Aeries Technology Reports Results for the Full Fiscal Year 2024

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Aeries Technology (Nasdaq: AERT) reported financial results for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2024. The company achieved revenues of $72.5 million, marking a 37% increase from the previous year's $53.1 million. Income from operations rose 28% to $3.0 million, while net income significantly jumped to $17.3 million, including $16.2 million in non-cash income related to Forward Purchase Agreements. Adjusted EBITDA slightly improved to $9.2 million.

CEO Sudhir Panikassery attributed the performance to expansion within existing client engagements and new client relationships, particularly focusing on private equity portfolio companies and mid-size businesses. The company's technology-driven, solution-specific approach is expected to drive positive outcomes in the coming years as Aeries progresses through its current growth phase.

Aeries Technology (Nasdaq: AERT) ha riportato i risultati finanziari per l'anno fiscale conclusosi il 31 marzo 2024. L'azienda ha ottenuto ricavi di 72,5 milioni di dollari, segnando un aumento del 37% rispetto ai 53,1 milioni di dollari dell'anno precedente. Il reddito operativo è aumentato del 28% a 3,0 milioni di dollari, mentre il reddito netto è notevolmente aumentato a 17,3 milioni di dollari, inclusi 16,2 milioni di dollari di reddito non monetario correlato agli Accordi di Acquisto Futuro. L'EBITDA rettificato è leggermente migliorato a 9,2 milioni di dollari.

Il CEO Sudhir Panikassery ha attribuito le performance all'espansione all'interno delle collaborazioni con i clienti esistenti e alle nuove relazioni con i clienti, concentrandosi in particolare sulle aziende di private equity e sulle imprese di medie dimensioni. Si prevede che l'approccio tecnologico, specifico per le soluzioni dell'azienda, porti a risultati positivi nei prossimi anni mentre Aeries progredisce nella sua attuale fase di crescita.

Aeries Technology (Nasdaq: AERT) reportó resultados financieros para el año fiscal que finalizó el 31 de marzo de 2024. La compañía alcanzó ingresos de 72,5 millones de dólares, lo que representa un aumento del 37% en comparación con los 53,1 millones de dólares del año anterior. Los ingresos de las operaciones crecieron un 28% a 3,0 millones de dólares, mientras que el ingreso neto se incrementó significativamente a 17,3 millones de dólares, incluyendo 16,2 millones de dólares en ingresos no monetarios relacionados con Acuerdos de Compra Futura. El EBITDA ajustado mejoró ligeramente a 9,2 millones de dólares.

El CEO Sudhir Panikassery atribuyó el desempeño a la expansión dentro de los compromisos con clientes existentes y nuevas relaciones con clientes, enfocándose especialmente en empresas de capital privado y negocios medianos. Se espera que el enfoque tecnológico y específico de la solución de la compañía impulse resultados positivos en los próximos años a medida que Aeries avanza en su actual fase de crecimiento.

Aeries Technology (Nasdaq: AERT)는 2024년 3월 31일에 종료된 회계연도에 대한 재무 결과를 보고했습니다. 이 회사는 7250만 달러의 수익을 달성했으며, 이는 지난해 5310만 달러에 비해 37% 증가한 수치입니다. 영업이익은 28% 증가하여 300만 달러순이익은 크게 증가하여 1730만 달러에 이르렀고, 이 중 1620만 달러는 미래 구매 계약과 관련된 비현금 수익입니다. 조정 후 EBITDA920만 달러로 다소 개선되었습니다.

CEO Sudhir Panikassery는 기존 고객과의 협력과 새로운 고객 관계의 확장을 성과로 거론하며, 특히 사모펀드 포트폴리오 기업과 중소기업에 집중하고 있다고 설명했습니다. 회사의 기술 주도, 솔루션 특화 접근 방식은 Aeries가 현재 성장 단계에서 진행됨에 따라 향후 몇 년간 긍정적인 결과를 이끌 것으로 예상됩니다.

