AECOM to design the upgrade and expansion of the Walnut Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant

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AECOM (NYSE: ACM) has been selected by the City of Austin as the prime consultant for the expansion of the Walnut Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) in Austin, Texas. The project aims to increase the plant's capacity from 75 million gallons per day (MGD) to 100 MGD, addressing the needs of Austin's growing population and enhancing the resilience of its wastewater infrastructure.

The scope of work includes process, mechanical, civil, electrical, and structural engineering services to modernize and upgrade existing infrastructure. Key components of the expansion include:

  • Replacing aging equipment
  • Constructing a new 25 MGD treatment train
  • Building a new 120-inch outfall line and structure
  • Providing wet weather treatment with new 100 MGD cloth filters
  • Building a flood wall for protection against 100-year floods

The Walnut Creek WWTP, originally built in 1977, has undergone three previous expansions. The facility is expected to remain operational throughout the upgrade process.

AECOM (NYSE: ACM) è stata selezionata dalla città di Austin come consulente principale per l'espansione dell'Impianto di Trattamento delle Acque Reflue di Walnut Creek (WWTP) ad Austin, Texas. Il progetto mira ad aumentare la capacità dell'impianto da 75 milioni di galloni al giorno (MGD) a 100 MGD, rispondendo così alle esigenze della crescente popolazione di Austin e migliorando la resilienza delle sue infrastrutture per le acque reflue.

Il campo di lavoro include servizi di ingegneria di processo, meccanica, civile, elettrica e strutturale per modernizzare e aggiornare le infrastrutture esistenti. I principali componenti dell'espansione includono:

  • Sostituzione delle attrezzature obsolete
  • Costruzione di un nuovo treno di trattamento da 25 MGD
  • Costruzione di una nuova condotta di scarico e struttura di 120 pollici
  • Fornitura di trattamento in caso di maltempo con nuovi filtri in tessuto da 100 MGD
  • Costruzione di un muro contro le inondazioni per protezione da inondazioni centenarie

Il WWTP di Walnut Creek, originariamente costruito nel 1977, ha subito tre espansioni precedenti. Si prevede che la struttura rimanga operativa durante l'intero processo di aggiornamento.

AECOM (NYSE: ACM) ha sido seleccionada por la ciudad de Austin como consultor principal para la expansión de la Planta de Tratamiento de Aguas Residuales de Walnut Creek (WWTP) en Austin, Texas. El proyecto tiene como objetivo aumentar la capacidad de la planta de 75 millones de galones por día (MGD) a 100 MGD, abordando las necesidades de la creciente población de Austin y mejorando la resiliencia de su infraestructura de aguas residuales.

El alcance del trabajo incluye servicios de ingeniería de procesos, mecánica, civil, eléctrica y estructural para modernizar y actualizar la infraestructura existente. Los componentes clave de la expansión incluyen:

  • Sustitución de equipo antiguo
  • Construcción de un nuevo tren de tratamiento de 25 MGD
  • Construcción de una nueva línea y estructura de desagüe de 120 pulgadas
  • Provisión de tratamiento en clima húmedo con nuevos filtros de tela de 100 MGD
  • Construcción de un muro de contención para protección contra inundaciones centenarias

La WWTP de Walnut Creek, construida originalmente en 1977, ha pasado por tres expansiones anteriores. Se espera que la instalación siga operativa durante todo el proceso de actualización.

AECOM (NYSE: ACM)은 텍사스 오스틴의 월넛 크릭 하수 처리장 (WWTP) 확장을 위한 주요 컨설턴트로 오스틴 시에 의해 선택되었습니다. 이 프로젝트는 75백만 갤런에서 100백만 갤런으로 (MGD) 처리 용량을 증가시키는 것을 목표로 하며, 오스틴의 성장하는 인구의 필요를 충족하고 하수 인프라의 복원력을 강화합니다.

작업 범위에는 기존 인프라를 현대화하고 업그레이드하기 위한 프로세스, 기계, 토목, 전기 및 구조 공학 서비스가 포함됩니다. 확장의 주요 구성 요소는 다음과 같습니다:

  • 노후 장비 교체
  • 25 MGD 처리 기차 새로 건설
  • 120인치 배수관 및 구조물 신설
  • 새로운 100 MGD 섬유 필터를 사용한 우기처리 제공
  • 100년 홍수에 대한 보호를 위한 방수벽 건설

월넛 크릭 WWTP는 1977년에 처음 건설되었으며, 이전에 세 번의 확장이 있었습니다. 시설은 업그레이드 과정 전체에서 운영될 것으로 예상됩니다.

AECOM (NYSE: ACM) a été sélectionnée par la ville d'Austin en tant que consultant principal pour l'extension de la Station d'Épuration des Eaux Usées de Walnut Creek (WWTP) à Austin, Texas. Le projet vise à augmenter la capacité de l'installation de 75 millions de gallons par jour (MGD) à 100 MGD, afin de répondre aux besoins de la population croissante d'Austin et d'améliorer la résilience de son infrastructure d'eaux usées.

Le périmètre de travail comprend des services d'ingénierie de processus, mécanique, civil, électrique et structurel pour moderniser et mettre à niveau les infrastructures existantes. Les éléments clés de l'extension comprennent :

  • Remplacement des équipements vieillissants
  • Construction d'un nouveau train de traitement de 25 MGD
  • Construction d'une nouvelle conduite de décharge et structure de 120 pouces
  • Fourniture de traitement en cas de temps humide avec de nouveaux filtres à tissu de 100 MGD
  • Construction d'un mur de protection contre les inondations d'un siècle

La WWTP de Walnut Creek, construite à l'origine en 1977, a déjà subi trois extensions précédentes. L'installation devrait rester opérationnelle tout au long du processus de mise à niveau.

