ADP National Employment Report: Private Sector Employment Increased by 143,000 Jobs in September; Annual Pay was Up 4.7%

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The September ADP® National Employment ReportTM reveals that private sector employment increased by 143,000 jobs in September 2024, with annual pay up 4.7% year-over-year. The report, produced by ADP Research in collaboration with the Stanford Digital Economy Lab, provides a high-frequency view of the private-sector labor market based on actual payroll data from over 25 million U.S. employees.

Key highlights include:

  • Widespread job creation rebound across sectors, with only the information sector losing jobs
  • Manufacturing added jobs for the first time since April
  • Pay gains slowed in September, with job-stayers seeing a 4.7% increase and job-changers experiencing a 6.6% rise
  • The South region led job growth with 61,000 new positions
  • Large establishments (500+ employees) added 86,000 jobs

Il rapporto nazionale sull'occupazione ADP® di settembre rivela che l'occupazione nel settore privato è aumentata di 143.000 posti di lavoro a settembre 2024, con un aumento salariale annuo del 4,7% rispetto all'anno precedente. Il rapporto, prodotto da ADP Research in collaborazione con il Stanford Digital Economy Lab, fornisce una visione ad alta frequenza del mercato del lavoro del settore privato basata su dati retributivi reali di oltre 25 milioni di dipendenti statunitensi.

I punti salienti includono:

  • Recupero diffuso nella creazione di posti di lavoro in tutti i settori, con solo il settore dell'informazione che ha perso posti
  • Il settore manifatturiero ha aggiunto posti di lavoro per la prima volta da aprile
  • Gli aumenti retributivi hanno rallentato a settembre, con i lavoratori permanenti che hanno visto un aumento del 4,7% e i cambiatori di lavoro che hanno sperimentato un aumento del 6,6%
  • La regione sud ha guidato la crescita occupazionale con 61.000 nuove posizioni
  • Le grandi aziende (con oltre 500 dipendenti) hanno aggiunto 86.000 posti di lavoro

El Informe Nacional de Empleo ADP® de septiembre revela que el empleo en el sector privado aumentó en 143,000 puestos de trabajo en septiembre de 2024, con un aumento salarial anual del 4.7% en comparación con el año anterior. El informe, producido por ADP Research en colaboración con el Stanford Digital Economy Lab, proporciona una visión de alta frecuencia del mercado laboral del sector privado basada en datos de nómina reales de más de 25 millones de empleados en EE.UU.

Los aspectos más destacados incluyen:

  • Recuperación general en la creación de empleo en todos los sectores, con solo el sector de la información perdiendo empleos
  • La manufactura agregó empleos por primera vez desde abril
  • Los aumentos de salario se desaceleraron en septiembre, con los trabajadores permanentes viendo un aumento del 4.7% y los que cambian de trabajo experimentando un aumento del 6.6%
  • La región sur lideró el crecimiento laboral con 61,000 nuevos puestos
  • Las grandes empresas (500+ empleados) agregaron 86,000 puestos de trabajo

2024년 9월 ADP® 전국 고용 보고서는 민간 부문 고용이 143,000개 일자리 증가했다고 밝혔으며, 연간 급여는 전년 대비 4.7% 상승했다고 보도했습니다. 이 보고서는 ADP 리서치와 스탠포드 디지털 경제 연구소의 협력으로 작성되었으며, 2,500만 명 이상의 미국 직원의 실제 급여 데이터를 기반으로 민간 부문 노동 시장에 대한 고빈도 정보를 제공합니다.

주요 내용은 다음과 같습니다:

  • IT 부문만 일자리를 잃은 가운데 모든 산업에서 일자리 창출의 광범위한 회복이 있었습니다.
  • 제조업은 4월 이후 처음으로 일자리를 추가했습니다.
  • 9월에는 급여 상승이 둔화되었으며, 현재 일자리를 유지하는 경우 4.7% 증가하고, 이직하는 경우 6.6% 증가했습니다.
  • 남부 지역이 61,000개의 새로운 일자리로 고용 성장을 선도했습니다.
  • 대규모 기업(500명 이상)이 86,000개의 일자리를 추가했습니다.

Le rapport national sur l'emploi ADP® de septembre révèle que l'emploi dans le secteur privé a augmenté de 143 000 postes en septembre 2024, avec une augmentation salariale annuelle de 4,7% par rapport à l'année précédente. Le rapport, produit par ADP Research en collaboration avec le Stanford Digital Economy Lab, fournit une vue à haute fréquence du marché du travail du secteur privé basée sur des données de paie réelles de plus de 25 millions d'employés américains.

