Zentalis Pharmaceuticals Announces Inducement Grants Under Nasdaq Listing Rule 5635(c)(4)

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Zentalis Pharmaceuticals, a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company, has announced the granting of non-qualified stock options to 11 newly hired employees. The Compensation Committee approved options to purchase 282,500 shares of common stock under the company's 2022 Employment Inducement Incentive Award Plan. These grants, made in accordance with Nasdaq Listing Rule 5635(c)(4), serve as an inducement for new employees joining Zentalis.

The stock options have an exercise price of $3.80 per share, equal to the closing price of Zentalis' common stock on the grant date. They have a 10-year term and will vest over four years, with 25% vesting after the first year and the remaining 75% vesting in equal monthly installments over the following three years. Vesting is contingent upon continued employment with Zentalis.

Zentalis Pharmaceuticals, un'azienda biofarmaceutica in fase clinica, ha annunciato l'assegnazione di opzioni su azioni non qualificate a 11 nuovi dipendenti. Il Comitato per i Compensi ha approvato l'opzione di acquistare 282.500 azioni di azioni ordinarie nell'ambito del Piano di Incentivazione all'Occupazione 2022 dell'azienda. Questi conferimenti, effettuati in conformità con la Regola di Quotazione Nasdaq 5635(c)(4), servono come incentivo per i nuovi dipendenti che si uniscono a Zentalis.

Le opzioni azionarie hanno un prezzo di esercizio di $3,80 per azione, pari al prezzo di chiusura delle azioni ordinarie di Zentalis nella data di concessione. Hanno un termine di 10 anni e si matureranno in quattro anni, con il 25% che matura dopo il primo anno e il restante 75% che matura in rate mensili uguali nel corso dei successivi tre anni. La maturazione è subordinata al mantenimento dell'impiego presso Zentalis.

Zentalis Pharmaceuticals, una empresa biofarmacéutica en etapa clínica, ha anunciado la concesión de opciones sobre acciones no cualificadas a 11 nuevos empleados. El Comité de Compensación aprobó opciones para comprar 282,500 acciones de acciones ordinarias bajo el Plan de Incentivos por Empleo 2022 de la empresa. Estas concesiones, realizadas de acuerdo con la Regla de Cotización de Nasdaq 5635(c)(4), sirven como un incentivo para los nuevos empleados que se unen a Zentalis.

Las opciones sobre acciones tienen un precio de ejercicio de $3.80 por acción, igual al precio de cierre de las acciones ordinarias de Zentalis en la fecha de concesión. Tienen un plazo de 10 años y se consolidarán en un periodo de cuatro años, con el 25% consolidándose después del primer año y el 75% restante consolidándose en cuotas mensuales iguales durante los siguientes tres años. La consolidación está sujeta a la continuación del empleo con Zentalis.

젠탈리스 제약(Zentalis Pharmaceuticals), 임상 단계의 생명공학 회사가 11명의 신입 사원에게 비자격 주식 옵션을 부여했다고 발표했습니다. 보상 위원회는 회사의 2022년 고용 유도 인센티브 상여 계획에 따라 282,500주의 보통주를 구매할 수 있는 옵션을 승인했습니다. 이러한 부여는 나스닥 상장 규정 5635(c)(4)에 따라 이루어지며, 젠탈리스에 합류하는 신입 사원들을 위한 유도책 역할을 합니다.

주식 옵션의 행사 가격은 주당 $3.80로, 이는 옵션 부여일에 젠탈리스 보통주의 종가와 같습니다. 이 옵션은 10년의 기간을 가지며, 4년 동안 분할되어 만기됩니다. 첫 번째 해가 지나면 25%가 만기되고, 나머지 75%는 다음 3년 동안 매달 동일한 금액으로 만기됩니다. 만기는 젠탈리스에서의 계속 근무를 조건으로 합니다.

Zentalis Pharmaceuticals, une entreprise biopharmaceutique en phase clinique, a annoncé l'octroi d'options d'achat d'actions non qualifiées à 11 nouveaux employés. Le Comité de Rémunération a approuvé des options pour acheter 282 500 actions ordinaires dans le cadre du Plan d'Incitation à l'Emploi 2022 de l'entreprise. Ces attributions, effectuées conformément à la Règle de cotation Nasdaq 5635(c)(4), servent d'incitation pour les nouveaux employés rejoignant Zentalis.

Les options sur actions ont un prix d'exercice de 3,80 $ par action, soit le prix de clôture de l'action ordinaire de Zentalis à la date d'octroi. Elles ont une durée de 10 ans et se déverrouillent sur une période de quatre ans, avec 25 % se déverrouillant après la première année et les 75 % restants se déverrouillant en versements mensuels égaux au cours des trois années suivantes. Le déverrouillage est conditionné à la poursuite de l'emploi chez Zentalis.

