ZyVersa Therapeutics Highlights Published Data Demonstrating That Obesity Results in Neuroinflammation Implicated in Development of Neurodegenerative Diseases

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ZyVersa Therapeutics (Nasdaq: ZVSA) highlights data published in Aging Cell demonstrating that obesity leads to brain inflammation, potentially increasing the risk of neurodegenerative diseases. The study, conducted on a diet-induced obesity mouse model, showed that:

1. Obesity resulted in significant weight gain and adipose tissue inflammation.
2. Prolonged obesity (26 weeks) in adolescent mice led to systemic inflammation and suppression of neuroprotective factors in multiple brain regions.
3. Mature adult obese mice demonstrated systemic inflammation and reduced neuroprotective factors earlier than younger mice.

ZyVersa's Inflammasome ASC Inhibitor IC 100, which penetrates the brain and key organs affected by obesity, shows potential in controlling CNS and systemic inflammation associated with obesity and its comorbidities, including Parkinson's disease.

ZyVersa Therapeutics (Nasdaq: ZVSA) mette in evidenza dati pubblicati in Aging Cell che dimostrano come l'obesità porti a infiammazione cerebrale, aumentando potenzialmente il rischio di malattie neurodegenerative. Lo studio, condotto su un modello murino di obesità indotta da dieta, ha mostrato che:

1. L'obesità ha causato un significativo aumento di peso e infiammazione del tessuto adiposo.
2. L'obesità prolungata (26 settimane) in topi adolescenti ha portato a infiammazione sistemica e soppressione dei fattori neuroprotettivi in diverse aree del cervello.
3. I topi obesi adulti maturi hanno mostrato infiammazione sistemica e riduzione dei fattori neuroprotettivi prima dei topi più giovani.

L'inibitore dell'inflammasoma ASC IC 100 di ZyVersa, in grado di penetrare nel cervello e negli organi chiave colpiti dall'obesità, mostra un potenziale nel controllare l'infiammazione CNS e sistemica associata all'obesità e alle sue comorbidità, inclusa la malattia di Parkinson.

ZyVersa Therapeutics (Nasdaq: ZVSA) destaca datos publicados en Aging Cell que demuestran que la obesidad provoca inflamación cerebral, lo que podría aumentar el riesgo de enfermedades neurodegenerativas. El estudio, realizado en un modelo de ratón con obesidad inducida por dieta, mostró que:

1. La obesidad resultó en un aumento de peso significativo e inflamación del tejido adiposo.
2. La obesidad prolongada (26 semanas) en ratones adolescentes llevó a inflamación sistémica y supresión de factores neuroprotectores en múltiples regiones del cerebro.
3. Los ratones obesos adultos maduros demostraron inflamación sistémica y reducción de factores neuroprotectores antes que los ratones más jóvenes.

El inhibidor del inflamasoma ASC IC 100 de ZyVersa, que penetra en el cerebro y en los órganos clave afectados por la obesidad, muestra potencial para controlar la inflamación CNS y sistémica asociada a la obesidad y sus comorbilidades, incluida la enfermedad de Parkinson.

ZYVersa Therapeutics (Nasdaq: ZVSA)는 Aging Cell에 게재된 데이터를 강조하며, 비만이 뇌 염증을 유발하고, 이는 신경퇴행성 질환의 위험을 증가시킬 수 있다는 것을 보여줍니다. 이 연구는 식이유도 비만 쥐 모델에서 수행되었으며, 다음과 같은 결과를 보여주었습니다:

1. 비만은 상당한 체중 증가와 지방조직 염증을 초래했습니다.
2. 청소년 쥐에서의 장기 비만(26주)은 전신 염증과 여러 뇌 영역에서 신경 보호 인자의 억제를 초래했습니다.
3. 성체 비만 쥐는 더 어린 쥐에 비해 전신 염증과 감소된 신경 보호 인자를 더 빨리 나타냈습니다.

ZYVersa의 염증 소체 ASC 억제제 IC 100은 비만의 영향을 받는 뇌와 주요 장기에 침투하여 비만 및 그 동반 질환(파킨슨병 포함)과 관련된 CNS 및 전신 염증을 조절하는 잠재력을 보여줍니다.

ZyVersa Therapeutics (Nasdaq: ZVSA) met en avant des données publiées dans Aging Cell, démontrant que l'obésité entraîne une inflammation cérébrale, pouvant potentiellement augmenter le risque de maladies neurodégénératives. L'étude, réalisée sur un modèle murin d'obésité induite par le régime, a montré que :

1. L'obésité a entraîné un gain de poids significatif et une inflammation du tissu adipeux.
2. Une obésité prolongée (26 semaines) chez des souris adolescentes a conduit à une inflammation systémique et à une suppression des facteurs neuroprotecteurs dans plusieurs zones du cerveau.
3. Les souris obèses adultes matures ont présenté une inflammation systémique et une réduction des facteurs neuroprotecteurs plus tôt que les souris plus jeunes.

