Agilent Announces Innovative J&W 5Q GC/MS Columns for Superior Gas Chromatograph Performance

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Agilent Technologies Inc. (NYSE: A) has launched its new Agilent J&W 5Q GC/MS Columns, marking a significant advancement in gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) column technology. These columns combine ultra-inert performance and ultra-low-bleed technology, offering unmatched performance and durability for demanding applications. The J&W 5Q columns provide exceptional peak symmetry for active analytes and set a new industry standard for minimal column bleed, enabling high sensitivity and accurate quantitation for challenging trace-level analytes.

Key features include faster conditioning and increased resistance to conditions that can shorten column life. The columns enhance system performance in difficult conditions, such as using hydrogen as a carrier gas, and in environmental workflows targeting emerging analytes of interest. Available in various dimensions, they cater to a wide range of markets and applications, including PFAS testing in environmental samples and residual pesticide analysis in food.

Agilent Technologies Inc. (NYSE: A) ha lanciato le sue nuove colonne Agilent J&W 5Q GC/MS, segnando un avanzamento significativo nella tecnologia delle colonne di gas cromatografia/spettrometria di massa (GC/MS). Queste colonne combinano prestazioni ultra-inerti e tecnologia ultra-bassa dispersione, offrendo prestazioni e durata senza pari per applicazioni impegnative. Le colonne J&W 5Q forniscono un'eccezionale simmetria dei picchi per analiti attivi e stabiliscono un nuovo standard del settore per una minima dispersione della colonna, consentendo un'alta sensibilità e una quantificazione accurata per analiti a livello di tracce difficili.

Le caratteristiche principali includono un condizionamento più veloce e una maggiore resistenza a condizioni che possono accorciare la vita della colonna. Le colonne migliorano le prestazioni del sistema in condizioni difficili, come l'uso dell'idrogeno come gas vettore, e nei flussi di lavoro ambientali che mirano ad analiti emergenti di interesse. Disponibili in diverse dimensioni, soddisfano un'ampia gamma di mercati e applicazioni, inclusi test PFAS in campioni ambientali e analisi dei pesticidi residui negli alimenti.

Agilent Technologies Inc. (NYSE: A) ha lanzado sus nuevas columnas Agilent J&W 5Q GC/MS, marcando un avance significativo en la tecnología de columnas de cromatografía de gases/espectrometría de masas (GC/MS). Estas columnas combinan rendimiento ultra-inerte y tecnología de baja fuga, ofreciendo un rendimiento y durabilidad incomparables para aplicaciones exigentes. Las columnas J&W 5Q proporcionan una simetría excepcional de los picos para analitos activos y establecen un nuevo estándar en la industria para una mínima fuga de columna, permitiendo alta sensibilidad y cuantificación precisa para analitos desafiante a niveles de traza.

Las características clave incluyen un acondicionamiento más rápido y mayor resistencia a condiciones que pueden acortar la vida de la columna. Las columnas mejoran el rendimiento del sistema en condiciones difíciles, como el uso de hidrógeno como gas portador, y en flujos de trabajo ambientales que se centran en analitos emergentes de interés. Disponibles en varias dimensiones, satisfacen una amplia gama de mercados y aplicaciones, incluidos pruebas de PFAS en muestras ambientales y análisis de pesticidas residuales en alimentos.

Agilent Technologies Inc. (NYSE: A)가 새로운 Agilent J&W 5Q GC/MS 컬럼을 출시했습니다. 이는 가스 크로마토그래피/질량 분석(GC/MS) 컬럼 기술의 중요한 발전을 의미합니다. 이러한 컬럼은 초극성 성능초저 유출 기술을 결합하여 까다로운 응용 분야에 대해 뛰어난 성능과 내구성을 제공합니다. J&W 5Q 컬럼은 활성 분석물에 대해 탁월한 피크 대칭을 제공하며, 최소 컬럼 유출이라는 새로운 산업 표준을 설정하여 어려운 미량 분석물에 대한 높은 민감도와 정확한 정량화를 가능하게 합니다.

주요 특징으로는 더 빠른 조건 설정컬럼 수명을 단축할 수 있는 조건에 대한 저항 증가가 있습니다. 이러한 컬럼은 수소를 이동 기체로 사용하는 등 어려운 조건에서 시스템 성능을 향상시키며, 관련된 신흥 분석물을 대상으로 하는 환경 작업흐름에서 유용합니다. 다양한 크기로 제공되어, 환경 샘플에서 PFAS 테스트식품에서 잔여 농약 분석을 포함하여 광범위한 시장과 응용 분야에 맞춰져 있습니다.

