Advantage Solutions announces strategic alliance with Swiftly

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Advantage Solutions Inc. (NASDAQ: ADV) has announced a strategic alliance with retail technology provider Swiftly, including an equity investment. This collaboration aims to enhance Advantage's omnichannel capabilities and bolster retail media offerings for brands and retailers. The partnership will enable:

1. Comprehensive marketing campaigns across the entire funnel
2. Closed-loop, first-party data analytics for measuring campaign success
3. Personalized messaging via targeted promotions, rebates, and ads
4. A more connected shopping experience across the path to purchase

This alliance addresses a significant need in the retail media ecosystem, allowing brands to create customized campaigns reaching shoppers across multiple platforms. With Advantage serving over 100,000 retail locations in North America, this collaboration unlocks new opportunities for retailers, brands, and shoppers alike.

Advantage Solutions Inc. (NASDAQ: ADV) ha annunciato un'alleanza strategica con il fornitore di tecnologia retail Swiftly, comprendente un investimento azionario. Questa collaborazione ha l'obiettivo di potenziare le capacità omnicanale di Advantage e migliorare le offerte di media retail per marchi e rivenditori. La partnership consentirà:

1. Campagne di marketing complete lungo tutto il funnel
2. Analisi dei dati di prima parte in closed-loop per misurare il successo delle campagne
3. Messaggi personalizzati tramite promozioni mirate, rimborsi e pubblicità
4. Un'esperienza di acquisto più connessa lungo il percorso d'acquisto

Questa alleanza risponde a una necessità significativa nell'ecosistema dei media retail, permettendo ai marchi di creare campagne personalizzate che raggiungono gli acquirenti su più piattaforme. Con Advantage che serve oltre 100.000 punti vendita in Nord America, questa collaborazione sblocca nuove opportunità per rivenditori, marchi e acquirenti.

Advantage Solutions Inc. (NASDAQ: ADV) ha anunciado una alianza estratégica con el proveedor de tecnología minorista Swiftly, que incluye una inversión de capital. Esta colaboración tiene como objetivo mejorar las capacidades omnicanal de Advantage y fortalecer las ofertas de medios minoristas para marcas y minoristas. La asociación permitirá:

1. Campañas de marketing integrales a lo largo de todo el embudo
2. Análisis de datos de primera parte en un ciclo cerrado para medir el éxito de las campañas
3. Mensajes personalizados a través de promociones, reembolsos y anuncios dirigidos
4. Una experiencia de compra más conectada a lo largo del proceso de compra

Esta alianza aborda una necesidad significativa en el ecosistema de medios minoristas, permitiendo a las marcas crear campañas personalizadas que lleguen a los compradores a través de múltiples plataformas. Con Advantage sirviendo a más de 100,000 ubicaciones minoristas en América del Norte, esta colaboración desbloquea nuevas oportunidades para minoristas, marcas y compradores.

Advantage Solutions Inc. (NASDAQ: ADV)가 소매 기술 공급업체인 Swiftly와 전략적 제휴를 발표했습니다. 이 제휴에는 주식 투자도 포함됩니다. 이번 협력은 Advantage의 옴니채널 능력을 향상시키고 브랜드 및 소매업체를 위한 소매 미디어 제공을 강화하는 것을 목표로 합니다. 이 파트너십을 통해:

1. 전체 퍼널을 아우르는 포괄적인 마케팅 캠페인
2. 캠페인 성공 측정을 위한 폐쇄형 1차 데이터 분석
3. 타겟 프로모션, 리베이트 및 광고를 통한 개인화된 메시지 전달
4. 구매 경로 전반에 걸친 더 연결된 쇼핑 경험

이 제휴는 소매 미디어 생태계에서 중요한 필요성을 충족하며, 브랜드가 여러 플랫폼에서 쇼핑객에게 도달하는 맞춤형 캠페인을 생성할 수 있도록 합니다. Advantage가 북미에서 100,000개 이상의 소매 매장을 운영하고 있는 만큼, 이번 협력은 소매업체, 브랜드 및 소비자에게 새로운 기회를 열어줍니다.