Les faits saillants incluent :

  • Une reprise généralisée de la création d'emplois dans tous les secteurs, le secteur de l'information étant le seul à avoir perdu des emplois
  • Le secteur manufacturier a ajouté des emplois pour la première fois depuis avril
  • Les augmentations salariales ont ralenti en septembre, les travailleurs en poste voyant une augmentation de 4,7% et ceux ayant changé d'emploi connaissant une hausse de 6,6%
  • La région du Sud a été en tête de la croissance de l'emploi avec 61 000 nouveaux postes
  • Les grandes entreprises (500+ employés) ont ajouté 86 000 emplois

Der ADP® Nationale Beschäftigungsbericht für September zeigt, dass die Beschäftigung im privaten Sektor um 143.000 Arbeitsplätze gestiegen ist im September 2024, mit einem jährlichen Gehaltsanstieg von 4,7% im Vergleich zum Vorjahr. Der Bericht, der von ADP Research in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Stanford Digital Economy Lab erstellt wurde, bietet einen hochfrequenten Blick auf den Arbeitsmarkt des privaten Sektors, basierend auf echten Lohnzahlungen von über 25 Millionen US-Beschäftigten.

Die wichtigsten Highlights sind:

  • Ein weitreichendes jobwachsendes Comeback in allen Sektoren, wobei nur der Informationssektor Arbeitsplätze verlor
  • Die Fertigung fügte zum ersten Mal seit April neue Arbeitsplätze hinzu
  • Die Lohnsteigerungen verlangsamten sich im September, wobei die Beschäftigten einen Anstieg von 4,7% und die Job-Wechsler einen Anstieg von 6,6% erlebten
  • Die Südstaaten führten das Jobwachstum mit 61.000 neuen Stellen an
  • Große Unternehmen (mit 500+ Mitarbeitern) fügten 86.000 Arbeitsplätze hinzu
  • Private sector employment increased by 143,000 jobs in September
  • Job creation showed a widespread rebound after a five-month slowdown
  • Manufacturing added jobs for the first time since April
  • Large establishments (500+ employees) added 86,000 jobs
  • Annual pay was up 4.7% year-over-year for job-stayers
  • Information sector lost 10,000 jobs
  • Small establishments (1-19 employees) lost 13,000 jobs
  • Pay gains for job-changers declined from 7.3% in August to 6.6% in September
  • East South Central region lost 9,000 jobs


The September ADP National Employment Report shows a notable uptick in private sector job growth, with 143,000 jobs added, significantly higher than August's revised 103,000. This widespread rebound across sectors, except for Information, signals a potential strengthening of the labor market after a five-month slowdown.

Key observations:

  • Goods-producing sectors added 42,000 jobs, with Construction leading at 26,000.
  • Service-providing sectors contributed 101,000 jobs, led by Leisure/Hospitality with 34,000.
  • Large establishments (500+ employees) drove growth with 86,000 new jobs.
  • Annual pay growth for job-stayers slightly decreased to 4.7%, while job-changers saw a more significant drop to 6.6%.

This report suggests a resilient labor market, but the narrowing pay premium for job-changers (now at 1.9%) may indicate evolving dynamics in wage growth and labor mobility.

The September ADP report presents a nuanced picture of the U.S. labor market. The 143,000 job increase surpasses expectations and suggests economic resilience. However, the moderation in wage growth, particularly for job-changers, warrants attention.

Key implications:

  • The broad-based job gains across sectors indicate a balanced economic expansion.
  • Slowing wage growth (4.7% for job-stayers) may help ease inflationary pressures, potentially influencing Federal Reserve policy.
  • The narrowing wage premium for job-changers could signal a cooling in labor market competitiveness.
  • Regional disparities, such as job losses in the East South Central region, highlight uneven economic recovery.

This report suggests a "Goldilocks" scenario - job growth without accelerating wage inflation - which could support a "soft landing" for the economy. However, investors should monitor future reports for signs of sustained trends or potential shifts in labor market dynamics.

ROSELAND, N.J., Oct. 2, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Private sector employment increased by 143,000 jobs in September and annual pay was up 4.7 percent year-over-year, according to the September ADP® National Employment ReportTM produced by ADP Research in collaboration with the Stanford Digital Economy Lab ("Stanford Lab"). The ADP National Employment Report is an independent measure and high-frequency view of the private-sector labor market based on actual, anonymized payroll data of more than 25 million U.S. employees.

The jobs report and pay insights use ADP's fine-grained anonymized and aggregated payroll data to provide a representative picture of the private-sector labor market. The report details the current month's total private employment change, and weekly job data from the previous month. Because the underlying ADP payroll databases are continuously updated, the report provides a high-frequency, near real-time measure of U.S. employment. This measure reflects the number of employees on ADP client payrolls (Payroll Employment) to provide a richer understanding of the labor market. ADP's pay measure uniquely captures the earnings of a cohort of almost 10 million employees over a 12-month period.

"Stronger hiring didn't require stronger pay growth last month," said Nela Richardson, chief economist, ADP. "Typically, workers who change jobs see faster pay growth. But their premium over job-stayers shrank to 1.9 percent, matching a low we last saw in January."

