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NASDAQ-listed AGAPE ATP (ATPC) has announced strategic collaborations in the pain management and elderly care solutions markets. The company is partnering with Sweet Home Senior Living Care Centre to expand elderly care services, aiming to operate 10 facilities by 2026. Currently, there are 3 centers in Klang Valley, each housing an average of 14 seniors.
ATPC is also collaborating with Cedar Wellness to relaunch its wellness subsidiary as Cedar ATPC, focusing on non-pharmaceutical therapies and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). These initiatives are part of ATPC's strategy to build a comprehensive wellness ecosystem and address the growing demand for holistic health solutions.
AGAPE ATP Corporation (AATP) announced a Memorandum of Understanding with Homey Food Marketing Sdn Bhd for a strategic investment in the Penang-based nutrition meal delivery startup. This partnership aims to enhance AATP's service offerings in personalized wellness solutions. The investment will not only expand Homey's operations across Malaysia but also facilitate its growth into neighboring countries. The initiative follows AATP's recent joint venture with DSY Wellness, further reinforcing its position in the personalized nutrition market.
AGAPE ATP Corporation (OTC PINK:AATP) announced its entry into the Traditional & Complementary Medicine and Personalized Nutrition Medicine markets. This new initiative aims to provide evidence-based therapies for chronic health disorders, addressing root causes through dietary and lifestyle changes. Led by Dr. Steve Yap, the company is positioning itself to capitalize on the growing demand, with the Traditional & Complementary Medicine market projected to reach USD 360 Billion. The global personalized nutrition market is also expected to grow from USD 3.7 Billion in 2019 to USD 16.6 Billion by 2027.