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ZICIX Corporation (OTC Pink: ZICX) has announced its contract with the International Federation of Chaplains, Inc. (IFCI) to develop a $20 million Senior Citizens Residence Project in Newark, New Jersey. The project will span 12,400 sq. ft. with 44 residential units. ZICIX+CTIP-FII will lead the development and financial structuring, supported by multiple consulting firms and contractors. The project aims to provide comfortable living spaces for seniors, including amenities such as an outpatient clinic and cafeteria. Funding is being secured through various lenders, and ZICIX has the option to invest in the project for equity ownership.
ZICIX Corporation (OTC Pink: ZICX) announced a strategic merger with LA Global Construction and Development, Inc. to form the ZICIX-LA GLOBAL Construction Management Group, Inc.. This partnership aims to enhance project management services across various sectors including healthcare, renewable energy, and infrastructure projects valued at approximately $800 million. The merger positions ZICIX favorably in construction management, with its subsidiary CTIP First Investment, Inc. remaining focused on developing public-private partnership projects.
ZICIX Corporation (OTC Pink: ZICX) announced that its subsidiary CTIP First Investment, Inc. has secured an order for 50 vehicles from Kakata City Corporation in Liberia, valued at approximately $6.72 million. The order includes various types of buses, ambulances, jeeps, and pickup trucks aimed at enhancing public transportation in Kakata, which has a population of around 40,000. The project is part of broader municipal development efforts and is expected to alleviate transportation issues in the region.
ZICIX Corporation (OTC Pink: ZICX) reported progress on securing contracts through its operating company, CTIP First Investment, Inc. (CTIP-FII), for various government and private projects. Collaborating with partners such as AIC Progetti and China Railway 14th Bureau Group, the company has several projects in the pipeline, with estimated budgetary costs totaling $854.50 million. Notable contracts include a $90 million hospital project in Liberia and various public road initiatives. Development efforts are ongoing, with more updates expected soon.
Zicix Corporation (OTC Pink: ZICX) has gained support from Senegal’s Ministry of Health for its $160 million P2A Hospital Project in Dakar. This initiative, in partnership with the Polyclinique de L’Amitie et de L’Alliance (P2A), will provide investment incentives under the Senegal Foreign Investment Act. The project includes 300 hospital beds, 250 hotel/dormitory rooms, and a 5 MW Solar Energy Project. The hospital will be staffed by over 200 medical professionals. Zicix has authorized CTIP First Investment, Inc. to sign a Project Development Contract with P2A.
Zicix Corporation (OTC Pink: ZICX) has announced a partnership with Société Générale Bank to fund the P2A Hospital Project in Dakar, Senegal, involving 300 hospital beds and 250 hotel dormitory rooms, with an estimated cost of $160 million. Additionally, the project includes a 5 Mega Watt Solar Energy Project. Dr. Alioune Badara Faye leads the initiative and has secured development land. ZICIX is providing necessary documentation to facilitate funding, and a Family Medical Center will commence operations prior to project completion.
On July 11, 2022, ZICIX Corporation (OTC Pink: ZICX) announced a $160 million investment project in Dakar, Senegal. The project includes a 300-bed hospital, a 250-room hotel/dormitory, and a 5 MW solar energy facility through its subsidiary, CTIP First Investment, Inc. The development aims to enhance share value and accumulate assets in the healthcare sector. A Project Development Contract has been signed with Polyclinique de L’Amitie et de L’Alliance (P2A), which involves over 200 medical practitioners. The project emphasizes ZICIX's commitment to delivering tangible value for shareholders.
ZICIX Corporation (OTC Pink: ZICX) has completed the acquisition of a significant interest in CTIP First Investment Inc., led by President Fernando Sopot. This strategic move aims to enhance value for ZICX through potential synergies in development projects valued over $327 million across Africa. These projects include public infrastructure such as roads and medical centers, structured through Public-Private Partnerships (PPP). Chairman William Petty expressed optimism about Mr. Sopot’s role in driving future growth for ZICX.
ZICIX Corporation (OTC Pink: ZICX) has announced a significant development contract with the Government of Uganda for a new 150-bed hospital and medical school in Wakisu District, valued at approximately $77.7 million. The company will collaborate with China Railway 14th Bureau Group and LA Global Construction Management Group for the project. This initiative aligns with ZICIX's mission to enhance shareholder value and support healthcare development in emerging markets. The chairman outlined plans for additional healthcare projects, including a major hospital in Senegal.