Zynex Obtains FDA clearance for new Pain Management Device

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Zynex Inc. (NASDAQ: ZYXI) has received FDA clearance for its new TensWave device, a prescription-only pain management solution. This portable device utilizes TENS therapy to provide effective pain relief without medication. The TensWave complements Zynex's flagship NexWave device, offering a high-quality TENS option that meets specific insurance reimbursement criteria.

CEO Thomas Sandgaard emphasized that TensWave fills a market gap and aligns with Zynex's commitment to comprehensive pain management. The device is designed for patients whose insurance plans exclusively cover TENS therapy, broadening Zynex's product portfolio and enhancing patient support. This FDA clearance marks another milestone in Zynex's mission to improve patient outcomes through innovative medical technology.

Zynex Inc. (NASDAQ: ZYXI) ha ricevuto l' per il suo nuovo dispositivo TensWave, una soluzione per la gestione del dolore disponibile solo su prescrizione. Questo dispositivo portatile utilizza la per fornire un efficace sollievo dal dolore senza farmaci. Il TensWave integra il dispositivo di punta di Zynex, il NexWave, offrendo un'opzione TENS di alta qualità che soddisfa specifici criteri di rimborso assicurativo.

Il CEO Thomas Sandgaard ha sottolineato che il TensWave colma una lacuna nel mercato e rispecchia l'impegno di Zynex nella gestione completa del dolore. Il dispositivo è progettato per pazienti i cui piani assicurativi coprono esclusivamente la terapia TENS, ampliando il portafoglio prodotti di Zynex e migliorando il supporto ai pazienti. Questa autorizzazione della FDA segna un altro traguardo nella missione di Zynex di migliorare i risultati per i pazienti attraverso tecnologie mediche innovative.

Zynex Inc. (NASDAQ: ZYXI) ha recibido la autorización de la FDA para su nuevo dispositivo TensWave, una solución para el manejo del dolor que requiere receta médica. Este dispositivo portátil utiliza terapia TENS para proporcionar un alivio efectivo del dolor sin medicación. El TensWave complementa el dispositivo insignia de Zynex, el NexWave, ofreciendo una opción TENS de alta calidad que cumple con criterios específicos de reembolso de seguros.

El CEO Thomas Sandgaard enfatizó que el TensWave llena una brecha en el mercado y se alinea con el compromiso de Zynex con una gestión integral del dolor. El dispositivo está diseñado para pacientes cuyos planes de seguro solo cubren la terapia TENS, ampliando el portafolio de productos de Zynex y mejorando el apoyo a los pacientes. Esta autorización de la FDA marca otro hito en la misión de Zynex de mejorar los resultados de los pacientes a través de tecnología médica innovadora.

Zynex Inc. (NASDAQ: ZYXI)가 새로운 TensWave 장치에 대한 FDA 승인을 받았습니다. 이 장치는 처방전 전용의 통증 관리 솔루션입니다. 이 휴대용 장치는 TENS 치료를 활용하여 약물 없이 효과적인 통증 완화를 제공합니다. TensWave는 Zynex의 주요 제품인 NexWave를 보완하며, 특정 보험 환급 기준을 충족하는 고품질 TENS 옵션을 제공합니다.

CEO Thomas Sandgaard는 TensWave가 시장의 격차를 메꾸고 Zynex의 포괄적인 통증 관리에 대한 헌신과 일치한다고 강조했습니다. 이 장치는 보험 플랜에서 TENS 치료만을 보장하는 환자들을 위해 설계되었으며, Zynex의 제품 포트폴리오를 확장하고 환자 지원을 강화합니다. 이 FDA 승인은 혁신적인 의료 기술을 통해 환자 결과를 개선하려는 Zynex의 사명에서 또 하나의 이정표를 의미합니다.

Zynex Inc. (NASDAQ: ZYXI) a reçu une autorisation de la FDA pour son nouvel appareil TensWave, une solution de gestion de la douleur sur ordonnance. Cet appareil portable utilise la thérapie TENS pour fournir un soulagement efficace de la douleur sans médicament. Le TensWave complète le dispositif phare NexWave de Zynex, offrant une option TENS de haute qualité qui répond à des critères spécifiques de remboursement par les assurances.

Le PDG Thomas Sandgaard a souligné que le TensWave comble une lacune sur le marché et s'aligne sur l'engagement de Zynex pour une gestion complète de la douleur. L'appareil est conçu pour les patients dont les plans d'assurance ne couvrent que la thérapie TENS, élargissant ainsi le portefeuille de produits de Zynex et améliorant le soutien aux patients. Cette autorisation de la FDA marque une nouvelle étape dans la mission de Zynex d'améliorer les résultats pour les patients grâce à une technologie médicale innovante.

Zynex Inc. (NASDAQ: ZYXI) hat die FDA-Zulassung für sein neues TensWave-Gerät erhalten, eine verschreibungspflichtige Lösung zur Schmerzbewältigung. Dieses tragbare Gerät nutzt TENS-Therapie, um wirksame Schmerzlinderung ohne Medikamente zu bieten. Das TensWave ergänzt das Flaggschiff-Gerät NexWave von Zynex und bietet eine hochwertige TENS-Option, die spezifischen Kriterien für die Kostenerstattung durch Versicherungen entspricht.

CEO Thomas Sandgaard betonte, dass der TensWave eine Marktlücke schließt und mit Zynex’ Engagement für eine umfassende Schmerzbewältigung übereinstimmt. Das Gerät wurde für Patienten entwickelt, deren Versicherungspläne ausschließlich die TENS-Therapie abdecken, und erweitert das Produktportfolio von Zynex und verbessert die Patientenunterstützung. Diese FDA-Zulassung stellt einen weiteren Meilenstein in Zynex’ Mission dar, die Patientenresultate durch innovative Medizintechnologie zu verbessern.

