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The NYSE has announced that it will commence proceedings to delist the American Depositary Shares (ADSs) for Zhangmen Education Inc. (NYSE: ZME) due to a failure to meet the continued listing standard of maintaining a global market capitalization of at least
Zhangmen Education Inc. (NYSE: ZME), a key player in China's online education sector, has launched its Scan Study Pen S6, enhancing its smart hardware portfolio. With over 10,000 sales already, this innovative tool integrates premium master class videos and advanced language learning functionalities to facilitate independent study. It features a high-definition display and smart question-answer capabilities. This product aligns with Zhangmen's strategy to leverage market opportunities in the evolving education tech landscape, solidifying its brand position and driving growth.
Zhangmen Education Inc. (NYSE: ZME), a leading online education provider in China, filed its annual report on Form 20-F for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2021, with the SEC on May 2, 2022. The report includes audited consolidated financial statements, accessible on the company's investor relations website. Shareholders and ADS holders can request a hard copy of the report free of charge. Zhangmen has established itself as a trusted brand in quality education and provides both online and on-campus services.
Zhangmen Education Inc. (NYSE: ZME) reported its fourth quarter and full-year financial results for 2021. In Q4, revenues fell by 46.6% year-over-year to RMB505.6 million ($79.3 million), while full-year revenues increased by 9.6% to RMB4.4 billion ($0.7 billion). The company achieved its first quarterly net income of RMB146.3 million ($23.0 million) in Q4 2021, compared to a net loss of RMB599.9 million in Q4 2020. Strategic shifts, including the launch of a SaaS business division, aim to adapt to regulatory changes impacting online education in China.
Zhangmen Education Inc. (NYSE: ZME) announces the appointment of Marcum Bernstein & Pinchuk LLP as its new independent registered public accounting firm, following the voluntary resignation of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Certified Public Accountants LLP. The decision was driven by cost management considerations and not due to disagreements regarding accounting principles. Deloitte had provided services to Zhangmen since 2021 without any adverse audit opinions. The company is committed to ensuring a smooth transition between the two accounting firms.
Zhangmen Education (NYSE: ZME) reported its second quarter 2021 financial results, with total net revenues reaching RMB1.3 billion (US$194.7 million), a 35.0% increase year-over-year. Gross profit rose by 30.1% to RMB553.6 million (US$85.7 million), while gross margin slightly decreased to 44.0%. Operating expenses surged 102.5% to RMB1.3 billion (US$208.2 million), leading to a net loss of RMB710.3 million (US$110.0 million). The company is navigating regulatory challenges in China's education sector but plans to adapt its business model accordingly.
Zhangmen Education Inc. (NYSE: ZME) announced compliance with new regulations from the Shanghai Municipal Government aimed at reducing the burden of homework and after-school tutoring. Key measures include a halt on new Academic AST providers, stricter operational hours, controlled tuition fees, and restrictions on capital market activities for existing providers. These changes are expected to significantly impact Zhangmen's K-12 course offerings as the company seeks guidance from authorities for compliance.
Zhangmen Education Inc. (NYSE: ZME) reported regulatory changes affecting China's online education sector, confirmed on July 24, 2021. The new guidelines mandate that academic tutoring organizations register as non-profits and prohibit foreign investments and capital raises through stock listings. These regulatory changes could heavily impact Zhangmen's operations and financial status. The company plans to comply with the new requirements while maintaining high-quality service for K-12 students. Investors are urged to monitor developments as the situation unfolds.
Zhangmen Education Inc. (NYSE: ZME), a leading online education company in China, reported on July 26, 2021, concerning new government guidelines issued on July 24, aimed at regulating after-school tutoring. The guidelines mandate that all institutions offering online tutoring must register as non-profits and restrict funding through stock listings. These changes could materially impact Zhangmen's operations and corporate structure as the company seeks compliance while continuing to enhance its service quality. The future interpretation of these guidelines remains uncertain.
Zhangmen Education Inc. (NYSE: ZME) responded to media reports regarding potential new regulations from PRC regulators aimed at tightening oversight of after-school tutoring services. As of July 23, 2021, the Company has not received any official notification about these regulations and will monitor developments closely. Zhangmen specializes in personalized online courses for K-12 students, offering one-on-one and small-class tutoring across core academic subjects. The Company has established a trusted online education brand in China.