AECOM (NYSE: ACM) wurde von der Stadt Austin als Hauptberater für die Erweiterung der Walnut Creek Kläranlage (WWTP) in Austin, Texas, ausgewählt. Ziel des Projekts ist es, die Kapazität der Anlage von 75 Millionen Gallonen pro Tag (MGD) auf 100 MGD zu erhöhen, um den Bedürfnissen der wachsenden Bevölkerung von Austin gerecht zu werden und die Resilienz der Abwasserinfrastruktur zu verbessern.

Der Arbeitsumfang umfasst Prozess-, Maschinen-, Bau-, Elektro- und Tragwerksplanungsleistungen zur Modernisierung und Aufrüstung der bestehenden Infrastruktur. Zu den wichtigsten Komponenten der Erweiterung gehören:

  • Austausch veralteter Ausrüstung
  • Bau eines neuen Behandlungsstrangs mit 25 MGD
  • Bau einer neuen 120-Zoll-Entwässerungsleitung und -struktur
  • Bereitstellung von Nasswetterbehandlung mit neuen 100 MGD-Gewebefiltern
  • Bau einer Hochwasserwand zum Schutz vor 100-jährigen Überschwemmungen

Die Walnut Creek WWTP, die ursprünglich 1977 gebaut wurde, hat bereits drei frühere Erweiterungen erfahren. Die Anlage wird voraussichtlich während des gesamten Upgrade-Prozesses in Betrieb bleiben.

  • AECOM selected as prime consultant for major wastewater treatment plant expansion
  • Project increases plant capacity from 75 MGD to 100 MGD
  • Expansion addresses growing population needs and enhances infrastructure resilience
  • Incorporation of advanced operational and environmental features
  • Implementation of wet weather treatment and flood protection measures
  • None.

DALLAS--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- AECOM (NYSE: ACM), the world’s trusted infrastructure consulting firm, today announced its selection by the City of Austin as the prime consultant for the expansion of the Walnut Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) in Austin, Texas. The project aims to improve the aging structure’s operational and environmental features by increasing the plant’s capacity from 75 million gallons per day (MGD) to 100 MGD. As the population of Austin grows, the upgrades will bolster the resiliency of the community’s wastewater infrastructure while safeguarding its surrounding ecosystem.

“As our industry’s leading Water consulting firm, we look forward to continuing our long-standing partnership with the City of Austin to ensure the Walnut Creek Expansion delivers state-of-the-art treatment capabilities to the local community,” said Beverley Stinson, chief executive of AECOM’s global Water business. “Our teams have established themselves as pioneers in the global push to advance highly efficient and cost effective nutrient removal, and will leverage this extensive expertise to enhance the plant and improve the effluent water quality to protect the environment, while meeting existing and future community demands.”

The AECOM team’s scope of work for the project includes process, mechanical, civil, electrical and structural engineering services to modernize and upgrade the existing infrastructure, while incorporating advanced operational and environmental features. The expansion will involve replacing aging equipment, constructing a new 25 MGD treatment train, and building a new 120-inch outfall line and structure. The project will also provide wet weather treatment with new 100 MGD cloth filters and build a flood wall to protect against 100-year floods in accordance with the National Weather Service’s historic Atlas 14 flood risk study.

“AECOM has a longstanding partnership with the City of Austin, having designed substantial portions of the City’s major water and wastewater treatment plants,” said Matt Crane, chief executive of AECOM’s U.S. West region. “Our expertise in complex treatment design will support an exceptionally resilient, sustainable facility, aligning with our Sustainable Legacies strategy to make a lasting positive impact through every project we undertake.”

Originally built in 1977 with an 18 million gallon per day capacity, the Walnut Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant has since been expanded three times in 1987, 1990, and 2005 to reach its current capacity of 75 million gallons per day. The facility is expected to remain operational throughout the work.

AECOM (NYSE: ACM) is the world’s trusted infrastructure consulting firm, delivering professional services throughout the project lifecycle – from advisory, planning, design and engineering to program and construction management. On projects spanning transportation, buildings, water, new energy, and the environment, our public- and private-sector clients trust us to solve their most complex challenges. Our teams are driven by a common purpose to deliver a better world through our unrivaled technical and digital expertise, a culture of equity, diversity and inclusion, and a commitment to environmental, social and governance priorities. AECOM is a Fortune 500 firm and its Professional Services business had revenue of $14.4 billion in fiscal year 2023. See how we are delivering sustainable legacies for generations to come at and @AECOM.

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Media Contact:

Brendan Ranson-Walsh

Senior Vice President, Global Communications


Investor Contact:

Will Gabrielski

Senior Vice President, Finance, Treasurer


Source: AECOM


What is the capacity increase for the Walnut Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant expansion project?

The Walnut Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant expansion project will increase the plant's capacity from 75 million gallons per day (MGD) to 100 MGD.

What are the main components of AECOM's (ACM) scope of work for the Walnut Creek WWTP expansion?

AECOM's scope of work includes process, mechanical, civil, electrical, and structural engineering services, replacing aging equipment, constructing a new 25 MGD treatment train, building a new 120-inch outfall line and structure, providing wet weather treatment, and building a flood wall.

When was the Walnut Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant originally built and what was its initial capacity?

The Walnut Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant was originally built in 1977 with an initial capacity of 18 million gallons per day.

How many times has the Walnut Creek WWTP been expanded prior to this project?

The Walnut Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant has been expanded three times prior to this project, in 1987, 1990, and 2005.


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