Greener Development, Brighter Future: Zoomlion to Exhibit Green Intelligent Equipment at bauma 2025, Leading the Industry Towards a Sustainable Future
Zoomlion Heavy Industry (1157.HK) will showcase 67 premium construction machinery equipment at bauma 2025 in Munich from April 7-13. The exhibition, themed 'Greener Development, Brighter Future,' will occupy 3,840 square meters at booth FS.905.
Key highlights include:
- The ZT72J-V, Europe's tallest straight-boom aerial work platform with intelligent obstacle avoidance
- ZE20G and ZE27GU excavators, with ZE20G holding the largest market share in Europe
- Tower cranes featuring 5G remote operation and new R-series with CE Certification
- Concrete machinery showcasing the world's first carbon fiber tube and intelligent management system
The exhibition will also feature products from Zoomlion subsidiaries m-tec and CIFA, manufactured locally for European customers, including interactive VR experiences.
Zoomlion Heavy Industry (1157.HK) presenterà 67 attrezzature di alta qualità per l'edilizia al bauma 2025 di Monaco dal 7 al 13 aprile. L'esposizione, con il tema 'Sviluppo più verde, futuro più luminoso', occuperà 3.840 metri quadrati presso lo stand FS.905.
I punti salienti includono:
- Il ZT72J-V, la piattaforma aerea con braccio dritto più alta d'Europa con intelligenza per l'evitamento degli ostacoli
- Escavatori ZE20G e ZE27GU, con ZE20G che detiene la maggiore quota di mercato in Europa
- Gru a torre con operazione remota 5G e nuova serie R con certificazione CE
- Macchinari per il calcestruzzo che mostrano il primo tubo in fibra di carbonio al mondo e un sistema di gestione intelligente
L'esposizione presenterà anche prodotti delle sussidiarie di Zoomlion, m-tec e CIFA, realizzati localmente per i clienti europei, inclusi esperienze interattive in VR.
Zoomlion Heavy Industry (1157.HK) presentará 67 equipos de maquinaria de construcción premium en bauma 2025 en Múnich del 7 al 13 de abril. La exposición, bajo el tema 'Desarrollo más ecológico, futuro más brillante', ocupará 3,840 metros cuadrados en el stand FS.905.
Los puntos destacados incluyen:
- El ZT72J-V, la plataforma de trabajo aéreo de pluma recta más alta de Europa con evitación inteligente de obstáculos
- Excavadoras ZE20G y ZE27GU, siendo ZE20G la que tiene la mayor cuota de mercado en Europa
- Grúas torre con operación remota 5G y nueva serie R con certificación CE
- Maquinaria de concreto que presenta el primer tubo de fibra de carbono del mundo y un sistema de gestión inteligente
La exposición también contará con productos de las subsidiarias de Zoomlion, m-tec y CIFA, fabricados localmente para clientes europeos, incluyendo experiencias interactivas de realidad virtual.
Zoomlion Heavy Industry (1157.HK)은 4월 7일부터 13일까지 뮌헨에서 열리는 bauma 2025에서 67개의 프리미엄 건설 기계 장비를 선보입니다. '더 친환경적인 발전, 더 밝은 미래'라는 주제로 진행되는 이번 전시는 FS.905 부스에서 3,840 제곱미터를 차지합니다.
주요 하이라이트는 다음과 같습니다:
- 지능형 장애물 회피 기능을 갖춘 유럽에서 가장 높은 직립 붐 작업 플랫폼 ZT72J-V
- 유럽에서 가장 큰 시장 점유율을 보유한 ZE20G와 ZE27GU 굴착기
- 5G 원격 조작 기능을 갖춘 타워 크레인과 CE 인증을 받은 새로운 R 시리즈
- 세계 최초의 탄소 섬유 튜브와 지능형 관리 시스템을 선보이는 콘크리트 기계
이번 전시회에서는 Zoomlion의 자회사인 m-tec와 CIFA의 제품도 전시되며, 유럽 고객을 위해 현지에서 제조된 제품과 인터랙티브 VR 경험도 포함됩니다.
Zoomlion Heavy Industry (1157.HK) présentera 67 équipements de machinerie de construction haut de gamme au bauma 2025 à Munich du 7 au 13 avril. L'exposition, sur le thème 'Développement plus vert, avenir plus brillant', occupera 3 840 mètres carrés au stand FS.905.
Les points forts incluent:
- Le ZT72J-V, la plateforme de travail aérien à flèche droite la plus haute d'Europe avec évitement intelligent des obstacles
- Les excavateurs ZE20G et ZE27GU, le ZE20G ayant la plus grande part de marché en Europe
- Des grues à tour avec opération à distance 5G et nouvelle série R avec certification CE
- Des machines à béton présentant le premier tube en fibre de carbone au monde et un système de gestion intelligent
L'exposition présentera également des produits des filiales de Zoomlion, m-tec et CIFA, fabriqués localement pour les clients européens, y compris des expériences interactives en réalité virtuelle.
Zoomlion Heavy Industry (1157.HK) wird auf der bauma 2025 in München vom 7. bis 13. April 67 hochwertige Baumaschinen ausstellen. Die Ausstellung mit dem Thema 'Grünere Entwicklung, hellere Zukunft' wird 3.840 Quadratmeter am Stand FS.905 einnehmen.
Hauptmerkmale sind:
- Die ZT72J-V, die höchste gerade Boom-Arbeitsbühne Europas mit intelligenter Hindernisvermeidung
- Die Bagger ZE20G und ZE27GU, wobei der ZE20G den größten Marktanteil in Europa hat
- Turmdrehkrane mit 5G-Fernbedienung und neue R-Serie mit CE-Zertifizierung
- Betonmaschinen, die das weltweit erste Carbonfaserrohr und ein intelligentes Managementsystem präsentieren
Die Ausstellung wird auch Produkte von Zoomlions Tochtergesellschaften m-tec und CIFA zeigen, die lokal für europäische Kunden hergestellt wurden, einschließlich interaktiver VR-Erlebnisse.
- Leading market position with ZE20G excavator having largest market share in Europe
- Innovation in concrete machinery with world's first carbon fiber tube technology
- CE Certification obtained for new R-series tower cranes, enabling European market expansion
- Enhanced product localization through m-tec and CIFA subsidiaries for European market
- None.
Themed "Greener Development, Brighter Future," Zoomlion's exhibition will cover an area of 3,840 square meters and showcase a comprehensive product lineup of concrete machinery, mobile cranes, tower cranes, earthmoving machinery, aerial work platforms and industrial vehicles.
Zoomlion's aerial work exhibition will showcase a range of advanced equipment, highlighting the ZT72J-V, the tallest straight-boom aerial work platform in
The earthmoving machinery section will showcase the latest ZE20G and ZE27GU excavators designed to operate in narrow spaces. The ZE20G has the largest market share in
The tower crane exhibition will highlight Zoomlion's intelligent and unmanned construction capabilities, including demonstration of 5G remote operation. Zoomlion is also introducing the large tonnage R-series designed for the European market with CE Certification.
The concrete machinery section will feature the world's first carbon fiber tube and intelligent management system as well as an array of smart components, demonstrating the intelligent construction solutions with a sand table model while also engaging the visitors to experience active obstacle avoidance and alert systems through smart bracelets, signal box, iPad and more.
In addition, m-tec and CIFA of Zoomlion will exhibit locally manufactured products with innovations that meet the needs of customers in
As the bellwether of the global construction machinery industry, Zoomlion will demonstrate its latest achievements in green and intelligent innovations to global customers through the platform and further integrate localization operations in the European market.
SOURCE Zoomlion