Adyen's Intelligent Payment Routing Achieves 26% Cost Savings and Improves Payment Performance on US Debit Transactions

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Adyen, a global financial technology platform, has introduced Intelligent Payment Routing for US debit payments, an AI-based solution that optimizes both revenue and costs. In a pilot with over 20 enterprise merchants, including eBay, 24 Hour Fitness, and Microsoft, Adyen achieved an average of 26% cost savings with a 0.22% uplift in authorization rates.

The feature offers easy adoption, improved performance, omnichannel capability, and network agnosticism. It leverages AI to dynamically route transactions in real-time, selecting the best payment path based on transaction fees and authorization rates. Some merchants saw cost savings as high as 55% and authorization rate improvements up to 1.15%. One customer reported savings of $600,000 within the first 30 days.

Adyen, una piattaforma globale di tecnologia finanziaria, ha introdotto Intelligent Payment Routing per i pagamenti con carta di debito negli Stati Uniti, una soluzione basata su AI che ottimizza sia le entrate che i costi. In un test condotto con oltre 20 commercianti di grandi dimensioni, tra cui eBay, 24 Hour Fitness e Microsoft, Adyen ha ottenuto un risparmio medio sui costi del 26% con un uplift dello 0.22% nei tassi di autorizzazione.

Questa funzione offre una facile adozione, prestazioni migliorate, capacità omnicanale e agnosticismo di rete. Sfrutta l'AI per instradare dinamicamente le transazioni in tempo reale, selezionando il miglior percorso di pagamento in base alle commissioni e ai tassi di autorizzazione. Alcuni commercianti hanno registrato risparmi sui costi fino al 55% e miglioramenti nei tassi di autorizzazione fino al 1.15%. Un cliente ha riportato un risparmio di $600,000 nei primi 30 giorni.

Adyen, una plataforma global de tecnología financiera, ha presentado Intelligent Payment Routing para pagos con débito en EE. UU., una solución basada en IA que optimiza tanto los ingresos como los costos. En una prueba con más de 20 comerciantes enterprise, incluidos eBay, 24 Hour Fitness y Microsoft, Adyen logró un ahorro medio de 26% con un incremento del 0.22% en las tasas de autorización.

La función ofrece fácil adopción, rendimiento mejorado, capacidad omnicanal y agnosticismo de red. Aprovecha la IA para dirigir dinámicamente las transacciones en tiempo real, seleccionando el mejor camino de pago en función de las tarifas de transacción y las tasas de autorización. Algunos comerciantes vieron ahorros de costos de hasta 55% y mejoras en las tasas de autorización de hasta 1.15%. Un cliente informó un ahorro de $600,000 en los primeros 30 días.

아디엔(Adyen), 세계적인 금융 기술 플랫폼이 미국 직불 결제를 위한 지능형 결제 라우팅을 도입했습니다. AI 기반 솔루션으로, 수익과 비용을 모두 최적화합니다. eBay, 24 Hour Fitness, Microsoft 등 20개 이상의 기업 상점과 함께 진행된 파일럿에서 아디엔은 26%의 평균 비용 절감과 0.22%의 승인율 상승을 달성했습니다.

이 기능은 쉽게 도입할 수 있으며, 성능이 향상되고, 옴니채널 기능과 네트워크 비종속성을 제공합니다. AI를 활용하여 실시간으로 거래를 동적으로 라우팅하고, 거래 수수료와 승인율을 기반으로 최적의 결제 경로를 선택합니다. 일부 상점은 55%의 비용 절감과 1.15%의 승인율 개선을 경험했습니다. 한 고객은 30일 이내에 $600,000 절감을 보고했습니다.

Adyen, une plateforme mondiale de technologie financière, a lancé Intelligent Payment Routing pour les paiements par débit aux États-Unis, une solution basée sur l'IA qui optimise à la fois les revenus et les coûts. Lors d'un projet pilote avec plus de 20 commerçants d'entreprise, notamment eBay, 24 Hour Fitness et Microsoft, Adyen a réalisé une économie moyenne de 26% avec une augmentation de 0,22% des taux d'autorisation.

Cette fonctionnalité propose une adoption facile, des performances améliorées, une capacité omnicanale et un agnosticisme réseau. Elle exploite l'IA pour diriger dynamiquement les transactions en temps réel, en sélectionnant le meilleur chemin de paiement basé sur les frais de transaction et les taux d'autorisation. Certains commerçants ont constaté des économies de coûts allant jusqu'à 55% et des améliorations des taux d'autorisation atteignant 1,15%. Un client a rapporté des économies de 600 000 $ au cours des 30 premiers jours.

Adyen, eine globale Finanztechnologieplattform, hat Intelligent Payment Routing für US-Debitzahlungen eingeführt, eine KI-basierte Lösung, die sowohl Einnahmen als auch Kosten optimiert. In einem Pilotprojekt mit über 20 Unternehmenshändlern, darunter eBay, 24 Hour Fitness und Microsoft, erzielte Adyen eine durchschnittliche Kosteneinsparung von 26% mit einem Anstieg von 0,22% bei den Autorisierungsraten.

Die Funktion bietet eine einfache Einführung, verbesserte Leistung, Omnikanal-Fähigkeit und Netzwerk-Agnostizismus. Sie nutzt KI, um Transaktionen in Echtzeit dynamisch zu routen und den besten Zahlungsweg basierend auf Transaktionsgebühren und Autorisierungsraten auszuwählen. Einige Händler verzeichneten Kosteneinsparungen von bis zu 55% und Verbesserungen der Autorisierungsrate von bis zu 1,15%. Ein Kunde berichtete von Einsparungen in Höhe von 600.000 $ innerhalb der ersten 30 Tage.

