Zeekr and Mobileye to Accelerate Technology Collaboration in China

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Zeekr and Mobileye have announced plans to accelerate technology collaboration in China and expand globally. The partnership aims to integrate Mobileye technologies into next-generation Zeekr models and enhance driving safety and automation. Key points include:

1. Over 240,000 Zeekr vehicles with Mobileye SuperVision™ platform delivered since 2021.
2. Accelerating scaling and delivery of core technologies for SuperVision platform.
3. Expanding collaboration to include next-generation products from Level 2+ to Level 4 automation.
4. Zeekr to expand SuperVision platform installation on additional vehicles.
5. Highway Navigation Zeekr Pilot (NZP) active in over 150 cities across China.

This collaboration aims to strengthen Mobileye's localization efforts in China while making advanced technologies available to other customers in the region.

Zeekr e Mobileye hanno annunciato piani per accelerare la collaborazione tecnologica in Cina ed espandersi a livello globale. Il partenariato mira a integrare le tecnologie Mobileye nei modelli Zeekr di nuova generazione e migliorare la sicurezza e l'automazione alla guida. I punti chiave includono:

1. Oltre 240.000 veicoli Zeekr con la piattaforma Mobileye SuperVision™ consegnati dal 2021.
2. Accelerazione della scalabilità e consegna delle tecnologie fondamentali per la piattaforma SuperVision.
3. Espansione della collaborazione per includere prodotti di nuova generazione dalla automazione di Livello 2+ a Livello 4.
4. Zeekr prevede di espandere l'installazione della piattaforma SuperVision su ulteriori veicoli.
5. Zeekr Pilot per la navigazione in autostrada (NZP) attivo in oltre 150 città della Cina.

Questa collaborazione ha l'obiettivo di rafforzare gli sforzi di localizzazione di Mobileye in Cina, rendendo al contempo tecnologie avanzate disponibili per altri clienti nella regione.

Zeekr y Mobileye han anunciado planes para acelerar la colaboración tecnológica en China y expandirse a nivel global. La asociación tiene como objetivo integrar las tecnologías de Mobileye en los modelos de próxima generación de Zeekr y mejorar la seguridad y la automatización en la conducción. Los puntos clave incluyen:

1. Más de 240,000 vehículos Zeekr con la plataforma Mobileye SuperVision™ entregados desde 2021.
2. Aceleración de la escalabilidad y entrega de las tecnologías centrales para la plataforma SuperVision.
3. Expansión de la colaboración para incluir productos de próxima generación desde la automatización de Nivel 2+ hasta Nivel 4.
4. Zeekr ampliará la instalación de la plataforma SuperVision en vehículos adicionales.
5. El piloto de navegación en carretera Zeekr (NZP) activo en más de 150 ciudades de China.

Esta colaboración tiene como objetivo fortalecer los esfuerzos de localización de Mobileye en China mientras hace que tecnologías avanzadas estén disponibles para otros clientes en la región.

Zeekr와 Mobileye가 중국에서 기술 협업을 가속화하고 글로벌 확장을 계획하고 있다고 발표했습니다. 이 파트너십은 Mobileye 기술을 차세대 Zeekr 모델에 통합하고 주행 안전성과 자동화를 강화하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다. 핵심 사항은 다음과 같습니다:

1. 2021년 이후로 24만 대 이상의 Zeekr 차량에 Mobileye SuperVision™ 플랫폼이 제공되었습니다.
2. SuperVision 플랫폼의 핵심 기술의 확장성과 배송을 가속화합니다.
3. 레벨 2+ 자동화에서 레벨 4까지의 차세대 제품을 포함하도록 협업을 확대합니다.
4. Zeekr는 추가 차량에 SuperVision 플랫폼 설치를 확대할 계획입니다.
5. 중국의 150개 이상의 도시에서 활성화된 고속도로 내비게이션 Zeekr 파일럿(NZP).

이 협업은 Mobileye의 중국 내 현지화 노력을 강화하고, 동시에 이 지역의 다른 고객을 위한 고급 기술의 접근성을 높이는 것을 목표로 합니다.

