Apple launches new professional learning resources for teachers and expands global education grant program

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Apple has launched new free classroom resources and expanded its global education grant program to celebrate World Teachers' Day. The company introduced Creative Activities for early learners and students, designed to help educators incorporate creativity into lessons easily. Apple also announced the expansion of its education grant program to 100 new schools and communities across six continents.

The tech giant released its first-ever Education Impact Report, highlighting its efforts in supporting teachers and learners worldwide. Apple's initiatives include the Apple Education Community, Apple Learning Coach program, and partnerships with organizations like CodeDoor and the New York Public Library. The company is celebrating educators through special collections and offerings across Apple services, including the App Store, Apple Music, Apple Books, and Apple TV app.

Apple ha lanciato nuove risorse didattiche gratuite e ha ampliato il suo programma di sovvenzioni per l'istruzione globale per celebrare la Giornata Mondiale degli Insegnanti. L'azienda ha introdotto Attività Creative per i giovani studenti, progettate per aiutare gli educatori a integrare facilmente la creatività nelle lezioni. Apple ha anche annunciato l'espansione del suo programma di sovvenzioni per l'istruzione a 100 nuove scuole e comunità in sei continenti.

Il colosso tecnologico ha rilasciato il suo primo Rapporto sull'Impatto Educativo, evidenziando i suoi sforzi nel supportare insegnanti e studenti in tutto il mondo. Le iniziative di Apple includono la Comunità Educativa Apple, il programma Apple Learning Coach, e collaborazioni con organizzazioni come CodeDoor e la Biblioteca Pubblica di New York. L'azienda celebra gli educatori attraverso collezioni e offerte speciali su tutti i servizi Apple, inclusi App Store, Apple Music, Apple Books e l'app Apple TV.

Apple ha lanzado nuevos recursos educativos gratuitos y ha ampliado su programa de subvenciones educativas globales para celebrar el Día Mundial de los Docentes. La compañía presentó Actividades Creativas para estudiantes jóvenes, diseñadas para ayudar a los educadores a incorporar fácilmente la creatividad en las lecciones. Apple también anunció la expansión de su programa de subvenciones educativas a 100 nuevas escuelas y comunidades en seis continentes.

El gigante tecnológico publicó su primer Informe de Impacto Educativo, destacando sus esfuerzos para apoyar a maestros y estudiantes en todo el mundo. Las iniciativas de Apple incluyen la Comunidad Educativa de Apple, el programa Apple Learning Coach, y asociaciones con organizaciones como CodeDoor y la Biblioteca Pública de Nueva York. La empresa celebra a los educadores a través de colecciones y ofertas especiales en todos los servicios de Apple, incluidos App Store, Apple Music, Apple Books y la aplicación Apple TV.

애플은 세계 교사의 날을 기념하기 위해 새로운 무료 교실 리소스를 출시하고 글로벌 교육 보조금 프로그램을 확대했습니다. 회사는 조기 학습자와 학생들을 위한 창의적 활동을 도입하여 교육자들이 수업에 창의성을 쉽게 통합할 수 있도록 설계되었습니다. 애플은 또한 100개의 새로운 학교와 커뮤니티에 대한 교육 보조금 프로그램 확대를 발표했습니다.

기술 대기업은 세계의 교사와 학생들을 지원하기 위한 노력을 강조하는 첫 번째 교육 영향 보고서를 발간했습니다. 애플의 이니셔티브에는 애플 교육 커뮤니티, 애플 학습 코치 프로그램 및 코드도어, 뉴욕 공립 도서관과 같은 조직과의 파트너십이 포함됩니다. 이 회사는 App Store, Apple Music, Apple Books 및 Apple TV 앱을 포함한 모든 Apple 서비스에서 특별한 컬렉션과 제공을 통해 교육자들을 기념하고 있습니다.