Aeries Technology (Nasdaq: AERT) a annoncé ses résultats financiers pour l'exercice clos le 31 mars 2024. L'entreprise a réalisé des revenus de 72,5 millions de dollars, marquant une augmentation de 37% par rapport aux 53,1 millions de dollars de l'année précédente. Le résultat d'exploitation a augmenté de 28% pour atteindre 3,0 millions de dollars, tandis que le résultat net a bondi à 17,3 millions de dollars, incluant 16,2 millions de dollars en revenus non monétaires liés aux Accords d'Achat Futur. L'EBITDA ajusté s'est légèrement amélioré à 9,2 millions de dollars.

Le PDG Sudhir Panikassery a attribué cette performance à l'expansion des engagements auprès des clients existants et à de nouvelles relations avec des clients, en mettant particulièrement l'accent sur les entreprises de capital-investissement et les entreprises de taille intermédiaire. L'approche technologique et spécifique à la solution de l'entreprise devrait entraîner des résultats positifs dans les années à venir, alors qu'Aeries progresse dans sa phase de croissance actuelle.

Aeries Technology (Nasdaq: AERT) hat die Finanzergebnisse für das am 31. März 2024 endende Geschäftsjahr bekannt gegeben. Das Unternehmen erzielte Einnahmen von 72,5 Millionen Dollar, was einem 37% Anstieg im Vergleich zu den 53,1 Millionen Dollar des Vorjahres entspricht. Der Betriebsgewinn stieg um 28% auf 3,0 Millionen Dollar, während der Nettogewinn erheblich auf 17,3 Millionen Dollar anstieg, einschließlich 16,2 Millionen Dollar an nicht zahlungswirksamen Einnahmen im Zusammenhang mit zukünftigem Kaufvertrag. Das bereinigte EBITDA verbesserte sich leicht auf 9,2 Millionen Dollar.

CEO Sudhir Panikassery führte die Ergebnisse auf die Expansion innerhalb bestehender Kundenbindungen und neuer Kundenbeziehungen zurück, wobei der Fokus insbesondere auf Private-Equity-Portfoliounternehmen und mittelständischen Unternehmen lag. Es wird erwartet, dass der technologiegetriebene, lösungsspezifische Ansatz des Unternehmens in den kommenden Jahren positive Ergebnisse liefern wird, während Aeries in seiner aktuellen Wachstumsphase voranschreitet.

  • Revenue increased by 37% year-over-year to $72.5 million
  • Income from operations grew 28% to $3.0 million
  • Net income significantly increased to $17.3 million
  • Adjusted EBITDA improved to $9.2 million
  • Large portion of net income ($16.2 million) was non-cash income related to Forward Purchase Agreements


Aeries Technology's fiscal year 2024 results demonstrate strong growth and improved profitability. The 37% year-over-year revenue increase to $72.5 million is impressive, indicating robust demand for their services. The company's focus on expanding within existing clients and acquiring new ones in the private equity and mid-size business sectors appears to be paying off.

The 28% increase in income from operations to $3.0 million shows improved operational efficiency, albeit at a slower pace than revenue growth. This suggests some scaling challenges or increased costs associated with expansion. The substantial jump in net income to $17.3 million is largely due to a $16.2 million non-cash income related to Forward Purchase Agreements, which investors should view as a one-time event rather than recurring income.

Adjusted EBITDA growth was modest at 5.7%, reaching $9.2 million. This metric, which excludes non-cash items, provides a clearer picture of the company's operational performance. The slower EBITDA growth compared to revenue suggests potential margin pressure or increased investments in growth initiatives.

Overall, while the headline numbers are positive, investors should closely monitor the company's ability to translate top-line growth into stronger bottom-line results in the coming years.

Aeries Technology's performance reflects broader trends in the professional services and consulting sector, particularly for firms targeting businesses in transformation. The company's 37% revenue growth outpaces the industry average, suggesting they're capturing market share or benefiting from a niche focus on private equity portfolio companies and mid-size businesses.

The emphasis on technology-driven, solution-specific approaches aligns with increasing demand for digital transformation services. This strategy positions Aeries well in a competitive landscape where clients seek tangible, tech-enabled outcomes. However, the modest Adjusted EBITDA growth indicates that the company may be reinvesting heavily in capabilities or facing pricing pressures common in the consulting industry.

