How You Can Lend a Hand When It’s Needed Most

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Aflac is raising awareness for National Childhood Cancer and Sickle Cell Disease Awareness Month this September. The company offers tips on how to support affected families, including providing meals, spending time together, sending supportive messages, helping with tasks, assisting with caregiving, and offering comfort items.

Aflac has donated over $184 million since 1995 to support children with cancer and blood disorders. They created My Special Aflac Duck, a free robotic companion for children with cancer or sickle cell disease, clinically proven to reduce stress. To date, over 32,000 ducks have been distributed.

The company encourages people to visit for inspirational stories, comfort tips, and information on requesting a duck for eligible children.

Aflac sta aumentando la consapevolezza per il Mesedi Nazionale della Consapevolezza sul Cancro Infantile e la Malattia Falciforme questo settembre. L'azienda offre suggerimenti su come supportare le famiglie colpite, compresi fornire pasti, trascorrere del tempo insieme, inviare messaggi di sostegno, aiutare con i compiti, assistere con la cura e offrire oggetti di conforto.

Aflac ha donato oltre $184 milioni dal 1995 per supportare i bambini affetti da cancro e disturbi del sangue. Hanno creato My Special Aflac Duck, un compagno robotico gratuito per i bambini con cancro o malattia falciforme, clinicamente provato per ridurre lo stress. Ad oggi, sono state distribuite oltre 32.000 paperelle.

L'azienda incoraggia le persone a visitare per racconti ispiratori, suggerimenti per il conforto e informazioni su come richiedere una paperella per i bambini idonei.

Aflac está creando conciencia sobre el Mes Nacional de Concientización sobre el Cáncer Infantil y la Enfermedad de Células Falciformes este septiembre. La compañía ofrece consejos sobre cómo apoyar a las familias afectadas, incluyendo proporcionar comidas, pasar tiempo juntos, enviar mensajes de apoyo, ayudar con tareas, asistir con el cuidado y ofrecer artículos de consuelo.

Aflac ha donado más de $184 millones desde 1995 para apoyar a los niños con cáncer y trastornos sanguíneos. Crearon My Special Aflac Duck, un compañero robótico gratuito para niños con cáncer o enfermedad de células falciformes, clínicamente probado para reducir el estrés. Hasta la fecha, se han distribuido más de 32,000 patos.

La compañía anima a las personas a visitar para historias inspiradoras, consejos de consuelo e información sobre cómo solicitar un pato para niños elegibles.

Aflac은 이번 9월 국가 아동암 및 겸상적혈구병 인식의 달을 알리고 있습니다. 이 회사는 영향을 받은 가족을 지원하는 방법에 대한 팁을 제공하며, 여기에는 식사를 제공하고 함께 시간을 보내고, 지원 메시지를 보내고, 업무를 도와주고, 간호를 지원하며, 위안 아이템을 제공하는 것이 포함됩니다.

Aflac은 1995년 이후 아동암 및 혈액질환 아동을 지원하기 위해 1억8400만 달러 이상를 기부했습니다. 그들은 암이나 겸상적혈구병에 걸린 아동을 위한 무료 로봇 동반자인 My Special Aflac Duck을 만들었으며, 이는 스트레스를 줄이는 것이 임상적으로 입증되었습니다. 현재까지 32,000마리 이상의 오리가 배포되었습니다.

이 회사는 사람들이를 방문하여 영감을 주는 이야기, 위안 팁 및 자격이 있는 아동을 위한 오리 요청에 대한 정보를 찾도록 권장합니다.

Aflac sensibilise le public pour le Mois national de sensibilisation au cancer infantile et à la drépanocytose ce mois de septembre. L'entreprise propose des conseils sur la façon de soutenir les familles touchées, y compris la fourniture de repas, passer du temps ensemble, envoyer des messages de soutien, aider avec des tâches, assister dans les soins et offrir des objets de réconfort.

Aflac a fait don de plus de 184 millions de dollars depuis 1995 pour soutenir les enfants atteints de cancer et de troubles sanguins. Ils ont créé My Special Aflac Duck, un compagnon robotique gratuit pour les enfants atteints de cancer ou de drépanocytose, prouvé cliniquement pour réduire le stress. À ce jour, plus de 32 000 canards ont été distribués.

L'entreprise encourage les gens à visiter pour des histoires inspirantes, des conseils de réconfort et des informations sur la demande d'un canard pour les enfants éligibles.

Aflac erhöht das Bewusstsein für den Nationalen Monat der Kindheitskrebs- und Sichelzellenanämie-Bewusstseins diesen September. Das Unternehmen bietet Tipps, wie man betroffenen Familien helfen kann, einschließlich der Bereitstellung von Mahlzeiten, dem gemeinsamen Verbringen von Zeit, dem Versenden von aufmunternden Nachrichten, der Unterstützung bei Aufgaben, der Mithilfe bei der Pflege und dem Angebot von Trostgegenständen.

