Zscaler and Okta Enhance Enterprise Cybersecurity with New Zero Trust Integrations

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Zscaler and Okta announced four new integrations at Oktane2024 to enhance enterprise cybersecurity and accelerate zero trust transformation. These integrations aim to reduce risk, improve user experience, and enable cross-domain response through shared telemetry and threat intelligence. The new offerings include:

1. Adaptive Access Policy Enforcement: Enforces context-based access policies that dynamically adjust based on user risk context.
2. Dynamic Step-Up Authentication: Triggers additional authentication when risky user behavior is detected.
3. Security Data Contextualization and Unified Vulnerability Management: Provides real-time insights into vulnerabilities across the enterprise ecosystem.
4. Zero Trust Partner Access: Enables secure, agentless access to web applications for external users and partners.

These integrations aim to strengthen zero trust security posture in complex risk environments, focusing on managing user identities and enforcing adaptive access controls.

Zscaler e Okta hanno annunciato quattro nuove integrazioni a Oktane2024 per migliorare la cybersicurezza aziendale e accelerare la trasformazione verso il zero trust. Queste integrazioni mirano a ridurre il rischio, migliorare l'esperienza utente e abilitare la risposta inter-domini attraverso la telemetria condivisa e l'intelligence sulle minacce. Le nuove offerte includono:

1. Applicazione di Politiche di Accesso Adattive: Applica politiche di accesso basate sul contesto che si adattano dinamicamente in base al rischio dell'utente.
2. Autenticazione Dinamica a Passo Avanzato: Attiva un'autenticazione aggiuntiva quando viene rilevato un comportamento utente a rischio.
3. Contestualizzazione dei Dati di Sicurezza e Gestione Unificata delle Vulnerabilità: Fornisce informazioni in tempo reale sulle vulnerabilità nel ecosistema aziendale.
4. Accesso ai Partner del Zero Trust: Permette l'accesso sicuro, senza agenti, alle applicazioni web per utenti e partner esterni.

Queste integrazioni mirano a rafforzare la postura di sicurezza zero trust in ambienti di rischio complessi, concentrandosi sulla gestione delle identità degli utenti e sull'applicazione di controlli di accesso adattivi.

Zscaler y Okta anunciaron cuatro nuevas integraciones en Oktane2024 para mejorar la ciberseguridad empresarial y acelerar la transformación hacia el zero trust. Estas integraciones tienen como objetivo reducir el riesgo, mejorar la experiencia del usuario y habilitar la respuesta entre dominios a través de telemetría compartida e inteligencia sobre amenazas. Las nuevas ofertas incluyen:

1. Aplicación de Políticas de Acceso Adaptativas: Aplica políticas de acceso basadas en el contexto que se ajustan dinámicamente según el contexto de riesgo del usuario.
2. Autenticación Dinámica Progresiva: Activa autenticación adicional cuando se detecta comportamiento riesgoso del usuario.
3. Contextualización de Datos de Seguridad y Gestión Unificada de Vulnerabilidades: Proporciona información en tiempo real sobre vulnerabilidades en el ecosistema empresarial.
4. Acceso para Socios de Zero Trust: Permite el acceso seguro, sin agentes, a aplicaciones web para usuarios y socios externos.

Estas integraciones tienen como objetivo fortalecer la postura de seguridad zero trust en entornos de riesgo complejos, centrándose en la gestión de identidades de usuarios y en la aplicación de controles de acceso adaptativos.

