschaften und trägt zu einer Kreislaufwirtschaft in der Region bei.

  • Launched largest solar grazing operation in Pacific Northwest, enhancing sustainability efforts
  • Reduced wildfire risks and replaced gas-powered machines, potentially lowering operational costs
  • Expanded pilot project to full operation at two major solar farms, showcasing scalability
  • Partnered with local rancher, supporting regional economy and circular economy principles
  • None.

Avangrid partners with a fifth-generation rancher to graze thousands of sheep at two of the largest Pacific Northwest solar farms

Sheep prove effective at limiting the growth of weeds and vegetation, cutting down wildfire risk while replacing the use of gas-powered machines

Interested parties can find selected video b-roll and soundbites in the embedded links

PORTLAND, Ore.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Avangrid, Inc. (NYSE: AGR), a leading sustainable energy company and member of the Iberdrola Group, has partnered with a fifth-generation Oregon rancher to graze sheep at two solar farms in Oregon and Washington, and launched the largest “solar grazing” operation in the region. Solar grazing is a vegetation management method used at solar energy facilities that uses grazing livestock, like sheep, instead of machinery. Sheep are effective at limiting the growth of weeds and vegetation, cutting down on wildfire risks while replacing the use of gas-powered machines.

Sheep graze at Pachwáywit Fields solar farm in Oregon (Photo: Business Wire)

Sheep graze at Pachwáywit Fields solar farm in Oregon (Photo: Business Wire)

Avangrid began this effort last year with a pilot project at Pachwáywit Fields, Oregon’s largest operating solar farm located in Gilliam County that serves Portland General Electric’s Green Future Impact participants. PGE Green Future Impact program is designed to help large commercial, industrial and municipal customers meet their ambitious sustainability and carbon reduction goals.

By the Spring, Avangrid expanded the pilot into a full solar grazing operation at Pachwáywit Fields. Avangrid also launched a similar operation at its Lund Hill solar farm in Klickitat County, Washington, the state’s largest operating solar facility. At the peak in the spring, there were more than 5,000 sheep spread across both facilities.

“Avangrid is one of the most sustainable companies in the world and this is yet another example of our hardworking teams taking an innovative approach to solving complex problems,” said Pedro Azagra, Avangrid CEO. “These sheep are not only a more environmentally friendly solution to manage the vegetation, but help us support the local community and contribute to a circular economy in the Pacific Northwest.”

The sheep at these sites belong to Cameron Krebs, a fifth generation Oregon rancher, who sells wool and lamb. Krebs and his family have partnered with Oregon-based Pendleton Woolen Mills for more than a century, providing wool fiber to the mill and clothing manufacturer.

“There has been a significant learning curve, but it is fascinating to watch the sheep learn to expertly move under and around the solar panels to eat the vegetation,” said Krebs. “They are consuming four to five pounds of dry matter per day. Another way to think about that is they are consuming four to five pounds of carbon and turning it into food and fiber, or returning it to the soil naturally. By reducing the total vegetation on site, we’re significantly reducing the fuel load and fire danger as we move into the hot, dry summer.”

“They are constantly eating,” said Dustin Ervin, Avangrid’s senior solar manager for Oregon and Washington. “The sheep maneuver around our solar panels better than the large mowing equipment we used in the past, and they eat right up to the panel arrays. We are proud to have taken this from concept to reality and I look forward to seeing how renewable energy companies begin to forge sustainable partnerships like what we’ve built with Cameron.”

“We are proud to work with local communities, businesses and companies like Avangrid to continue to find ways to provide clean energy to our customers while benefiting Oregon,” said Taylor McAllister, product specialist at PGE.

“Creating world class products starts with healthy sheep providing the best wool possible,” said Keith Stonelake, wool buyer for Pendleton Woolen Mills. “The Krebs family has been one of our trusted wool growers for nearly 100 years and we are thrilled by the partnership between the Krebs’ and Avangrid.”

Avangrid will continue to utilize sheep at both Pachwáywit Fields and Lund Hill for the foreseeable future, managing the vegetation during peak growing seasons in the spring and fall. The Company is considering opportunities to expand solar grazing at other solar facilities within its portfolio.

About Avangrid: Avangrid, Inc. (NYSE: AGR) aspires to be the leading sustainable energy company in the United States. Headquartered in Orange, CT with approximately $44 billion in assets and operations in 24 U.S. states, Avangrid has two primary lines of business: networks and renewables. Through its networks business, Avangrid owns and operates eight electric and natural gas utilities, serving more than 3.3 million customers in New York and New England. Through its renewables business, Avangrid owns and operates a portfolio of renewable energy generation facilities across the United States. Avangrid employs approximately 8,000 people and has been recognized by JUST Capital in 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024 as one of the JUST 100 companies – a ranking of America’s best corporate citizens. In 2024, Avangrid ranked first among utilities and 12 overall. The company supports the U.N.’s Sustainable Development Goals and was named among the World’s Most Ethical Companies in 2024 for the sixth consecutive year by the Ethisphere Institute. Avangrid is a member of the group of companies controlled by Iberdrola, S.A. For more information, visit

Media Contact:

Keaton Thomas




What is Avangrid's (AGR) new solar grazing initiative in the Pacific Northwest?

Avangrid (AGR) has launched the largest solar grazing operation in the Pacific Northwest, using sheep to manage vegetation at two solar farms in Oregon and Washington, replacing gas-powered machines and reducing wildfire risks.

How many sheep are involved in Avangrid's (AGR) solar grazing project?

At peak times, over 5,000 sheep were grazing across Avangrid's (AGR) two solar farm facilities in Oregon and Washington.

Which solar farms are part of Avangrid's (AGR) solar grazing initiative?

Avangrid's (AGR) solar grazing initiative includes Pachwáywit Fields in Oregon, the state's largest operating solar farm, and Lund Hill solar farm in Washington, the state's largest operating solar facility.

How does Avangrid's (AGR) solar grazing project benefit the local community?

Avangrid's (AGR) solar grazing project supports the local economy by partnering with a fifth-generation Oregon rancher, Cameron Krebs, who sells wool and lamb, and maintains a long-standing relationship with Pendleton Woolen Mills.

Avangrid, Inc.


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