Apple a lancé de nouvelles ressources pédagogiques gratuites et a élargi son programme de subventions éducatives à l'échelle mondiale pour célébrer la Journée Mondiale des Enseignants. L'entreprise a introduit des Activités Créatives pour les jeunes apprenants, conçues pour aider les éducateurs à intégrer facilement la créativité dans les leçons. Apple a également annoncé l'expansion de son programme de subventions éducatives à 100 nouvelles écoles et communautés sur six continents.

Le géant technologique a publié son premier Rapport sur l'Impact Éducatif, soulignant ses efforts pour soutenir les enseignants et les apprenants dans le monde entier. Les initiatives d'Apple incluent la Communauté Éducative Apple, le programme Apple Learning Coach, et des partenariats avec des organisations comme CodeDoor et la Bibliothèque Publique de New York. L'entreprise célèbre les éducateurs à travers des collections et des offres spéciales sur tous les services Apple, y compris l'App Store, Apple Music, Apple Books et l'application Apple TV.

Apple hat neue kostenlose Unterrichtsmaterialien eingeführt und sein globales Bildungsstipendienprogramm erweitert, um den Weltlehrertag zu feiern. Das Unternehmen stellte Kreative Aktivitäten für junge Lernende vor, die darauf abzielen, Lehrern zu helfen, Kreativität einfach in den Unterricht zu integrieren. Apple gab auch die Erweiterung seines Bildungsstipendienprogramms auf 100 neue Schulen und Gemeinden auf sechs Kontinenten bekannt.

Der Technologiegigant veröffentlichte seinen ersten Bildungsimpact-Bericht, der die Bemühungen zur Unterstützung von Lehrern und Lernenden weltweit hervorhebt. Apples Initiativen umfassen die Apple Bildungs-Community, das Apple Learning Coach-Programm und Partnerschaften mit Organisationen wie CodeDoor und der New York Public Library. Das Unternehmen feiert die Lehrer durch spezielle Sammlungen und Angebote in allen Apple-Diensten, einschließlich App Store, Apple Music, Apple Books und der Apple TV-App.

  • Launch of new free classroom resources called Creative Activities for educators
  • Expansion of education grant program to 100 new schools and communities across six continents
  • Release of first-ever Education Impact Report showcasing Apple's support for teachers and learners
  • Apple Education Community expansion to 16 additional countries and regions
  • Apple Learning Coach program now available in 8 languages across 15 countries and regions
  • Partnerships with organizations like CodeDoor and New York Public Library to provide coding and technology education
  • None.

CUPERTINO, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- In celebration of World Teachers’ Day, Apple® today launched all-new free classroom resources to help educators and students embrace creativity in any lesson, and is celebrating educators through special collections and offerings across Apple services. Additionally, the company announced a major expansion of its groundbreaking education grant program into 100 new schools and communities, reaching students and teachers across six continents with free grant-funded STEAM programming.

Over the past four decades, Apple has been a committed educational leader. Through its work in education, the company has shared its cutting-edge technology and professional learning resources with millions of students and educators, equipping them with the tools to create new worlds, connect in engaging ways, and pursue the jobs of tomorrow. To illustrate the reach of its efforts, Apple is also releasing its first-ever Education Impact Report, which provides a snapshot of the work the company is doing to support teachers and learners worldwide.

“At Apple, we have always believed in the power of education to open new doors and give people the tools they need to build a better, more equitable world,” said Lisa Jackson, Apple’s vice president of Environment, Policy, and Social Initiatives. “We’re blown away to see how tomorrow’s coders, creators, innovators, and leaders are using Apple technology and resources to make their impact known today — and we’re thrilled to expand our education work into even more communities.”

“We’re inspired by the incredible work coming out of classrooms and communities across the globe, and the myriad of ways Apple products like Mac and iPad empower learners to create and build on their passions,” said Susan Prescott, Apple’s vice president of Education and Enterprise Marketing. “Our new Creative Activities for early learners and students make learning easy and fun, and most importantly, give educators quick tools to engage learners of all ages.”