Agilent Technologies Inc. (NYSE: A) a lancé ses nouvelles colonnes Agilent J&W 5Q GC/MS, marquant une avancée significative dans la technologie des colonnes de chromatographie en phase gazeuse/spectrométrie de masse (GC/MS). Ces colonnes combinent des performances ultra-inertes et une technologie à très faible fuite, offrant des performances et une durabilité inégalées pour des applications exigeantes. Les colonnes J&W 5Q offrent une symétrie de pic exceptionnelle pour les analytes actifs et établissent une nouvelle norme de l'industrie pour une fuite minimale de colonne, permettant une grande sensibilité et une quantification précise pour des analytes à des niveaux traces difficiles.

Les caractéristiques clés incluent un conditionnement plus rapide et une résistance accrue aux conditions pouvant réduire la durée de vie de la colonne. Les colonnes améliorent les performances du système dans des conditions difficiles, comme l'utilisation de l'hydrogène comme gaz porteur, et dans des flux de travail environnementaux ciblant des analytes émergents d'intérêt. Disponibles dans différentes dimensions, elles répondent à un large éventail de marchés et d'applications, y compris le test PFAS dans les échantillons environnementaux et l'analyse des résidus de pesticides dans les aliments.

Agilent Technologies Inc. (NYSE: A) hat seine neuen Agilent J&W 5Q GC/MS Säulen eingeführt, was einen erheblichen Fortschritt in der Technologie der Gaschromatographie/Massenspektrometrie (GC/MS) darstellt. Diese Säulen kombinieren ultra-inertes Verhalten und ultra-niedriger Bleed-Technologie, die unübertroffene Leistung und Haltbarkeit für anspruchsvolle Anwendungen bieten. Die J&W 5Q Säulen bieten außergewöhnliche Peak-Symmetrie für aktive Analyt und setzen einen neuen Branchenstandard für minimalen Säulen-Bleed, der hohe Sensitivität und genaue Quantifizierung für herausfordernde Spurenanalyt ermöglicht.

Zu den Hauptmerkmalen gehören schnelleres Conditioning und erhöhter Widerstand gegen Bedingungen, die die Lebensdauer der Säule verkürzen können. Die Säulen verbessern die Systemleistung unter schwierigen Bedingungen, wie der Verwendung von Wasserstoff als Trägergas, und in Umweltarbeitsabläufen, die auf neue interessante Analyt abzielen. Sie sind in verschiedenen Abmessungen erhältlich und bedienen eine Vielzahl von Märkten und Anwendungen, einschließlich PFAS-Tests in Umweltproben und Analyse von Rückstandspestiziden in Lebensmitteln.

  • Launch of innovative J&W 5Q GC/MS Columns with ultra-inert performance and ultra-low-bleed technology
  • Exceptional peak symmetry for active analytes and minimal column bleed, enabling high sensitivity and accurate quantitation
  • Faster conditioning and increased resistance to conditions that can shorten column life
  • Enhanced system performance in difficult conditions, such as using hydrogen as a carrier gas
  • Reduced frequency of column changes, improving laboratory efficiency and reducing operational costs
  • None.

The launch of Agilent's J&W 5Q GC/MS Columns represents a significant technological advancement in the analytical instruments market. While this product innovation is noteworthy, its immediate financial impact is likely . The columns are part of Agilent's broader portfolio and may contribute to incremental revenue growth rather than causing a substantial shift in the company's financial outlook.

From an investor's perspective, this development reinforces Agilent's position as an innovation leader in the analytical instruments sector. It demonstrates the company's commitment to R&D and ability to address evolving customer needs, which could support long-term market share retention and potential expansion. However, investors should view this as part of Agilent's ongoing product evolution rather than a game-changing event that would significantly alter the company's valuation or market position in the short term.

The J&W 5Q GC/MS Columns represent a notable technological leap in gas chromatography. Key advancements include:

  • Improved peak symmetry for active analytes
  • Minimal column bleed, enhancing sensitivity and accuracy
  • Faster conditioning and increased resistance to life-shortening conditions

These features address critical pain points in GC/MS workflows, particularly for trace-level analysis in complex matrices. The columns' compatibility with hydrogen carrier gas is especially significant, as it aligns with the industry trend towards more cost-effective and environmentally friendly alternatives to helium. This technological edge could provide Agilent with a competitive advantage, potentially leading to increased market share in the GC/MS segment.