Aflac hat seit 1995 über 184 Millionen Dollar gespendet, um Kinder mit Krebs und Blutkrankheiten zu unterstützen. Sie haben My Special Aflac Duck geschaffen, einen kostenlosen Roboterbegleiter für Kinder mit Krebs oder Sichelzellenanämie, der klinisch erwiesen stressreduzierend wirkt. Bis heute wurden über 32.000 Enten verteilt.

Das Unternehmen ermutigt die Menschen, zu besuchen, um inspirierende Geschichten, Trost-Tipps und Informationen zur Anfrage einer Ente für berechtigte Kinder zu erhalten.

  • Aflac has donated over $184 million since 1995 to support children with cancer and blood disorders
  • My Special Aflac Duck, a free robotic companion, is clinically proven to reduce stress for children and parents
  • Over 32,000 My Special Aflac Ducks have been distributed free of charge to children with cancer or sickle cell disease
  • None.

Originally published on Aflac Newsroom

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / September 19, 2024 / September is National Childhood Cancer and National Sickle Cell Disease Awareness Month. Sadly, nearly 10,000 children in the U.S. will be diagnosed with cancer this year, and about 1 in every 365 Black or African American babies in the U.S. are born with sickle cell disease - about 1 in 13 are born with the trait. With this in mind, Aflac is on a mission to assist families and provide tips for how you can help bring some relief for those who are impacted.

Here are a few ideas on how you can comfort families when they need it most:

  1. Provide a meal. It can be home-cooked, delivered from a restaurant, or a voucher for a meal delivery service. You can also share store-bought or homemade baked goods.

  2. Spend time together. Take a walk, see a movie together, offer to be a listening ear or just sit in silence together.

  3. Send a message of support. Share gentle empathy with a card, note, text, voicemail, email or private social media message.

  4. Offer to help with tasks. Ask if you can help clean their home, do laundry, water plants, get groceries, care for pets, take their car for a wash, or pick up their mail or newspapers.

  5. Help with caregiving responsibilities. Offer to babysit or stay with their other children while keeping things as normal as possible. If you have children of your own, set up a playdate.

  6. Drop off a favorite comfort item. Consider a magazine, book or board game.

"It's easy to ask, ‘Can I help?' But for those in the midst of a treatment journey - whether it's their own or a loved one's - it can be tough to determine what they need in that moment," said Buffy Swinehart, senior manager, Aflac Corporate Social Responsibility. "Instead, try offering specific acts of service like, ‘Can I send you some dinner?' or ‘Can I take care of the kids or pets this evening?' This way, the other person can simply say yes or no."

Want more information on how you can lend a hand to those in need? Visit for inspirational stories about My Special Aflac Duck®, an award-winning, free robotic, comforting companion, that provides comfort and joy and is clinically proven to help reduce stress for kids and for parents. You can even request one for a child age 3 or older with pediatric cancer or sickle cell. You can download tips for providing comfort to families in need (available in English and Spanish), as well as images that you can share on social media to encourage your followers to help inspire action.

Since 1995, Aflac has been committed to help support those who care for children with cancer and blood disorders like sickle cell disease. Over the last three decades, the company has donated more than $184 million to these causes. But the support isn't just monetary, Aflac also created My Special Aflac Duck in 2018 to provide children with cancer comfort through a robotic companion designed to help them express their emotions and help normalize medical procedures. In 2022, the company adapted My Special Aflac Duck with special accessories to support children with sickle cell disease. To date, Aflac has distributed more than 32,000 of these ducks - free of charge - to children ages 3 and up with cancer or sickle cell.

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What is Aflac doing for National Childhood Cancer and Sickle Cell Disease Awareness Month?

Aflac is raising awareness and providing tips on how to support affected families. They're also promoting their My Special Aflac Duck program, a free robotic companion for children with cancer or sickle cell disease.

How many My Special Aflac Ducks has Aflac distributed to children with cancer or sickle cell disease?

Aflac has distributed over 32,000 My Special Aflac Ducks free of charge to children ages 3 and up with cancer or sickle cell disease.

How much has Aflac (AFL) donated to support children with cancer and blood disorders since 1995?

Aflac has donated more than $184 million since 1995 to support children with cancer and blood disorders like sickle cell disease.

Where can I find more information about Aflac's (AFL) initiatives for children with cancer and sickle cell disease?

You can visit for inspirational stories, comfort tips, and information on requesting a My Special Aflac Duck for eligible children.

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