Zscaler와 Okta는 Oktane2024에서 네 가지 새로운 통합을 발표하여 기업 사이버 보안을 강화하고 제로 트러스트 전환을 가속화했습니다. 이러한 통합의 목표는 위험 감소, 사용자 경험 향상, 도메인 간 대응 가능성 향상을 위해 공유된 원거리 측정 데이터와 위협 정보를 활용하는 것입니다. 새로운 제공 내용은 다음과 같습니다:

1. 적용 기반 접근 정책 시행: 사용자 위험 컨텍스트에 따라 동적으로 조정되는 접근 정책을 시행합니다.
2. 동적 단계적 인증: 위험한 사용자 행동이 감지되었을 때 추가 인증을 유도합니다.
3. 보안 데이터 맥락화 및 통합 취약점 관리: 기업 생태계 전반에 걸쳐 취약점에 대한 실시간 통찰력을 제공합니다.
4. 제로 트러스트 파트너 접근: 외부 사용자 및 파트너를 위한 웹 애플리케이션에 대한 보안 에이전트 없는 접근을 허용합니다.

이러한 통합은 복잡한 위험 환경에서 제로 트러스트 보안 태세를 강화하는 것을 목표로 하며, 사용자 신원 관리 및 적응형 접근 통제 시행에 중점을 둡니다.

Zscaler et Okta ont annoncé quatre nouvelles intégrations lors d'Oktane2024 pour renforcer la cybersécurité des entreprises et accélérer la transformation vers le zero trust. Ces intégrations visent à réduire les risques, améliorer l'expérience utilisateur et permettre une réponse entre domaines grâce à une télémétrie partagée et une intelligence sur les menaces. Les nouvelles offres comprennent :

1. Application des politiques d'accès adaptatives: Met en œuvre des politiques d'accès basées sur le contexte qui s'ajustent dynamiquement en fonction du risque utilisateur.
2. Authentification dynamique renforcée: Déclenche une authentification supplémentaire lorsqu'un comportement utilisateur à risque est détecté.
3. Contextualisation des données de sécurité et gestion unifiée des vulnérabilités: Fournit des informations en temps réel sur les vulnérabilités dans l'écosystème de l'entreprise.
4. Accès des partenaires en mode zero trust: Permet un accès sécurisé, sans agent, aux applications web pour les utilisateurs et partenaires externes.

Ces intégrations visent à renforcer la posture de sécurité zero trust dans des environnements à risque complexes, en mettant l'accent sur la gestion des identités des utilisateurs et l'application de contrôles d'accès adaptatifs.

Zscaler und Okta haben auf der Oktane2024 vier neue Integrationen angekündigt, um die Cybersicherheit in Unternehmen zu verbessern und die Transformation zu Zero Trust zu beschleunigen. Diese Integrationen zielen darauf ab, Risiken zu reduzieren, die Benutzererfahrung zu verbessern und die bereichsübergreifende Reaktion zu ermöglichen durch gemeinsame Telemetrie und Bedrohungsintelligenz. Die neuen Angebote umfassen:

1. Anpassung der Zugriffspolicen: Setzt kontextbasierte Zugriffspolicies um, die sich dynamisch an den Risikokontext des Benutzers anpassen.
2. Dynamische Authentifizierung: Löst zusätzliche Authentifizierung aus, wenn risikobehaftetes Benutzerverhalten erkannt wird.
3. Sicherheitsdaten-Kontextualisierung und einheitliches Schwachstellenmanagement: Bietet Echtzeiteinblicke in Schwachstellen im gesamten Unternehmensökosystem.
4. Zero Trust Partnerzugang: Ermöglicht einen sicheren, agentenlosen Zugang zu Webanwendungen für externe Benutzer und Partner.

Diese Integrationen zielen darauf ab, die Zero Trust-Sicherheitslage in komplexen Risikoumgebungen zu stärken, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf dem Management von Benutzeridentitäten und der Durchsetzung von adaptiven Zugangskontrollen liegt.

  • Enhanced cybersecurity offerings through four new integrations with Okta
  • Improved risk reduction and user experience in zero trust environments
  • Expanded capabilities in adaptive access policy enforcement and dynamic authentication
  • Enhanced threat detection and response through bidirectional risk telemetry exchange
  • Improved security for external partner access to corporate resources
  • None.