SANTA CLARA, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Agilent Technologies Inc., (NYSE: A) today announced the release of its new Agilent J&W 5Q GC/MS Columns, representing a major advance in gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) column technology. Agilent has a 50-year history of innovation in gas chromatography, continually setting the standard for GC column performance. The new Agilent J&W 5Q GC/MS columns combine Agilent’s industry-recognized ultra-inert performance and ultra-low-bleed technology, delivering unmatched performance and durability for the most demanding applications.

In modern gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) workflows, GC/MS columns are often subjected to complex matrices and chemically active analytes that require reporting at trace levels. Under these conditions, maintaining the data quality needed to meet regulatory targets or other analytical requirements necessitates more frequent column changes, source cleaning, and potential sample re-runs, which decreases laboratory efficiency and increases costs.

Agilent J&W GC/MS 5Q columns provide exceptional peak symmetry for active analytes and set a new industry standard for minimal column bleed, enabling high sensitivity, maintaining accuracy and mass spectral fidelity, and accurate quantitation for the most challenging trace-level analytes. Additionally, these new GC/MS columns feature faster conditioning and are especially resistant to conditions that can shorten column life. Agilent J&W GC/MS 5Q columns enhance system performance in particularly difficult conditions, such as the use of hydrogen as a carrier gas, and in environmental workflows targeting emerging analytes of interest, where exceptional sensitivity and column durability are critical.

“This launch marks one of our most significant advancements in GC/MS column technology. The new J&W 5Q GC/MS columns are engineered to meet the rigorous demands of modern analytical laboratories,” said David Edwards, vice president and general manager of Agilent’s Chemistries Division. “By reducing the frequency of column changes and enhancing system performance, these columns not only improve data quality but also significantly boost laboratory efficiency and reduce operational costs.”

“Eagerly anticipated by our customers, this GC/MS column innovation underscores Agilent’s commitment to providing cutting-edge solutions that empower scientists to achieve their analytical goals with greater ease and reliability,” Edwards added.

Available in a range of dimensions, the Agilent J&W 5Q GC/MS columns extend the analytical options available to labs across a wide sector of markets and applications, including PFAS testing in environmental samples, analysis of residual pesticides in food, and more. Their enhanced performance strengthens Agilent’s position as a premium provider of solutions that push the boundaries of analytical methodology, allowing users of industry-leading Agilent GC/MS systems to extract even greater performance and value from their instruments.

About Agilent Technologies

Agilent Technologies Inc. (NYSE: A) is a global leader in analytical and clinical laboratory technologies, delivering insights and innovation that help our customers bring great science to life. Agilent’s full range of solutions includes instruments, software, services, and expertise that provide trusted answers to our customers' most challenging questions. The company generated revenue of $6.83 billion in fiscal 2023 and employs approximately 18,000 people worldwide. Information about Agilent is available at To receive the latest Agilent news, please subscribe to the Agilent Newsroom. Follow Agilent on LinkedIn and Facebook.


Naomi Goumillout

Agilent Technologies


Source: Agilent Technologies Inc.


What are the key features of Agilent's new J&W 5Q GC/MS Columns?

Agilent's J&W 5Q GC/MS Columns feature ultra-inert performance, ultra-low-bleed technology, exceptional peak symmetry for active analytes, minimal column bleed, faster conditioning, and increased resistance to conditions that can shorten column life.

How do the new Agilent J&W 5Q GC/MS Columns improve laboratory efficiency?

The new columns reduce the frequency of column changes, source cleaning, and potential sample re-runs, which improves data quality, boosts laboratory efficiency, and reduces operational costs.

What applications are the Agilent J&W 5Q GC/MS Columns suitable for?

The columns are suitable for a wide range of applications, including PFAS testing in environmental samples, analysis of residual pesticides in food, and other demanding GC/MS workflows requiring high sensitivity and column durability.

How do Agilent J&W 5Q GC/MS Columns perform with hydrogen as a carrier gas?

The J&W 5Q GC/MS Columns enhance system performance in difficult conditions, including the use of hydrogen as a carrier gas, making them especially suitable for such applications.

Agilent Technologies Inc.


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