Advantage Solutions Inc. (NASDAQ: ADV) a annoncé une alliance stratégique avec le fournisseur de technologie de vente au détail Swiftly, comprenant un investissement en capital. Cette collaboration vise à améliorer les capacités omnicanales d'Advantage et à renforcer les offres de médias de détail pour les marques et les détaillants. Le partenariat permettra :

1. Des campagnes de marketing complètes tout au long de l'entonnoir
2. Des analyses de données en boucle fermée, de première main, pour mesurer le succès des campagnes
3. Un message personnalisé via des promotions ciblées, des remises et des publicités
4. Une expérience d'achat plus connectée tout au long du parcours d'achat

Cette alliance répond à un besoin significatif dans l'écosystème des médias de détail, permettant aux marques de créer des campagnes personnalisées atteignant les acheteurs sur plusieurs plateformes. Avec Advantage qui dessert plus de 100 000 points de vente en Amérique du Nord, cette collaboration ouvre de nouvelles opportunités pour les détaillants, les marques et les acheteurs.

Advantage Solutions Inc. (NASDAQ: ADV) hat eine strategische Allianz mit dem Einzelhandels-Technologieanbieter Swiftly angekündigt, die eine Kapitalbeteiligung umfasst. Diese Zusammenarbeit zielt darauf ab, die Omnichannel-Fähigkeiten von Advantage zu verbessern und die Einzelhandels-Media-Angebote für Marken und Einzelhändler zu stärken. Die Partnerschaft wird Folgendes ermöglichen:

1. Umfassende Marketingkampagnen über den gesamten Trichter
2. Closed-Loop-Analysetools für erste Daten zur Messung des Kampagnenerfolgs
3. Personalisierte Ansprache durch gezielte Aktionen, Rabatte und Werbung
4. Ein vernetzteres Einkaufserlebnis entlang des Kaufprozesses

Diese Allianz deckt einen signifikanten Bedarf im Einzelhandels-Media-Ökosystem ab und ermöglicht es Marken, maßgeschneiderte Kampagnen zu erstellen, die Käufer über mehrere Plattformen erreichen. Da Advantage über 100.000 Einzelhandelsstandorte in Nordamerika bedient, eröffnet diese Zusammenarbeit neue Möglichkeiten für Einzelhändler, Marken und Käufer.

  • Strategic alliance and equity investment in Swiftly expands Advantage's omnichannel capabilities
  • Enables comprehensive marketing campaigns across the entire funnel with closed-loop analytics
  • Provides personalized messaging and targeted promotions for a more connected shopping experience
  • Addresses a significant need in the retail media ecosystem
  • Potential for increased sales and loyalty for retailers through customized campaigns
  • None.

As a Financial Analyst, I find this strategic alliance between Advantage Solutions Inc. (NASDAQ: ADV) and Swiftly to be a significant move in the retail technology space. While the financial terms of the equity investment weren't disclosed, this partnership could potentially bolster Advantage's revenue streams and market position.

The collaboration addresses a important need in the retail media ecosystem, which has been growing rapidly. According to eMarketer, U.S. retail media ad spending is expected to reach $51.36 billion by 2023, up from $31.49 billion in 2021. This partnership positions Advantage to capture a larger share of this expanding market.

Advantage's extensive reach, serving over 100,000 retail locations across North America, provides a solid foundation for scaling Swiftly's technology solutions. This could lead to increased revenue opportunities and potentially higher margins for Advantage, as tech-enabled services often command premium pricing.

However, investors should note that the impact on Advantage's financials may take time to materialize. Integration costs and the learning curve associated with new technology implementations could pressure short-term profitability. Additionally, the competitive landscape in retail media is intensifying, with major players like Amazon and Walmart aggressively expanding their offerings.

