zSpace Set to Join Russell 2000® and 3000® Indexes
zSpace (NASDAQ: ZSPC), a leader in AR/VR education, announced its upcoming inclusion in the Russell 2000® and Russell 3000® Indexes as part of the quarterly Russell US Index IPO additions, effective March 24, 2025.
The inclusion in these prestigious indexes, which serve as key performance benchmarks for the U.S. equity market with approximately $10.6 trillion in assets benchmarked against them, represents a significant milestone for zSpace. The Russell 2000® Index is widely recognized and used by investment managers and institutional investors for index funds and active investment strategies.
zSpace (NASDAQ: ZSPC), un leader nell'educazione AR/VR, ha annunciato la sua prossima inclusione negli Indici Russell 2000® e Russell 3000® come parte delle aggiunte trimestrali IPO agli indici Russell USA, a partire dal 24 marzo 2025.
L'inclusione in questi prestigiosi indici, che fungono da indicatori chiave delle performance per il mercato azionario statunitense con circa 10,6 trilioni di dollari in attività collegate, rappresenta una pietra miliare significativa per zSpace. L'Indice Russell 2000® è ampiamente riconosciuto e utilizzato dai gestori di investimento e dagli investitori istituzionali per fondi indicizzati e strategie di investimento attivo.
zSpace (NASDAQ: ZSPC), un líder en educación AR/VR, anunció su próxima inclusión en los Índices Russell 2000® y Russell 3000® como parte de las adiciones trimestrales de IPO al índice Russell de EE. UU., a partir del 24 de marzo de 2025.
La inclusión en estos prestigiosos índices, que sirven como indicadores clave de rendimiento para el mercado de valores de EE. UU. con aproximadamente 10,6 billones de dólares en activos referenciados, representa un hito significativo para zSpace. El Índice Russell 2000® es ampliamente reconocido y utilizado por gestores de inversión e inversores institucionales para fondos indexados y estrategias de inversión activa.
zSpace (NASDAQ: ZSPC), 증강 현실/가상 현실 교육의 선두주자인 zSpace는 러셀 2000® 및 러셀 3000® 지수에 포함될 예정이라고 발표했습니다. 이는 분기별 러셀 미국 지수 IPO 추가의 일환으로, 2025년 3월 24일부터 시행됩니다.
약 10.6조 달러의 자산이 이 지수를 기준으로 하고 있는 이러한 권위 있는 지수에 포함되는 것은 zSpace에게 중요한 이정표를 의미합니다. 러셀 2000® 지수는 투자 펀드 및 능동적 투자 전략을 위해 투자 관리자가 널리 인정하고 사용하는 지수입니다.
zSpace (NASDAQ: ZSPC), un leader dans l'éducation AR/VR, a annoncé sa prochaine inclusion dans les Indices Russell 2000® et Russell 3000® dans le cadre des ajouts trimestriels d'IPO aux indices Russell US, à compter du 24 mars 2025.
L'inclusion dans ces indices prestigieux, qui servent de références clés pour la performance du marché boursier américain avec environ 10,6 billions de dollars d'actifs référencés, représente une étape importante pour zSpace. L'Indice Russell 2000® est largement reconnu et utilisé par les gestionnaires d'investissement et les investisseurs institutionnels pour les fonds indiciels et les stratégies d'investissement actif.
zSpace (NASDAQ: ZSPC), ein führendes Unternehmen im Bereich AR/VR-Bildung, gab die bevorstehende Aufnahme in die Russell 2000® und Russell 3000® Indizes bekannt, die im Rahmen der vierteljährlichen IPO-Zugänge zum Russell US Index ab 24. März 2025 wirksam wird.
Die Aufnahme in diese renommierten Indizes, die als wichtige Leistungsbenchmarks für den US-Aktienmarkt mit etwa 10,6 Billionen Dollar an verwalteten Vermögenswerten dienen, stellt einen bedeutenden Meilenstein für zSpace dar. Der Russell 2000® Index ist weithin anerkannt und wird von Investmentmanagern und institutionellen Investoren für Indexfonds und aktive Anlagestrategien verwendet.
- Inclusion in Russell 2000® and 3000® Indexes increases visibility to institutional investors
- Access to $10.6 trillion benchmark-linked investment pool
- Recognition as a growing technology company worthy of index inclusion
- None.
SAN JOSE, Calif., March 13, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- zSpace (NASDAQ: ZSPC), a leader in augmented and virtual reality (AR/VR) education, today announced that it will join the Russell 2000® and the Russell 3000® Indexes as part of the quarterly Russell US Index initial public offering (IPO) additions, effective after the U.S. market opens on March 24, 2025.
“zSpace’s inclusion in the Russell 2000® Index is a significant milestone that reflects our continued growth and the increasing impact of our immersive learning solutions,” said Paul Kellenberger, CEO of zSpace. “We are excited to join the ranks of other innovative companies in the Russell indexes and look forward to the expanded visibility among investors as we advance our mission to transform education through augmented and virtual reality technology.”
Membership in the U.S. Russell 2000® Index means inclusion in a widely recognized benchmark used by investment managers and institutional investors for index funds and active investment strategies. Russell indexes serve as a key performance measure for the U.S. equity market, with approximately
For more information on the Russell 2000® Index and the quarterly IPO additions, visit the FTSE Russell website.
About zSpace
zSpace, Inc. delivers innovative augmented and virtual reality (AR/VR) experiences that drive achievement in STEM, CTE, and career readiness programs. Trusted by over 3,500 school districts, technical centers, community colleges, and universities, zSpace allows students and teachers to experience learning in the classroom that may otherwise be dangerous, impossible, counterproductive, or expensive using traditional techniques. Headquartered in San Jose, California, zSpace holds over 70 patents and our hands-on “learning by doing” solutions have been shown to enhance the learning process and drive higher student test scores, as evidenced by a study on the utility of 3D virtual reality technologies for student knowledge gains published in the Journal of Computer Assisted Learning in 2021.
For more information, visit www.zspace.com or follow @zSpace on social media.
zSpace Press:
Amanda Austin
zSpace Investor Relations:
Gateway Group
Cody Slach, Alex Thompson