Joy lands in Metro DC: Aflac and Sunrise Association deliver My Special Aflac Duck® to childhood cancer patients

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Aflac Incorporated, in partnership with Sunrise Association, delivered over 75 My Special Aflac Ducks to children at Horizon Day Camp–Metro DC. This free robotic companion, designed for pediatric cancer patients, helps children prepare for medical procedures and communicate their feelings. Aflac also contributed $70,000 to support the camp.

Since 2019, Aflac has distributed more than 31,000 ducks free of charge. A recent clinical study by Emory University showed that the duck helps pediatric patients cope with treatment-related distress and anxiety. The duck has received recognition, including being named one of Time Magazine's 50 Best Inventions.

This initiative is part of Aflac's nearly 30-year, $183 million commitment to pediatric cancer and blood disorder support. The program continues to expand in the U.S., Japan, and Northern Ireland.

Aflac Incorporated, in collaborazione con la Sunrise Association, ha consegnato oltre 75 My Special Aflac Ducks ai bambini del Horizon Day Camp–Metro DC. Questo compagno robotico gratuito, progettato per i pazienti pediatrici affetti da cancro, aiuta i bambini a prepararsi per le procedure mediche e a comunicare i propri sentimenti. Aflac ha inoltre contribuito con 70.000 dollari per sostenere il campo.

Dal 2019, Aflac ha distribuito più di 31.000 anatre senza alcun costo. Un recente studio clinico dell'Emory University ha dimostrato che l'anatra aiuta i pazienti pediatrici a far fronte allo stress e all'ansia legati ai trattamenti. L'anatra ha ricevuto riconoscimenti, tra cui l'inclusione tra i 50 migliori invenzioni della rivista Time.

Questa iniziativa fa parte dell'impegno di Aflac, che dura da quasi 30 anni e ammonta a 183 milioni di dollari, a sostegno della lotta contro il cancro pediatrico e i disturbi del sangue. Il programma continua a espandersi negli Stati Uniti, in Giappone e in Irlanda del Nord.

Aflac Incorporated, en colaboración con Sunrise Association, entregó más de 75 My Special Aflac Ducks a niños en Horizon Day Camp–Metro DC. Este compañero robótico gratuito, diseñado para pacientes pediátricos con cáncer, ayuda a los niños a prepararse para los procedimientos médicos y a comunicar sus sentimientos. Aflac también contribuyó con 70,000 dólares para apoyar el campamento.

Desde 2019, Aflac ha distribuido más de 31,000 patos sin ningún costo. Un reciente estudio clínico de la Universidad de Emory mostró que el pato ayuda a los pacientes pediátricos a lidiar con el estrés y la ansiedad relacionados con el tratamiento. El pato ha recibido reconocimientos, incluido ser nombrado uno de los 50 mejores inventos de la revista Time.

Esta iniciativa es parte del compromiso de Aflac de casi 30 años y 183 millones de dólares en apoyo a la lucha contra el cáncer pediátrico y los trastornos de la sangre. El programa sigue expandiéndose en Estados Unidos, Japón e Irlanda del Norte.

Aflac Incorporated는 Sunrise Association과 협력하여 Horizon Day Camp–Metro DC의 아동들에게 75마리 이상의 My Special Aflac Ducks를 전달했습니다. 이 무료 로봇 동반자는 소아 암 환자를 위해 설계되었으며, 아동들이 의료 절차에 대비하고 자신의 감정을 전달하는 데 도움을 줍니다. 또한 Aflac은 캠프 지원을 위해 70,000 달러를 기부했습니다.

2019년 이후 Aflac은 31,000마리 이상의 오리를 무료로 배포했습니다. Emory University의 최근 임상 연구에 따르면, 이 오리는 소아 환자가 치료와 관련된 고통과 불안에 대처하는 데 도움을 줍니다. 이 오리는 타임 매거진의 50대 최고의 발명품 중 하나로 선정되는 등의 인정을 받았습니다.

이 이니셔티브는 Aflac의 거의 30년 동안 1억 8천 3백만 달러를 소아 암과 혈액 장애 지원에 투자한 노력의 일환입니다. 이 프로그램은 미국, 일본, 북아일랜드에서 계속 확장되고 있습니다.

