Ameris Bank CISO Jorge Perez Named Among Top Hispanic Professionals in Technology
Ameris Bank's Corporate Information Security Officer, Jorge Perez, has been named to the prestigious 2025 HITEC 100 list, which honors the most influential Hispanic professionals in technology. This marks Perez's fourth consecutive year on the list. The HITEC 100 recognizes achievements of top U.S.-based Hispanic technology executives, with the aim of celebrating impactful leadership and inspiring others in the field.
The 2025 HITEC 100 includes leaders from global Fortune 100 firms, with 46% of recipients being Latinas and representing 16 countries. Recipients come from 65 different companies, with 38% being first-time honorees. Nominations are evaluated based on scope of work, contributions to technology, leadership, and efforts to mentor future Hispanic technology leaders.
Jorge Perez, Chief Information Security Officer di Ameris Bank, è stato nominato nella prestigiosa lista HITEC 100 del 2025, che celebra i professionisti ispanici più influenti nel settore tecnologico. Questo segna il quarto anno consecutivo di Perez nella lista. L'HITEC 100 riconosce i risultati dei principali dirigenti tecnologici ispanici negli Stati Uniti, con l'obiettivo di celebrare una leadership di impatto e ispirare altri nel campo.
La HITEC 100 del 2025 include leader di aziende Fortune 100 globali, con il 46% dei premiati che sono donne ispaniche e rappresentano 16 paesi. I premiati provengono da 65 diverse aziende, con il 38% che riceve il riconoscimento per la prima volta. Le candidature vengono valutate in base all'ampiezza del lavoro, ai contributi alla tecnologia, alla leadership e agli sforzi per mentore i futuri leader tecnologici ispanici.
Jorge Perez, Oficial de Seguridad de la Información Corporativa de Ameris Bank, ha sido nombrado en la prestigiosa lista HITEC 100 de 2025, que honra a los profesionales hispanos más influyentes en tecnología. Este es el cuarto año consecutivo de Perez en la lista. El HITEC 100 reconoce los logros de los principales ejecutivos tecnológicos hispanos en EE. UU., con el objetivo de celebrar una liderazgo impactante e inspirar a otros en el campo.
La lista HITEC 100 de 2025 incluye líderes de empresas Fortune 100 globales, con el 46% de los galardonados siendo latinas y representando 16 países. Los galardonados provienen de 65 compañías diferentes, con un 38% siendo homenajeados por primera vez. Las nominaciones son evaluadas según el alcance del trabajo, las contribuciones a la tecnología, el liderazgo y los esfuerzos por guiar a futuros líderes tecnológicos hispanos.
아메리스를 은행의 정보 보안 책임자 호르헤 페레즈가 2025년 히텍 100 리스트에 이름을 올렸습니다. 이 리스트는 기술 분야에서 가장 영향력 있는 히스패닉 전문가들을 기리는 것입니다. 이는 페레즈가 연속 4년째 이름을 올린 것입니다. 히텍 100은 미국에 기반을 두고 있는 최고 히스패닉 기술 경영자들의 성과를 인정하며, 영향력 있는 리더십을 기념하고 이 분야의 다른 사람들에게 영감을 주는 것을 목표로 합니다.
2025년 히텍 100에는 글로벌 포춘 100 기업의 리더들이 포함되어 있으며, 수상자의 46%가 라티나로 16개국을 대표합니다. 수상자는 65개 다른 회사에서 나왔으며, 38%는 첫 수상자입니다. 노미네이션은 업무의 범위, 기술에 대한 기여, 리더십 및 미래의 히스패닉 기술 리더를 멘토링하기 위한 노력에 따라 평가됩니다.
Jorge Perez, Responsable de la Sécurité des Informations chez Ameris Bank, a été nommé dans la prestigieuse liste HITEC 100 de 2025, qui honore les professionnels hispaniques les plus influents dans le domaine de la technologie. Cela marque la quatrième année consécutive de Perez sur la liste. Le HITEC 100 reconnaît les réalisations des meilleurs dirigeants technologiques hispaniques basés aux États-Unis, dans le but de célébrer un leadership pertinent et d'inspirer d'autres dans le domaine.
La liste HITEC 100 de 2025 comprend des leaders d'entreprises Fortune 100 mondiales, avec 46% des récipiendaires étant des Latinas et représentant 16 pays. Les récipiendaires proviennent de 65 entreprises différentes, avec 38% d'entre eux étant des lauréats pour la première fois. Les nominations sont évaluées sur la portée du travail, les contributions à la technologie, le leadership et les efforts pour encadrer les futurs leaders technologiques hispaniques.
Jorge Perez, Chief Information Security Officer der Ameris Bank, wurde in die renommierte HITEC 100-Liste 2025 aufgenommen, die die einflussreichsten hispanischen Fachkräfte im Technologiebereich auszeichnet. Dies markiert Perez' viertes aufeinanderfolgendes Jahr auf der Liste. Die HITEC 100 anerkennt die Leistungen der führenden hispanischen Technologiemanager in den USA, mit dem Ziel, beeindruckende Führungsstile zu feiern und andere im Feld zu inspirieren.
Die HITEC 100 von 2025 umfasst Führungskräfte globaler Fortune 100-Unternehmen, wobei 46% der Preisträger Latinas sind und 16 Länder vertreten sind. Die Preisträger kommen aus 65 verschiedenen Unternehmen, wobei 38% Erstpreisträger sind. Nominierungen werden basierend auf dem Arbeitsumfang, den Beiträgen zur Technologie, der Führung und den Bemühungen zur Förderung zukünftiger hispanischer Technologieführer bewertet.
- Jorge Perez named to prestigious 2025 HITEC 100 list for fourth consecutive year
- Recognition highlights Ameris Bank's commitment to diversity and leadership in technology
- None.
Every year, HITEC recognizes the achievements and contributions of the top
"The HITEC 100 leaders inspire our community, they trailblaze new and exciting paths for our industry and society and are the lighthouse of the art of the possible," said HITEC Board member and Awards Committee Chair Alvaro Celis.
The 2025 HITEC 100 Award recipients include some of the world's most esteemed Hispanic leaders from global Fortune 100 firms, including CEOs, CIOs, CTOs and leaders in diverse technology disciplines. Forty-six percent of this year's HITEC 100 Award recipients are Latinas and recipients come from 16 unique countries throughout
"I am proud to be a part of a company that values diversity and leadership in technology and I am deeply honored to be recognized by HITEC with this prestigious honor," said Perez. "I look forward to continuing the important work of creating secure and inclusive digital spaces for everyone."
Nominations for the HITEC 100 are solicited from HITEC members, partners and the public. Awardees are evaluated based on the scope and scale of their work, their contributions to technology, their leadership within the ever-changing global landscape of technology, and their efforts to mentor and develop the next generation of Hispanic technology leaders.
To view the complete HITEC 100 list, please click here.
About Ameris Bank
Ameris Bank, a subsidiary of Ameris Bancorp (NYSE: ABCB), is a state-chartered bank headquartered in Atlanta,
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