ADP Unveils Lyric: The Flexible, Intelligent and Human-Centric Global HR Platform

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ADP has launched ADP Lyric HCM, a new Human Capital Management platform designed for the modern workforce. Lyric combines flexibility, intelligence, and human-centric design to enhance employee experience globally. The platform leverages GenAI technology and ADP's extensive dataset to provide personalized HR solutions.

Key features of Lyric include:

  • Flexibility to adapt to unique business structures and workflows
  • Intelligent decision-making using predictive analytics and real-time insights
  • Personalized employee experiences
  • Global payroll support in 75+ countries, with plans for expansion
  • Cloud-native design with robust security for GDPR compliance
  • Responsive web and mobile accessibility

Lyric aims to address challenges faced by large enterprises, including the need for cohesive global workforce data management and adaptability to evolving regulations.

ADP ha lanciato ADP Lyric HCM, una nuova piattaforma di gestione del capitale umano progettata per la forza lavoro moderna. Lyric combina flessibilità, intelligenza e design centrato sull'uomo per migliorare l'esperienza dei dipendenti a livello globale. La piattaforma sfrutta tecnologie GenAI e il vasto database di ADP per offrire soluzioni HR personalizzate.

Le principali caratteristiche di Lyric includono:

  • Flessibilità nell'adattarsi a strutture aziendali uniche e flussi di lavoro
  • Decisioni intelligenti utilizzando analisi predittive e approfondimenti in tempo reale
  • Esperienze personalizzate per i dipendenti
  • Supporto per stipendi globali in oltre 75 paesi, con piani di espansione
  • Design nativo cloud con robusta sicurezza per la conformità al GDPR
  • Accessibilità web e mobile reattiva

Lyric mira a risolvere le sfide affrontate dalle grandi imprese, inclusa la necessità di una gestione coerente dei dati della forza lavoro globale e l'adattabilità a normative in evoluzione.

ADP ha lanzado ADP Lyric HCM, una nueva plataforma de gestión de capital humano diseñada para la fuerza laboral moderna. Lyric combina flexibilidad, inteligencia y diseño centrado en el ser humano para mejorar la experiencia de los empleados a nivel mundial. La plataforma aprovecha la tecnología GenAI y el amplio conjunto de datos de ADP para proporcionar soluciones de recursos humanos personalizadas.

Las características clave de Lyric incluyen:

  • Flexibilidad para adaptarse a estructuras empresariales y flujos de trabajo únicos
  • Decisiones inteligentes utilizando análisis predictivos y conocimientos en tiempo real
  • Experiencias personalizadas para los empleados
  • Soporte de nómina global en más de 75 países, con planes de expansión
  • Diseño nativo en la nube con seguridad robusta para cumplir con el GDPR
  • Accesibilidad web y móvil responsiva

Lyric tiene como objetivo abordar los desafíos que enfrentan las grandes empresas, incluida la necesidad de una gestión coherente de los datos de la fuerza laboral global y la adaptabilidad a regulaciones en evolución.

ADP는 ADP Lyric HCM을 출시했습니다. 이는 현대 인력을 위해 설계된 새로운 인적 자원 관리 플랫폼입니다. Lyric은 유연성, 지능 및 인간 중심 디자인을 결합하여 전 세계적으로 직원 경험을 향상시킵니다. 이 플랫폼은 GenAI 기술과 ADP의 광범위한 데이터 세트를 활용하여 개인화된 인사 솔루션을 제공합니다.

Lyric의 주요 기능은 다음과 같습니다:

  • 독특한 비즈니스 구조 및 워크플로우에 적응하는 유연성
  • 예측 분석 및 실시간 통찰력을 사용한 지능적인 의사결정
  • 개인화된 직원 경험
  • 75개 이상의 국가에서 글로벌 급여 지원, 확장 계획 포함
  • GDPR 준수를 위한 강력한 보안을 갖춘 클라우드 네이티브 디자인
  • 반응형 웹 및 모바일 접근성

Lyric은 대기업이 직면한 문제를 해결하는 것을 목표로 하며, 이는 포괄적인 글로벌 인력 데이터 관리 및 변화하는 규정에 대한 적응력이 필요함을 포함합니다.

