Alcoa Corporation Welcomes Final Regulations on Advanced Manufacturing Production Credit

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Alcoa (NYSE: AA) has responded positively to the U.S. Treasury Department's final regulations on the Section 45X Advanced Manufacturing Production Credit, which was implemented through the Inflation Reduction Act. The regulations support domestic manufacturing of critical materials, including commercial-grade aluminum from Alcoa's U.S. smelters in Newburgh, Indiana, and Massena, New York. These facilities produce aluminum for various sectors including clean energy, automotive, aerospace, and building materials. The company acknowledges the Treasury's inclusion of direct and indirect material costs and is currently analyzing the regulations' impact on its U.S. operations.

Alcoa (NYSE: AA) ha risposto positivamente alle normative finali del Dipartimento del Tesoro degli Stati Uniti riguardanti il Credito per la Produzione Avanzata della Sezione 45X, implementato attraverso il Congressional Reduction Act. Le normative supportano la produzione interna di materiali critici, inclusi alluminio di grado commerciale proveniente dagli impianti di fusione di Alcoa negli stati Indiana a Newburgh e New York a Massena. Questi impianti producono alluminio per vari settori, tra cui energia pulita, automotive, aerospaziale e materiali da costruzione. L'azienda riconosce l'inclusione dei costi materiali diretti e indiretti da parte del Tesoro e sta attualmente analizzando l'impatto di queste normative sulle sue operazioni negli Stati Uniti.

Alcoa (NYSE: AA) ha respondido positivamente a las regulaciones finales del Departamento del Tesoro de EE. UU. sobre el Crédito por Producción Avanzada de la Sección 45X, implementado a través de la Ley de Reducción de la Inflación. Las regulaciones apoyan la fabricación nacional de materiales críticos, incluyendo aluminio de grado comercial de las fundiciones de Alcoa en Newburgh, Indiana, y Massena, Nueva York. Estas instalaciones producen aluminio para diversos sectores, incluyendo energía limpia, automotriz, aeroespacial y materiales de construcción. La empresa reconoce la inclusión de costos materiales directos e indirectos por parte del Tesoro y actualmente está analizando el impacto de las regulaciones en sus operaciones en EE. UU.

Alcoa (NYSE: AA)는 인플레이션 감축법을 통해 시행된 섹션 45X 고급 제조 생산 세액 공제에 대한 미국 재무부 최종 규정에 긍정적으로 반응했습니다. 이 규정은 인디애나주 뉴버그 및 뉴욕주 마세나에 있는 Alcoa의 미국 제련소에서 상업용 등급 알루미늄을 포함한 주요 소재의 국내 제조를 지원합니다. 이 시설들은 청정 에너지, 자동차, 항공 우주 및 건축 자재를 포함한 다양한 산업을 위해 알루미늄을 생산합니다. 회사는 재무부가 직접 및 간접 재료 비용을 포함한 것을 인정하며 현재 이 규정이 미국 사업에 미치는 영향을 분석하고 있습니다.

Alcoa (NYSE: AA) a réagi positivement aux réglementations finales du Département du Trésor américain concernant le Crédit pour la production manufacturière avancée de la section 45X, mis en œuvre par la Loi sur la réduction de l'inflation. Les réglementations soutiennent la fabrication nationale de matériaux critiques, y compris l'aluminium de qualité commerciale provenant des fonderies d'Alcoa situées à Newburgh, Indiana, et Massena, New York. Ces installations produisent de l'aluminium pour divers secteurs, dont l'énergie propre, l'automobile, l'aérospatiale et les matériaux de construction. L'entreprise reconnaît l'inclusion par le Trésor des coûts matériels directs et indirects et analyse actuellement l'impact des réglementations sur ses opérations aux États-Unis.

