ZEEKR and AW Rostamani Group Champion Innovation and Sustainability at AUS Alumni Reunion
ZEEKR (NYSE: ZK) and AW Rostamani Group (AWR) made a significant impact at the American University of Sharjah (AUS) Alumni Reunion on January 18, 2025. The event, attended by Her Excellency Sheikha Bodour bint Sultan Al Qasimi, featured a 'Best Sustainable Idea of the Year' competition where Sara Llalla, an AUS College of Architecture alumna, won a ZEEKR X electric SUV.
The initiative aligns with UAE's Vision 2031, focusing on sustainability and innovation. ZEEKR was recognized as a Smart Mobility Partner by AUS, which ranks as UAE's top university in environmental sustainability. The collaboration between ZEEKR, AWR, and AUS demonstrates their commitment to fostering innovation and sustainable mobility solutions.
Since October 2021, ZEEKR has delivered over 300,000 vehicles globally, including models like Zeekr 001, 001 FR, 009 MPV, and X urban SUV. The company plans to expand into European, Latin American, and Asian markets over the next 5 years to meet growing EV demand.
ZEEKR (NYSE: ZK) e il Gruppo AW Rostamani (AWR) hanno avuto un impatto significativo durante il Raduno degli Alumni dell'Università Americana di Sharjah (AUS) il 18 gennaio 2025. L'evento, a cui ha partecipato Sua Eccellenza Sheikha Bodour bint Sultan Al Qasimi, ha presentato una competizione per il 'Miglior Idea Sostenibile dell'Anno', in cui Sara Llalla, un'alumna della Facoltà di Architettura dell'AUS, ha vinto un SUV elettrico ZEEKR X.
L'iniziativa si allinea con la Visione 2031 degli Emirati Arabi Uniti, focalizzandosi sulla sostenibilità e sull'innovazione. ZEEKR è stata riconosciuta come Partner di Mobilità Intelligente dall'AUS, che è classificata come la migliore università degli Emirati Arabi Uniti in sostenibilità ambientale. La collaborazione tra ZEEKR, AWR e AUS dimostra il loro impegno nel promuovere innovazione e soluzioni di mobilità sostenibile.
Dal ottobre 2021, ZEEKR ha consegnato oltre 300.000 veicoli a livello globale, inclusi modelli come Zeekr 001, 001 FR, 009 MPV e SUV urbano X. L'azienda prevede di espandersi nei mercati europei, latinoamericani e asiatici nei prossimi 5 anni per soddisfare la crescente domanda di veicoli elettrici.
ZEEKR (NYSE: ZK) y el Grupo AW Rostamani (AWR) tuvieron un impacto significativo en la Reunión de Antiguos Alumnos de la Universidad Americana de Sharjah (AUS) el 18 de enero de 2025. El evento, al que asistió Su Excelencia Sheikha Bodour bint Sultan Al Qasimi, presentó una competencia por la 'Mejor Idea Sostenible del Año', donde Sara Llalla, una ex alumna de la Facultad de Arquitectura de AUS, ganó un SUV eléctrico ZEEKR X.
La iniciativa se alinea con la Visión 2031 de los EAU, enfocándose en la sostenibilidad y la innovación. ZEEKR fue reconocida como Socio de Movilidad Inteligente por AUS, que ocupa el primer lugar como la mejor universidad de los EAU en sostenibilidad ambiental. La colaboración entre ZEEKR, AWR y AUS demuestra su compromiso con la promoción de la innovación y soluciones de movilidad sostenible.
Desde octubre de 2021, ZEEKR ha entregado más de 300,000 vehículos a nivel mundial, incluidos modelos como Zeekr 001, 001 FR, 009 MPV y SUV urbano X. La empresa planea expandirse en los mercados europeos, latinoamericanos y asiáticos en los próximos 5 años para satisfacer la creciente demanda de vehículos eléctricos.
지크르(ZEEKR) (NYSE: ZK)와 AW 로스타마니 그룹(AWR)은 2025년 1월 18일 샤르자 미국 대학교(AUS) 동문회에서 중요한 영향을 미쳤습니다. 이 행사에는 보두르 빈트 술탄 알 카심이 참석했으며, '올해의 최우수 지속 가능한 아이디어' 경연이 열렸고, AUS 건축학부 졸업생인 사라 랄라가 지크르 X 전기 SUV를 수상했습니다.
이 이니셔티브는 아랍에미리트의 비전 2031과 일치하며, 지속 가능성과 혁신에 중점을 두고 있습니다. 지크르는 AUS에 의해 스마트 모빌리티 파트너로 인정받았으며, AUS는 아랍에미리트에서 환경 지속 가능성 분야 최고의 대학으로 평가받고 있습니다. 지크르, AWR, AUS 간의 협력은 혁신과 지속 가능한 모빌리티 솔루션을 촉진하려는 그들의 의지를 보여줍니다.
2021년 10월 이후, 지크르는 전 세계적으로 30만 대 이상의 차량을 인도했습니다, 여기에는 Zeekr 001, 001 FR, 009 MPV 및 X 도시 SUV와 같은 모델이 포함됩니다. 이 회사는 향후 5년 동안 유럽, 라틴 아메리카 및 아시아 시장으로 확장할 계획이며, 증가하는 전기차 수요를 충족할 것입니다.
ZEEKR (NYSE: ZK) et le Groupe AW Rostamani (AWR) ont eu un impact significatif lors de la Réunion des Anciens Élèves de l'Université Américaine de Sharjah (AUS) le 18 janvier 2025. L'événement, auquel a assisté Son Excellence Sheikha Bodour bint Sultan Al Qasimi, a présenté un concours pour la 'Meilleure Idée Durable de l'Année', où Sara Llalla, une ancienne élève de la Faculté d'Architecture de l'AUS, a remporté un SUV électrique ZEEKR X.