ADP a lancé ADP Lyric HCM, une nouvelle plateforme de gestion des ressources humaines conçue pour la main-d'œuvre moderne. Lyric combine flexibilité, intelligence et design centré sur l'humain pour améliorer l'expérience des employés à l'échelle mondiale. La plateforme exploite la technologie GenAI et l'immense ensemble de données d'ADP pour fournir des solutions RH personnalisées.

Les principales caractéristiques de Lyric incluent :

  • Flexibilité pour s'adapter à des structures d'entreprise et des flux de travail uniques
  • Prise de décision intelligente utilisant des analyses prédictives et des informations en temps réel
  • Expériences personnalisées pour les employés
  • Soutien à la paie mondiale dans plus de 75 pays, avec des projets d'expansion
  • Conception native dans le cloud avec une sécurité robuste pour le respect du RGPD
  • Accessibilité réactive sur le web et mobile

Lyric vise à relever les défis auxquels sont confrontées les grandes entreprises, notamment le besoin d'une gestion cohérente des données de la main-d'œuvre mondiale et l'adaptabilité aux réglementations en évolution.

ADP hat ADP Lyric HCM eingeführt, eine neue Plattform für das Management des Humankapitals, die für die moderne Arbeitskraft entwickelt wurde. Lyric kombiniert Flexibilität, Intelligenz und menschenzentriertes Design, um die Mitarbeitererfahrung weltweit zu verbessern. Die Plattform nutzt GenAI-Technologie und ADPs umfangreiche Datensätze, um personalisierte HR-Lösungen anzubieten.

Zu den wichtigsten Funktionen von Lyric gehören:

  • Flexibilität, um sich an einzigartige Unternehmensstrukturen und Arbeitsabläufe anzupassen
  • Intelligente Entscheidungsfindung mit prädiktiven Analysen und Echtzeiteinblicken
  • Personalisierte Mitarbeitererlebnisse
  • Globale Lohnabrechnung unterstützt in über 75 Ländern, mit Expansionsplänen
  • Cloud-native Design mit robuster Sicherheit zur Einhaltung der DSGVO
  • Reaktionsfähiger Web- und mobile Zugriff

Lyric zielt darauf ab, die Herausforderungen anzugehen, mit denen große Unternehmen konfrontiert sind, einschließlich der Notwendigkeit eines kohärenten Managements von globalen Mitarbeiterdaten und der Anpassungsfähigkeit an sich entwickelnde Vorschriften.

  • Launch of a new, advanced HCM platform (Lyric) to meet modern workforce needs
  • Integration of GenAI technology with ADP's extensive dataset
  • Global payroll support in 75+ countries with plans for expansion
  • Cloud-native design with robust security for GDPR compliance
  • Potential for increased efficiency and improved decision-making through predictive analytics and real-time insights
  • None.


ADP's launch of Lyric HCM represents a significant leap in HR technology. The platform's use of GenAI for personalized employee experiences is a game-changer. Its flexibility to adapt to unique business structures and workflows addresses a important pain point for large enterprises. The cloud-native design with robust security features is particularly noteworthy, especially for GDPR compliance. The global payroll support in 75+ countries, with plans for expansion, positions Lyric as a comprehensive solution for multinational corporations. The integration of predictive analytics and real-time insights could provide a competitive edge in workforce management. However, the true test will be in its implementation and user adoption. The market will closely watch how Lyric performs against established players and whether it can deliver on its promises of enhanced decision-making and efficiency.

Lyric HCM's launch is a significant development in the HCM space. Its focus on flexibility, intelligence and human-centric design aligns well with current HR trends. The platform's ability to adapt to unique organizational structures and provide personalized experiences could be a major differentiator. The emphasis on compliance management is crucial, especially for global enterprises navigating complex regulatory landscapes. The integration of GenAI and predictive analytics could potentially revolutionize workforce planning and decision-making processes. However, the success of Lyric will depend on its ease of implementation, user experience and ability to deliver tangible benefits in terms of efficiency and cost savings. ADP's strong market position and extensive dataset give Lyric a solid foundation, but it will face stiff competition from established HCM providers and innovative startups.