  • FDA clearance obtained for new TensWave pain management device
  • TensWave meets specific insurance reimbursement criteria
  • Expands product portfolio, complementing the flagship NexWave device
  • Provides a drug-free alternative for chronic pain management
  • None.

The FDA clearance of Zynex's TensWave device is a significant development for the company's product portfolio. This TENS-specific device strategically fills a market gap, potentially expanding Zynex's market share in the pain management sector. The TensWave's design for insurance reimbursement criteria could drive adoption and boost revenue streams.

However, it's important to note that TensWave is positioned as complementary to NexWave, not a replacement. This strategy mitigates cannibalization risks but may limit its overall impact. The device's prescription-only status could also affect its accessibility and market penetration rate.

Investors should monitor how effectively Zynex markets TensWave alongside NexWave and track its contribution to revenue growth in upcoming quarters.

Zynex's introduction of TensWave demonstrates a savvy response to insurance market dynamics. By creating a device specifically designed to meet insurance reimbursement criteria for TENS therapy, Zynex is positioning itself to capture a segment of patients whose coverage may have previously excluded their products.

This move could potentially increase Zynex's addressable market and improve its competitive position against other pain management device manufacturers. However, the success of this strategy hinges on the company's ability to navigate the complex landscape of insurance approvals and educate healthcare providers about the new offering.

Investors should pay attention to Zynex's reimbursement rates and adoption metrics for TensWave in the coming quarters to gauge its impact on the company's financial performance.

The FDA clearance of Zynex's TensWave represents a positive step in non-invasive pain management. TENS therapy has a well-established clinical track record for pain relief without medication, aligning with the growing demand for opioid-alternative treatments.

The device's portable and user-friendly design could enhance patient compliance and potentially lead to better outcomes. However, it's important to note that while TENS is effective for many patients, its efficacy can vary widely depending on the type and severity of pain.

The true test will be in real-world performance data and patient satisfaction rates. If TensWave can demonstrate superior results or patient preference over competing devices, it could significantly strengthen Zynex's market position in the pain management sector.

ENGLEWOOD, Colo., Sept. 3, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Zynex Inc. (NASDAQ: ZYXI), a leading medical technology company specializing in non-invasive medical devices for pain management and rehabilitation, today announced FDA clearance of its new TensWave device.

The TensWave device, by prescription only, builds on Zynex's strong legacy of innovation in pain management. It offers a user-friendly, portable design that can be easily integrated into patients' daily routines. The device aims to provide effective pain relief through TENS (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation) therapy, which has been clinically proven to reduce chronic and acute pain without needing medication.

"The introduction of TensWave aligns perfectly with our commitment to providing comprehensive pain management solutions," said Thomas Sandgaard, CEO of Zynex Medical. "We recognized a gap in the market for a high-quality TENS device that meets the specific criteria for insurance reimbursement, and TensWave is our answer to that demand. It complements our flagship multi-modality device, the NexWave, where Interferential current is the main modality and driver of obtaining prescriptions. This device broadens our product portfolio and enhances our support to patients."

It is important to note that the TensWave device is not intended to replace our market-leading NexWave electrotherapy device, which remains the top choice for patients seeking a comprehensive electrotherapy solution but in certain instances, can provide flexibility in dealing with patients' insurance coverage. The TensWave is a complementary product designed for those whose insurance plans exclusively cover TENS therapy.

The TensWave is poised to become an essential tool for patients suffering from chronic pain conditions, offering them a safe, effective, and drug-free alternative to pain management. It complements our offerings of electrotherapy products, cervical traction, braces, cold/hot therapy and compression devices.

This new product clearance by the FDA marks another milestone in Zynex's ongoing mission to improve patient outcomes through innovative medical technology.

About Zynex Inc. 

Founded in 1996, Zynex develops, manufactures, markets, and sells medical devices used for pain management and rehabilitation, as well as non-invasive monitoring systems for use in hospitals. For more information, please visit:

Safe Harbor Statement 

This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of The Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These statements reflect our current beliefs and expectations but are subject to various risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those projected. Factors that could cause such differences include, but are not limited to, the acceptance of our products by insurance providers and patients, the continued availability of reimbursement for TENS therapy, and our ability to maintain and expand our market presence. For more detailed information on the risks and uncertainties associated with our business, please refer to the filings we have made with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Investor Relations Contact:
Quinn Callanan, CFA or Brian Prenoveau, CFA
MZ Group – MZ North America
+949 694 9594

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What is the new device Zynex (ZYXI) received FDA clearance for?

Zynex (ZYXI) received FDA clearance for TensWave, a new prescription-only pain management device that uses TENS (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation) therapy.

How does the TensWave device differ from Zynex's NexWave device?

TensWave is designed specifically for TENS therapy and meets certain insurance reimbursement criteria, while NexWave is a multi-modality device with Interferential current as its main modality.

What are the potential benefits of Zynex's TensWave device for patients?

TensWave offers a safe, effective, and drug-free alternative for chronic pain management, providing flexibility in dealing with patients' insurance coverage and integrating easily into daily routines.

How might the FDA clearance of TensWave impact Zynex's (ZYXI) market position?

The FDA clearance of TensWave expands Zynex's product portfolio, potentially strengthening its market position in pain management solutions and addressing a wider range of patient and insurance needs.



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Medical Distribution
Electromedical & Electrotherapeutic Apparatus
United States of America