Zentalis Pharmaceuticals, ein biopharmazeutisches Unternehmen in der klinischen Entwicklungsphase, hat die Gewährung von nicht qualifizierten Aktienoptionen an 11 neu eingestellte Mitarbeiter bekannt gegeben. Der Vergütungsausschuss genehmigte Optionen zum Kauf von 282.500 Aktien von Stammaktien im Rahmen des Beschäftigungsanreiz-Incentive-Programms 2022 des Unternehmens. Diese Zuwendungen, die gemäß der Nasdaq-Listing-Regel 5635(c)(4) erfolgen, dienen als Anreiz für neue Mitarbeiter, die zu Zentalis kommen.

Die Aktienoptionen haben einen Ausübungspreis von $3,80 pro Aktie, gleich dem Schlusskurs der Stammaktien von Zentalis am Datum der Gewährung. Sie haben eine Laufzeit von 10 Jahren und werden über vier Jahre hinweg fällig, wobei 25 % nach dem ersten Jahr fällig werden und die verbleibenden 75 % in gleichen monatlichen Raten in den folgenden drei Jahren fällig werden. Die Fälligkeit ist abhängig von einer fortdauernden Anstellung bei Zentalis.

  • Zentalis is expanding its workforce with 11 new hires
  • The company is offering competitive stock options to attract talent
  • The stock options may lead to potential dilution for existing shareholders

SAN DIEGO, Aug. 01, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Zentalis® Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (Nasdaq: ZNTL), a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company discovering and developing clinically differentiated small molecule therapeutics targeting fundamental biological pathways of cancers, today announced that on August 1, 2024, the Compensation Committee of Zentalis’ Board of Directors granted non-qualified stock options to purchase an aggregate of 282,500 shares of the Company’s common stock to 11 newly hired employees. The stock options were granted under the Zentalis Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 2022 Employment Inducement Incentive Award Plan (2022 Inducement Plan) as an inducement material to each such individual’s entering into employment with Zentalis in accordance with Nasdaq Listing Rule 5635(c)(4).

The 2022 Inducement Plan is used exclusively for the grant of equity awards to individuals who were not previously employees of Zentalis, or following a bona fide period of non-employment, as an inducement material to each such individual’s entering into employment with Zentalis, pursuant to Nasdaq Listing Rule 5635(c)(4).

The stock options have an exercise price of $3.80 per share, which is equal to the closing price of Zentalis’ common stock on The Nasdaq Global Market on the date of grant. The stock options have a 10-year term and will vest over four years, with 25% of the options vesting on the first anniversary of the vesting commencement date and the remaining 75% of the options vesting in equal monthly installments over the three years thereafter.

Vesting of the stock options is subject to the employee’s continued service to Zentalis on each vesting date.

About Zentalis Pharmaceuticals

Zentalis® Pharmaceuticals, Inc. is a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company discovering and developing clinically differentiated small molecule therapeutics targeting fundamental biological pathways of cancers. The Company’s lead product candidate, azenosertib (ZN-c3), is a potentially first-in-class and best-in-class WEE1 inhibitor for advanced solid tumors and hematologic malignancies. Azenosertib is being evaluated as a monotherapy and in combination across multiple clinical trials and has broad franchise potential. In clinical trials, azenosertib has been well tolerated and has demonstrated anti-tumor activity as a single agent across multiple tumor types and in combination with several chemotherapy backbones. As part of its azenosertib clinical development program, the Company is exploring enrichment strategies targeting tumors of high genomic instability, such as Cyclin E1 positive tumors, homologous recombination deficient tumors and tumors with oncogenic driver mutations. The Company is also leveraging its extensive experience and capabilities across cancer biology and medicinal chemistry to advance its research on protein degraders. Zentalis has operations in San Diego.

For more information, please visit Follow Zentalis on Twitter at @ZentalisP and on LinkedIn at

ZENTALIS® and its associated logo are trademarks of Zentalis and/or its affiliates. All website addresses and other links in this press release are for information only and are not intended to be an active link or to incorporate any website or other information into this press release.


Elizabeth Hickin
Vice President, Investor Relations


How many new employees received stock options from Zentalis Pharmaceuticals (ZNTL) on August 1, 2024?

Zentalis Pharmaceuticals (ZNTL) granted stock options to 11 newly hired employees on August 1, 2024.

What is the exercise price of the stock options granted by Zentalis (ZNTL) on August 1, 2024?

The stock options granted by Zentalis (ZNTL) on August 1, 2024, have an exercise price of $3.80 per share.

What is the vesting schedule for the stock options granted by Zentalis Pharmaceuticals (ZNTL)?

The stock options granted by Zentalis Pharmaceuticals (ZNTL) vest over four years, with 25% vesting after the first year and the remaining 75% vesting in equal monthly installments over the following three years.

Under which plan did Zentalis (ZNTL) grant the inducement stock options on August 1, 2024?

Zentalis (ZNTL) granted the inducement stock options under the Zentalis Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 2022 Employment Inducement Incentive Award Plan on August 1, 2024.

Zentalis Pharmaceuticals, Inc.


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