Ameris Bank Hires Jorge Perez as Corporate Information Security Officer
Ameris Bank (ABCB) has appointed Jorge Perez as its new Corporate Information Security Officer (CISO), reporting to Chief Information Officer Ross Creasy. Perez brings extensive experience in cybersecurity, having previously served as CISO of Wholesale Banking, Enterprise Payments, and Core Technology & Operations at Truist Financial. His background includes roles at InterContinental Hotels Group and KPMG , focusing on cyber security services. Perez holds a bachelor's degree in business administration from Florida International University and has been recognized among the 100 most influential Hispanic professionals in the technology industry for three consecutive years.
Ameris Bank (ABCB) ha nominato Jorge Perez come nuovo Chief Information Security Officer (CISO), riportando al Chief Information Officer Ross Creasy. Perez porta con sé una vasta esperienza in cybersecurity, avendo precedentemente ricoperto il ruolo di CISO nel settore del Wholesale Banking, dei pagamenti aziendali e della tecnologia e operazioni core presso Truist Financial. Il suo passato include ruoli presso InterContinental Hotels Group e KPMG, concentrandosi sui servizi di sicurezza informatica. Perez ha conseguito una laurea in amministrazione aziendale presso la Florida International University ed è stato riconosciuto tra i 100 professionisti hispanici più influenti nel settore tecnologico per tre anni consecutivi.
Ameris Bank (ABCB) ha nombrado a Jorge Perez como su nuevo Chief Information Security Officer (CISO), reportando al Chief Information Officer Ross Creasy. Perez aporta una amplia experiencia en ciberseguridad, habiendo sido anteriormente CISO en Banca Mayorista, Pagos Empresariales y Tecnología y Operaciones Básicas en Truist Financial. Su trayectoria incluye roles en InterContinental Hotels Group y KPMG, centrándose en servicios de ciberseguridad. Perez tiene una licenciatura en administración de empresas de la Universidad Internacional de Florida y ha sido reconocido entre los 100 profesionales hispanos más influyentes en la industria tecnológica durante tres años consecutivos.
Ameris Bank (ABCB)는 Jorge Perez를 새로운 법인 정보 보안 책임자(CISO)로 임명하였으며, 그는 최고 정보 책임자인 Ross Creasy에게 보고합니다. Perez는 사이버 보안 분야에서 광범위한 경험을 쌓아왔으며, 이전에는 Truist Financial에서 도매은행, 기업 결제 및 핵심 기술 및 운영의 CISO를 역임했습니다. 그의 경력에는 InterContinental Hotels Group와 KPMG에서의 역할이 포함되어 있으며, 사이버 보안 서비스에 주력하였습니다. Perez는 플로리다 국제대학교에서 경영학 학사 학위를 보유하고 있으며, 기술 산업에서 가장 영향력 있는 100명 히스패닉 전문가 중 한 명으로 3년 연속 인정받았습니다.
Ameris Bank (ABCB) a nommé Jorge Perez en tant que nouveau responsable de la sécurité des informations d'entreprise (CISO), rendant compte au directeur de l'information Ross Creasy. Perez apporte une vaste expérience en cybersécurité, ayant précédemment occupé le poste de CISO dans le secteur de la banque de gros, des paiements d'entreprise, et de la technologie et des opérations principales chez Truist Financial. Son parcours inclut des rôles chez InterContinental Hotels Group et KPMG, se concentrant sur les services de cybersécurité. Perez est titulaire d'un diplôme de licence en administration des affaires de l'Université internationale de Floride et a été reconnu parmi les 100 professionnels hispaniques les plus influents dans le secteur technologique pendant trois années consécutives.
Ameris Bank (ABCB) hat Jorge Perez zum neuen Corporate Information Security Officer (CISO) ernannt, der dem Chief Information Officer Ross Creasy berichtet. Perez bringt umfangreiche Erfahrung in der Cybersicherheit mit, nachdem er zuvor CISO für das Wholesale Banking, Unternehmenszahlungen sowie Kerntechnologie und -betrieb bei Truist Financial war. Sein Werdegang umfasst Positionen bei InterContinental Hotels Group und KPMG, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf Cyber-Sicherheitsdienstleistungen liegt. Perez hat einen Bachelor-Abschluss in Betriebswirtschaft von der Florida International University und wurde drei Jahre in Folge zu den 100 einflussreichsten hispanischen Fachleuten in der Technologiebranche gezählt.
- Appointment of an experienced cybersecurity expert as CISO
- New CISO has direct experience in the financial services industry
- Jorge Perez brings a diverse background in corporate technology and cyber risk management
- None.
"Jorge is a proven cybersecurity expert with extensive management experience leading programs in business and cyber risk management, strategy, engineering and operations," Creasy said. "His breadth of background in corporate technology, combined with direct experience in the financial services industry, makes him the perfect choice for the CISO position at Ameris."
Perez most recently served as CISO of Wholesale Banking, Enterprise Payments, and Core Technology & Operations at Truist Financial. Previously, he held global director roles leading hotel cyber security services at InterContinental Hotels Group as well as overseeing Information Security Compliance and Assurance. He started his career at KPMG LLC, where he progressed through a variety of positions in Cyber Security Services.
Perez holds a bachelor's degree in business administration in management information systems from Florida International University. He is a member of the Hispanic IT Executive Council and has been named among the 100 most influential and notable Hispanic professionals in the technology industry for the past three years.
About Ameris Bank
Ameris Bank, a subsidiary of Ameris Bancorp (NYSE: ABCB), is a state-chartered bank headquartered in Atlanta,
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