The company's ability to expand within existing client engagements is a positive sign, as it typically leads to higher margins and more stable revenue streams. This "land and expand" strategy is important in the consulting world, where deep client relationships drive long-term success. As Aeries progresses through its growth phase, investors should watch for signs of diversification in its client base and service offerings to mitigate concentration risks inherent in serving specific market segments.

Revenues for the full fiscal year 2024 were $72.5 million, up approximately 37% year-over-year

NEW YORK, Sept. 30, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Aeries Technology (Nasdaq: AERT), a global professional services and consulting partner for businesses in transformation mode and their stakeholders, today announced financial results for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2024.

“We are pleased to release our results for the fiscal year, which were in-line with our expectations,” said Sudhir Panikassery, CEO of Aeries Technology. “Expansion within existing client engagements and new client relationships were the main performance drivers and reflects our continued focus on expanding our footprint within the addressable pool of private equity portfolio companies and mid-size businesses. Coupled with our technology driven, solution specific approach, we believe we will derive positive outcomes over the next few years as we progress in our current growth phase.”

Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2024 (Fiscal Year 2024) Financial Highlights

Revenues: Revenues for fiscal year 2024 were $72.5 million, up 37% compared to $53.1 million for fiscal year 2023.

Income from Operations: Income from operations for fiscal year 2024 was $3.0 million, up 28% compared to $2.3 million for fiscal year 2023.

Net Income: Net income for fiscal year 2024 was $17.3 million compared to $1.7 million for fiscal year 2023. Net income included $16.2 million dollars in non-cash income related to the Forward Purchase Agreements in connection with our SPAC business combination.

Adjusted EBITDA: Adjusted EBITDA for fiscal year 2024 was $9.2 million compared to $8.7 million for fiscal year 2023.

About Aeries Technology

Aeries Technology (Nasdaq: AERT) is a global professional services and consulting partner for businesses in transformation mode and their stakeholders, including private equity sponsors and their portfolio companies, with customized engagement models that are designed to provide the right mix of deep vertical specialty, functional expertise, and digital systems and solutions to scale, optimize and transform a client’s business operations. Founded in 2012, Aeries Technology now has over 1,700 professionals specializing in Technology Services and Solutions, Business Process Management, and Digital Transformation initiatives, geared towards providing tailored solutions to drive business success. Aeries Technology’s approach to staffing and developing its workforce has earned it the Great Place to Work Certification.

Non-GAAP Financial Measures

The Company uses non-GAAP financial information and believes it is useful to investors as it provides additional information to facilitate comparisons of historical operating results, identify trends in its underlying operating results and provide additional insight and transparency on how it evaluates the business. The Company uses non-GAAP financial measures to budget, make operating and strategic decisions, and evaluate its performance. The Company has detailed the non-GAAP adjustments that it makes in the non-GAAP definitions below. The adjustments generally fall within the categories of non-cash items. The Company believes the non-GAAP measures presented herein should always be considered along with, and not as a substitute for or superior to, the related GAAP financial measures. In addition, similarly titled items used by other companies may not be comparable due to variations in how they are calculated and how terms are defined. For further information, see “Reconciliation of Non—GAAP Financial Measures” below, including the reconciliations of these non-GAAP measures to their most directly comparable GAAP financial measures.

The Company defines Adjusted EBITDA as net income from operations before interest, income taxes, depreciation and amortization adjusted to exclude stock-based compensation and business combination related costs. Adjusted EBITDA is one of the key performance indicators the company uses in evaluating our operating performance and in making financial, operating, and planning decisions. The Company believes adjusted EBITDA is useful to investors in the evaluation of Aeries’ operating performance as such information was used by the Company’s management for internal reporting and planning procedures, including aspects of our consolidated operating budget and capital expenditures.