Supporting Teachers and Community Educators with New Tools

Over the course of Apple’s long history in education, professional learning and educator resources have always been key parts of the company’s approach, as the effective use of technology can help unlock the potential of all learners.

Today, Apple is launching new Everyone Can Create® resources for teachers. Creative Activities are a collection of quick, interactive, and fun lesson ideas that empower educators to sprinkle imagination and originality into their learning plans. Creative Activities for Early Learners (ages 4 to 8) and Creative Activities for Students (ages 8 and up) enable teachers to engage their students without increasing their workload. Each activity strengthens essential skills and gets students creating quickly with templates and shareable links.

New Creative Activities include:

The new Creative Activities are now available in the Apple Education Community, a professional learning hub with more than 1 million members where educators can find inspiration, share resources, and connect with peers. This week, the Apple Education Community is expanding its Forum collaboration features to 16 additional countries and regions, enabling participation from even more educators around the world.1

In addition, Apple continues to expand Apple Learning Coach, a free professional learning program that helps educators coach teachers on how to get the most out of Apple products. With new lessons and the ability to register and participate at any time, Apple Learning Coach is now available in eight languages across 15 countries and regions.2 To date, more than 4,000 certified Apple Learning Coaches have guided nearly 100,000 teachers, impacting 2.4 million students.

Reaching Students and Teachers on Six Continents Through Grant Programs

Apple works with schools and nonprofit organizations around the world to provide grants and other hands-on programming designed to expand access to technology, along with educational and workforce opportunities. To date, the company has contributed hundreds of millions of dollars in technology, tools, and resources to more than 200 education and community partners. In the last year alone, Apple has expanded its support to nearly 40 new education partners across Canada, Mexico, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

This work is largely connected to Apple’s Community Education Initiative, through which the company provides hardware, scholarships, financial support, educator resources, and access to Apple experts to schools and organizations in under-resourced communities. Apple collaborates with each partner organization to customize and enhance programming to support the community’s specific goals and transform students’ in-school and extracurricular experiences.

Apple’s extensive education initiatives also include Apple Developer Academies and the Apple Foundation Program, which bring coding education and skills training to developers and entrepreneurs around the world, along with free resources like Everyone Can Code®, Develop in Swift Tutorials, Everyone Can Create, Challenge for Change, and Today at Apple® sessions at all Apple Store® locations.

As detailed in the newly released Education Impact Report, in the past five years, more than 10,000 teachers have received professional learning opportunities through Apple grants. Over that same time frame, 500,000 students in close to 2,000 schools and communities around the world have engaged in the company’s grant programs. Apple currently supports more than 200 schools and nonprofit organizations — a number that continues to increase.

Forging New Partnerships and Deepening Existing Work

CodeDoor, one of Apple’s newer partners, provides coding and workforce preparedness training for migrants throughout Germany. Apple supports the organization’s Creators program, which uses Everyone Can Code resources and Swift Playgrounds® to give participants the tools to design and pitch apps as solutions to community challenges. Through a hybrid experience that takes place over the course of eight months, participants acquire valuable skills, including coding with Swift® and presentation techniques.

“CodeDoor was created from the idea that young people are curious and approach learning as a process of discovery, but need the right tools to feel empowered,” said Karan Dehghani, CodeDoor’s founder. “With support from Apple, our Creators program teaches learners from migrant families how to identify and solve real-life problems through app development — equipping a new generation of Germans with the skills they need to build community and a brighter future.”

Apple is also deepening its work with existing community partners. Since 2020, the company has collaborated with the New York Public Library to expand access to technology through in-person and virtual training classes for learners of all ages and skill levels, with a focus on helping adults develop confidence in their computer skills and grow more comfortable in today’s digital world.

