Asia Broadband Adds DrilIing Program Equipment Capacity To Accelerate Gold Exploration and Production, As Gold Price Strength Continues

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Asia Broadband Inc. (OTC: AABB) has announced the purchase of three hydraulic diamond core drilling exploration rigs to enhance its drilling efficiency and capacity at the Picachos and La Paz projects in Jalisco, Mexico. The new rigs are expected to arrive in late August. AABB's mining operations are focused on accelerating the development of high-yield gold projects to increase gold production and holdings.

The company reported a doubling of gold production in Q1 2024 compared to Q4 2023, with increased gross profit due to higher-grade recoveries, increased daily throughput, and reduced production costs. Q2 2024 results are expected to surpass Q1 levels. AABB continues to implement its mining property acquisition strategy, focusing on regions in Mexico where it has a comparative advantage in development resources and expertise.

Asia Broadband Inc. (OTC: AABB) ha annunciato l'acquisto di tre impianti di perforazione a diamante idraulici per migliorare l'efficienza e la capacità di perforazione nei progetti Picachos e La Paz a Jalisco, Messico. Si prevede che i nuovi impianti arrivino a fine agosto. Le operazioni minerarie di AABB sono focalizzate sull'accelerazione dello sviluppo di progetti auriferi ad alto rendimento per aumentare la produzione e le riserve d'oro.

L'azienda ha riportato un rispetto al quarto trimestre 2023, con un aumento del profitto lordo grazie a recuperi di qualità superiore, incremento del throughput giornaliero e riduzione dei costi di produzione. I risultati del secondo trimestre 2024 prevedono di superare i livelli del primo trimestre. AABB continua a implementare la sua strategia di acquisizione di proprietà minerarie, focalizzandosi su regioni del Messico dove ha un vantaggio comparativo in risorse di sviluppo ed esperienza.

Asia Broadband Inc. (OTC: AABB) ha anunciado la compra de tres plataformas de perforación de núcleo de diamante hidráulico para mejorar su eficiencia y capacidad de perforación en los proyectos Picachos y La Paz en Jalisco, México. Se espera que las nuevas plataformas lleguen a fines de agosto. Las operaciones mineras de AABB están enfocadas en acelerar el desarrollo de proyectos de oro de alto rendimiento para aumentar la producción y las reservas de oro.

La compañía reportó un duplicado de la producción de oro en el primer trimestre de 2024 en comparación con el cuarto trimestre de 2023, con un aumento en las ganancias brutas debido a recuperaciones de mayor calidad, un aumento en el procesamiento diario y una disminución en los costos de producción. Se espera que los resultados del segundo trimestre de 2024 superen los niveles del primer trimestre. AABB continúa implementando su estrategia de adquisición de propiedades mineras, concentrándose en regiones de México donde tiene una ventaja comparativa en recursos de desarrollo y experiencia.

아시아 브로드밴드 주식회사 (OTC: AABB)는 멕시코 할리스코의 피카초스 및 라 파즈 프로젝트에서 시추 효율성과 능력을 향상시키기 위해 세 대의 유압 다이아몬드 코어 시추 장비를 구매했다고 발표했습니다. 새로운 장비는 8월 말에 도착할 것으로 예상됩니다. AABB의 광업 작업은 고수익 금 프로젝트의 개발을 가속화하는 데 주력하고 있습니다 이를 통해 금 생산과 보유량을 늘리려고 합니다.

회사는 2023년 4분기와 비교하여 2024년 1분기 동안 금 생산이 두 배로 증가했다고 보고했습니다. 생산 비용 감소, 일일 처리량 증가 및 고품질 회수 덕분에 총 이익이 증가했습니다. 2024년 2분기 실적은 1분기 수준을 초과할 것으로 예상됩니다. AABB는 개발 자원과 전문성에서 비교 우위를 가진 멕시코의 지역에 집중하여 광업 자산 인수 전략을 계속 실행하고 있습니다.

Asia Broadband Inc. (OTC: AABB) a annoncé l'achat de trois foreuses de forage au diamant hydraulique afin d'améliorer son efficacité et sa capacité de forage sur les projets Picachos et La Paz à Jalisco, au Mexique. Les nouvelles foreuses devraient arriver à la fin août. Les opérations minières d'AABB sont axées sur l'accélération du développement de projets aurifères à haut rendement pour augmenter la production d'or et les réserves.

L'entreprise a rapporté un doubler de la production d'or au premier trimestre 2024 par rapport au quatrième trimestre 2023, avec une augmentation du bénéfice brut en raison de récupérations de qualité supérieure, d'un débit quotidien accru et d'une réduction des coûts de production. Les résultats du deuxième trimestre 2024 devraient dépasser ceux du premier trimestre. AABB continue de mettre en œuvre sa stratégie d'acquisition de propriétés minières, en se concentrant sur les régions du Mexique où elle dispose d'un avantage comparatif en matière de ressources de développement et d'expertise.