Forward-Looking Statements

All statements in this release that are not based on historical fact are “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and the provisions of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. Words such as “anticipate,” “believe,” “continue,” “could,” “estimate”, “expect”, “hope”, “intend”, “may”, “might”, “should”, “would”, “will”, “understand” and similar words are intended to identify forward looking statements. These forward-looking statements include but are not limited to, statements regarding our future operating results, outlook, guidance and financial position, our business strategy and plans, our objectives for future operations, potential acquisitions and macroeconomic trends.  While management has based any forward-looking statements included in this release on its current expectations, the information on which such expectations were based may change. These forward-looking statements rely on a number of assumptions concerning future events and are subject to a number of risks, uncertainties and other factors, many of which are outside of the control of Aeries and its subsidiaries, which could cause actual results to materially differ from such statements. Such risks, uncertainties, and other factors include, but are not limited to, changes in the business, market, financial, political and legal conditions in India, Singapore, the United States, Mexico, the Cayman Islands and other countries, including developments with respect to inflation, interest rates and the global supply chain, including with respect to economic and geopolitical uncertainty in many markets around the world, the potential of decelerating global economic growth and increased volatility in foreign currency exchange rates; the potential for our business development efforts to maximize our potential value; the ability to recognize the anticipated benefits of the business combination with Worldwide Webb Acquisition Corp., which may be affected by, among other things, competition, our ability to grow and manage growth profitably and retain its key employees; the ability to maintain the listing of our Class A ordinary shares and our public warrants on Nasdaq, and the potential liquidity and trading of our securities; changes in applicable laws or regulations and other regulatory developments in the United States, India, Singapore, Mexico, the Cayman Islands and other countries; our ability to develop and maintain effective internal controls, including our ability to remediate the material weakness in our internal controls over financial reporting; our success in retaining or recruiting, or changes required in, our officers, key employees or directors; our financial performance; our ability to continue as a going concern; our ability to make acquisitions, divestments or form joint ventures or otherwise make investments and the ability to successfully complete such transactions and integrate with our business; the period over which we anticipate our existing cash and cash equivalents will be sufficient to fund our operating expenses and capital expenditure requirements; the conflicts between Russia and Ukraine, and Israel and Hamas, and any restrictive actions that have been or may be taken by the U.S. and/or other countries in response thereto, such as sanctions or export controls; risks related to cybersecurity and data privacy; the impact of inflation; the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and other similar pandemics and disruptions in the future; and the fluctuation of economic conditions, global conflicts, inflation and other global events on Aeries' results of operations and global supply chain constraints. Further information on risks, uncertainties and other factors that could affect our financial results are included in Aeries' periodic and current reports filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Furthermore, Aeries operates in a highly competitive and rapidly changing environment where new and unanticipated risks may arise. Accordingly, investors should not place any reliance on forward-looking statements as a prediction of actual results. Aeries disclaims any intention to, and undertakes no obligation to, update or revise forward-looking statements.


Ryan Gardella

(In thousands, except percentages)
 Year Ended
March 31,
 2024  2023  $ Change  % Change 
Revenues, net$72,509  $53,099  $19,410   37%
Cost of Revenue 50,868   39,442   11,426   29%
Gross Profit 21,641   13,657   7,984   58%
Gross Profit Margin 30%  26%  4%    
Operating expenses               
Selling, general & administrative expenses 18,654   11,326   7,328   65%
Total operating expenses 18,654   11,326   7,328   65%
Income from operations 2,987   2,331   656   28%
Other income / (expense)               
Change in fair value of derivative liabilities 16,167   -   16,167   100%
Interest income 275   191   84   44%
Interest expense (462)  (185)  (277)  150%
Other income, net 160   429   (269)  (63)%
Total other income / (expense), net 16,140   435   15,705   3,610%
Income / (loss) before income taxes 19,127   2,766   16,361   592%
Income tax expenses (1,871)  (1,060)  (811)  77%
Net income$17,256  $1,706  $15,550   911%
Less: Net income attributable to noncontrolling interests 202   260   (58)  (22)%
Less: Net income attributable to redeemable noncontrolling interests 1,397   -   1,397   100%
Net income attributable to the shareholders’ of Aeries Technology, Inc.$15,657  $1,446  $14,211   983%

(In thousands, except percentages)
 Year Ended
March 31,
 2024  2023 
Net income$17,256  $1,706 
Income tax expense 1,871   1,060 
Interest income (275)  (191)
Interest expenses 462   185 
Depreciation and amortization 1,352   1,172 
EBITDA$20,666  $3,932 
(+) Stock-based compensation 1,626   3,805 
(+) Business Combination related costs 3,067   946 
(+) Change in fair value of derivative liabilities (16,167)  - 
Adjusted EBITDA$9,192  $8,683 
(/) Revenue 72,509   53,099 
Adjusted EBITDA Margin 12.7%  16.4%

