American Battery Technology Company Selected for Highly Competitive $150 Million Federal Grant to be Applied Towards the Construction of its Second Lithium-Ion Battery Recycling Facility

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American Battery Technology Company (NASDAQ: ABAT) has been selected for a $150 million federal grant from the U.S. Department of Energy to construct its second lithium-ion battery recycling facility. The new facility is designed to process approximately 100,000 tonnes of battery materials per year. ABAT's project will involve partners including BASF, Siemens, Clemson University, and Argonne National Laboratory.

The company plans to create 1,200 construction jobs and 300 operations jobs through this project. ABAT's first recycling facility near Reno, Nevada, was commissioned in Fall 2023. The company has previously received several competitive awards for both battery recycling and primary claystone-to-lithium hydroxide manufacturing technologies.

American Battery Technology Company (NASDAQ: ABAT) è stata selezionata per un contributo federale di 150 milioni di dollari dal Dipartimento dell'Energia degli Stati Uniti per costruire il suo secondo impianto di riciclo delle batterie litio-ioni. Il nuovo impianto è progettato per trattare circa 100.000 tonnellate di materiali per batterie all'anno. Il progetto di ABAT coinvolgerà partner come BASF, Siemens, Clemson University e Argonne National Laboratory.

L'azienda prevede di creare 1.200 posti di lavoro nella costruzione e 300 posti di lavoro nelle operazioni attraverso questo progetto. Il primo impianto di riciclo di ABAT, situato vicino a Reno, Nevada, è stato avviato nell'autunno del 2023. L'azienda ha ricevuto in precedenza diversi premi competitivi per le tecnologie di riciclo delle batterie e per la produzione di idrossido di litio a partire da claystone.

American Battery Technology Company (NASDAQ: ABAT) ha sido seleccionada para una subvención federal de 150 millones de dólares del Departamento de Energía de EE. UU. para construir su segunda planta de reciclaje de baterías de litio-ion. La nueva instalación está diseñada para procesar aproximadamente 100,000 toneladas de materiales de batería por año. El proyecto de ABAT involucrará a socios como BASF, Siemens, Clemson University y Argonne National Laboratory.

La empresa planea crear 1,200 empleos en construcción y 300 empleos en operaciones a través de este proyecto. La primera planta de reciclaje de ABAT, cerca de Reno, Nevada, fue inaugurada en otoño de 2023. La empresa ha recibido anteriormente varios premios competitivos por sus tecnologías de reciclaje de baterías y fabricación de hidróxido de litio a partir de claystone.

미국 배터리 기술 회사(American Battery Technology Company)(NASDAQ: ABAT)가 미국 에너지부로부터 1억 5천만 달러의 연방 보조금을 수여받아 두 번째 리튬 이온 배터리 재활용 시설을 건설하게 되었습니다. 새 시설은 연간 약 10만 톤의 배터리 자재를 처리하기 위해 설계되었습니다. ABAT의 프로젝트에는 BASF, Siemens, Clemson University, Argonne National Laboratory와 같은 파트너가 포함될 것입니다.

회사는 이번 프로젝트를 통해 12,000개의 건설 일자리와 300개의 운영 일자리를 창출할 계획입니다. ABAT의 첫 번째 재활용 시설은 네바다주 리노 근처에 있으며, 2023년 가을에 가동되었습니다. 이 회사는 배터리 재활용 및 클레이스톤-리튬 하이드록사이드 제조 기술 분야에서 여러 개의 경쟁 상을 수상한 바 있습니다.

American Battery Technology Company (NASDAQ: ABAT) a été sélectionnée pour une subvention fédérale de 150 millions de dollars du Département de l'Énergie des États-Unis pour construire sa deuxième installation de recyclage de batteries lithium-ion. La nouvelle installation est conçue pour traiter environ 100 000 tonnes de matériaux de batterie par an. Le projet d'ABAT impliquera des partenaires tels que BASF, Siemens, Clemson University et Argonne National Laboratory.

La société prévoit de créer 1 200 emplois dans la construction et 300 emplois dans les opérations grâce à ce projet. La première installation de recyclage d'ABAT, située près de Reno, au Nevada, a été mise en service à l'automne 2023. L'entreprise a précédemment reçu plusieurs prix compétitifs pour les technologies de recyclage des batteries et pour la fabrication de l'hydroxyde de lithium à partir de claystone.

American Battery Technology Company (NASDAQ: ABAT) wurde für einen federalen Zuschuss von 150 Millionen Dollar vom US-Energieministerium ausgewählt, um ihre zweite Recyclinganlage für Lithium-Ionen-Batterien zu bauen. Die neue Anlage ist darauf ausgelegt, etwa 100.000 Tonnen Batteriematerialien pro Jahr zu verarbeiten. Das Projekt von ABAT wird Partner wie BASF, Siemens, Clemson University und Argonne National Laboratory einbeziehen.