“The world is evolving so fast. One of the ways that we can help shape and ensure the future of libraries is to create spaces that are designed for collaborative, interactive learning,” said Brandy McNeil, Ph.D., the New York Public Library’s deputy director of Branch Programs & Services. “With the tools and resources only Apple can provide, we’ve been able to expand both our programming and our reach to better serve our community, helping many more people harness the power of technology to learn and grow.”

Celebrating World Teachers’ Day Across Apple

In honor of World Teachers’ Day, Apple is celebrating educators around the world through special collections and offerings across its services.

The Great Tools for Teachers collection in the App Store® highlights classroom and lesson-planning essentials that educators can use to support their work. On Apple Music®, users can listen to a collection of learning-based albums and playlists highlighted throughout the Kids and Family categories; on Apple Books®, readers can explore a collection of nonfiction and kids’ books about inspiring educators; and in Podcasts, listeners can find featured shows focusing on conversations by and for educators alongside narratives about education. Additionally, the Apple TV® app features a collection of movies and shows that highlight the importance of teachers in the lives of pupils.

Across the world, teachers can use Group Reservations to book a Today at Apple session for their students at their local Apple Store, selecting from more than 20 topics great for educators and their students to learn how to code, create, and get the most out of Apple products. Learn more and request a session at

Additionally, Apple is hosting a special session for teachers at Apple Park Visitor Center in Cupertino, California, on World Teachers’ Day (October 5). The Go Further with iPadOS 18 for Education workshop will bring together certified Apple Learning Coaches and educators from across California for hands-on demos using iPad Pro® and Apple Pencil Pro™.

Apple revolutionized personal technology with the introduction of the Macintosh in 1984. Today, Apple leads the world in innovation with iPhone, iPad, Mac, AirPods, Apple Watch, and Apple Vision Pro. Apple’s six software platforms — iOS, iPadOS, macOS, watchOS, visionOS, and tvOS — provide seamless experiences across all Apple devices and empower people with breakthrough services including the App Store, Apple Music, Apple Pay, iCloud, and Apple TV+. Apple’s more than 150,000 employees are dedicated to making the best products on earth and to leaving the world better than we found it.

1. Forum collaboration features in the Apple Education Community are now available in Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Mexico, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, the United Kingdom, and the United States.
2. Apple Learning Coach is now available for educators in Australia, Austria, Canada, France, Hong Kong, Ireland, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Singapore, Switzerland, Taiwan, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

NOTE TO EDITORS: For additional information visit Apple Newsroom (, or email Apple’s Media Helpline at

© 2024 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, Everyone Can Create, Everyone Can Code, Today at Apple, Apple Store, Swift Playgrounds, Swift, App Store, Apple Music, Apple Books, Apple TV, iPadOS, iPad Pro, and Apple Pencil Pro are trademarks of Apple. Other company and product names may be trademarks of their respective owners.

Jessica Reeves


Rachel Wolf Tulley


Source: Apple Inc.


What new resources did Apple launch for World Teachers' Day 2024?

Apple launched Creative Activities, which are free classroom resources for early learners (ages 4-8) and students (ages 8 and up). These activities are designed to help educators easily incorporate creativity into their lessons.

How many new schools and communities will benefit from Apple's expanded education grant program?

Apple announced the expansion of its education grant program to 100 new schools and communities across six continents.

What is the Apple Education Community and how is it expanding?

The Apple Education Community is a professional learning hub with over 1 million members. It's expanding its Forum collaboration features to 16 additional countries and regions, allowing for increased global participation.

How is Apple (AAPL) celebrating World Teachers' Day across its services?

Apple is celebrating World Teachers' Day with special collections and offerings across its services, including curated content in the App Store, Apple Music, Apple Books, Apple Podcasts, and the Apple TV app.

What is the Apple Learning Coach program and where is it available?

Apple Learning Coach is a free professional learning program that helps educators coach teachers on using Apple products effectively. It's now available in 8 languages across 15 countries and regions.

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