Zuora Accelerates Usage Monetization with New Capabilities to Rapidly Transform Raw Usage Data Into Innovative Pricing Models

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Zuora, Inc. (NYSE: ZUO) has announced new capabilities to expedite usage-based pricing adoption for SaaS companies. The enhancements aim to help transform raw usage data into innovative pricing models and provide customers with increased visibility. This comes as nearly half of all companies studied implemented some form of usage-based pricing in the last three years, with many experiencing higher growth and retention.

The new features include:

  • Advanced usage metering and rating capabilities for quick experimentation with pricing models
  • An out-of-the-box customer portal for near real-time usage visibility
  • Drag-and-drop widgets to monitor usage trends
  • APIs to embed usage visibility in existing applications

These enhancements are particularly relevant as 53% of consumers surveyed consider usage-based pricing important for AI and GenAI services. Zuora's solution allows companies to rapidly integrate usage-pricing without replacing their billing system, significantly accelerating adoption.

Zuora, Inc. (NYSE: ZUO) ha annunciato nuove funzionalità per accelerare l'adozione dei prezzi basati sull'uso per le aziende SaaS. Questi miglioramenti mirano a trasformare i dati di utilizzo grezzi in modelli di prezzo innovativi e fornire ai clienti una maggiore visibilità. Ciò avviene mentre quasi la metà di tutte le aziende studiate ha implementato una forma di prezzi basati sull'uso negli ultimi tre anni, con molte che hanno registrato una crescita e una retention superiori.

Le nuove funzionalità includono:

  • Funzionalità avanzate di misurazione e valutazione dell'uso per esperimenti rapidi con modelli di prezzo
  • Un portale clienti pronto all'uso per la visibilità dell'uso quasi in tempo reale
  • Widget drag-and-drop per monitorare le tendenze di utilizzo
  • API per integrare la visibilità dell'uso nelle applicazioni esistenti

Questi miglioramenti sono particolarmente rilevanti poiché il 53% dei consumatori intervistati considera importante il prezzo basato sull'uso per i servizi di IA e GenAI. La soluzione di Zuora consente alle aziende di integrare rapidamente il pricing basato sull'uso senza sostituire il loro sistema di fatturazione, accelerando notevolmente l'adozione.

Zuora, Inc. (NYSE: ZUO) ha anunciado nuevas capacidades para acelerar la adopción de precios basados en el uso para empresas SaaS. Las mejoras buscan transformar los datos de uso crudos en modelos de precios innovadores y proporcionar a los clientes una mayor visibilidad. Esto sucede mientras Casi la mitad de todas las empresas estudiadas han implementado alguna forma de precios basados en el uso en los últimos tres años, con muchas experimentando un mayor crecimiento y retención.

Las nuevas características incluyen:

  • Capacidades avanzadas de medición y valoración del uso para experimentar rápidamente con modelos de precios
  • Un portal de clientes listo para usar para la visibilidad del uso casi en tiempo real
  • Widgets de arrastrar y soltar para monitorear las tendencias de uso
  • APIs para integrar la visibilidad del uso en aplicaciones existentes

Estas mejoras son particularmente relevantes ya que el 53% de los consumidores encuestados considera que el precio basado en el uso es importante para los servicios de IA y GenAI. La solución de Zuora permite a las empresas integrar rápidamente el precio basado en el uso sin reemplazar su sistema de facturación, acelerando significativamente la adopción.

Zuora, Inc. (NYSE: ZUO)는 SaaS 회사들을 위한 사용 기반 가격 책정을 가속화하기 위한 새로운 기능을 발표했습니다. 이러한 개선 사항은 원시 사용 데이터를 혁신적인 가격 모델로 변환하고 고객에게 더 많은 가시성을 제공하는 것을 목표로 합니다. 이는 연구된 모든 기업의 거의 절반이 지난 3년 동안 사용 기반 가격 책정의 일부 형태를 구현했다는 사실과 함께 이루어지며, 많은 기업들이 더 높은 성장과 유지율을 경험하고 있습니다.

새로운 기능에는 다음이 포함됩니다:

  • 가격 모델을 빠르게 실험할 수 있는 고급 사용 측정 및 평가 기능
  • 거의 실시간 사용 가시성을 위한 즉시 사용 가능한 고객 포털
  • 사용 추세를 모니터링할 수 있는 드래그 앤 드롭 위젯
  • 기존 애플리케이션에 사용 가시성을 통합하기 위한 API

이러한 개선 사항은 특히 조사에 응답한 소비자의 53%가 AI 및 GenAI 서비스에 대해 사용 기반 가격 책정이 중요하다고 생각한다는 사실과 관련이 있습니다. Zuora의 솔루션은 기업들이 청구 시스템을 교체하지 않고도 사용 기반 가격 책정을 신속하게 통합할 수 있도록 하여 채택을 크게 가속화합니다.