September 2024 Report Highlights*

View the ADP National Employment Report and interactive charts at


Private employers added 143,000 jobs in September
Job creation showed a widespread rebound after a five-month slowdown. Only one sector, information, lost jobs. Manufacturing added jobs for the first time since April.

Change in U.S. Private Employment:     143,000

Change by Industry Sector

- Goods-producing:     42,000

  • Natural resources/mining     14,000
  • Construction     26,000
  • Manufacturing     2,000

- Service-providing:     101,000

  • Trade/transportation/utilities     14,000
  • Information     -10,000
  • Financial activities     2,000
  • Professional/business services     20,000
  • Education/health services     24,000
  • Leisure/hospitality     34,000
  • Other services     17,000

Change by U.S. Regions

- Northeast:     32,000

  • New England     7,000
  • Middle Atlantic     25,000

- Midwest:     26,000

  • East North Central     18,000
  • West North Central     8,000

- South:     61,000

  • South Atlantic     27,000
  • East South Central     -9,000
  • West South Central     43,000

- West:     22,000

  • Mountain     1,000
  • Pacific     21,000

Change by Establishment Size

- Small establishments:     -8,000

  • 1-19 employees     -13,000
  • 20-49 employees     5,000

- Medium establishments:     64,000

  • 50-249 employees     49,000
  • 250-499 employees     15,000

- Large establishments:     86,000

  • 500+ employees     86,000


Pay gains slowed in September
Year-over-year pay gains for job-stayers fell slightly in September to 4.7 percent. For job-changers the decline was greater, falling from 7.3 percent in August to 6.6 percent.

Median Change in Annual Pay (ADP matched person sample)

- Job-Stayers     4.7%

- Job-Changers     6.6%

Median Change in Annual Pay for Job-Stayers by Industry Sector

- Goods-producing:                                                       

  • Natural resources/mining     3.6%
  • Construction     5.1%
  • Manufacturing     4.6%

- Service-providing:

  • Trade/transportation/utilities     4.5%
  • Information     4.4%
  • Financial activities     4.9%
  • Professional/business services     4.6%
  • Education/health services     5.1%
  • Leisure/hospitality     4.7%
  • Other services     4.8%

Median Change in Annual Pay for Job-Stayers by Firm Size

- Small firms:                                                                

  • 1-19 employees     4.0%
  • 20-49 employees     4.6%

- Medium firms:                                                             

  • 50-249 employees     5.0%
  • 250-499 employees     4.8%

- Large firms:                                                                

  • 500+ employees     4.7%

To see Pay Insights by U.S. State, Gender, and Age for Job-Stayers, visit here:

* Sum of components may not equal total due to rounding.

The August total of jobs added was revised from 99,000 to 103,000. The historical data file and weekly data for the previous month are available at

To subscribe to monthly email alerts or obtain additional information about the ADP National Employment Report, including employment and pay data, interactive charts, methodology, and a calendar of release dates, please visit    

The October 2024 ADP National Employment Report will be released at 8:15 a.m. ET on October 30, 2024.

About the ADP® National Employment Report™
The ADP National Employment Report is an independent measure of the change in U.S. private employment and pay derived from actual, anonymized payroll data of client companies served by ADP, a leading provider of human capital management solutions. The report is produced by ADP Research in collaboration with the Stanford Digital Economy Lab.

The ADP National Employment Report is broadly distributed to the public each month, free of charge, as part of the company's commitment to offering deeper insights of the U.S. labor market and providing businesses and governments with a source of credible and valuable information.

About the ADP Research
The mission of ADP Research is to make the future of work more productive through data-driven discovery. Companies, workers, and policymakers rely on our finely tuned data and unique perspective to make informed decisions that impact workplaces around the world.

Designing better ways to work through cutting-edge products, premium services and exceptional experiences that enable people to reach their full potential.  HR, Talent, Time Management, Benefits and Payroll. Informed by data and designed for people.   Learn more at

ADP, the ADP logo, and Always Designing for People, ADP National Employment Report, ADP Research Institute and ADP Research are trademarks of ADP, Inc. All other marks are the property of their respective owners.

Copyright © 2024 ADP, Inc. All rights reserved.


(PRNewsfoto/ADP, LLC)



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How many private sector jobs were added in September 2024 according to the ADP National Employment Report?

According to the ADP National Employment Report, private sector employment increased by 143,000 jobs in September 2024.

What was the annual pay increase for job-stayers in September 2024?

The annual pay increase for job-stayers was 4.7% in September 2024.

Which industry sector lost jobs in September 2024 according to the ADP report?

The information sector was the only industry that lost jobs in September 2024, with a decrease of 10,000 jobs.

How did pay gains for job-changers change in September 2024 compared to August?

Pay gains for job-changers declined from 7.3% in August to 6.6% in September 2024.

Which U.S. region added the most jobs in September 2024 according to the ADP report?

The South region led job growth with 61,000 new positions in September 2024.

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