Das Unternehmen plant, 1.200 Arbeitsplätze im Bau und 300 Arbeitsplätze im Betrieb durch dieses Projekt zu schaffen. Die erste Recyclinganlage von ABAT in der Nähe von Reno, Nevada, wurde im Herbst 2023 in Betrieb genommen. Das Unternehmen hat zuvor mehrere Wettbewerbsawards für sowohl das Recycling von Batterien als auch die Herstellung von Lithiumhydroxid aus Claystone erhalten.

  • Secured $150 million federal grant for second battery recycling facility
  • New facility designed to process 100,000 tonnes of battery materials annually
  • Partnerships with major industry players like BASF and Siemens
  • Expected to create 1,500 jobs (1,200 construction, 300 operations)
  • Previously awarded multiple grants and tax credits for technology development and commercialization
  • None.


This $150 million federal grant for ABAT's second lithium-ion battery recycling facility is a significant development. It substantially bolsters the company's expansion plans and validates its technology. The grant covers a large portion of the project costs, reducing financial risk for ABAT. This facility's 100,000 tonnes annual processing capacity represents a major scale-up from their first facility, potentially leading to substantial revenue growth.

The partnerships with BASF, Siemens and research institutions add credibility and support to ABAT's operations. The project's potential to create 1,200 construction jobs and 300 permanent jobs could lead to positive community relations and government support. However, investors should note that full project kickoff isn't expected until 2025, indicating a long-term horizon for realizing returns.

ABAT's track record of securing multiple DOE grants and tax credits ($20 million and $40 million in 48C credits) demonstrates its ability to leverage government support, which is important in the capital-intensive battery recycling industry. This consistent government backing significantly de-risks the company's growth strategy.

ABAT's lithium-ion battery recycling technology appears to be a significant advancement over conventional methods. Their approach of strategic de-manufacturing and targeted chemical extraction contrasts with traditional high-temperature smelting or non-strategic shredding, potentially offering better efficiency and lower environmental impact.

The involvement of partners like BASF (for feedstock supply and product offtake) and Siemens (for engineering) suggests that ABAT's technology is gaining industry recognition. Collaboration with Argonne National Laboratory's ReCell Center further validates the technical merit of their approach.

The company's strategy of developing both recycling and primary lithium production from claystone is noteworthy, as it positions ABAT to address multiple aspects of the battery supply chain. This diversification could provide a competitive edge in the rapidly evolving EV battery market.

However, investors should be aware that bringing first-of-kind technologies to commercial scale often involves unforeseen challenges and delays. The 2025 project kickoff indicates a significant lead time before full commercialization.

The lithium-ion battery recycling market is poised for significant growth, driven by the rapid adoption of electric vehicles and increasing focus on sustainable resource management. ABAT's expansion with this second facility positions it to capture a larger share of this growing market.

The partnership with BASF is particularly noteworthy, as it secures both feedstock supply and product offtake, addressing key operational risks. This vertical integration could provide ABAT with a competitive advantage in terms of supply chain stability and potentially higher margins.

The company's focus on creating an energy equity, sustainable circular manufacturing ecosystem aligns well with current ESG investment trends. This could make ABAT more attractive to both institutional investors and environmentally conscious retail investors.

However, the battery recycling market is becoming increasingly competitive, with several large players entering the space. ABAT will need to execute flawlessly to maintain its technological edge and secure market share. The long timeline to project kickoff (2025) also means that market conditions and competitive landscape could change significantly before the facility is operational.

Company expanding critical commercial operations of next-generation lithium-ion battery recycling technologies to expand North American closed-loop battery metals supply chain supporting America's transition to electrification

RENO, Nev., Sept. 23, 2024 /PRNewswire/ --  American Battery Technology Company (NASDAQ: ABAT), an integrated critical battery materials company that is commercializing its technologies for both primary battery minerals manufacturing and secondary minerals lithium-ion battery recycling, has been selected for a highly competitive grant for $150 million dollars of federal investment by the U.S. Department of Energy to be applied towards the construction of a new lithium-ion battery recycling facility.

This facility will be the company's second commercial-scale lithium-ion battery recycling facility and is designed to process approximately 100,000 tonnes of battery materials per year from its battery manufacturer, automotive OEM, and community partners.

"We are extremely honored to be selected for this government investment to further expand our domestic battery recycling operations, and after having gone through nearly one-year of technical and economic evaluation, we appreciate the level of diligence that the government employed in making this decision," stated ABTC CEO Ryan Melsert. "We are greatly appreciative of the confidence and support we have received from our partners throughout this process and are energized to move forward with our feedstock supply, product offtake, and strategic stakeholders in this critical expansion of our domestic capabilities."