Asia Broadband Inc. (OTC: AABB) hat den Kauf von drei hydraulischen Diamantkernbohrgeräten angekündigt, um die Bohrleistung und -kapazität bei den Projekten Picachos und La Paz in Jalisco, Mexiko, zu verbessern. Es wird erwartet, dass die neuen Geräte Ende August eintreffen. Die Bergbauaktivitäten von AABB konzentrieren sich darauf, die Entwicklung von ertragreichen Goldprojekten zu beschleunigen, um die Goldproduktion und -bestände zu erhöhen.

Das Unternehmen berichtete von einer Verdopplung der Goldproduktion im ersten Quartal 2024 im Vergleich zum vierten Quartal 2023, mit einem Anstieg des Bruttogewinns aufgrund höherer Rückgewinnungsraten, gesteigerter täglicher Durchsatzmenge und gesenkter Produktionskosten. Die Ergebnisse des zweiten Quartals 2024 werden voraussichtlich die Werte des ersten Quartals übertreffen. AABB setzt seine Strategie zur Akquisition von Bergbauflächen fort und konzentriert sich auf Regionen in Mexiko, in denen es einen komparativen Vorteil in Entwicklungsressourcen und Fachwissen hat.

  • Purchase of three new hydraulic diamond core drilling exploration rigs to increase drilling efficiency and capacity
  • Gold production doubled in Q1 2024 compared to Q4 2023
  • Increased gross profit in Q1 2024 due to higher-grade recoveries, increased daily throughput, and reduced production costs
  • Q2 2024 results expected to exceed Q1 levels in production and gross profit
  • None.

LAS VEGAS, July 24, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Asia Broadband Inc. (OTC: AABB) (“AABB” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce that the Company has purchased three hydraulic diamond core drilling exploration rigs to its equipment inventory to increase drilling efficiency and capacity for the ongoing drill programs at Picachos and La Paz in Jalisco, Mexico. The new high efficiency drill rigs will be shipped from China and are expected to be delivered at the port of Manzanillo, Mexico, in late August. AABB mining operations are working diligently to accelerate the development of all the Company’s prospective high yield gold projects in its strategic expansion initiative to increase gold production and physical gold holdings.

AABB’s 2024 first quarter results recorded a doubling of gold production from the levels recorded in the last quarter of 2023. The resulting increase in gross profit in the first quarter was attributed to higher-grade recoveries, increased daily throughput levels and reduced production costs from economies of scale. Currently nearing the publishing of the 2024 second quarter results, the Company has confirmed it exceeded its production and gross profit levels achieved in the first quarter, further validating ABBB mining operations success.

“We are highly anticipating the August equipment delivery and deploy the additional drilling capacity as soon as possible. Our focus is to continue our increased production and exploration momentum into the second half of the year”, expressed Chris Torres, the Company President and CEO.

AABB continues to implement its mining property acquisition strategy to optimize development capital utilization by focusing operations in regions of Mexico where AABB has a comparative advantage of development resources and expertise readily available for rapid expansion and duplication of the Company’s previous gold production success.

About Asia Broadband

Asia Broadband Inc. (OTC: AABB) is a resource company focused on the production of precious metals and the accumulation of physical gold holdings. The Company utilizes its specific geographic expertise, experience and extensive industry contacts to facilitate the expansion of precious metals property holdings and production in Mexico. The Company's industry and business integration in Mexico and its asset diversification are unique strengths of AABB that differentiate it from other companies and creates distinctive value for shareholders. Additionally, the Company has a digital assets business segment with its AABBG mine-to-token gold-backed cryptocurrency within its own next generation AABB Wallet and the unique Golden Baboons Mining Club and Shorts Rascal Club Non-Fungible Token (NFT) collections. AABB expects its token to become a world-wide standard of exchange that is stable, secured and trusted with gold backing, while having the added benefit of demand based price appreciation. These are unique and outstanding qualities relative to other cryptocurrencies and digital asset developers.

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Forward-Looking Statements are contained in this press release within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These statements are based on the Asia Broadband Inc.’s (the “Company”) expected current beliefs about the Company’s business, which are subject to uncertainty and change. The operations and results of the Company could materially differ from what is expressed or implied by the statements made above when industry, regulatory, market and competitive circumstances change. Further information about these risks can be found in the annual and quarterly disclosures the Company has published on the OTC Markets website. The Company is under no obligation to update or alter its forward-looking statements as future circumstances, events and information may change.


What new equipment has Asia Broadband (AABB) purchased for its drilling program?

Asia Broadband (AABB) has purchased three hydraulic diamond core drilling exploration rigs to increase drilling efficiency and capacity for its ongoing drill programs at Picachos and La Paz in Jalisco, Mexico.

When are the new drilling rigs expected to be delivered to Asia Broadband (AABB)?

The new high-efficiency drill rigs are expected to be delivered to the port of Manzanillo, Mexico, in late August 2024.

How did Asia Broadband's (AABB) gold production change in Q1 2024 compared to Q4 2023?

Asia Broadband (AABB) reported that its gold production doubled in Q1 2024 compared to the levels recorded in Q4 2023.

What factors contributed to Asia Broadband's (AABB) increased gross profit in Q1 2024?

The increase in gross profit for Asia Broadband (AABB) in Q1 2024 was attributed to higher-grade recoveries, increased daily throughput levels, and reduced production costs from economies of scale.



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