Cagent Vascular Appoints Paul Wilson as Chief Commercial Officer to Drive Growth and Market Expansion
Cagent Vascular has appointed Paul Wilson as Chief Commercial Officer (CCO) to lead the company's commercial strategy. Wilson, who previously held senior leadership positions at Teleflex (TFX) and Abbott, will oversee sales, marketing, clinical programming, and business development initiatives.
The company's proprietary serration balloon technology, including the FDA-cleared Serranator® and Serranator SL-PRO™ PTA Serration Balloon Catheters, uses stainless steel micro-serration technology for vessel dilation in endovascular interventions. The technology delivers 1,000x more point force compared to traditional balloon angioplasty, creating linear, interrupted scoring during slow-and-low balloon inflation to optimize vessel preparation and enhance arterial expansion in peripheral artery disease (PAD) and chronic limb-threatening ischemia (CLTI).
Cagent Vascular ha nominato Paul Wilson come Chief Commercial Officer (CCO) per guidare la strategia commerciale dell'azienda. Wilson, che in precedenza ha ricoperto ruoli di leadership senior presso Teleflex (TFX) e Abbott, supervisionerà vendite, marketing, programmazione clinica e iniziative di sviluppo commerciale.
La tecnologia proprietaria del balloon a serration, inclusi i cateteri per angioplastica Serranator® e Serranator SL-PRO™ approvati dalla FDA, utilizza una tecnologia di micro-serratura in acciaio inossidabile per la dilatazione dei vasi nelle interventi endovascolari. Questa tecnologia offre una forza puntuale 1.000 volte superiore rispetto all'angioplastica tradizionale, creando una punteggiatura lineare e interrotta durante l'inflazione lenta e controllata del pallone per ottimizzare la preparazione del vaso e migliorare l'espansione arteriosa nella malattia arteriosa periferica (PAD) e nell'ischemia cronica minacciosa per gli arti (CLTI).
Cagent Vascular ha nombrado a Paul Wilson como Director Comercial (CCO) para liderar la estrategia comercial de la empresa. Wilson, quien anteriormente ocupó puestos de liderazgo en Teleflex (TFX) y Abbott, supervisará las ventas, el marketing, la programación clínica y las iniciativas de desarrollo comercial.
La tecnología de globo de serrado de la empresa, que incluye los catéteres de globo de serrado Serranator® y Serranator SL-PRO™ aprobados por la FDA, utiliza tecnología de micro-serrado de acero inoxidable para la dilatación de vasos en intervenciones endovasculares. Esta tecnología proporciona una fuerza puntual 1,000 veces mayor en comparación con la angioplastia con globo tradicional, creando una puntuación lineal e interrumpida durante la inflación lenta y controlada del globo para optimizar la preparación del vaso y mejorar la expansión arterial en la enfermedad arterial periférica (PAD) y la isquemia crónica amenazante para las extremidades (CLTI).
Cagent Vascular는 Paul Wilson을 최고 상업 책임자(Chief Commercial Officer, CCO)로 임명하여 회사의 상업 전략을 이끌게 합니다. Wilson은 이전에 Teleflex (TFX)와 Abbott에서 고위 리더십 직책을 역임했으며, 판매, 마케팅, 임상 프로그램 및 사업 개발 이니셔티브를 감독할 것입니다.
회사의 독점 세라테이션 풍선 기술은 FDA 승인을 받은 Serranator® 및 Serranator SL-PRO™ PTA 세라테이션 풍선 카테터를 포함하여, 혈관 내 개입에서 혈관 확장을 위한 스테인리스 스틸 마이크로 세라테이션 기술을 사용합니다. 이 기술은 전통적인 풍선 혈관 성형술에 비해 1,000배 더 많은 점 힘을 제공하며, 느리고 낮은 풍선 팽창 동안 선형의 중단된 점수를 생성하여 혈관 준비를 최적화하고 말초 동맥 질환(PAD) 및 만성 사지 위협 허혈(CLTI)에서 동맥 확장을 향상시킵니다.
Cagent Vascular a nommé Paul Wilson au poste de Directeur Commercial (CCO) pour diriger la stratégie commerciale de l'entreprise. Wilson, qui a précédemment occupé des postes de direction chez Teleflex (TFX) et Abbott, supervisera les ventes, le marketing, la programmation clinique et les initiatives de développement commercial.