Zeekr et Mobileye ont annoncé des plans pour accélérer la collaboration technologique en Chine et s'étendre à l'échelle mondiale. Le partenariat vise à intégrer les technologies Mobileye dans les modèles Zeekr de nouvelle génération et à améliorer la sécurité et l'automatisation de la conduite. Les points clés incluent :

1. Plus de 240 000 véhicules Zeekr avec la plateforme Mobileye SuperVision™ livrés depuis 2021.
2. Accélération de la montée en échelle et de la livraison des technologies de base pour la plateforme SuperVision.
3. Expansion de la collaboration pour inclure des produits de nouvelle génération de l'automatisation de Niveau 2+ à Niveau 4.
4. Zeekr prévoit d'élargir l'installation de la plateforme SuperVision sur d'autres véhicules.
5. Le pilote de navigation sur autoroute Zeekr (NZP) actif dans plus de 150 villes en Chine.

Cette collaboration vise à renforcer les efforts de localisation de Mobileye en Chine tout en rendant des technologies avancées disponibles pour d'autres clients dans la région.

Zeekr und Mobileye haben Pläne angekündigt, um die technologische Zusammenarbeit in China zu beschleunigen und global zu expandieren. Die Partnerschaft zielt darauf ab, Mobileye-Technologien in die zukünftigen Zeekr-Modelle zu integrieren und die Fahrzeugsicherheit sowie die Automatisierung zu verbessern. Die wichtigsten Punkte sind:

1. Über 240.000 Zeekr-Fahrzeuge mit der Mobileye SuperVision™-Plattform wurden seit 2021 ausgeliefert.
2. Beschleunigung der Skalierung und Lieferung von Kerntechnologien für die SuperVision-Plattform.
3. Erweiterung der Zusammenarbeit, um Produkte der nächsten Generation von Stufe 2+ bis Stufe 4 zu umfassen.
4. Zeekr wird die Installation der SuperVision-Plattform auf weiteren Fahrzeugen ausweiten.
5. Der Highway Navigation Zeekr Pilot (NZP) ist in über 150 Städten in China aktiv.

Diese Zusammenarbeit soll die Lokalisierungsbemühungen von Mobileye in China stärken und gleichzeitig fortschrittliche Technologien anderen Kunden in der Region zur Verfügung stellen.

  • Expansion of successful technology collaboration between Zeekr and Mobileye
  • Over 240,000 Zeekr vehicles with Mobileye SuperVision™ platform delivered since 2021
  • Accelerated scaling and delivery of core technologies for SuperVision platform
  • Expansion of SuperVision platform installation on additional Zeekr vehicles
  • Highway Navigation Zeekr Pilot (NZP) active in over 150 cities across China
  • Development of next-generation products for ADAS and automated driving (Level 2+ to Level 4)
  • Potential for increased market share in China and globally for both companies
  • None.

The collaboration between Zeekr and Mobileye marks a significant advancement in the automotive technology sector, particularly in the realm of autonomous driving. This partnership has several key implications:

  • Market Expansion: Zeekr's plan to expand the installation of Mobileye's SuperVision platform to additional vehicles and markets indicates a growing demand for advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS). This could potentially increase Mobileye's market share and revenue streams.
  • Technological Advancement: The acceleration of technology localization in China and the integration of Mobileye technologies into next-generation Zeekr models suggest a push towards more sophisticated and region-specific ADAS solutions. This could give both companies a competitive edge in the rapidly evolving Chinese automotive market.
  • Product Development: The collaboration aims to launch next-generation products for ADAS, automated and driverless vehicles (Level 2+ through Level 4) based on the EyeQ6H system-on-chip. This indicates a long-term commitment to pushing the boundaries of autonomous driving technology.

However, investors should note that while this partnership shows promise, the autonomous driving market is highly competitive and rapidly evolving. The success of this collaboration will depend on factors such as regulatory approval, consumer acceptance and the ability to deliver on technological promises.

