Is Zoetis Inc. (NYSE: ZTS) Overvalued? Or Is It Worth Buying Now?
BetterInvesting Magazine has selected Zoetis (NYSE: ZTS) as its 'Stock to Study' for the March 2025 issue, suggesting the stock warrants further investigation by investors. The magazine's Editorial Advisory and Securities Review Committee highlights that fundamental data, including sales, earnings, pre-tax profit, and return on equity, is available for investor analysis through the National Association of Investors platform.
Additionally, the March 2025 issue will feature a fundamental review of LKQ Corp. (NASDAQ: LKQ), which the committee considers potentially undervalued and worthy of further study. The committee comprises six Chartered Financial Analysts (CFAs) who evaluate these securities for educational purposes, without explicitly recommending their purchase.
BetterInvesting Magazine ha selezionato Zoetis (NYSE: ZTS) come 'Azioni da Studiare' per il numero di marzo 2025, suggerendo che il titolo meriti un'ulteriore indagine da parte degli investitori. Il Comitato Editoriale e di Revisione dei Titoli della rivista mette in evidenza che i dati fondamentali, tra cui vendite, profitti, utile ante imposte e ritorno sul capitale, sono disponibili per l'analisi degli investitori tramite la piattaforma della National Association of Investors.
Inoltre, il numero di marzo 2025 presenterà una revisione fondamentale di LKQ Corp. (NASDAQ: LKQ), che il comitato considera potenzialmente sottovalutato e meritevole di ulteriore studio. Il comitato è composto da sei Chartered Financial Analysts (CFA) che valutano questi titoli a scopo educativo, senza raccomandare esplicitamente il loro acquisto.
BetterInvesting Magazine ha seleccionado Zoetis (NYSE: ZTS) como 'Acción para Estudiar' para el número de marzo de 2025, sugiriendo que la acción merece una mayor investigación por parte de los inversores. El Consejo Editorial y el Comité de Revisión de Valores de la revista destacan que los datos fundamentales, incluidos las ventas, ganancias, beneficios antes de impuestos y retorno sobre el capital, están disponibles para el análisis de los inversores a través de la plataforma de la National Association of Investors.
Además, el número de marzo de 2025 presentará una revisión fundamental de LKQ Corp. (NASDAQ: LKQ), que el comité considera potencialmente subvaluada y digna de un estudio más profundo. El comité está compuesto por seis Chartered Financial Analysts (CFA) que evalúan estos valores con fines educativos, sin recomendar explícitamente su compra.
BetterInvesting Magazine는 Zoetis (NYSE: ZTS)를 2025년 3월호의 '연구할 주식'으로 선정하였으며, 이 주식이 투자자들의 추가 조사가 필요하다고 제안하고 있습니다. 잡지의 편집 자문 및 증권 리뷰 위원회는 매출, 수익, 세전 이익 및 자기 자본 수익률 등을 포함한 기본 데이터가 National Association of Investors 플랫폼을 통해 투자자 분석을 위해 제공된다고 강조합니다.
또한, 2025년 3월호에서는 위원회가 잠재적으로 저평가되고 추가 연구가 필요하다고 여기는 LKQ Corp. (NASDAQ: LKQ)에 대한 기본 리뷰가 포함될 것입니다. 이 위원회는 교육적 목적을 위해 이러한 증권을 평가하는 6명의 공인 재무 분석가(CFA)로 구성되어 있으며, 이들의 구매를 명시적으로 추천하지는 않습니다.
BetterInvesting Magazine a sélectionné Zoetis (NYSE: ZTS) comme 'Action à Étudier' pour le numéro de mars 2025, suggérant que l’action mérite une enquête plus approfondie de la part des investisseurs. Le Comité Consultatif Éditorial et le Comité de Révision des Valeurs de la revue soulignent que des données fondamentales, y compris les ventes, les bénéfices, le bénéfice avant impôt et le retour sur fonds propres, sont disponibles pour l’analyse des investisseurs via la plateforme de la National Association of Investors.
De plus, le numéro de mars 2025 comportera un examen fondamental de LKQ Corp. (NASDAQ: LKQ), que le comité considère comme potentiellement sous-évalué et digne d’une étude supplémentaire. Le comité est composé de six Chartered Financial Analysts (CFA) qui évaluent ces titres à des fins éducatives, sans recommander explicitement leur achat.
BetterInvesting Magazine hat Zoetis (NYSE: ZTS) als 'Aktie zum Studium' für die Märzausgabe 2025 ausgewählt und schlägt vor, dass die Aktie eine weitere Untersuchung durch Investoren verdient. Der Redaktionelle Beirat und das Wertpapierprüfungskomitee der Zeitschrift heben hervor, dass grundlegende Daten wie Verkäufe, Gewinne, Vorsteuergewinne und Eigenkapitalrendite über die Plattform der National Association of Investors zur Analyse durch Investoren verfügbar sind.
Darüber hinaus wird die Märzausgabe 2025 eine grundlegende Überprüfung von LKQ Corp. (NASDAQ: LKQ) enthalten, die das Komitee als potenziell unterbewertet und wert für eine eingehendere Studie ansieht. Das Komitee besteht aus sechs Chartered Financial Analysts (CFA), die diese Wertpapiere zu Bildungszwecken bewerten, ohne den Kauf ausdrücklich zu empfehlen.
- None.
- None.
The fundamental data is eye-opening; investors can view Zoetis's sales, earnings, pre-tax profit, return on equity, and more all on one page, courtesy of the National Association of Investors, at:
A full report on Zoetis will appear in the March 2025 issue of BetterInvesting Magazine.
The same issue of BetterInvesting Magazine will also include a fundamental review of LKQ Corp. (NASDAQ: LKQ) which the independent Editorial Advisory and Securities Review Committee believes is worthy of further study from an undervalued perspective.
Committee members are Daniel J. Boyle, CFA; Marisa Bradbury, CFA; Philip Keating, CFA; Walter J. Kirchberger, CFA; Anne Nichols, CFA; and Dan Rutter, CFA.
Securities mentioned are for study and presented for educational purposes only. They are not to be considered as endorsed or recommended for purchase by NAIC/BetterInvesting. Investors should conduct their own review and analysis of any company of interest using the Stock Selection Guide before making an investment decision.
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BetterInvesting™, a national 501(c)(3) nonprofit, investment education organization, has been empowering everyday Americans since 1951. Also known as the National Association of Investors™ (NAIC®), we have helped more than 5 million people from all walks of life learn how to improve their financial future. BetterInvesting provides unbiased, in-depth investing education and powerful online stock analysis tools to create successful lifelong investors. BetterInvesting staff, along with a dedicated community of volunteers across America, teach the organization's principles and time-tested methodology to individuals and investment clubs. For more information about BetterInvesting, please visit
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SOURCE National Association of Investors/BetterInvesting
Why did BetterInvesting Magazine choose Zoetis (ZTS) as its Stock to Study for March 2025?
What is the investment perspective on LKQ Corp (LKQ) according to BetterInvesting Magazine?
Who are the committee members reviewing Zoetis and LKQ stocks?