(In thousands)
 Year Ended
March 31,
 2024  2023  $ Change  % Change 
Cash at the beginning of period$1,131  $351  $780   222%
Net cash provided by operating activities (4,299)  2,111   (6,410)  (304)%
Net cash used in investing activities (1,740)  (1,557)  (183)  12%
Net cash provided by financing activities 7,056   252   6,804   2,700%
Effects of exchange rates on cash (64)  (26)  (38)  146%
Cash at the end of period$2,084  $1,131  $953   84%

(In thousands)
 As of
March 31,
 2024  2023 
Current assets:       
Cash and cash equivalents$2,084  $1,131 
Accounts receivable, net of allowance of $1,263 and $0, as of March 31, 2024 and March 31, 2023, respectively 23,757   13,416 
Prepaid expenses and other current assets, net of allowance of $1 and $0, as of March 31, 2024 and March 31, 2023, respectively 6,995   4,117 
Deferred transaction costs -   1,921 
Total current assets$32,836  $20,585 
Property and equipment, net 3,579   3,125 
Operating right-of-use assets 7,318   5,627 
Deferred tax assets 1,933   1,237 
Long-term investments, net of allowance of $126 and $0, as of March 31, 2024 and March 31, 2023, respectively 1,612   1,564 
Other assets, net of allowance of $1 and $0, as of March 31, 2024 and March 31, 2023, respectively 2,129   2,259 
Total assets$49,407  $34,397 
Current liabilities:       
Accounts payable$6,616  $2,474 
Accrued compensation and related benefits, current 3,119   2,823 
Operating lease liabilities, current 2,080   1,648 
Short-term borrowings 6,778   1,376 
Forward purchase agreement put option liability 10,244   - 
Other current liabilities 9,288   4,201 
Total current liabilities$38,125  $12,522 
Long term debt 1,440   969 
Operating lease liabilities, noncurrent 5,615   4,261 
Derivative warrant liabilities 1,367   - 
Deferred tax liabilities 92   168 
Other liabilities 3,948   3,008 
Total liabilities$50,587  $20,928 
Commitments and contingencies (Note 17)       
Redeemable noncontrolling interest 734   - 
Shareholders’ equity (deficit)       
Preference shares, $0.0001 par value; 5,000,000 shares authorized; none issued or outstanding -   - 
Class A ordinary shares, $0.0001 par value; 500,000,000 shares authorized; 15,619,004 shares issued and outstanding as of March 31, 2024 2   - 
Common stock, no par value; 10,000 shares issued and paid-up as of March 31, 2024, no share issued and outstanding as of March 31, 2023 -   - 
Class V ordinary shares, $0.0001 par value; 1 share authorized, issued and outstanding as of March 31, 2024 -   - 
Net shareholders’ investment and additional paid-in capital -   7,221 
Accumulated other comprehensive loss (574)  (1,349)
(Accumulated deficit) retained earnings (11,668)  6,318 
Total Aeries Technology, Inc. shareholders’ equity (deficit)$(12,240) $12,190 
Noncontrolling interest 10,326   1,279 
Total shareholders’ equity (deficit) (1,914)  13,469 
Total liabilities, redeemable noncontrolling interest and shareholders’ equity (deficit)$49,407  $34,397 


What was Aeries Technology's (AERT) revenue for fiscal year 2024?

Aeries Technology (AERT) reported revenues of $72.5 million for the fiscal year 2024, which ended on March 31, 2024.

How much did Aeries Technology's (AERT) revenue grow in fiscal year 2024?

Aeries Technology's (AERT) revenue grew by approximately 37% in fiscal year 2024 compared to the previous year.

What was Aeries Technology's (AERT) net income for fiscal year 2024?

Aeries Technology (AERT) reported a net income of $17.3 million for fiscal year 2024, which included $16.2 million in non-cash income related to Forward Purchase Agreements.

How did Aeries Technology's (AERT) Adjusted EBITDA change in fiscal year 2024?

Aeries Technology's (AERT) Adjusted EBITDA increased to $9.2 million in fiscal year 2024, compared to $8.7 million in the previous fiscal year.

Aeries Technology, Inc.


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Consulting Services
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