L'inhibiteur de l'inflammasome ASC IC 100 de ZyVersa, qui pénètre dans le cerveau et les organes clés affectés par l'obésité, montre un potentiel pour contrôler l'inflammation du système nerveux central et systémique associée à l'obésité et ses comorbidités, y compris la maladie de Parkinson.

ZyVersa Therapeutics (Nasdaq: ZVSA) hebt Daten hervor, die in Aging Cell veröffentlicht wurden und zeigen, dass Fettleibigkeit zu Gehirnentzündungen führt, was möglicherweise das Risiko neurodegenerativer Erkrankungen erhöht. Die Studie, die an einem mit Diät induzierten Adipositas-Mausmodell durchgeführt wurde, zeigte, dass:

1. Fettleibigkeit zu einem signifikanten Gewichtszuwachs und Entzündungen im Fettgewebe führte.
2. Langfristige Fettleibigkeit (26 Wochen) bei jugendlichen Mäusen zu systemischen Entzündungen und einer Suppression neuroprotektiver Faktoren in mehreren Hirnregionen führte.
3. Reife erwachsene fettleibige Mäuse zeigten systemische Entzündungen und reduzierte neuroprotektive Faktoren früher als jüngere Mäuse.

Der Inflammasom ASC-Inhibitor IC 100 von ZyVersa, der in das Gehirn und in die von Fettleibigkeit betroffenen Schlüsselorgane eindringt, zeigt Potenzial zur Kontrolle von CNS- und systemischer Entzündung, die mit Fettleibigkeit und deren Begleiterkrankungen, einschließlich Parkinson, verbunden ist.

  • ZyVersa's IC 100 demonstrates potential to control CNS and systemic inflammation associated with obesity and its comorbidities
  • IC 100 shows mechanistic proof-of-concept for attenuating neuroinflammation in Parkinson's disease
  • The Michael J. Fox Foundation funded a recent in vitro study on IC 100's potential in Parkinson's disease
  • No direct financial or business performance metrics provided
  • Future Parkinson's animal model studies are still in planning stages, indicating early-stage research


This study provides valuable insights into the relationship between obesity, age and neuroinflammation, with potential implications for neurodegenerative diseases. Key findings include:

  • Obesity induces systemic inflammation and suppresses neuroprotective factors in the brain
  • Age and duration of obesity are critical risk factors for neurodegenerative diseases
  • Prolonged obesity leads to inflammation in multiple brain regions and visceral adipose tissue

The research supports ZyVersa's focus on IC 100 as a potential treatment for obesity-related inflammation and associated comorbidities. However, it's important to note that this study was conducted in mice and human trials will be necessary to confirm these effects. The company's plans for future Parkinson's animal model studies indicate a strategic approach to validating IC 100's potential in neurodegenerative diseases.

For investors, this research strengthens the scientific rationale behind ZyVersa's drug development strategy. However, the path from preclinical studies to approved treatments is long and uncertain. The company's ability to translate these findings into successful clinical outcomes will be important for its long-term prospects.

  • Recent evidence links obesity-driven inflammation to diminished brain health and neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases
  • The newly published data show that obesity leads to progressive brain inflammation in a mouse model, and that the proinflammatory processes worsen with prolonged obesity and with increased age
  • This research supports our selection of obesity with associated comorbidities as the lead indication for Inflammasome ASC Inhibitor IC 100
  • IC 100 inhibits intra- and extracellular ASC and specks associated with multiple types of inflammasomes to attenuate damaging neurologic and systemic inflammation

WESTON, Fla., Oct. 22, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- ZyVersa Therapeutics, Inc. (Nasdaq: ZVSA, or “ZyVersa”), a clinical stage specialty biopharmaceutical company developing first-in-class drugs for treatment of inflammatory and renal diseases, highlights data published in the peer-reviewed journal, Aging Cell, demonstrating that obesity in older adults or prolonged duration of obesity in the younger population resulted in inflammation and suppression of neurotrophic/neuroprotective factors in the brain, indicating that age and duration of obesity are critical risk factors for neurodegenerative diseases.

“With IC 100’s demonstrated penetration of the brain and key organs affected by obesity, such as heart, kidney, and liver, and its unique anti-inflammatory mechanism of action, IC 100 has potential to control the CNS and systemic inflammation of obesity and attenuate development and/or progression of associated comorbidities, such as Parkinson’s and heart diseases,” stated Stephen C. Glover, ZyVersa’s Co-founder, Chairman, CEO, and President. “The potential for IC 100 to attenuate the damaging neuroinflammation leading to Parkinson’s disease is supported by data from a recently completed in vitro study demonstrating IC 100’smechanistic proof-of-concept in this indication. The study was funded by the Michael J. Fox Foundation and conducted by researchers at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine. Future Parkinson’s animal model studies are planned.”