Overall, while this alliance shows promise for long-term growth, investors should closely monitor upcoming quarterly reports for early indicators of its financial impact and successful integration.

From a market research perspective, this strategic alliance between Advantage Solutions and Swiftly is a savvy move that addresses several key trends in the retail and CPG industries.

Firstly, it taps into the growing importance of omnichannel marketing. With 73% of customers using multiple channels during their shopping journey (Harvard Business Review), the ability to create cohesive experiences across digital and physical touchpoints is crucial. This partnership enables brands to execute comprehensive campaigns across the entire marketing funnel, which is increasingly valuable in today's fragmented media landscape.

Secondly, the alliance capitalizes on the rising demand for first-party data. As third-party cookies phase out and privacy regulations tighten, retailers' first-party data has become a goldmine. By integrating Swiftly's technology, Advantage can offer brands access to this valuable data, enabling more targeted and effective marketing campaigns.

Lastly, the partnership addresses the need for more sophisticated retail media networks. As traditional advertising channels become less effective, many brands are shifting budgets to retail media. This collaboration allows Advantage to offer a more competitive retail media solution, potentially attracting more brand dollars.

However, the success of this alliance will depend on execution. Advantage and Swiftly will need to ensure seamless integration of their offerings and demonstrate clear ROI to brands and retailers. They'll also face stiff competition from established players in the retail media space.

Overall, this partnership positions Advantage well to capitalize on key market trends, but its ultimate success will hinge on effective implementation and adoption by brands and retailers.

As a Tech Expert, I see this alliance as a strategic move that could significantly enhance Advantage Solutions' technological capabilities in the retail space. By partnering with Swiftly, a leading retail technology provider, Advantage is positioning itself at the forefront of the digital transformation in retail.

The integration of Swiftly's technology will allow Advantage to offer more sophisticated, data-driven solutions to its clients. This includes personalized messaging, targeted promotions and advanced analytics based on first-party data. These capabilities are increasingly important in today's retail environment, where personalization and data-driven decision making are key differentiators.

One of the most intriguing aspects of this partnership is the potential for closed-loop analytics. This means brands can track the entire customer journey from initial awareness to final purchase, providing invaluable insights for optimizing marketing strategies. In an era where marketing attribution is becoming increasingly complex, this level of insight could be a game-changer for many brands.

However, it's worth noting that integrating new technology systems can be challenging, especially at the scale at which Advantage operates. The success of this alliance will depend heavily on how smoothly Swiftly's technology can be integrated into Advantage's existing operations and how quickly their workforce can adapt to these new tools.

From a broader perspective, this move reflects the ongoing convergence of retail and technology. As traditional retail continues to evolve, we can expect to see more partnerships like this, where established retail service providers team up with tech innovators to stay competitive in an increasingly digital marketplace.

Agreement with leading retail technology provider will bolster omnichannel and retail media offerings for brands and retailers

ST. LOUIS, Aug. 01, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Advantage Solutions Inc. (NASDAQ: ADV), a leading business solutions provider to consumer goods manufacturers and retailers, today announced a strategic alliance with leading retail technology provider Swiftly.

The agreement expands Advantage’s omnichannel capabilities and allows retailers to own the digital relationship with their shoppers through the integration of Swiftly’s innovative retail technology solutions.

Through this collaboration, brands can now execute comprehensive campaigns across the entire marketing funnel—from driving digital awareness and raising consideration along the shopper journey to converting purchases in-store—while gaining comprehensive analytics from closed-loop, first-party data to measure campaign success. All of this can now be achieved more efficiently and through a single point of contact.

By enabling personalized messaging via activations such as targeted promotions, rebates and ads both in-store and online, the Advantage-Swiftly alliance will enable brands and retailers to create a more connected and cohesive shopping experience across the path to purchase while providing new insights into how to better serve shoppers.

Under terms of the deal, Advantage is making an equity investment in Swiftly, a Seattle-based provider of technology and retail media solutions for retailers worldwide.