From a financial perspective, this expanded collaboration between Zeekr and Mobileye presents several noteworthy aspects:

  • Market Penetration: Zeekr has delivered over 240,000 vehicles equipped with Mobileye's SuperVision platform since late 2021. This substantial volume suggests strong market acceptance and potential for increased revenue for Mobileye.
  • Scalability: The accelerated scaling and delivery of core technologies for the SuperVision platform in China could lead to improved economies of scale, potentially reducing costs and increasing profitability for both companies.
  • Diversification: Mobileye's expansion into the Chinese market through this partnership provides geographical diversification, which could help mitigate risks associated with market-specific fluctuations.
  • Research and Development Efficiency: The collaboration allows for shared R&D efforts, potentially reducing individual company costs while accelerating innovation.

However, investors should be cautious about potential risks, including:

  • Geopolitical tensions affecting technology transfers and market access
  • Intense competition in the autonomous driving sector potentially squeezing profit margins
  • Regulatory challenges that could slow down the adoption of advanced autonomous driving technologies

Overall, while the partnership shows promise for both companies, investors should closely monitor the execution of this collaboration and its impact on financial performance in the coming quarters.

This collaboration between Zeekr and Mobileye offers valuable insights into the evolving autonomous vehicle market:

  • Consumer Acceptance: The delivery of over 240,000 Zeekr vehicles equipped with Mobileye's SuperVision platform indicates strong consumer interest in advanced driver-assistance systems. This suggests a growing market readiness for autonomous driving technologies.
  • Geographical Expansion: Zeekr's plans to sell vehicles in European, Latin American and other Asian markets, coupled with Mobileye's technology, hint at a global strategy for autonomous vehicle deployment. This could potentially reshape the competitive landscape in these regions.
  • Customization Trends: The focus on locally tailoring technologies, such as the Driving Experience Platform (DXP), reflects a growing trend towards region-specific customization in the automotive industry. This approach could be important for success in diverse global markets.
  • Market Penetration: The expansion of Navigation Zeekr Pilot (NZP) systems to over 150 cities across China demonstrates rapid market penetration and acceptance of these technologies in urban environments.

However, it's important to note that the autonomous vehicle market is still in its early stages. Factors such as regulatory frameworks, infrastructure readiness and consumer trust will play important roles in determining the pace and scale of adoption. Investors should keep a close eye on these factors and how they might impact the long-term success of this collaboration.

Companies will leverage successful technology collaboration and expand Mobileye SuperVision™ platform to future Zeekr models globally

HANGZHOU, China & JERUSALEM--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Building on the success from their collaboration over the last several years, Zeekr and Mobileye have announced their plan to accelerate technology localization in China, integrate Mobileye technologies into the next-generation Zeekr models, and further their state-of-the-art driving safety and automation there and in the global market.

Zeekr and Mobileye to expand collaboration in China and globally. Photo: Zeekr

Zeekr and Mobileye to expand collaboration in China and globally. Photo: Zeekr

Since the end of 2021, Zeekr has delivered more than 240,000 Zeekr 001 and Zeekr 009 vehicles, powered by the Mobileye SuperVision™ platform, to customers in China and globally. To be more responsive to the growing customer demands in China, the companies intend to accelerate the scaling and delivery of core underlying technologies for the Mobileye SuperVision platform.

Zeekr will be able to use the powerful road intelligence technologies for any of its vehicles. The expanded collaboration will enable Zeekr engineers to better utilize Mobileye’s technologies and development tools to conduct validation of data and more efficiently deliver software upgrades to customers. Additionally, the collaboration will accelerate comprehensive automated driving solutions roll-out for other Mobileye customers in China.

The joint effort will also locally tailor other key Mobileye technologies such as the Driving Experience Platform (DXP), a collaborative tool that enables automakers to customize automated driving styles and customer experience. Moreover, the companies will leverage Zeekr’s state-of-the-art vehicle technologies and Mobileye’s autonomous driving technology to launch next-generation products for ADAS, automated and driverless vehicles (Level 2+ through Level 4), based on the EyeQ6H system-on-chip, for Zeekr and its related brands in global markets.

Zeekr plans to expand the installation of the SuperVision platform on additional vehicles, including next-generation platforms, and further increase the highway and urban coverage of its existing Navigation Zeekr Pilot (NZP) systems. To date, highway NZP based on SuperVision is active in more than 150 cities across China.