The paper titled, Age and duration of obesity modulate the inflammatory response and expression of neuroprotective factors in mammalian female brain, summarizes research conducted in a diet-induced obesity (DIO) mouse model. To characterize the effects of age and duration of obesity, adolescent (5 weeks old) and mature adult (14 weeks old) female mice were fed a high fat diet (HFD) for either 13 or 26 weeks. Age-matched control mice were fed a standard diet. Key findings:                                                                   

  • HFD induced a typical obesity phenotype in mice independent of age and duration
    • Significant weight gain, increase in fat cell size, and subcutaneous adipose tissue inflammation
  • At 13 weeks, adolescent obese mice developed a limited inflammatory response in the hypothalamus, but when the duration was extended to 26 weeks:
    • A systemic inflammatory response was demonstrated
    • Inflammation was demonstrated in visceral adipose tissue, which is responsible for comorbidities, and in all three brain regions studied (hypothalamus, hippocampus, and cerebral cortex)
    • Neurotrophic/neuroprotective factors were suppressed
    • Microgliosis and astrogliosis developed, which are associated with brain damage
  • Unlike adolescent mice at 13 weeks, mature adult mice demonstrated systemic inflammation and suppression of neurotrophic/neuroprotective factors in all three brain regions studied. This was sustained through the 26-week study, suggesting that advanced age may negatively affect obesity outcomes earlier than in younger individuals

“From the translational perspective, the findings of the present study highlight the importance of early interventions to combat obesity and, thus, to avoid the associated comorbidities,” concluded the authors.

About Inflammasome ASC Inhibitor IC 100

IC 100 is a novel humanized IgG4 monoclonal antibody that inhibits the inflammasome adaptor protein ASC. IC 100 was designed to attenuate both initiation and perpetuation of the inflammatory response. It does so by binding to a specific region of the ASC component of multiple types of inflammasomes, including NLRP1, NLRP2, NLRP3, NLRC4, AIM2, and Pyrin. Intracellularly, IC 100 binds to ASC monomers, inhibiting inflammasome formation, thereby blocking activation of IL-1β early in the inflammatory cascade. IC 100 also binds to ASC in ASC Specks, both intracellularly and extracellularly, further blocking activation of IL-1β and the perpetuation of the inflammatory response that is pathogenic in inflammatory diseases. Because active cytokines amplify adaptive immunity through various mechanisms, IC 100, by attenuating cytokine activation, also attenuates the adaptive immune response. The lead indication for IC 100 is obesity and its associated metabolic complications. To review a white paper summarizing the mechanism of action and preclinical data for IC 100, Click Here.

About ZyVersa Therapeutics, Inc.

ZyVersa (Nasdaq: ZVSA) is a clinical stage specialty biopharmaceutical company leveraging advanced proprietary technologies to develop first-in-class drugs for patients with inflammatory or kidney diseases with high unmet medical needs. We are well positioned in the rapidly emerging inflammasome space with a highly differentiated monoclonal antibody, Inflammasome ASC Inhibitor IC 100, and in kidney disease with phase 2 Cholesterol Efflux MediatorTM VAR 200. The lead indication for IC 100 is obesity and its associated metabolic complications, and for VAR 200, focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS). Each therapeutic area offers a “pipeline within a product,” with potential for numerous indications. The total accessible market is over $100 billion. For more information, please visit

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New factors emerge from time-to-time, and it is not possible for ZyVersa to predict all such factors, nor can ZyVersa assess the impact of each such factor on the business or the extent to which any factor, or combination of factors, may cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in any forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements included in this press release are based on information available to ZyVersa as of the date of this press release. ZyVersa disclaims any obligation to update such forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances after the date of this press release, except as required by applicable law.

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Corporate, Media, and IR Contact:
Karen Cashmere
Chief Commercial Officer


What does the recent study published in Aging Cell reveal about obesity and neuroinflammation?

The study shows that obesity leads to progressive brain inflammation in mice, with the proinflammatory processes worsening with prolonged obesity and increased age. This inflammation is implicated in the development of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.

How does ZyVersa's IC 100 potentially address obesity-related inflammation?

IC 100, ZyVersa's Inflammasome ASC Inhibitor, can penetrate the brain and key organs affected by obesity. It has the potential to control CNS and systemic inflammation associated with obesity and attenuate the development or progression of related comorbidities, such as Parkinson's and heart diseases.

What were the key findings of the obesity study in mice highlighted by ZyVersa (ZVSA)?

The study found that high-fat diet induced obesity in mice led to significant weight gain, increased fat cell size, and subcutaneous adipose tissue inflammation. Prolonged obesity resulted in systemic inflammation, suppression of neuroprotective factors, and development of microgliosis and astrogliosis in multiple brain regions.

Has ZyVersa Therapeutics (ZVSA) conducted any studies on IC 100 for Parkinson's disease?

ZyVersa recently completed an in vitro study demonstrating IC 100's mechanistic proof-of-concept in Parkinson's disease. This study was funded by the Michael J. Fox Foundation and conducted by researchers at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine. Future Parkinson's animal model studies are planned.
ZyVersa Therapeutics Inc


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