La technologie de ballon à stries propriétaire de l'entreprise, y compris les cathéters à ballon Serranator® et Serranator SL-PRO™ approuvés par la FDA, utilise une technologie de micro-strie en acier inoxydable pour la dilatation des vaisseaux lors des interventions endovasculaires. Cette technologie délivre une force ponctuelle 1 000 fois supérieure à celle de l'angioplastie conventionnelle, créant un marquage linéaire et interrompu lors du gonflage lent et contrôlé du ballon pour optimiser la préparation du vaisseau et améliorer l'expansion artérielle dans la maladie artérielle périphérique (PAD) et l'ischémie chronique menaçante pour les membres (CLTI).
Cagent Vascular hat Paul Wilson zum Chief Commercial Officer (CCO) ernannt, um die kommerzielle Strategie des Unternehmens zu leiten. Wilson, der zuvor leitende Positionen bei Teleflex (TFX) und Abbott innehatte, wird die Bereiche Vertrieb, Marketing, klinische Programmierung und Geschäftsentwicklung überwachen.
Die firmeneigene Serrationsballon-Technologie, zu der die von der FDA zugelassenen Serranator® und Serranator SL-PRO™ PTA Serrationsballonkatherter gehören, verwendet eine Mikrosägetechnologie aus Edelstahl zur Gefäßerweiterung bei endovaskulären Eingriffen. Diese Technologie liefert 1.000-mal mehr Punktkraft im Vergleich zur traditionellen Ballonangioplastie und erzeugt während der langsamen und kontrollierten Ballonaufblähung lineare, unterbrochene Einschnitte, um die Gefäßvorbereitung zu optimieren und die arterielle Erweiterung bei peripherer arterieller Erkrankung (PAD) und chronischer, gliedbedrohlicher Ischämie (CLTI) zu verbessern.
- Appointment of experienced CCO from major medical device companies (Teleflex, Abbott)
- FDA-cleared proprietary technology with superior point force (1000x)
- Innovative solution addressing critical vascular care needs
- None.
Mr. Wilson brings many years of experience in the medical device industry, having held senior commercial leadership positions at Teleflex (NYSE: TFX) and
“Paul is an exceptional leader with a deep understanding of our industry and a strong vision for growth,” said Brian Walsh, Chairman and CEO of Cagent Vascular. “As we continue to expand our presence and bring innovative solutions to the market, his expertise and leadership will be invaluable to driving our commercial success. His track record in commercial execution and strategic expansion of disruptive Peripheral technology aligns perfectly with our mission.”
“I am thrilled to join Cagent Vascular at such an exciting time in its growth journey,” said Mr. Wilson. “The company has developed a truly innovative solution that addresses a critical need in vascular care. I look forward to working with this talented team to support the continued success of serration technology in clinical practice.”
Advancing Vascular Care with Innovative Serration Technology
Cagent Vascular remains committed to advancing vascular care by delivering high-quality, clinically effective solutions that improve patient outcomes. The company’s proprietary serration balloon technology is designed to optimize vessel preparation, enhance arterial expansion, and address challenging lesion morphologies in peripheral artery disease (PAD) and chronic limb-threatening ischemia (CLTI).
The Serranator® and Serranator SL-PRO™ PTA Serration Balloon Catheters are FDA-cleared, novel balloons using stainless steel micro-serration technology, designed to create linear, interrupted scoring along the endoluminal surface. With 1,000x more point force compared with plain-old balloon angioplasty, serration occurs during slow-and-low balloon inflation and is designed to aid arterial expansion, effectively achieving luminal gain in all lesion morphologies with minimal recoil. By bringing a differentiated approach to vessel preparation, Cagent Vascular continues to support physicians in delivering optimal outcomes for patients with PAD and CLTI.
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Lauren Pfeiffer, Director of Marketing and Communications
Source: Cagent Vascular, Inc.
What is the significance of Paul Wilson's appointment as CCO for Cagent Vascular?
How does Cagent Vascular's serration balloon technology differ from traditional angioplasty?
What medical conditions does Cagent Vascular's serration technology target?