The new integrations between Zscaler and Okta represent a significant advancement in zero trust security implementation. By combining Zscaler's cloud security platform with Okta's identity management capabilities, enterprises can now enforce more granular, context-aware access policies. This is particularly important in today's hybrid work environments where traditional network perimeters are dissolving.

Key benefits include:

  • Enhanced threat detection through bidirectional risk telemetry sharing
  • Dynamic step-up authentication for sensitive resource access
  • Improved visibility into vulnerabilities across the enterprise ecosystem
  • Streamlined secure access for third-party users and partners

These features address critical challenges in modern cybersecurity, such as credential compromise and insider threats. The integration's ability to adapt access policies based on real-time risk assessment is a powerful tool for reducing the attack surface. While this partnership strengthens both companies' market positions in the zero trust space, the real value lies in the enhanced security posture it offers to their mutual customers.

This collaboration between Zscaler and Okta is a prime example of how API-driven integrations can create a more robust security ecosystem. The seamless data exchange between Zscaler's Zero Trust Exchange and Okta's Workforce Identity Cloud demonstrates the power of interoperability in modern cybersecurity solutions.

From an implementation perspective, these integrations offer several advantages:

  • Reduced complexity in security stack management
  • Improved operational efficiency through automated policy enforcement
  • Enhanced user experience with adaptive authentication measures
  • Centralized visibility and control across identity and access management

The Data Fabric for Security feature is particularly noteworthy, as it addresses the common challenge of data silos in security operations. By aggregating and contextualizing data from multiple sources, it provides security teams with a more comprehensive view of their risk landscape, potentially reducing response times to threats.

Expanded Offerings Improve Security Posturing and Provide Strong Defenses Against Identity-Based Threats

LAS VEGAS, Oct. 15, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Today at Oktane2024, Zscaler and Okta announced four new integrations designed to accelerate their mutual customers' zero trust transformation. By delivering end-to-end, context-aware security, Okta and Zscaler are helping customers reduce risk, improve the user experience, and enable cross-domain response through shared telemetry and threat intelligence.

“The integrations announced today significantly deepen our collaboration with Okta and our commitment to keeping our customers secure,” said Amit Raikar, Vice President, Technology Alliances and Business Development, Zscaler. “Together, we are focused on helping customers strengthen their zero trust security posture in an increasingly complex risk environment, where rigorously managing user identities and enforcing adaptive access controls is more crucial than ever.”

“In the AI era, the only way to effectively protect customers is by rallying the security ecosystem. Point security solutions address individual areas but don’t integrate with one another, which increases complexity,” said Stephen Lee, vice president of Technical Strategy and Partnerships at Okta. “That’s why Okta and Zscaler have invested in deep integrations that accelerate the zero trust journey and elevate the security posture of our mutual customers worldwide.”

Organizations continue to navigate the complexities of securing the growing number of remote users, cloud applications, and hybrid IT environments. Both Zscaler and Okta are committed to delivering deep integrations that enhance secure access to cloud and web applications while minimizing user disruptions. Our newest integrations deliver:

  1. Adaptive Access Policy Enforcement: The Zscaler Adaptive Access and Okta integration allows organizations to enforce context-based access policies that dynamically adjust based on the changing risk context of the user. These include password expiration, credential compromise, account recovery, or high-risk user behavior. Zscaler’s ingestion of Okta’s user risk telemetry expands upon an earlier integration, where Identity Threat Protection with Okta AI ingests risk telemetry from Zscaler Deception to respond to credential compromise or insider attacks. With the new integration, risk telemetry is exchanged bidirectionally between Okta and Zscaler, enhancing threat detection and response.
  2. Dynamic Step-Up Authentication: The Zscaler Adaptive Access can trigger step-up authentication with Okta Workforce Identity Cloud (WIC) to add an extra layer of security when Zscaler detects higher-than-usual risky user behavior. In such scenarios, step-up authentication dynamically requires the user to comply with stronger forms of authentication before access to sensitive resources, such as Salesforce, is granted.
  3. Security Data Contextualization and Unified Vulnerability Management: Zscaler's Data Fabric for Security enriches and aggregates data from Okta logs with concurrent data streams to provide contextualized, real-time insights into vulnerabilities and exposures across the enterprise ecosystem. Easy to set up and configure, this solution provides a dynamic risk assessment of an organization via a simple dashboard to accelerate security remediation.
  4. Zero Trust Partner Access: Zscaler’s Zero Trust Exchange cloud security platform, with natively integrated cloud browser isolation (CBI), enables secure, agentless access to web applications. It allows external third-party users and partners to instantly access corporate resources from their devices, while protecting enterprise applications and preventing data loss. Okta complements this by streamlining identity and access management (IAM) for IT administrators with Okta Universal Directory. This enables them to manage users and policies, automate app assignments, and onboard more securely and quickly.