  • Achieved 26% average cost savings for merchants
  • Improved authorization rates by 0.22% on average
  • Some merchants saw cost savings up to 55%
  • Authorization rate improvements reached up to 1.15% for some clients
  • One customer saved $600,000 in the first 30 days
  • Easy adoption with no additional code required
  • Omnichannel capability for online, in-store, and in-app transactions
  • Network agnostic, allowing for optimal routing across debit networks
  • None.

Launching first to market, Adyen's new feature leverages AI to optimize debit transactions for both cost and authorization rates

SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 9, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Adyen, the global financial technology platform of choice for leading businesses, today announced Intelligent Payment Routing for US debit payments, the only AI-based solution in the market that simultaneously optimizes and improves revenue and lowers costs. In a pilot of over 20 enterprise merchants — including eBay, 24 Hour Fitness, Microsoft, among others — Adyen achieved an average of 26% cost savings with a 0.22% uplift in authorization rates against earlier debit performance.

At a time when organizations are increasingly exploring fiscal efficiencies, Adyen's Intelligent Payment Routing ensures that enterprise businesses processing US debit transactions do not need to choose between cost, acceptance, or speed.

Benefits of Intelligent Payment Routing for US debit payments include:

  • Easy Adoption: The feature does not require additional code or work, but quickly and easily transforms debit card payments into profit savings.
  • Improved Performance: Increase conversion performance and acceptance while simultaneously reducing costs.
  • Omnichannel Capable: Whether customers shop online, in-store, or in-app, the feature leverages cross-channel data to maximize profitable growth.
  • Enables Speed: Businesses no longer need to compromise — including on speed as the feature does not impact processing speed.
  • Network Agnostic: Adyen is able to route transactions across the least expensive debit network at the highest rate of approval, focused on performance uplift and cost reduction.

"One common way CFOs at the enterprise-level manage costs is by looking for savings in their payments processing," said Trevor Nies, Adyen's Senior Vice President and Global Head of Digital. "Payments are often seen as a cost center and not a revenue driver. We think that's a missed opportunity. By routing payments intelligently to the right card processing network, we can help our merchant partners improve both cost savings and revenue growth on their debit card transactions. There is opportunity for US domestic businesses to increase performance and for global businesses to enter the US market with more confidence."

US regulatory changes, effective July 1, 2023, mandates for all debit cards issued in the US to be branded by at least two unaffiliated networks. As a result, competition between networks leads to lower costs for businesses, but also increased complexity, and an opportunity to optimize for higher performance as well as cost.

Additionally, consumers are increasingly leveraging debit. Last year, according to an annual study of consumer choice by the U.S. Federal Reserve, nearly one-third of all payments, both in-person and online, were made via debit cards. From 2022 to 2023, the number of debit card transactions increased by more than 27%. Adyen's platform data, which naturally excludes cash as a payment method, saw debit transactions make up 58% of all US transactions this June.

"As debit transactions increase in popularity, the burden is magnified. We realized that by using AI within the Adyen platform, we could dynamically route transactions in real time and automatically select the best payment path based on transaction fees and authorization rates," said Nies.

Adyen customers saw an average of 26% cost savings. Some merchants saw cost savings as high as 55% and 52% with uplift in authorization rates as high as 1.15% and 0.69%. One customer saw savings as high as $600,000 within the first 30 days.

"Adyen's entire platform was built from the ground up in-house, so all merchants have to do is toggle on the feature to transform their debit card payments into profit," Nies explained. "This low level of effort for merchants is one of the many benefits of our single platform, one integration approach."

About Adyen
Adyen (AMS: ADYEN) is the financial technology platform of choice for leading companies. By providing end-to-end payments capabilities, data-driven insights, and financial products in a single global solution, Adyen helps businesses achieve their ambitions faster. With offices around the world, Adyen works with the likes of Meta, Uber, H&M, eBay, and Microsoft. Adyen continuously improves and expands its product offering as part of its ordinary course of business. New products and features are announced via press releases and product updates on the company's website.

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What is Adyen's Intelligent Payment Routing for US debit payments?

Adyen's Intelligent Payment Routing is an AI-based solution that optimizes US debit transactions for both cost and authorization rates, achieving an average of 26% cost savings and 0.22% uplift in authorization rates in a pilot with over 20 enterprise merchants.

How much can merchants save using Adyen's Intelligent Payment Routing (ADYEY)?

Adyen (ADYEY) reported that merchants using Intelligent Payment Routing saw an average of 26% cost savings, with some merchants experiencing savings as high as 55%. One customer saved $600,000 within the first 30 days of implementation.

What companies participated in Adyen's Intelligent Payment Routing pilot?

Adyen's Intelligent Payment Routing pilot included over 20 enterprise merchants, with eBay, 24 Hour Fitness, and Microsoft specifically mentioned in the press release.

How does Adyen's Intelligent Payment Routing improve authorization rates?

Adyen's Intelligent Payment Routing uses AI to dynamically route transactions in real-time, selecting the best payment path based on transaction fees and authorization rates. This resulted in an average 0.22% uplift in authorization rates, with some merchants seeing improvements up to 1.15%.



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