Zuora, Inc. (NYSE: ZUO) a annoncé de nouvelles fonctionnalités pour accélérer l'adoption des prix basés sur l'utilisation pour les entreprises SaaS. Ces améliorations visent à transformer les données d'utilisation brutes en modèles de tarification innovants et à offrir aux clients une visibilité accrue. Cela intervient alors que près de la moitié de toutes les entreprises étudiées ont mis en œuvre une forme de tarification basée sur l'utilisation au cours des trois dernières années, de nombreuses entreprises connaissant une croissance et une fidélisation plus élevées.

Les nouvelles fonctionnalités comprennent :

  • Fonctionnalités avancées de mesure et d'évaluation de l'utilisation pour des expérimentations rapides avec des modèles de tarification
  • Un portail client prêt à l'emploi pour une visibilité d'utilisation presque en temps réel
  • Des widgets de glisser-déposer pour surveiller les tendances d'utilisation
  • Des API pour intégrer la visibilité d'utilisation dans des applications existantes

Ces améliorations sont particulièrement pertinentes, car 53 % des consommateurs interrogés considèrent que la tarification basée sur l'utilisation est importante pour les services IA et GenAI. La solution de Zuora permet aux entreprises d'intégrer rapidement le tarif basé sur l'utilisation sans remplacer leur système de facturation, accélérant ainsi considérablement l'adoption.

Zuora, Inc. (NYSE: ZUO) hat neue Funktionen angekündigt, um die Annahme von nutzungsbasierten Preisen für SaaS-Unternehmen zu beschleunigen. Die Verbesserungen zielen darauf ab, Rohdaten zur Nutzung in innovative Preismodelle umzuwandeln und den Kunden mehr Sichtbarkeit zu bieten. Dies geschieht, da fast die Hälfte aller untersuchten Unternehmen in den letzten drei Jahren irgendeine Form von nutzungsbasierten Preisen implementiert hat, wobei viele ein höheres Wachstum und eine höhere Kundenbindung erleben.

Die neuen Funktionen umfassen:

  • Erweiterte Mess- und Bewertungsfunktionen zur schnellen Experimentierung mit Preismodellen
  • Ein sofort einsetzbares Kundenportal für nahezu in Echtzeit nutzbare Sichtbarkeit
  • Drag-and-Drop-Widgets zur Überwachung von Nutzungstrends
  • APIs, um Sichtbarkeit der Nutzung in bestehende Anwendungen einzubetten

Diese Verbesserungen sind besonders relevant, da 53% der befragten Verbraucher nutzungsbasierte Preise für AI- und GenAI-Dienste als wichtig erachten. Die Lösung von Zuora ermöglicht es Unternehmen, nutzungsbasiertes Pricing schnell zu integrieren, ohne ihr Abrechnungssystem zu ersetzen, wodurch die Annahme erheblich beschleunigt wird.

  • Nearly half of companies implemented usage-based pricing in the last three years, leading to higher growth and retention
  • 53% of consumers consider usage-based pricing important for AI and GenAI services
  • New capabilities allow rapid experimentation with different usage-based pricing models
  • Solution enables companies to add usage-pricing without replacing existing billing systems
  • Zuora's Metering and Rating solution converts raw usage events into usage meters for pricing experimentation and accurate billing
  • None.


Zuora's new capabilities for usage-based pricing represent a significant advancement in SaaS monetization strategies. The ability to rapidly transform raw usage data into innovative pricing models is crucial in the evolving AI and GenAI landscape. This move aligns well with market trends, as evidenced by the Subscribed Institute and BCG research showing nearly half of companies implementing usage-based pricing in recent years.

The introduction of advanced metering and rating capabilities, along with customer-facing usage visibility tools, addresses key challenges in adopting usage-based models. This could potentially accelerate Zuora's market position in the monetization platform space, especially as demand for flexible pricing in AI services grows.

For investors, this development signals Zuora's proactive approach to market demands and its potential for revenue growth. The acquisition of Togai further strengthens Zuora's offering, potentially leading to increased customer acquisition and retention. However, the success will depend on the seamless integration of these new features and their adoption rate among Zuora's client base.

Zuora's enhancement of its usage-based pricing capabilities is a strategic move that addresses a critical need in the SaaS industry. With the rise of AI and GenAI services, there's a growing demand for more flexible and value-aligned pricing models. Zuora's solution could potentially reduce time-to-market for new pricing strategies and alleviate engineering bottlenecks for SaaS companies.

The out-of-the-box customer portal for usage visibility is particularly noteworthy, as it addresses the transparency issues that often lead to billing disputes and customer churn. This feature could significantly improve customer satisfaction and retention rates for Zuora's clients.

From an investor perspective, Zuora's focus on usage-based pricing positions the company well to capitalize on the ongoing shift in SaaS business models. The ability to quickly experiment with and implement new pricing structures could make Zuora an attractive partner for fast-growing AI companies, potentially expanding its customer base and increasing its market share in the competitive monetization platform space.

Solutions help effectively monetize new offerings amid proliferation of GenAI services

REDWOOD CITY, Calif. & LONDON--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Zuora, Inc. (NYSE: ZUO), a leading monetization suite for modern business, today at Subscribed Live London announced new capabilities to ease and expedite usage-based pricing adoption, helping Software as a Service (SaaS) companies transform raw usage data into innovative pricing and provide customers with additional visibility.