True to the company's strategic model to engage a diverse portfolio of partners and stakeholders to bring advanced battery technologies online and establish a commercial battery metals supply chain for North America, this project will leverage multiple partners including feedstock supplier and critical mineral product offtaker BASF, global engineering firm Siemens, the Clemson University International Center for Automotive Research (CU-ICAR), the Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) ReCell Center, the Argonne National Laboratory Sustainable Transportation Education & Partnerships (STEP) department, and the South Carolina Electric Transportation Network (SCETNetwork).  

ABTC constructed and commissioned its first lithium-ion battery recycling facility near Reno, Nevada in Fall 2023, which implements its internally-developed processes for the strategic de-manufacturing and targeted chemical extraction of battery materials in order to manufacture battery grade products at competitive costs and with low environmental footprint.  These processes are fundamentally different than conventional methods of battery recycling, which generally utilize either high temperature smelting or non-strategic shredding systems.

Through this new facility construction project, ABTC will employ a proactive, community-driven engagement model to build an energy equity, sustainable circular manufacturing ecosystem that aims to create 1,200 construction jobs and 300 operations jobs. The company will work in direct partnership between communities, educational institutions, industry, government, the National Laboratory system, and the next generation workforce to support equitable and sustainable initiatives that benefit and strengthen in local communities, including in underserved communities that have historically been left behind.

ABTC is partnering with government entities and local educational institutions, such as ANL's STEP department and Clemson University, to create career pathways in battery recycling and establish a talent pipeline for the domestic battery recycling industry.

Bringing first-of-kind technologies to market, ABTC's battery recycling and primary battery metals commercialization efforts support the buildout of a domestically-sourced battery metals circular supply chain.  ABTC has been selected for several competitive awards supporting the advancement and commercialization of its first-of-kind technologies for both battery recycling and primary claystone-to-lithium hydroxide manufacturing. 
U.S. DOE Investments in ABTC Lithium-Ion Battery Recycling 

U.S. DOE Investments in ABTC Lithium Hydroxide (LiOH) from Claystone Manufacturing 

These battery recycling technologies were developed in-house by the ABTC R&D, project management, and engineering team members, many of whom were previously members of the founding Tesla Gigafactory design and engineering teams.  ABTC intends to utilize these significant experiences in collaboration with project partners to scale processes and bring first-of-kind commercial-scale facilities online and leveraging this expertise to de-risk ABTC's commercialization of this second battery recycling facility.

As ABTC has now completed the technical and economic evaluations and been selected for this competitive grant award, it will next enter the grant award contracting phase of this process with an expected project kickoff in 2025.
About American Battery Technology Company 
American Battery Technology Company (ABTC), headquartered in Reno, Nevada, has pioneered first-of-kind technologies to unlock domestically manufactured and recycled battery metals critically needed to help meet the significant demand from the electric vehicle, stationary storage, and consumer electronics industries.  Committed to a circular supply chain for battery metals, ABTC works to continually innovate and master new battery metals technologies that power a global transition to electrification and the future of sustainable energy.

Forward-Looking Statements  
 This press release contains "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the safe harbor provisions of the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. All statements, other than statements of historical fact, are "forward-looking statements." Although the American Battery Technology Company's (the "Company") management believes that such forward-looking statements are reasonable, it cannot guarantee that such expectations are, or will be, correct. These forward-looking statements involve a number of risks and uncertainties, which could cause the Company's future results to differ materially from those anticipated. Potential risks and uncertainties include, among others, risks and uncertainties related to the Company's ability to continue as a going concern; general economic conditions and conditions affecting the industries in which the Company operates; the uncertainty of regulatory requirements and approvals; fluctuating mineral and commodity prices. Additional information regarding the factors that may cause actual results to differ materially from these forward-looking statements is available in the Company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including the Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended June 30, 2023. The Company assumes no obligation to update any of the information contained or referenced in this press release.

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What is the value of the federal grant ABAT received for its new recycling facility?

American Battery Technology Company (ABAT) received a $150 million federal grant from the U.S. Department of Energy for the construction of its second lithium-ion battery recycling facility.

How many tonnes of battery materials will ABAT's new facility process annually?

ABAT's new lithium-ion battery recycling facility is designed to process approximately 100,000 tonnes of battery materials per year.

When did ABAT commission its first lithium-ion battery recycling facility?

ABAT constructed and commissioned its first lithium-ion battery recycling facility near Reno, Nevada in Fall 2023.

How many jobs is ABAT's new recycling facility project expected to create?

ABAT's new recycling facility project aims to create 1,200 construction jobs and 300 operations jobs, totaling 1,500 new employment opportunities.

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