Aflac Incorporated, en partenariat avec Sunrise Association, a livré plus de 75 My Special Aflac Ducks à des enfants au Horizon Day Camp–Metro DC. Ce compagnon robotique gratuit, conçu pour les patients pédiatriques atteints de cancer, aide les enfants à se préparer aux interventions médicales et à communiquer leurs sentiments. Aflac a également contribué avec 70 000 dollars au soutien du camp.

Depuis 2019, Aflac a distribué plus de 31 000 canards sans frais. Une récente étude clinique de l'Université Emory a montré que le canard aide les patients pédiatriques à faire face au stress et à l'anxiété liés au traitement. Le canard a été reconnu, notamment en étant nommé l'une des 50 meilleures inventions du magazine Time.

Cette initiative fait partie de l'engagement d'Aflac depuis près de 30 ans, d'un montant de 183 millions de dollars, en faveur de la lutte contre le cancer pédiatrique et les troubles sanguins. Le programme continue de s'étendre aux États-Unis, au Japon et en Irlande du Nord.

Aflac Incorporated hat in Partnerschaft mit der Sunrise Association über 75 My Special Aflac Ducks an Kinder im Horizon Day Camp–Metro DC übergeben. Diese kostenlose robotische Begleitperson, die für pädiatrische Krebspatienten entwickelt wurde, hilft Kindern, sich auf medizinische Verfahren vorzubereiten und ihre Gefühle zu kommunizieren. Aflac hat außerdem 70.000 Dollar zur Unterstützung des Camps beigetragen.

Seit 2019 hat Aflac mehr als 31.000 Enten kostenlos verteilt. Eine aktuelle klinische Studie der Emory University hat gezeigt, dass die Ente pädiatrischen Patienten hilft, mit behandlungsbedingtem Stress und Angst umgehen zu können. Die Ente wurde anerkannt, einschließlich der Nominierung als einer der 50 besten Erfindungen von Time Magazine.

Diese Initiative ist Teil des fast 30-jährigen Engagements von Aflac in Höhe von 183 Millionen Dollar zur Unterstützung von pädiatrischem Krebs und Blutkrankheiten. Das Programm weitet sich weiterhin in den USA, Japan und Nordirland aus.

  • Aflac distributed over 75 My Special Aflac Ducks to children with cancer, showcasing corporate social responsibility
  • Aflac contributed $70,000 to support children with cancer and their siblings to attend camp
  • Clinical study by Emory University showed the duck helps pediatric patients cope with treatment-related distress and anxiety
  • Aflac has distributed more than 31,000 ducks free of charge since 2019
  • The initiative is part of Aflac's $183 million commitment to pediatric cancer and blood disorder support
  • None.

More than 75 robotic ducks were given free of charge to campers

FAIRFAX, Va., July 30, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Aflac Incorporated, a leading provider of health supplemental insurance in the U.S., paired up with Sunrise Association to deliver more than 75 social robotic ducks to children at Horizon Day Camp–Metro DC, a project between the Pozez JCC and the Sunrise Association. Horizon Day Camp- Metro DC, a day camp designed to bring the joy of childhood to children with cancer and their siblings — the camp, as well as My Special Aflac Ducks, are completely free of charge. With a shared mission, Aflac contributed $70,000 to support children with cancer and their sibling to go to camp, and donated My Special Aflac Ducks to provide additional delight through its innovative technology to help children prepare for medical procedures, communicate their feelings, practice distraction techniques and more. This is the third year the two organizations have worked together to deliver the cuddly companion to campers.

Emmett, a camper with Horizon Day Camp – Metro D.C., holds his My Special Aflac Duck® alongside Aflac SVP Federal Corporate Affairs and Public Policy Brad Knox. Aflac delivered more than 75 cuddly robotic companions to the camp Tuesday, July 30 along with a <money>$70,000</money> donation.

Since 2019, Aflac has distributed more than 31,000 ducks free of charge to children ages 3 and up with a pediatric cancer or blood disorders like sickle cell diagnosis. The robotic companion was designed in consult with more than 100 children, families and medical professionals in conjunction with Empath Labs to produce the comforting, lifelike movements, and many more features that bring cheer. My Special Aflac Duck was recently the focus of a three-year clinical study spearheaded by researchers at Emory University and conducted at eight hospitals across the country. The study, which included 160 patients, their families and health care professionals, was released in April, showing that My Special Aflac Duck helps pediatric patients with cancer cope with treatment-related distress and anxiety. The duck was named one of Time Magazine's 50 Best Inventions and named Best in Show at CES and South by Southwest in 2018.