“The partnership with Mobileye has provided industry-leading intelligent mobility solutions to Zeekr users in the past few years,” said Andy An, CEO of Zeekr. “We will hold a more opening-up cooperation and strengthen the collaboration with Mobileye in the future, to reach new technological milestones and provide a better driving experience for our users globally.”

NZP has been critical for Zeekr. Customer feedback has been positive, demonstrating the value of advanced navigate-on-pilot systems to consumers.

“This new chapter in the Mobileye and Zeekr relationship will bolster Mobileye’s efforts toward the localization of its SuperVision technologies in China while making such localized infrastructure, especially of road intelligence technologies, available for Mobileye’s customers in China,” said Prof. Amnon Shashua, Mobileye’s president and chief executive officer. “It also broadens the cooperation between the two companies to include next-generation products on a wide spectrum of product portfolios from Level 2+ through Level 4.”

Mobileye (Nasdaq: MBLY) leads the evolution of mobility with our autonomous driving and driver-assistance technologies, based on world-renowned expertise in artificial intelligence, computer vision, mapping, and integrated hardware and software. Since our founding in 1999, Mobileye has enabled the wide adoption of advanced driver-assistance systems while pioneering groundbreaking technologies such as REM™ crowdsourced mapping, True Redundancy™ sensing, Responsibility-Sensitive Safety™ (RSS™) driving policy and Driving Experience Platform (DXP). These technologies support a product portfolio structured for scale and designed to unlock the full potential of mobility, offering a range of solutions from premium ADAS to autonomous vehicles. By the end of 2023, approximately 170 million vehicles worldwide have been equipped with Mobileye technology. In 2022, Mobileye listed as an independent company separate from Intel (Nasdaq: INTC), which retains majority ownership. For more information, visit

“Mobileye,” the Mobileye logo and Mobileye product names are registered trademarks of Mobileye Global. All other marks are the property of their respective owners.

Zeekr (NYSE: ZK) is the global premium electric mobility technology brand from Geely Holding Group. Zeekr aims to create a fully integrated user ecosystem with innovation as a standard. The brand utilizes Sustainable Experience Architecture (SEA) and includes its own battery technologies, battery management systems, electric motor technologies and electric vehicle supply chain. Zeekr’s value is equality, diversity, and sustainability. Its ambition is to become a true mobility solution provider.

Zeekr operates its R&D center and design studios in Ningbo, Hangzhou, Gothenburg and Shanghai and boasts state-of-the-art facilities and world-class expertise. Since Zeekr began delivering vehicles in October 2021, the brand has delivered over 280,000 vehicles to date including the Zeekr 001, Zeekr 001 FR, Zeekr 009 MPV and Zeekr X urban SUV. Zeekr has announced plans to sell vehicles in European, Latin American and other Asian markets, and has an ambitious roll-out plan over the next 5 years to satisfy the rapidly expanding global EV demand.
For more information, please visit

Media Contacts:

Dan Galves,

Paul Cheng,

Source: Mobileye


What is the main focus of the Zeekr and Mobileye collaboration announced in the press release?

The main focus is to accelerate technology collaboration in China, integrate Mobileye technologies into next-generation Zeekr models, and enhance driving safety and automation both in China and globally.

How many Zeekr vehicles with Mobileye SuperVision™ platform have been delivered since 2021?

Over 240,000 Zeekr vehicles equipped with the Mobileye SuperVision™ platform have been delivered since the end of 2021.

What levels of automation will the next-generation products developed by Zeekr and Mobileye (MBLY) cover?

The next-generation products will cover automation levels from Level 2+ through Level 4, based on the EyeQ6H system-on-chip.

In how many cities is the Highway Navigation Zeekr Pilot (NZP) system active in China?

The Highway Navigation Zeekr Pilot (NZP) system based on SuperVision is active in more than 150 cities across China.

What is the goal of accelerating technology localization in China for Mobileye (MBLY)?

The goal is to make localized infrastructure, especially road intelligence technologies, available for Mobileye's customers in China while bolstering Mobileye's efforts toward technology localization.

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