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Albertsons Companies' Jewel-Osco Division recently hosted its 10th Annual Mind, Body, Planet event series, focusing on promoting personal wellness and environmental sustainability through food choices. The event featured informative sessions, samples from various brands, live performances, and a charitable donation to a local non-profit. This collaboration highlights a commitment to healthy futures and environmental stewardship.
La divisione Jewel-Osco di Albertsons Companies ha recentemente ospitato la sua 10ª edizione annuale della serie di eventi Mente, Corpo, Pianeta, concentrata sulla promozione del benessere personale e della sostenibilità ambientale attraverso le scelte alimentari. L'evento ha presentato sessioni informative, campioni di vari marchi, esibizioni dal vivo e una donazione benefica a un'organizzazione non-profit locale. Questa collaborazione sottolinea un impegno verso futuri salutari e la tutela ambientale.
La División Jewel-Osco de Albertsons Companies recientemente organizó su 10ª Serie Anual de eventos Mente, Cuerpo, Planeta, enfocados en promover el bienestar personal y la sostenibilidad ambiental a través de las elecciones alimentarias. El evento contó con sesiones informativas, muestras de diversas marcas, actuaciones en vivo y una donación benéfica a una organización sin fines de lucro local. Esta colaboración destaca un compromiso con futuros saludables y la gestión medioambiental.
Albertsons Companies의 Jewel-Osco 부문은 최근 음식 선택을 통해 개인의 웰빙과 환경 지속 가능성을 촉진하는 것에 초점을 맞춘 제10회 연례 마인드, 바디, 플래닛 이벤트 시리즈를 개최했습니다. 이 행사에서는 정보 세션, 다양한 브랜드의 샘플, 라이브 공연 및 지역 비영리 단체에 대한 자선 기부가 특징이었습니다. 이 협력은 건강한 미래와 환경 관리에 대한 헌신을 강조합니다.
La division Jewel-Osco de Albertsons Companies a récemment accueilli sa 10ème série annuelle d'événements Esprit, Corps, Planète, axée sur la promotion du bien-être personnel et de la durabilité environnementale à travers les choix alimentaires. L'événement comprenait des sessions informatives, des échantillons de diverses marques, des performances en direct et un don caritatif à une organisation à but non lucratif locale. Cette collaboration met en lumière un engagement envers des avenirs sains et la gérance environnementale.
Die Jewel-Osco Division von Albertsons Companies hat kürzlich ihre 10. jährliche Veranstaltungsreihe Geist, Körper, Planet ausgerichtet, die darauf abzielt, persönliches Wohlbefinden und Umweltverträglichkeit durch Lebensmittelauswahl zu fördern. Die Veranstaltung beinhaltete informative Sitzungen, Proben verschiedener Marken, Live-Auftritte und eine Spende an eine lokale gemeinnützige Organisation. Diese Kooperation betont das Engagement für eine gesunde Zukunft und Umweltverantwortung.
This program aims to enlighten shoppers on the significance (and enjoyment) of eating and shopping for food that promotes personal wellness and environmental sustainability, all within a vibrant in-store celebration.
Highlights of the event included informative sessions led by dietitian May Zhu, samples from over 30 brands such as Proud Source Water, Skinny Pop, Mission Foods, La Preferida, and Quaker Oats (some of which are B-Corp certified), live performances by both a band and a DJ, a special appearance by Jewel-Osco's beloved mascot, JoJo, as well as a charitable donation to local non-profit, EcoShip, among other activities.
This collaboration between brands and community partners exemplifies a commitment to healthy futures and bettering the environment.