Alcoa (NYSE: AA) hat positiv auf die endgültigen Vorschriften des US-Finanzministeriums zum Abschnitt 45X Advanced Manufacturing Production Credit reagiert, der durch das Inflation Reduction Act umgesetzt wurde. Die Vorschriften unterstützen die inländische Herstellung kritischer Materialien, einschließlich handelsüblichem Aluminium aus den US-Schmelzen von Alcoa in Newburgh, Indiana, und Massena, New York. Diese Anlagen stellen Aluminium für verschiedene Sektoren her, darunter saubere Energie, Automobilindustrie, Luft- und Raumfahrt sowie Baumaterialien. Das Unternehmen erkennt die Einbeziehung von direkten und indirekten Materialkosten durch das Finanzministerium an und analysiert derzeit die Auswirkungen der Vorschriften auf seine Aktivitäten in den USA.

  • Potential financial benefits from Section 45X manufacturing tax credits
  • Recognition of both direct and indirect material costs in the regulations
  • Support for domestic aluminum production at two U.S. facilities
  • None.


The finalization of Section 45X regulations represents a significant development for Alcoa's domestic operations. The inclusion of direct and indirect material costs in the Advanced Manufacturing Production Credit could provide substantial tax benefits for Alcoa's U.S. smelters in Indiana and New York. This credit effectively reduces production costs and strengthens domestic aluminum manufacturing capabilities.

The regulations align with broader U.S. industrial policy goals to secure critical material supply chains. For Alcoa, this translates to improved cost competitiveness against international producers, particularly important given rising global competition and energy costs. The credit's application to commercial-grade aluminum production could significantly impact Alcoa's bottom line, though the exact financial benefit remains to be calculated.

PITTSBURGH--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Alcoa Corporation (NYSE: AA; ASX: AAI) welcomes the U.S. Treasury Department’s final regulations on the Section 45X Advanced Manufacturing Production Credit, enacted as part of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA).

As recognized by the Administration, Section 45X is an important tool for shoring up domestic manufacturing of critical materials, including commercial-grade aluminum from Alcoa’s U.S. smelters in Newburgh, Indiana, and Massena, New York. The aluminum produced at these facilities plays a crucial role in multiple domestic manufacturing segments including clean energy, automotive, aerospace and building materials.

Alcoa is pleased that the Treasury Department included some direct and indirect material costs. We continue to evaluate the regulations in detail to determine impacts to our U.S. smelters.

About Alcoa Corporation

Alcoa (NYSE: AA, ASX: AAI) is a global industry leader in bauxite, alumina and aluminum products with a vision to reinvent the aluminum industry for a sustainable future. With a values-based approach that encompasses integrity, operating excellence, care for people and courageous leadership, our purpose is to Turn Raw Potential into Real Progress. Since developing the process that made aluminum an affordable and vital part of modern life, our talented Alcoans have developed breakthrough innovations and best practices that have led to greater efficiency, safety, sustainability and stronger communities wherever we operate.

Dissemination of Company Information

Alcoa intends to make future announcements regarding company developments and financial performance through its website,, as well as through press releases, filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, conference calls, media broadcasts, and webcasts. The Company does not incorporate the information contained on, or accessible through, its corporate website into this press release.

Investor Contact:

Yolande Doctor


Media Contact:

Courtney Boone


Source: Alcoa


How will the Section 45X tax credit affect Alcoa (NYSE: AA)?

The Section 45X Advanced Manufacturing Production Credit could provide financial benefits to Alcoa's U.S. smelting operations in Indiana and New York, though the company is still evaluating the full impact of the regulations.

Which Alcoa (NYSE: AA) facilities will benefit from the IRA manufacturing credit?

Alcoa's U.S. smelters in Newburgh, Indiana, and Massena, New York, which produce commercial-grade aluminum, are eligible for the Section 45X manufacturing credit.

What industries does Alcoa (NYSE: AA) supply with aluminum from its U.S. smelters?

Alcoa's U.S. smelters supply aluminum to clean energy, automotive, aerospace, and building materials industries.

Alcoa Corporation


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Primary Production of Aluminum
United States of America