SaaS is increasingly turning to usage-based models: Research from Zuora’s Subscribed Institute and Boston Consulting Group (BCG) concluded that nearly half of all companies studied implemented some form of usage-based pricing in the last three years, with many seeing higher growth and retention. The proliferation of GenAI is also leading more companies to explore usage and better correlate pricing with value. For AI and GenAI services, a Subscribed Institute study found that more than half (53%) of all consumers surveyed say it is important to have a usage-based pricing model available.

Effective usage monetization requires rapid experimentation to evolve pricing, which relies on critical usage data to understand how customers consume and engage with products. But without the right technology, translating usage into new pricing can be challenging, complex and time intensive for engineering teams. Additionally, customers expect full visibility into their usage to comprehend future charges and invoices. Without this transparency, poor customer experiences can lead to billing disputes and even churn.

Zuora's Metering and Rating solution enables companies to immediately convert raw usage events across services and devices into usage meters, then apply them to pricing experimentation and accurate billing. A homegrown usage metering and rating tool can take multiple engineers to deploy and maintain. Now, engineers can focus on product innovation while leveraging Zuora to solve for usage pricing. Companies like Digibee and use Zuora to quickly adapt usage-based pricing models based on changing market demands.

“When you look at the market demand for personalized pricing tied to value or usage, such as GenAI offerings, it’s no surprise that usage-based pricing is one of our fastest-growing solutions at Zuora,” said Shakir Karim, Senior Vice President, Product Management at Zuora. “Rolling out a new product used to start with a grand plan and a lot of guesswork that you perfected over long periods of time. With Zuora, companies can quickly bring in usage data to experiment and ideate on new pricing models. This data-driven approach helps ensure you are pricing products based on what end customers actually use and value.”

With the recent acquisition of Togai, Zuora’s enhanced solution for usage-based pricing now includes:

  • Advanced usage metering and rating capabilities that allow companies to quickly experiment with different usage-based pricing models through a configurable user interface
  • An out-of-the-box customer portal to provide customers near real-time visibility into their usage
  • Drag-and-drop widgets to monitor usage trends on customer-facing dashboards
  • APIs to embed and showcase usage visibility in existing applications.

Zuora’s solution allows companies to rapidly add usage-pricing into their monetization mix without the need to replace their billing system. This approach helps greatly accelerate the speed to adopt usage-based pricing.

“Giving our customers immediate and accurate visibility into usage-based pricing is absolutely critical for an AI-powered integration platform like ours,” said Rafael Nobrega, Product Manager at Digibee. “With Zuora, we were live with usage metering in less than a month and able to provide instant visibility to usage data for our end customers. That's allowed us to take new pricing from ideation to reality much faster than if our engineering team built a homegrown solution.”

To learn more about Zuora’s usage-based solutions, please visit here.

About Zuora, Inc.

Zuora provides a leading monetization suite to build, run and grow a modern business through a dynamic mix of usage-based models, subscription bundles and everything in between. From pricing and packaging, to billing, payments and revenue accounting, Zuora’s flexible, modular software platform is designed to help companies evolve monetization strategies with customer demand. More than 1,000 customers around the world, including BMC Software, Box, Caterpillar, General Motors, The New York Times, Schneider Electric and Zoom use Zuora’s leading combination of technology and expertise to turn recurring relationships and recurring revenue into recurring growth. Zuora is headquartered in Silicon Valley with offices in the Americas, EMEA and APAC. To learn more, please visit

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Information on these risks and additional risks and uncertainties that could cause actual outcomes and results to differ materially from those included in or contemplated by the forward-looking statements contained in this release is included under the caption “Risk Factors” in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended January 31, 2024 and the Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the most recent fiscal quarter, which is available on the “Investors” page of our website at and on the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission’s website at Additional information will also be set forth in other documents that we may file from time to time with the Securities and Exchange Commission. All forward-looking statements contained herein are based on information available to us as of the date hereof. Except to the extent required by law, we do not assume any obligation to update these statements as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise.

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Media Contact:

Margaret Juhnke


Investor Relations Contact:

Luana Wolk


Source: Zuora, Inc.


What new capabilities has Zuora (ZUO) announced for usage-based pricing?

Zuora has announced advanced usage metering and rating capabilities, an out-of-the-box customer portal for real-time usage visibility, drag-and-drop widgets to monitor usage trends, and APIs to embed usage visibility in existing applications.

How many companies have implemented usage-based pricing according to Zuora's research?

According to research from Zuora's Subscribed Institute and Boston Consulting Group, nearly half of all companies studied implemented some form of usage-based pricing in the last three years.

What percentage of consumers consider usage-based pricing important for AI and GenAI services?

A Subscribed Institute study found that 53% of all consumers surveyed say it is important to have a usage-based pricing model available for AI and GenAI services.

How quickly can companies implement Zuora's (ZUO) usage metering solution?

According to the example provided by Digibee, they were able to go live with usage metering in less than a month using Zuora's solution.

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