For more information about this integration, please get a copy of the solution brief.

About Zscaler
Zscaler (NASDAQ: ZS) accelerates digital transformation so customers can be more agile, efficient, resilient, and secure. The Zscaler Zero Trust Exchange™ platform protects thousands of customers from cyberattacks and data loss by securely connecting users, devices, and applications in any location. Distributed across more than 150 data centers globally, the SASE-based Zero Trust Exchange™ is the world’s largest in-line cloud security platform.

Zscaler™ and the other trademarks listed at are either (i) registered trademarks or service marks or (ii) trademarks or service marks of Zscaler, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. Any other trademarks are the properties of their respective owners.

Forward-Looking Statements

This press release contains forward-looking statements that are based on our management's beliefs and assumptions and on information currently available to our management. These forward-looking statements include the expected benefits of the new integrations to Zscaler’s product offerings and to our customers. These forward-looking statements are subject to the safe harbor provisions created by the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. A significant number of factors could cause actual results to differ materially from statements made in this press release, including those factors related to our ability to successfully integrate these enhancements. Additional risks and uncertainties are set forth in our most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) on September 12, 2024, which is available on our website at and on the SEC's website at Any forward-looking statements in this release are based on the limited information currently available to Zscaler as of the date hereof, which is subject to change, and Zscaler will not necessarily update the information, even if new information becomes available in the future.

About Okta

Okta is the World’s Identity Company. As the leading independent Identity partner, we free everyone to safely use any technology—anywhere, on any device or app. The most trusted brands trust Okta to enable secure access, authentication, and automation. With flexibility and neutrality at the core of our Okta Workforce Identity and Customer Identity Clouds, business leaders and developers can focus on innovation and accelerate digital transformation, thanks to customizable solutions and more than 7,000 pre-built integrations. We’re building a world where Identity belongs to you. Learn more at

Media Contact:

Zscaler PR
Natalia Wodecki

Okta PR
Gareth Pettigrew
+1 250-240-0638


What new integrations did Zscaler (ZS) announce with Okta at Oktane2024?

Zscaler announced four new integrations with Okta: Adaptive Access Policy Enforcement, Dynamic Step-Up Authentication, Security Data Contextualization and Unified Vulnerability Management, and Zero Trust Partner Access.

How does the Zscaler (ZS) and Okta integration improve adaptive access policy enforcement?

The integration allows organizations to enforce context-based access policies that dynamically adjust based on changing user risk context, such as password expiration, credential compromise, account recovery, or high-risk user behavior.

What is the purpose of the Dynamic Step-Up Authentication in the Zscaler (ZS) and Okta integration?

Dynamic Step-Up Authentication triggers additional authentication with Okta Workforce Identity Cloud when Zscaler detects higher-than-usual risky user behavior, adding an extra layer of security for accessing sensitive resources.

How does Zscaler's (ZS) Data Fabric for Security enhance security with Okta?

Zscaler's Data Fabric for Security enriches and aggregates data from Okta logs with concurrent data streams, providing contextualized, real-time insights into vulnerabilities and exposures across the enterprise ecosystem through a simple dashboard.

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