L'initiative s'inscrit dans la Vision 2031 des Émirats Arabes Unis, axée sur la durabilité et l'innovation. ZEEKR a été reconnue comme Partenaire de Mobilité Intelligente par l'AUS, qui est classée comme la meilleure université des Émirats en matière de durabilité environnementale. La collaboration entre ZEEKR, AWR et AUS démontre leur engagement à promouvoir l'innovation et des solutions de mobilité durable.
Depuis octobre 2021, ZEEKR a livré plus de 300 000 véhicules dans le monde, y compris des modèles tels que Zeekr 001, 001 FR, 009 MPV et SUV urbain X. L'entreprise prévoit de s'étendre sur les marchés européens, latino-américains et asiatiques au cours des 5 prochaines années pour répondre à la demande croissante de véhicules électriques.
ZEEKR (NYSE: ZK) und die AW Rostamani Gruppe (AWR) hatten am 18. Januar 2025 einen bedeutenden Einfluss beim Alumni-Treffen der American University of Sharjah (AUS). Die Veranstaltung, an der Ihre Exzellenz Sheikha Bodour bint Sultan Al Qasimi teilnahm, beinhaltete einen Wettbewerb um die 'Beste nachhaltige Idee des Jahres', bei dem Sara Llalla, eine Absolventin der Architektur-Fakultät der AUS, ein ZEEKR X Elektro-SUV gewann.
Die Initiative steht im Einklang mit der Vision 2031 der VAE, die sich auf Nachhaltigkeit und Innovation konzentriert. ZEEKR wurde von der AUS als Partner für intelligente Mobilität anerkannt, die als die beste Universität der VAE in Bezug auf Umweltverträglichkeit gilt. Die Zusammenarbeit zwischen ZEEKR, AWR und AUS zeigt ihr Engagement für die Förderung von Innovation und nachhaltigen Mobilitätslösungen.
Seit Oktober 2021 hat ZEEKR weltweit über 300.000 Fahrzeuge ausgeliefert, darunter Modelle wie Zeekr 001, 001 FR, 009 MPV und X urbanes SUV. Das Unternehmen plant, in den nächsten 5 Jahren in europäische, lateinamerikanische und asiatische Märkte zu expandieren, um der wachsenden Nachfrage nach Elektrofahrzeugen gerecht zu werden.
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The highlight of the evening was the 'Best Sustainable Idea of the Year' competition by ZEEKR and AW Rostamani Group, a bold initiative inviting AUS alumni to unleash their creativity and present innovative business models for a greener, more sustainable future. Amidst excitement and anticipation, the winner, Sara Llalla, an alumna from the AUS College of Architecture, Art and Design, was awarded a ZEEKR X, the brand's cutting-edge compact electric SUV renowned for its futuristic design and advanced technology.
This initiative further aligns with the
Towards the end of the event, ZEEKR was honoured as a Smart Mobility Partner. This recognition, bestowed by AUS — recognized by the 2025 QS World University Rankings as the UAE's top university in environmental sustainability, highlighted ZEEKR's ongoing commitment to inspiring change, driving innovation, and empowering the brightest minds to lead more sustainable lifestyles.
Roberto Colucci, Director of Electric Mobility at ZEEKR AWR, also stated: "At AW Rostamani Group, we are committed to embracing sustainability initiatives that contribute to a greener future. Partnering with American University of
Cannon Wang, Regional Managing Director, ZEEKR Middle East &
Together, we are driving impactful initiatives that not only align with the
Dr. Tod Laursen, Chancellor of AUS, remarked: "At AUS, we are deeply committed to fostering innovation and sustainability, values that are integral to shaping a brighter future. Collaborations like this with ZEEKR and AW Rostamani Group are powerful reminders of what can be achieved when forward-thinking organizations and our talented alumni come together to inspire meaningful change. We congratulate the winner for her innovative idea, which exemplifies the creative mindset that defines the AUS community's contributions to a sustainable future."
AW Rostamani Group and ZEEKR continue to champion forward-thinking solutions for a greener future. From embracing innovative technologies and responsible operational practices to supporting community-based environmental initiatives, ZEEKR is committed to meeting the evolving needs of customers and communities through smart mobility.
To stay updated with ZEEKR's news and upcoming offers, please follow www.instagram.com/uaezeekr or visit www.zeekr.ae.
Zeekr (NYSE: ZK) is the global premium electric mobility technology brand from Geely Holding Group. Zeekr aims to create a fully integrated user ecosystem with innovation as a standard. The brand utilizes Sustainable Experience Architecture (SEA) and includes its own battery technologies, battery management systems, electric motor technologies, and electric vehicle supply chain. Zeekr's value is equality, diversity, and sustainability. Its ambition is to become a true mobility solution provider.
Zeekr operates its R&D center and design studios in
For more information visit: www.zeekr.ae or call 800ZEEKR.
About AW Rostamani (AWR) Group
AW Rostamani Group is a multi-sector, multi-market group and one of the most progressive companies in the
More than just serving the present, AWR Group embraces generation next. It builds purposeful businesses to enrich the lives of every generation, striving to make a meaningful and enduring impact on business, people, and the world. Built on a bedrock of strong founding values, AWR Group continues to evolve with the times and ahead of them, at work for a planet that prospers.
For more information, please visit https://www.awrostamani.com.
Photo: https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/2629420/ZEEKR_AWR_AUS.jpg
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What was the main prize awarded at the 2025 AUS Alumni Reunion sustainability competition by ZEEKR?
How many vehicles has ZEEKR (ZK) delivered since its launch in October 2021?
What are ZEEKR's (ZK) expansion plans for the next 5 years?
Which models are currently in ZEEKR's (ZK) vehicle portfolio?