"The excitement around My Special Aflac Duck is palpable," said Jeff Dannick, Executive Director, Pozez JCC of Northern Virginia. "Campers, parents and counselors love this interactive, therapeutic and fun new addition to the family that combines the joys of having a pet, a companion, and a friend, all at the same time. We are so grateful to Aflac for their generosity and creativity, and particularly for their commitment to families facing pediatric cancer."

Campers were given a demonstration of the duck and an overview of their new companion's features by Aflac Senior Manager Buffy Swinehart, who heads Aflac Corporate Social Responsibility. The Horizon Day Camp–Metro DC delivery is part of Aflac's nearly 30-year and more than $183 million commitment to the pediatric cancer and blood disorder initiative.

"The joy on the campers' faces says it all: My Special Aflac Duck spreads cheer and allows the children an opportunity to play and relax," Swinehart said. "The duck not only helps them express their emotions, but it also helps familiarize them with health care procedures through medical play, allowing the children an opportunity have a shared experience with their duck. And we now know through the recent Emory University study that the duck helps with treatment-related stress and anxiety. This international program keeps expanding in the U.S., Japan, and Northern Ireland, and it is a bright example of how Aflac continues to strengthen its commitment to helping pediatric cancer and blood disorder patients."

Health care providers, support organizations and families can order My Special Aflac Duck free of charge for children 3 years or older who have been diagnosed with cancer or sickle cell disease at

Aflac Incorporated (NYSE: AFL), a Fortune 500 company, has helped provide financial protection and peace of mind for more than 68 years to millions of policyholders and customers through its subsidiaries in the U.S. and Japan. In the U.S., Aflac is the No. 1 provider of supplemental health insurance products.1 In Japan, Aflac Life Insurance Japan is the leading provider of cancer and medical insurance in terms of policies in force. The company takes pride in being there for its policyholders when they need us most, as well as being included in the World's Most Ethical Companies by Ethisphere for 18 consecutive years (2024), Fortune's World's Most Admired Companies for 23 years (2024) and Bloomberg's Gender-Equality Index for the fourth consecutive year (2023). In addition, the company became a signatory of the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) in 2021 and has been included in the Dow Jones Sustainability North America Index (2023) for 10 years. To find out how to get help with expenses health insurance doesn't cover, get to know us at or Investors may learn more about Aflac Incorporated and its commitment to corporate social responsibility and sustainability at under "Sustainability."

1 LIMRA 2023 U.S. Supplemental Health Insurance Total Market Report 


Media contact: Jon Sullivan, 706-763-4813 or
Analyst and investor contact: David A. Young, 706-596-3264, 800-235-2667 or

About Horizon Day Camp-Metro DC
Horizon Day Camp-Metro DC is a proud member of the Sunrise Association, whose mission is to bring back the joys of childhood to children with cancer and their siblings worldwide. Sunrise accomplishes this through the creation and oversight of welcoming, inclusive summer day camps, year-round programs and in-hospital recreational activities, all offered free of charge. Horizon Day Camp-Metro DC is a project between the Pozez JCC and the Sunrise Association. Learn more about Horizon Day Camp-Metro DC at

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What is My Special Aflac Duck and how does it help children with cancer?

My Special Aflac Duck is a robotic companion designed for pediatric cancer patients. It helps children prepare for medical procedures, communicate their feelings, and practice distraction techniques. A clinical study showed it helps patients cope with treatment-related distress and anxiety.

How many My Special Aflac Ducks has Aflac (AFL) distributed since 2019?

Since 2019, Aflac (AFL) has distributed more than 31,000 My Special Aflac Ducks free of charge to children ages 3 and up with pediatric cancer or blood disorders like sickle cell.

What recognition has My Special Aflac Duck received?

My Special Aflac Duck was named one of Time Magazine's 50 Best Inventions and received Best in Show awards at CES and South by Southwest in 2018.

How much has Aflac (AFL) committed to pediatric cancer and blood disorder initiatives?

Aflac (AFL) has committed nearly 30 years and more than $183 million to pediatric cancer and blood disorder initiatives.

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