The investment is Advantage’s latest step to modernize and augment its technology to remain on the cutting edge of commerce and offer retailers and consumer packaged goods manufacturers data-driven solutions that can be quickly deployed and optimized to turn insights into action.

“Advantage has the expertise, direct relationships with retailers and the workforce to provide an exceptional in-store experience. We knew we needed a best-in-class tech platform to offer an even more robust suite of services to our retailer and CPG clients, which made teaming with Swiftly an obvious choice,” said Brian McRoskey, Advantage Solutions’ Chief Growth Officer. “This alliance will allow us to offer our customers scalable and targeted solutions that can be embedded quickly and seamlessly to put brands in front of new audiences, drive people to stores and ultimately convert more shoppers into buyers.”

The collaboration addresses a significant need in the retail media ecosystem by enabling brands to create customized marketing and promotional campaigns that reach more shoppers across multiple platforms and touchpoints, ultimately accelerating sales and building loyalty for retailers.

With Advantage serving more than 100,000 retail locations across North America, the new relationship with Swiftly unlocks more opportunities for retailers, brands and shoppers alike.

“After considering several players in this space, we chose to team with Advantage because of their outstanding reputation, extensive reach and considerable size,” said Henry Kim, Swiftly co-founder and CEO. “More importantly, we share a common mission of helping retailers thrive in today’s highly competitive environment. Both our organizations operate at the intersection of retailers and CPG brands, viewing success through the lens of our retailers; their success is our success.”

About Advantage Solutions
Advantage Solutions is a leading provider of outsourced sales, experiential and marketing solutions uniquely positioned at the intersection of brands and retailers. Our data- and technology-driven services — which include headquarter sales, retail merchandising, in-store and online sampling, digital commerce, omnichannel marketing, retail media and others — help brands and retailers of all sizes get products into the hands of consumers, wherever they shop. As a trusted partner and problem solver, we help our clients sell more while spending less. Advantage has offices throughout North America and strategic investments in select markets throughout Africa, Asia, Australia, Latin America and Europe through which the company serves the global needs of multinational, regional and local manufacturers. For more information, please visit

About Swiftly
Swiftly is a leading provider of technology and retail media and technology solutions for retailers worldwide. Founded in 2018, Swiftly offers innovative solutions that drive retail engagement and enable retailers to own the digital relationship with their customer. Swiftly's Retail Tools, Mobile Platforms, Analytics Tools, and Retail Media Network enable retailers to accelerate sales and build loyalty while enabling brands to reach more shoppers and amplify campaigns using the power of 1st party data. Trusted by hundreds of iconic brands, Swiftly is democratizing retail technology and giving retailers the tools they need to compete in today's crowded marketplace.

Advantage Solutions
Peter Frost


Advantage Solutions
Ruben Mella


What is the strategic alliance between Advantage Solutions (ADV) and Swiftly?

Advantage Solutions (ADV) has formed a strategic alliance with Swiftly, a retail technology provider, to expand omnichannel capabilities and enhance retail media offerings for brands and retailers. This includes an equity investment by Advantage in Swiftly.

How will the Advantage-Swiftly alliance benefit brands and retailers?

The alliance will enable brands to execute comprehensive marketing campaigns across the entire funnel, gain insights from closed-loop analytics, create personalized messaging, and offer a more connected shopping experience. Retailers can own the digital relationship with their shoppers and potentially increase sales and loyalty.

What is the reach of Advantage Solutions (ADV) in the retail sector?

Advantage Solutions (ADV) serves more than 100,000 retail locations across North America, providing extensive reach for the implementation of the new retail technology solutions through the Swiftly alliance.

How does the Advantage-Swiftly alliance address needs in the retail media ecosystem?

The collaboration addresses a significant need by enabling brands to create customized marketing and promotional campaigns that reach shoppers across multiple platforms and touchpoints, accelerating sales and building loyalty for retailers.

Advantage Solutions Inc.


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