ADP Lyric HCM leverages GenAI to provide personalized employee experiences on a global scale

ROSELAND, N.J., Sept. 23, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- ADP® today announced the launch of ADP Lyric HCM, a Human Capital Management (HCM) platform designed to meet the evolving needs of the modern workforce through global HR, payroll and service. By combining flexibility, intelligence and human-centric design, Lyric provides a ground-breaking solution that enhances employee experience on a global scale.

"Lyric sets a new standard for the modern workplace by unifying advanced HR technology with a highly personalized approach," says Sreeni Kutam, president, global product and innovation at ADP. "Today's workforce is fluid and global. Businesses need tools to manage their workforce with insight, compliance and adaptability. Lyric solves for this by integrating industry-leading GenAI technology with ADP's unmatched dataset, delivering HCM solutions that are flexible, intelligent and human-centric."

In today's dynamic business environment, large enterprises need HCM systems that can quickly adapt to changing conditions.  Fragmented technology often prevents HR from having a cohesive view of worldwide workforce data. With regulations and laws constantly evolving, businesses need systems that are designed to help them proactively manage those compliance requirements. In addition, today's tech-savvy employees expect personalized, real-time service to help them solve issues and make informed decisions.

Lyric addresses these challenges with an all-in-one HCM solution that is:

  • Flexible: Operate with ease – by adapting to unique structures, workflows and practices, without conforming to rigid, predefined methods.
  • Intelligent: Enhance decision-making and drive efficiency – using predictive analytics, real-time insight, forecasting of trends, anomaly detection and personalized recommendations.
  • Human: Tailor employee experiences – with a more personal, human experience that is in tune with each employee's career journey.
  • Anywhere: ADP Lyric HCM can support payroll in 75+ countries — and will expand into additional geographies each quarter.

Large enterprises can rely on Lyric's cloud-native design and robust security to help adhere with stringent GDPR and other compliance requirements. Responsive web and powerful mobile experiences make Lyric easily accessible whenever and wherever work is done – helping businesses scale to manage their workforce and serve their employees.

"Organizations of today need a new breed of flexible, easy-to-use, AI-infused HR software," says Josh Bersin, global HR industry analyst. "ADP's Lyric HCM is architected for the dynamic nature of enterprises, designed around teams not hierarchies, so it has capabilities to manage the new world of work. And it goes beyond HR management: Lyric can make employees' work life easier and more productive. Lyric stands out with its advanced intelligence, personalized design and global scalability, making it the premier solution for today's HR challenges. By elevating the human experiences and addressing the individual needs of today's diverse workforce Lyric helps businesses effectively manage their global teams with a solution that adapts to their unique needs."

"Lyric HCM provides us with the ability to seamlessly scale", said Tom Peot, Executive Vice President of Finance and HR at Capstone Logistics.  "We've had measurable growth recently, both organic and through acquisition. Lyric allowed us to remain flexible and drove efficiencies we couldn't take advantage of previously." 

For more information on Lyric's features or to schedule a demonstration, visit


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ADP, the ADP logo, and Always Designing for People, are trademarks of ADP, Inc. All other marks are the property of their respective owners.

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What is ADP Lyric HCM and when was it launched?

ADP Lyric HCM is a new Human Capital Management platform launched by ADP on September 23, 2024. It's designed to meet the evolving needs of the modern workforce through global HR, payroll, and service solutions.

How many countries does ADP Lyric HCM support for payroll?

ADP Lyric HCM currently supports payroll in over 75 countries, with plans to expand into additional geographies each quarter.

What are the key features of ADP Lyric HCM?

Key features of ADP Lyric HCM include flexibility to adapt to unique business structures, intelligent decision-making using predictive analytics, personalized employee experiences, global payroll support, cloud-native design with robust security, and responsive web and mobile accessibility.

How does ADP Lyric HCM use artificial intelligence?

ADP Lyric HCM leverages GenAI (Generative AI) technology combined with ADP's extensive dataset to provide intelligent, personalized HR solutions, including predictive analytics, real-time insights, and personalized recommendations.

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